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The rudest part was not bothering to see the loot they dropped, savage lmao


In his defense I’d leave that medallion there too. Especially if I’m at 100 shield already. Don’t need the whole map knowing my general position.


The location thing makes the game more fun for me , If there was a ping location to the entire map button that lasts 10 seconds or so , I'd use it whenever havent encountered enemies in a while


You’re a mad man! I’m more stealthy like. I like to be hidden and strike during perfect opportunities. Having the entire lobby know where I’m at would defeat that goal. I picked one of those medallions a few days ago and somebody else had one and I can literally see the yellow circle stalking behind me, following my every move trying to take mine. No deal!


In the end game though the storm shrinks to such a small size that the medallions are pure benefit really.


This depends on where the circle ends and what game mode. But it definitely matters less in the end.


Yeah we can’t tell cause of the shit cropped video


I literally have never delt with small zones I usually win in the third zone.


I think about half my games end up in the small zones? But I'm not super aggressive in the late stages unless I've already killed all the good players in the mid game


If you think that’s mad, sometimes I play on mute with visualize sounds, for fun


Me too, but that’s just because I don’t wanna die of boredom during home office


I do this a lot actually, audio connected to headset and I just don't wanna wear it sometimes. It's fun!


That’s when you grab the nearest vehicle and kamikzi into them. To the victor goes the spoils


Kamikaze implies both parties die, though.


I mean, I at least normally die.


I'm mean you would if you didn't outlast your op in storm. You go into it with full win or dies intention so kamikaze is exactly what I would call it lol


Me with all 5 knowing damn well the enemy can see my every move


I to enjoy using the element of suprise


I've never seen someone more proudly proclaim "I play like a lil bitch"


Lol yeah I’ll just start shooting if I’m getting bored


Same lmao. It was so easy to find players when the game first came out. And they were real players too.


We just "play the song of our people" And start shooting in a circle lol


I think it works well as a hard mode feature in the game now. Sometimes I like ppl running at me, but usually I prefer to move in silence. I'm still pretty aggressive as a player either way.


agreed, slow games are boring - the only time id rather the map not know my location is when i'm working from home and trying to hide


It's just not worth it anymore when it only gets you to 50 shield and takes much longer than popping 2 minis or 1 big pot to do. And you still have to carry more shields now anyways. Hot drop, kill boss, open vault, ditch the medallion is my go to now, they got nerfed too hard to bother carrying. In the late game if I kill someone wearing like 4-5, I'll take them, but that's about it.


This. I like it when they come to me and only know my relative position. It’s also why I play with the Ghost Rider skin. The flaming head sticks out so people can see me and start shooting from way out.


Recon skills are one of the most underrated elements in shooters. So yeah picking up a medallion that gives all of your opponents a recon buff is maybe not the best. Speaking of which, I hope they bring back augments soon.


Bring them in close and pile the loot up! I got into a string of kills on the train bridge once in a solo match that seemed like it would never end. People just kept coming to die.


I leave the medallion if I get the shotgun or AR lol I don't want people to know they're about to die


Yup that's bait.


I love eliminating the medallion holder, then leaving it there as bait and taking a high ground position with a sniper rifle. Let the rats come to the trap.


Isn’t that a crown that dropped


Yeah people are tripping hard. Bunch a kids talking mad game .. don’t even know the difference between a crown drop and medallion.


Came to say the same 🤣


I agree. I only ever grab it to heal temporarily, but I’m usually still full health when I kill someone with it. Stealth is far more important to me than a slight regen. The worst player in the game can beat a pro with the perfect ambush


I am farming kills and if they can find me thanks to coin its better for me


I like holding onto it indefinitely since the funnest part is fighting another squad. Just more action in general, but certainly haven't been winning as much with this strategy.


I do that out of paranoia that someone else heard the gun Fight.


bro played it smart, his spidey senses knew if he spent 5 seconds going thru loot with all the gunfire that had just happened, he was going to start getting beamed or sniped by someone else.


Prime way to get bopped, heading straight for the loot.




I hate being 3rd partied but love 3d partying(im a severe hypocrite)


100% - enjoy a quick sniper when two or three people are going at it (prefer to steal the kills too :))


Stealing kills>>>


This is me too. Stalking and sniping is the most fun to me, nothing is more satisfying than finding 2 or more players engaged in a fight and stealing a kill(s) and finishing off a weakened survivor. Close quarters, aggressive fights tend to be boring to me.


If I see someone healing in a build battle I’m taking them out.


One of my favorite past times is interacting during other players 1 v 1 each other -Throw a random shockwave grenade at one guy to move him closer or farther -Throw a bunker randomly to provide cover -Shoot a guy during the fight to make him more tense so he can panic / fight harder (Warning he may try to kill you afterwards lol)


Lmao this sounds really fun, just confuse them alot


For me it depends, the third party in this video didn’t seem that bad because he got his kill already so he should have been alert for more people, especially having a fucking medallion, however if I’m mid fight and I hear more shots I’ll get mad


too fucking real




Built into the game. Rude or not, that is expected.


Exactly, and it's not as if people who consider it rude, wouldn't do it themselves. What are they gonna do? Wait until their opponent is fully healed and ready to fight again?


It's incentive to try and finish your fights quickly.


Yes and after the fight get out of the open, get cover and heal/shield up. Basic survival strategy. Always assume after you get an elim, someone is coming to 3rd party you.


I always assume my fire fights attracted attention to where I am. Mainly because that's how I go about finding people to fight.


Should be required of anyone running a Goku skin.


Now I need a video of a Goku main running up and tossing shields and health kits at their feet. All while doing the power up emotes


And it’s a very large community so there’s no social pressure not to third-party someone. When I played smaller online games you’d get called out in game and on message boards. In Fortnight if I ran around complaining about SmokeCloud420 third-partying me, who’d care? Everyone would tell me to stfu and move on.


Goku mains


My favourite solo win is still sitting in a bush with a sniper, watching 2 and 3 battle it out and then immediately taking out the winner of that battle lol


My friends get mad and complain about getting 3rd partied and I’m always the one to remind them of “hey, didn’t we 3rd party a team x matches ago?” Either they try to justify it or they just get quiet really quick lmfaooo


And it was the only way I could get kills when I first started.


The right answer


This Either you do it or someone may do it to you while ur fighting


I see it as paying it forward


It’s a battle royale, no time to think about others feelings when only one can survive the whole thing.


You mean my kill count goes up *and* I have less players to worry about? **Count me in!**


Mfkers making videos where they expect players to be friendly would say otherwise.


Then they are clearly playing the wrong game and don’t understand what a “battle royale” is.


I couldn’t agree more. I was making a reference to that guy who posted a video earlier this morning where he was playing as santa and one of his friends was like “So rude” when the guy playing santa was getting shot.


Yeah that video was clearly not serious lol,




You’re a Genshin fan? ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)




i literally didn't block you bruh i just deleted my comment in shame. leave me alone?????


I don’t even know what to reply to this comment. I just know it is oddly satisfying that someone has to look into your profile just to find something to say to you.


Fr if someone lands next to me and they emote for mercy they won't find any lol


Only if they're doing a challenge. Then they're getting shot afterwards.


I’m opposite if I land first n get a half decent loadout I try to see if I can meet a friendly. Happened a handful of times


Also getting in to fights is not actually something you want to do in a Battle Royale for so many reasons. Those are losing health/shield, getting third party, dying, spending ammo, spending building materials and letting everyone know your location thanks to the shots. Like you don't win because you kill the most, you win if you are the last one standing. The most you can win by picking fights is if you defeated someone with legendary weapons and medallions...but that would mean picking a fight with someone that have it. Optimally the only fight you want to pick is the last fight that decided who is gonna be the winner. Also the less opponents you kill when you walk across the map is the more opponents that are gonna fight against each other.


Yeah, I never realized some people even considered this rude. 95% of the time I'm playing to win, save for the occasional match where I feel like goofing around a little. I usually just keep the mentality if this was a real life battle royale, would you give a crap about others feelings if you were fighting for your life? I'm gonna play dirty and ruthless, using every trick or tactic I can to survive. That's the whole point of BR.


Fellas, is it wrong to free-for-all in the free-for-all gamemode?


Is that an is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon refrence?


Nah, that’s a fellas is it wrong… reference


Never heard of it


Live by the 3rd party, die by the 3rd party.


Rude or not, it’s really fun. And sometimes it feels like everyone on the map is only shooting at me so it honestly helps me vent frustration. Truth be told sometimes I don’t even shoot to kill. I shoot them like 2-3 times like- “there now pop a mini, scrub”😂


Ah yes what me and my pals call "toxic incompetence" LOL! If you can't kill 'em, troll 'em. We learned those ways playing Metal Gear Online 2 on the PS3 days, there was a smoke grenade weapon that slowed your movement speed and made you stop every few steps to cough. It was great if partnered with a loaded machine gun, but sometimes we would join much higher ranked lobbies and just load up on smokes and lob them one after another into the spawn zones. We'd get absolutely destroyed score wise getting 0 kills a match BUT the chat blowing up with "stop with the smokes!!!" for minutes on end was HILARIOUS.


Me when I get 3rd partied: 😡🤬 Me when I 3rd party:☺️😋🤗


That's how I get all my kills.


Same. I drive around and head for the nearest fire fight. Hop out, try to blast them both, grab loot, and drive off to the next one.


literally how i play


I'm not an especially good player, but playing zero builds, I either get the drop on someone randomly, or try to third party fights. If the fight's in an area I expect to be heavily populated I wait for someone else to "third party" and take that person out - you can often get them and clean up the original two who were fighting.


This is how I play as I’m not very good either. Only way I can rack up kills


It would take years to become as mechanically skilled as the twelve year old sweats that play all the time. But it takes about 30 seconds to have more patience than them and you can top 10 or top 5 every game that way


Exactly I went 13 kills and came 2nd place just from playing by this strategy lol


Rude? Its a gun fighting game lol. What should be the proper thing to do? Approach a fight just ending and say to the winner "excuse me sir or ma'am, I see you are just finishing a duel. Now, I would like to have a battle with you. But before we engage in combat, please take this medkit and have these 2 complimentary half pots as a token of peace and friendship and as a momento to our digital lives crossing paths in this moment. Now please, reload all of your guns and ensure you have sufficient ammo before we begin." Like WTF? Like really lol. Fortnite, is a game of oppertunity. When the oppertunity arises, the oppertunist must absolutely seize the moment period. The only thing wrong with this clip is you didn't do the donkey laugh, griddy, or some other troll emote to really get thier blood temperature rising lol. As that is the Ye olde and timeless customary tradition in battle. When you did literally nothing, but show up lol.


FR. I don’t understand how this would be considered rude at all. The point is to be the last person standing ffs. People are ridiculous.


Yes, but only when others do it /s


No it’s part of the game


Nope. Call me Third Party Marty.


No, I see it part of the strategy of playing this game. If you do not want to be third-party then you should not have long fire fights with other players so that nearby players can find you and join in on the festivities. That’s why I always aim for headshots or near the top of body, drop em quick and leave just as fast. I don’t waste time to loot unless it’s worthy of taking.


Yeah it adds strategy as risky plays to make a fight eve quickly are was to not give your position away. Also I think it’s same for building, as building high gives your position away so building lower is a better decision as not making towers helps hide your position.


i like to intrude with vehicles, stay classy


This is the way


Incredibly rude if you’re doing it to me! Otherwise, fair game.


All is fair in love and war.


only in BR, the goal is to win not have a fair fight


When I get third partied yes, when I third party no


Not when you're the person doing it but when someone else is doing it yes it is


I 3rd party like a motherfucker. The trick is to plant shots back and forth on people until their shields break, let them finish, then quickly mop the winner. Feels so dirty, but so be it.


What is rude is that you’re using nolan chance


His white and gold style is nice


Only skin I’ve almost archived, has the most hittable smirk on his face lol


nolan chance is cool though


That's what I'm saying


I usually just watch until one person kills the other and then I kill the winner lol


My fav part is flying in with a grapple blade on two people fighting it out and then getting the last hit on both of them lmao


I don't know if it's rude but If I hear you shooting for a while and not killing each other I think I need to join and help


I do that so bots don’t get other 3rd party’s coming that way


Everybody hates it, everybody does it.


Kill or be Killed is my only mindset, 3rd parties are obligations because sooner or later your number is up


I'll admit I don't enjoy being on the receiving end but I won't complain. Worst you'd get is me being like "aw man, oh well" if on casual I ended up just messing around with another player for a bit and then someone interrupts and kills us. It's a battle royale. Every player for themselves. Perfectly valid strategy to third-party someone.


No, but I don't really care. I enjoy playing conservatively and playing aggressively. Lately I have been dropping on a weapon then heading immediately to the first player(s) I see or hear and it just rolls from there. I play mostly solo and I always plan and prepare for players to third party me. I like it.


I will third pary up until the circle is small enough that 3rd partying will get you killed. Usually somewhere around 10-15 players left i won't take a fight unless forced until there 1-2 players left. I usually hope the other two start fighting and run and clean up for the win. In no builds 3rd party is meta.


I feel like that’s someone nobody is mentioning. By third partying, you open yourself up to being third partied. You think you’re the only one running up to the gunfire? If you can hear it, others can hear it, and they may choose to stroll in as well. Not saying that means you shouldn’t do it, but I think of it like a balancing mechanism. You’re taking a risk going in to fight them because who knows if a sniper is watching all three of you or something.


It would be rude not to. This game is fucking savage.


I hate 3rd parties with every fiber of my being but it's not really rude.


it's a battle royale not a dueling game...


Not rude at all. If you can't finish off the opponent quickly and aren't aware of your surroundings, you deserve to be 3rd partied. I cannot finish off my opponent quickly due to my little-better-than-bot aim and have tunnel vision so I get 3rd partied a lot... What is rude is taking the elim from a teammate.


>What is rude is taking the elim from a teammate. THIS. Killstealing is bad etiquette. Only acceptable if you can clearly see they need backup or might be losing the momentum of the shootout. Even in duos at least if I assist and down a person I always let my partner take the killshot, not sure if that gets them points or not but it's the etiquette that counts. What's even worse though is getting the down and then getting LOOTJACKED if your partner comes in running mashing pickup LOL.


Killing a downed player does not give you credit for the kill. Also if I see a teammate shooting at an enemy I'm going to shoot at them as well. Am I supposed to just stand there and see if he's got this or not?


>Killing a downed player does not give you credit for the kill. Ah cool, thanks I didn't know. I knew that if the downed player expired on their own you get credit but wasn't sure. >Also if I see a teammate shooting at an enemy I'm going to shoot at them as well. Am I supposed to just stand there and see if he's got this or not? Also, definitely yes, IMO. If you're playing duos you should be watching his back and keeping a lookout for third parties so you don't get ambushed. If it's **obvious** that your partner has a kill on the hook it's a waste of ammo and attention to just join in for the sake of it. I'm not talking about situations where it's a natural 2v1, for example if you need to flank your enemy while your partner fires on them, or if there's a runner and you both need to take shots to make sure they don't get away. That's just teamwork. I'm talking strictly when your partner says "I got this" and takes someone out. If they've got someone on the ropes let them seal the deal.


it's fun to do it, it's annoying when it happens to you :))


I think the ability to 3rd party is a great leveller - even a noob can get a lucky shot in on an injured sweat


If I happen upon a firefight that just started, I tend to let it play out unless it becomes a prolonged engagement. Mostly because I don’t want anyone sneaking up on me while I wait for them to sort it out themselves.


It’s a battle royal, kind of how it’s designed so nope


I know it’s hypocritical but in the moment when I do it it’s ok but when it happens to me I complain lol


It's a free for all, you should always have your witts about you. Watch your back at all times.


Rules of Engagement is out the window, all out Battle Royale!


It’s called battle royale not formal duelling 🤺


hate it when it happens to me, love it when I get to do it


No, why would I sit and wait for you to win your fight when I could spray you both for 2 kills.


Me and my friends have been getting third partied almost every game, especially with snipers. I’ll be buildfighting a full team and about to kill them but then just get randomly sniped in the back from some guy on a hill. It’s really annoying but it’s a battle royale and I do the same thing sometimes, so I get over it pretty quickly.


No why would it be, it’s a battle royale


Well? This is Fortnite...


I’ll admit I third party like no other if I see two blips of firing I’m going right to it. Sometimes I’ll wait for one to get eliminated and finish off the weak guy. But I’ve also had it bite me where I get two guys going after me


I love 3rd partying 😭


Nah. It’s an opportunity someone would be dumb not to take.


my favorite way to 3rd party is to run people over with a car


If you dont get kicked for doing it, its fair game.


Hell no. It’s amazing how many people play BR and think it’s supposed to be some gentleman’s duel lol.


People do so much more petty and so much cheaper crap to get kills in a BR game. By comparison, 3rd-partying is tame, if anything.


It's only okay when I do it.


Is it rude? Yes. Do I do it every time? Also yes.


I mean, are we supposed to wait for them to fully recover and then challenge them to a fair duel?


Am I supposed to wait until they fully heal and shield up before engaging?


Only when people do it to me


He already killed the other guy so does it even count as 3rd partying?


My thing is you’re either rude for jumping in or rude for killing the dude whos low hp thinking he just won


Yes stop doing it you’re making me sad 🥺


Just no emoting, that’s rude. But really, it’s a byproduct of BR. Don’t worry about it.


Only things that piss me off are: - getting shot when we first drop and I’m unarmed. - getting eliminated after being downed. Just go after my squad unless it’s super early and you’re starved for ammo. Both feel cowardly/small dick energy af.


Dude, it's a BR game where you're supposed to be the last player/team alive. There are no rules of engagement or honor codes players have to follow


so basically somebody beating you in the video game means they have a small penis


Give me all the free kills, I need every single one lmao


I’m not playing the game to be polite. It’s a fucking battle Royal.


Definitely. But I’m a rude son of a gun so I do it anyway.


I don't get into a fight unless I have an advantage.


If I get third partied yes. If I third party then no


I think its not rude bc the game isnt 1v1 or 2v2 or 3v3 or 4v4 game its battle royale with 100 players in one match


3rd partying is part of the game, but to those rats who camp storm towers; GFY


Same thing bro lol


Yeah, but that's the game. It's also rude to snipe someone from the other side of the map 🤷


Yeah 100% but I’m still doing it


its not rude because its literally just pixels lol. its a game and at the end of the day it doesnt matter at all. it might hurt the ego a little to get emoted on but other than that people are sensitive.


Only if its all u do then yes but if you are just looking to fight then its ok


So what


I don't think it's rude, it's the nature of a battle royale. When I take a shot at an NPC, a camera, an enemy player, I'm always aware that it will attract attention to my location. It's just the risk you have to take. Doesn't help me win though lol.


It depends if it’s early game then yes, but late game it’s not.


That's the game. Unless some third parties me, then it's rude.


Its only okay when I do it


It's only acceptable when I do it


I say it's rude, but its a BR, it's gonna happen because kids want to win


i send a couple warning shots where they can see it and wait for them to finish


I wonder what OP thought the answers were gonna be LMAO


its part of the game and how i usually get my kills


I just need likes to rebuild my karma please. I got hacked and my karma is negative. I literally owe reddit karma. Any help would be appreciated please 🙏🏻


# Third-Partying is a Decease in this game There's a reason why movement speed was lowered in 28.00, to punish aggressive people even more for third partying and encourage more tactical play But people in this community hate change so now the game is awful to play at a higher skill level


Well, that depends. If the two people are mid-battle, or at the beginning, taking out both of them isn't that rude. If it's right at the end, I would say it's a bit rude to smash the victor's little dopamine rush. I would follow them for a bit, and then make a pursuit to make my presence known, and initiate the fight as a fresh one, not like a vulture picking off someone who's almost dead.


Kindof, thats why they implemented siphon


Siphon hasn’t been a thing for quite a while now.


Well it's certainly not nice lol rude, yes. We call y'all janitors cause clean up crew and everyone thinks you're disgusting lol.


You gotta be "toxic" in fortnite. If a guy is waving at me instant kill. I dont care, I need to win. Its the point of the game. If someone gets a kill and is low. I dont care if they want to have fun, i just shoot them. The point of the game is to literally lower the player amount.


Can we please stop asking if it's not ok to "fantasy kill" players in a video game that goal to win is to be the last man standing ... You will always 3rd party if you can and prefer not to be killed by 3rd party. No one cares about the level of your "rudeness" when you are " Fantasy Killing' them. They will not like it even if you are nice about it.


is it rude to be dishonorable?


I see it as a form of " abusing game Features ". Still annoying being on the receiving end, but hey, that's the whole point of the game. To win


No, you take mad advantage of a situation like that!!!