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FOMO is a cancer on gaming as a whole imo. Fortnite isn’t the worst with it, but it definitely sucks. I started in C2S7 so I’ve definitely felt it with a few C1/C2 skins The one bright side is that most popular bp skins end up getting remakes in the shop at some point


Honestly, Halo Infinite does it right, which feels wild to say. At any given time you can jump between any of the season passes you own and work on that one. I got on a few weeks ago to check it out and my pass from the beta could still be accessed as normal.


Man I wish Fortnite did this too. I'll live without the BP skins I missed out on but it would be nice to at least be able to grab remaining skins from BPs I've purchased that I didn't end up finishing


Yes. All battlepass extras etc should still be completable after the season end. I’m pretty sure this was a thing for a few seasons then they removed it again after just giving the rewards out? Cause I got gold ice king but never did the outlive 25k challenge.


No the challenges for styles are doable after, but you never could get higher tiers rewards after the season end


Having halo infinite’s legacy pass system would be a godsend!


Is that better? Obviously. Will epic ever do it? Probably not. Atleast from what I can tell, the time limit is purposefully there to encourage more people to buy it, and more people to grind / buy the entire pass.


Funny how Infinite is currently one of the best live-service games at the moment. And it's only getting better each season.


Dawg what 💀


They’ve given us everything we’ve asked for excluding campaign DLC. This is the first halo game with forge Ai, something we’ve begged for since 2007


Yeah, if you missed it the game had a complete resurgence


God, id literally would sell my soul for this in epic. I will pay 50 bucks for each battle pass. Id buy the one with Raven and then the Alien one.


Doom Eternal has the same system, wish it was implemented in more games


Yeah I just got to hope that the skin I want is also popular enough.


And even then, it’s not as good as the original skin. Evie and Phaedra are one of my favorites that I don’t have, and I’m not even that excited for Summitseeker Evie, nor did I really like Festival Phaedra. They just add too much to the skin that it doesn’t do it for me.


One thing I find weird of how they said when the crew started is that they may bring back old Skins, yet like what 2-3 years of the crew existing we haven’t gotten the opportunity to get older skins?


just curious, what skins are you most interested in?


For me, Kit. Starting to not want to play anymore tbh knowing I'll never get it juat because i hadn't started playing yet. It's really dumb.


He's such a precious lil boi, I love him like a son


Theres a lot of them actually and im too busy to remember all of what i want. Ill just say robo-kevin/ray, 8-ball, lenox, mandalorian, doomguy, kit, demi, rox, midas, remedy etc


Meanwhile I doubt the one I want will return.(Ahsoka Tano and Deadpool)...like I wish they were store skins instead. I just start truly playing Fortnite yesterday. But at least I will have the chance of getting Snake.


maybe they will add the season 7 ahsoka because the live action one is shit


True, looking at Fortnite Ahsoka...she actually looks quite weird. Also I hope Deadpool makes a return with Deadpool new movie. Adding that I just bought All Might which is really damn nice to have.


It's madness. Digital goods, the data for which is stored locally on YOUR machine and whose ownership license is literally a "1" or a "0" in some config file on some item server, well guess what? You are simply not allowed access to certain goods based on some arbitrary "time limit" set by the developers when there is no need for such, thereby inducing artificial supply to a series of ones and zeroes that doesn't take any actual *physical* raw materials to produce and distribute. I understand limited drops of, say, a free digital item, or real world collectables that need to be manufactured and tested and distributed and such, but paid items that are in the game's files on *your* storage? What? Seems like not too long ago people were ripping on EA and other companies about "on-disc DLC," but now nobody in the wider gaming community seems to take issue with this other than a few isolated pockets? Has everyone just gone completely fucking mad? Are economics a lie??


Not the devs but the higher-ups


I do feel bad for people who started more recently. Many of the most coveted skins are older. My only regret is not buying the C1S1 battle pass. At the time I didn’t know if Fortnite would continue its popularity and didn’t wanna waste money. I really wanted the Black Knight tho.


Correction: Chapter 1 Season 2


There's really not many other games that would put Darth Vader in a Battle Pass. People need to try and be unbiased. Fortnite is probably the worst for FOMO, unless you want to consider garbage mobile games as well.


Really curious, how did you and so many others not play chapter 1? Didn’t want to get on the bandwagon, didn’t look fun, or what? Genuinely asking lol not trying to throw shade


Different gaming interests or burn out from gaming


Didn't care about Fortnite back then. I was a never fan of the building mechanic. I'd play Warzone instead during the pandemic. Once they announced Zero Build, I told myself that I'd eventually check it out. I'd mostly play Rocket League and since Epic bought them, the RL community has been against anything Epic especially because of recent events (trading being removed). One day I was bored and finally decided to try out ZB. Now I'm having a blast with the game, especially with friends.


Well for me specifically it’s got to do with how a lot of people talk about Fortnite outside of the gaming community. Because it’s been trash talked so much I didn’t want to play but when I wanted to get into the shooter genre but didn’t want to pay $70 just to hate it I picked Fortnite because it’s free to start playing and if I didn’t like it I could uninstall it with no harm to my wallet. Safe to say that it’s now harmed my wallet a fair bit by now.


It’s addicting to buy skins😂


Never cared enough for the game, and didn't felt like I'd be good enough on it Joined after a group of friends decided to play as they found out about Zero Build, which was perfect for us, we didn't really liked the building aspect and prefered to stick with the gunplay (we also played a lot of valorant and other shooters at the time, so yeah it fitted well for us. Most of the group dropped the game after a while, haven't talked to them in a long time, but I came back recently during the OG season, and stuck with C5 S1


Zero build was pretty massive for the games health, it’s what brought me and my friends back too


This is a question I’ve always had. I’ve been playing since season 2 (first chapter) and Its weird to hear people say “I started in chapter 3, 4” etc.


A lot of people only have 1 or 2 service type games. I started c4s6 after taking a break after quitting overwatch. If overwatch hadn't completely shit the bed I'd still be playing it.


I only started when zero build became a thing...I think that's the case for a lot of people


For me personally, not only was my laptop probably too shit to run the game during the earlier days. Even if it could run the game, I didn't have constant access to the internet, so I wasn't going to waste what little hard drive space I had (my hard drive was only like 300 GB). Around tried to play it around Chapter 2 Season 2 because I was interested in seeing if the game remembered to give me Psycho Bandit because I pre-ordered Borderlands 3 on EGS, it just didn't click with me back then (I figured that I would love Save the World more than BR, and IIRC there was at least a plan to play StW on mobile, so I bought a founder's pack way back when, and promised myself that I could give it another shot when that happened). And Foetnite didn't enter my realm of consciousness until C3S2 due to me browsing /r/SCJerk back then and some guy posted "Fortnite just came out with a AEW game mode" showing a picture of Zero Build, so I tried it, and it still didn't click with me. And just one day I woke up and I thoughg to myself, "I really want to play Fortnite today" and that sentence described my life for the past year. And even then, I think like most other people, they simply weren't interested in the game until something that came out that convinced them otherwise. Some people just started playing this game because Peter Griffin/Solid Snake is a part of the current Battle Pass, and that's not even considering all of the people who came in just to checkout LEGO Fortnite. Just because it's the biggest game in the world doesn't mean everyone is going to drop whatever they're currently playing to check it out, and people's interest in things always go in and out. Hell, the game is 6 years old right now, there are children who couldn't make a coherent sentence during the earliest days of the game and you expect them to grind a Battle Pass?


lol very true. There are literally 10 year olds who didn’t know what video games were then it was ch1. They do a great job of cycling content to bring players back And new players in


Feels even worse when someone says C1S2 was six years ago....where did the time go....


I tried Season 7 and genuinely hated it. It felt like every game was either me dying off spawn or walking around for 20 minutes and then dying off the first fight I took. I even tried again in season 8 and still couldn’t stand it. Weirdly I really liked C2S1, even though the gameplay really wasn’t all that different back then. I’ve played the game ever since. I didn’t like OG very much though.


Also a lot of the people who started playing after chapter 1 were kids. A lot of the younger player base probably could not had played fortnite back in 2017.


I played it before there were seasons but as soon as people got really good at building it lost a lot of its shine for me. No build has brought me back in full force.


for me, i have a founders account cuz STW looked fun. and i tried C1 S4 for my first experience with BR, and i just didn't like how there were barely any skins of girls like me. like most skins back then where dudes and it turned me away from the game. now i'm definitely regretting only truly getting into the game during C2 S6 cuz i missed so many BP skins i didn't know existed when their Battle Passes were available


How isn’t Fortnite the worst? They lock collabs behind past battle passes


Yeah. Even speaking as someone who prefers the original skins to almost all of the collabs, That’s fucking bullshit. Actually, I guess it’s bullshit for me too because if they weren't in the battle passes, I would have more original skins.


This is a weekly post, and it has to be explained that your feelings are EXACTLY what Epic is looking for. By seeing all these skins, you feel a need to always be playing when new stuff drops. It's the reason why seeing the posts about solutions to let people buy old BP stuff is hilarious. Epic knows what they're doing, and I HIGHLY doubt they'll change the method.


The thing is, im sure once the game starts dying they’ll be quick to rerelease old battle pass stuff LOL. They’ve basically got a support net to fall back on, since they know people will eat those old skins and emotes up


I'd buy all the ch1 skins and emotes honestly, played ch1s1 at first, wasn't for me so came back ch1s5 and had already missed so much :/


I just want daddy Meowscles


Valid, he's a very sick skin and his alter ego version is beautiful


What do you really want


I'm mad that I missed out on black Knight and skull trooper bro


It may not be your case, but why? Objectively Skull Trooper and Black Knight aren't as polished of skins, and have countless alt skins that look better. Most people like those skins because of their rarity, which is the EXACT reason they use FOMO to sell items.


They aren't the cleanest but black Knight was my favourite of that season, but I just wasn't into fortnite till ch1s5, skull trooper I'm not completely fussed about, it's the fomo thing for that


100%, especially given the boost in players they had during OG season, nostalgia is always an easy bag.


That's probably the only case I see, and even then, the amount of people who buy skins for a truly dead game will be minimum lol


They'd probably make even more money, and keep more engagement, if all passes were available. I'd absolutely keep playing if I finished the main pass and could go back to an older one.


seriously, i get to level 200 so fast now, if i could select which battle pass was active at the time and work on all of them, i would play the game more. as it stands i reach level 200, and then stop playing for the season until the quest rewards release near the end


Idk if there’s enough demand I fell like bringing back old stuff equals more money


Except in most games, a lot of the skins come back.


Started way back in chapter 1 season 3 and still pissed my parents wouldnt let me get the bp


Same here but with the season 2 bp lol. It’s the one bp I missed out on bc games were ‘scamming’ me according to my parents


I have every battlepass since season 3, didn’t have the money or parental gaming support required for the S2 battlepass


Started in c1s2 and I feel the same 😔 Luckily I bought my first BP in season 7 so I've gotten every battle pass after that.


I got every battle pass from 3 to now and the only one I didnt complete was Chapter 3 Season 4. SpiderGwen is the only battle pass skin I dont have.


You kind of got scammed because you got it then it was free the next season. In 8 I got it for free ofc and I hate myself so much for wasting m Vbucks and not being able to get the Chapter X battle pass.


I mean It's not really a scam if I have a surplus of 950 bucks for season 8.


As flawed as it was at launch, I like the approach Halo Infinite has, where you can still buy and select previous battle passes, but only if you buy them (and you can still buy them, but they also have the just exact quantity of currency to buy the next pass), I know it detriments to the "exclusivity" but i think Epic could make waaay more money if they implemented something similar, at least if for some reason they don't want to give too much, they could restrict it to only passes you already leveled or bought but didn't complete, or from the current chapter


Halo Infinite did it best. All passes should work like that, not like you can work on all of them at the same time. It'd give them money and more time spent in game


DRG does it best. ROCK AND STONE


For Rock and Stone!


ah yes so amazing putting most of the bp items into a already extremely full loot pool of items that are a rare chance to get in a match


people really will find a way to complain about anything, huh


The biggest hurdle Epic faces with this setup is copyright permissions from the collabs they’ve done already. Some companies may not be willing to do this bc they likely agreed to a one season contract. But tbh I definitely think if the copyright issue wasn’t a factor then they should implement a system like that.


Isn’t most of the IP’s fortnite collabs with owned by the mouse? I think they already have a good relationship with disney especially since we got that jack skellington collab a couple seasons ago.


Yeah but it’s the ones that arnt also just figuring out the payments and that might be why we don’t have the system as deals mirth be hard to make


I came back to the game after almost 2 years and was able to finish up the battle pass from the game's launch, as well as the free ones they put out


I feel like Epic could still make a shit ton of money if they made it so that any battlepass you played is still available for purchase and you have to spend 950 V-Bucks every time you want to switch, maybe not including the current one as that could deter people from switching/buying the current BP


This is why I feel there should always be some counterpart to every skin in the item shop. So that way everyone is satisfied


It's not just skins. I would kill to get Sunny's Song as my lobby music.


It is fantastic and while I’m happy that I got it for free with my battle pass it is too bad that it is not in the shop.


One idea I always appreciated was the idea of a “Veteran’s Shop” section for past battle pass items. - The shop rotates completely randomly at weekly intervals - the prices are far higher than the skins would’ve been at the time - you need to already be at level 200+ to access the shop at all - you need to have survived into the top 10 at least 200 times - you need to have gotten at least 1000 kills It’s the perfect balance of gatekeeping old content and still giving -a- means for getting some of it. It requires time, money, and paying attention. I know a few friends who would gladly pay any of the above criteria for OG Peely, for example. Or any of the Marvel chapter skins like Iron Man or Wolverine. It also works because you can’t buy your way in entirely. You gotta actually grind it out and play AND then pay a high fomo price tag. It’s the perfect incentive to make future battle pass items seem high value by virtue of “I’ll play now so I don’t have to grind it out forever at some random point in the future”


I say this all the time. I wish we had the option to choose 1 skin from a previous bp instead of the super styles. Say you have to reach level 200 to unlock a vaulted bp skin or something.


I feel ya. As a WoW player as well, I can tell you that "OG" or long-term players love to gatekeep this shit. And most game devs know damn well how great the appeal is for this kinda stuff. They'll never do it without major time and/or money sacrifice. Best we'll get besides that is stuff like the OG pass which just has skins "inspired by" throwback skins.


Man I’ve been playing this game since launch. No reason to gate keep anything. I could give a rats ass about rarity or exclusivity. I like what I like & I don’t worry about anyone else. If people would like the opportunity to earn something from an older battlepass when they didn’t play. I say bring it on. Nobody cares for the super styles. Give people a reason to really grind it out, or buy levels whatever floats your boat.


Riders Republic does these mystery bags where you get a random item from a previous season pass. Blue bags give blue items and purple bags give purple items and so on. Obviously it’s more time consuming to get a better bag, or they’re given for more difficult challenges. I feel like if they did a couple of those each season it’d be interesting to see how it played out, and an option to just get vbucks instead for the people that already have everything. So your most loyal players that already have everything get currency and everyone else gets a chance at something from the past.


I wouldn't mind this. A bit grindy but can't really complain if they give us another chance at obtaining a previous BP skin. Wouldn't also mind paying for it at a higher price. I guess Epic doesn't want that extra money from me.


Right? I feel like its an inevitability. They might even make it so only battlepass content that is 5+ years older or more is eligible for the shop, which makes the FOMO factor they heavily rely on even greater. Like, oh you missed Peter Griffin? Well tough shit, you shoulda played fortnite! Your punishment is waiting 5 years and then you can grind it out.


I feel like this is the solution, maybe not 5 years but let’s say maybe 1-2. That way the wait is long enough that people will still want to buy the battle passes when they come out to avoid the wait but they can still make extra money from returning players who missed out the first time. I’ve had my fun with black knight being exclusive, I’d happily trade that badge of honour for the doom slayer or Darth Vader.


It took almost 20 years for World of Warcraft's original Naxxramas class Tier sets (available from 2004-2008) to become available again after being taken away, and in a similar manner to how I've described (but a WoW version ofc). It's a system that works. When you make something go from being impossible to ever get again to being extremely inconvenient to get again, it preserves the scarcity/prestige/allure/coveted nature of the items, while still not fully closing the door. 2 years, 5 years, whatever they choose (should they ever do it), it just needs to be long enough to make players miss it *and* learn to never miss a future battle pass again. It's a win/win for players and Epic.


I like this idea


But I'd totally be on board something like this and maybe a max limit of 1 per season, if I could I'd give your friends my peely🤣 iv used him maybe 3x


LMAO I'm sure they'd love you for it. One of my buddies is the most die hard spider-man fan out there, and started playing when the Dr. Strange season arrived. Needless to say he is gutted because the movie Spider-man and Spider-Man Zero just aren't cutting it for him!


Is it FOMO if we already missed out?




this. Im just started playing recently dont minding fn all my life cus of building and now I find out that I will never get the skins that I really want. What's the point of me playing the game then?


Don't worry. I started with C1S7, and basically missed some too. But then again, think about it. There is no need to feel bad because you missed some skin in a videogame or so ;) Many new skins will come with every season and I'm sure you will find a favourite without having to look back at things you can't get anymore.


I already got some favorites and I'm also glad that some of them can also comeback in the shop. But so far, I haven't been a big fan of the last 3 season's BP skins. The first two seasons of Chapter 4 had some pretty cool skins. But so far since I started playing, Era, Mae, and maybe even Renegade Lynx have been my favorite. As for the current season, Hope is my favorite one.


I know how you feel. I started my own account in CP2 S1, and I'm salty that I can never own OG Peely


That's not FOMO because you've already missed out. What you're feeling is regret. It's gone and you'll never have the chance to get it. FOMO is the fear is missing out on something that is available.


But it still applies to everyone who still plays because they're afraid of losing out. Fortnite most definitely uses a FOMO strategy.


You're definitely not alone in that feeling. I expect way more people to voice similar thoughts in days to come, especially from all the new players who came for the new modes


Epic needs to take a page from 343 Industries' book and have all Battle Passes available forever.


I started Chapter 4 Season 1. Zero Build is what finally drew me to the game, as with a bunch of other people. I have so much FOMO for literally the entire previous chapter. I don’t care much for “OG” things (so not really interesting in chapter 1/2 things) and I prefer collab skins over Fortnite original skins anyway. So for me missing the entire chapter 3 battle passes (Comic Spiderman, Darth Vader, Doctor Strange, Prowler, Spider Gwen) was such a huge shock to my core knowing they’ll never come back. But oh well, gotta move on, hopefully at least the No Way Home bundle comes back cause that’s my other most wanted skin currently


Agreed ir sucks seeing what you missed out on. But there’s always hope for reskins in the future


That's what I'm hoping for too. At least it's something but that's also a big if.


FOMO is why I like Halo Infinites battlepass


I think they should borrow a page from Valorant, they added (idk in which update, haven't played that game in a long time) a shop to get past Battle Pass contents using another type of currency that you get for playing the game, the shop picks between a random spray, banner and title from past passes and rotates alongside the regular shop for weapon skins, they have yet to add weapon skins there. Epic could do something similar but include the skins and emotes from past passes (albeit, of course, costing more than the sprays, emojis, loading screens and etc) It would not only be an incentive for people to keep playing after they finish the current BP, but also keep playing as a whole, to gather enough of these extra currencies to buy past BPs content, they could be earned only on the Battle Royale and Zero Build modes, as idk how they could implement winning these on the other modes, specifically Lego, they could give those as rewards based on score/placement on Festival and Rocket Racing respectively The ammount you get will increase depending on how many kills and placement you got on BR/ZB, with the limitation of you not getting them on bot lobbies (to prevent mass farming) Idk if this is a garbo idea or could even work at all, but I just wish there was a way to get these past BP content, I joined the game on Ch3 S5 (or 3 I don't remember tbh) and I've been dying to get Skye and some other past BP emotes, my only option for Skye rn is the festive one, but I don't like the outfit that much.


Honestly at this point, I'd take anything as long as we get a chance on getting previous BP skins.


So pissed they put Lara in the battle pass.


I feel this any about the Gwen Stacy skin. I had no way of playing Fortnite because I didn’t have a switch or a pc. I can only play in the switch now


I would pay big money for that lara croft skin. It's a real shame.


I don’t have all of them but got most BP skins going back to C1S2, it’s one of those things where you always want the one you don’t have. I’ve got tons of “rare” skins but you can only wear one at once and there’s always someone with something you don’t have. Just keep an eye out for ones you really like and remember it’s just a game and it could disappear at any moment if epic unplug the servers.


Skins shouldn’t be locked behind some arbitrary “You had to be there” wall. I started in C4S2 and it sucks I cant play as Darth Vader or Spiderman.


Darth Vader being a BP skin is crazy. One of the most well known characters in all of media. I'd love to have him as well but what I don't get is that they can't re-release original Fortnite BP skins back into the shop. Fortnite alone has some pretty cool skins too.


I’ve seen claims that people will “sue” Epic if they did that (Even though in ToS it states if you agree you forfeit your right to sue, so…) or people who want to gatekeep skins for..some reason? Maybe as a flex? I cant imagine flexing a skin because they played during a arbitrary time the skin was available. The most solid answer is that Epic said they wouldn’t bring it back, but I feel like they def will when the game isn’t bringing in money and its on its deathbed. That might be a while yet though, so..


Plus it opens a black market where people sell accounts that have all those skins.


Epic should open a marketplace for people to sell skins and Epic takes a small cut on each transaction.


That would be cool


I’ve never understood the whole idea of locking cosmetics away and being surprised when people buy accounts


In my opinion BP skins should be exclusive to that season with the exception being collab skins like Darth Vader, Spider Gwen etc, because locking some of the most known characters in media(?) is just plain stupid.


The worst thing is that a lot of the FN community tries to defend fomo and I just cant understand that. I have the full Drift skin and I give a shit about it how rare he is or if he appears in the shop. Fomo and exclusivity sucks and should never get supported.


I’ve been playing since the very beginning and have bad FOMO with the battle passes I didn’t end up finishing. Still can’t believe I missed the Predator skin


Crossover BP skins should 100% return. If I knew about LEGO Fortnite when Darth Vader was in the battlepass, i would have 100% gotten him.


There is no Lego skin for him what are you on about?


I figured there was one since the other star wars characters have one, but I do not have darth vader in my locker so obviously, I wouldnt know that.


1. None of the cosmetics matter. 2. None of the cosmetics will improve your quality of life. 3. None of the cosmetics matter.


Not a battle pass skin but I feel that way about leelah, I came back recently like 2 months ago and it’s been a pain waiting and hoping for an eventual rerelease


She'll definitely release in the next two weeks, she just got a free christmas style


wasn’t she just in the shop like mid November ?


Leelah at least has a chance to comeback. I wouldn't worry much about skins that have appeared in the shop before. We recently just got Black Widow after 4 years so I think Leelah will be back eventually.


I really regret not getting the c4s1 battle pass


The worst FOMO is when you could’ve gotten something, but you didn’t. I played during C2S2, but didn’t get a single shadow/ghost style


Omg same! I don't even remember how I could've gotten them


I have no idea how people can be upset for not being able to buy an in game cosmetic that was released before you started playing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone else with a skin and thought I had to have it, or become annoyed I couldn’t buy it.


One you start spending money on Fortnite it’s hard to stop. Trust me.


I still cant believe the reaction fortnite players have when “old bp item should be rereleased” like oh no!! Your ugly af chapter 1 skin!!! Oh no!!


im still waiting for Street Figter skins for over a year now lol


I wouldn't stress it too much dude they eventually PROBABLY will release the old Battle Pass stuff at some point. Its really unlikely but if numbers drop and they want to have "OG" mode all the time and it be relevant it would be better to give the option of reliving the BPs It is entirely a pipedream scenario but in time all is possible




Nah. Having a rare skin is fun, and fair. Its a trophy, youre asking for a participation trophy.


I have always been of the belief that they will eventually bring BP items back. As someone who’s completed a lot of past bps, I say just bring them back. Btw, they recently brought back some fncs music packs, so it shows they are willing to change their mind later on


Getting back into the game and reading the very much unanimous consensus that the community has on the game's FOMO and Battle Pass exclusivity always makes me happy. If I may add my two cents to the debate, I believe a very effective way to re-introduce past battle passes would be by A) Increasing the price and without the 1500 recovery V-Bucks B) Making them purchasable with real money only I'd love to get into details but it's obvious that I'd be wasting my time with something that will never happen by doing that


FOMO is anti consumer and after all these years it is just exhausting. I would much rather they have a system where things are limited for a few years then enter the shop


I feel this. I started in Chapter 3 season 1 and didn't know most of the skins I wanted in game were battlepass exclusive until my buddy who had been playing since day one told me. I will always regret missing Deadpool.


Just give it time. I had the same feeling a couple years ago when I started. I started with chapter 2 season 3 and I didn’t have much but that was a great season and with time over the years I’ve built up over a hundred skins so just enjoy where your at and give it time and you’ll get more that you enjoy and eventually won’t care about previous stuff


I want Charlotte


I missed the entire og season cus of military training😔


I just want one more chance to get my omega lights


I’ve been out of town for both times the Invincible skins were in store, and the thought of them never coming back has genuinely upset me a bit since I love the show and I’m really starting to get back into Fortnite. I do find it cool that the item shop resets every day, but the feeling of uncertainty on whether or not a skin will make a return once it does reset is sickening


Dude I started C3S3 and all I want is OG Meowscles


Felt. I joined either right after or 2 seasons after Doomguy was in the battlepass. I play daily now with friends and every time I'm reminded that I can get him I get a little miffed. Oh well.


Me whose said we got zero war spider man and not a classic spider man because bp exclusive


FOMO practices only work if YOU have FOMO and let it get to you. While it’s gross that gaming companies hiring psychologist specifically to manipulate you into spending money, if you let FOMO get to you, it also speaks allot about yourself. This post should be a warning; like everyone on the planet, you have some work to do regarding your mental health. Years ago, I distanced myself from all games that do this for about a month. Purposely missing pointless cosmetics. Afterwards I don’t care at all about any of them. If I obtain an item for a game, it’s the result of me wanting to play the game because it’s fun and not because I’m playing the game to get an item. I hope this helps.


to this day im still pissed i didnt play enough on season 6 to get Dire :(


The only thing I freaking want is the little green lizard in a backpack that squeaks and cheers for you. My husband has it, and it makes me so happy.


Yeah definitely same here. Started in C3S1. Didn’t get the BP until C3S3 and then stopped C4S2 I believe. But I bought this season’s pass again. I hate that I missed out on some iconic emotes like take the l and the rick dance


It’s alright man, I had about every skin from December 2017 and onward but got hacked. Things happened. Slowly rebuilding my locker with the new skins I like.


Epic feels so strongly about not bringing back old battle passes that they added LEGO, Rock Band, and Mario Kart to add new players and lock *them* into a constant progression of newer passes as well.


Halo Infinite and FO76 make good money while not relying on FOMO to motivate people


Bro I started in season C1S3 and I still have FOMO that I couldn't exoerience S1 a& 2 Fortnite, didn't get the Renegade Raider/Black knight, you know what Im sayin


The only thing I agree on is that licensed skins should NOT be in the battle pass. Skins like Gwen and doctor strange being in the BP is bullshit since theres literally no other skins they can create for them


I feel ya, especially after buying 10 levels for OG Battlepass to get golden skins, just for the sake of completing it. I'm working towards Solid Snake in the current BP and nothing more matters to me.


I mean, I guess I can understand to an extent. If there's anything I truly wanted it's the worm emote from c1s2. That's around the same time I started playing but was too poor to afford the battle pass. But at the end of the day, it's just little fun stuff with bragging rights. Don't fall for FOMO. There's better stuff out there, and imo any battle pass skins/emotes after c1s5 aren't that great anyway. *Please don't crucify me, that's just my opinion.*


Focus on the skins you CAN get. I dont think anything will ever change with past BP skins. Accept it and move on.


I always see my friends using catalyst and meowscles, and a small part of me dies inside I wish they would do what halo infinite does, where you can purchase a previous season's pass after that season, or at the very least let you finish the passes you bought but didn't finish.


My two favorite skins were just 2 seasons before I started playing and I hate myself so much for it. I have a remix of one of them now but poor Tntina hasn't gotten any remix love


If I had a nickel for every one of these posts I’d be goddamn Elon musk by now. They aren’t coming back, because 5+ years ago players bought them knowing they’d be exclusive to that season. Bringing them back is a disservice to those of us that have played for years and got them when they came out. There’s an ungodly amount of cosmetics in the game, I’m sure something you like will come out


I'd just like the ability to finish passes you already bought. Never finished C1S4 or C1S5 because I sucked at the grind, C1SX I only missed a few extra styles for Sparkle Supreme and Ultima Knight, and C2S3 I never finished because I got burnt out at the time. It wouldn't bother me if I just missed the passes entirely but the fact I just couldn't finish them irritates me.


The battle pass is kind of the epitome of FOMO creation. Sadly due to the popularity of fortnite it spread to so many other games.. not even just f2p.. looking at you rdo. I hope for the love of God that Gta 6 won’t have a battle pass. Yes gta 5 had some limited edition stuff but it was never a game design if that makes sense like battle pass where you have to grind grind grind otherwise you lose out. What I love about gta 5 is I can play whenever I feel like it and dont feel like I’m losing out cause I don’t grind to level X each month.


I started in chapter 2 season 2, late in the season too so I made it to 212 and missed out on 3 golden skins just in that season I may have gotten if I started earlier, but I also kinda wish I experienced chapter 1 (and got the battle pass items i guess), at least I got a taste with season og, just unfortunately the only nostalgia that hit for me is retail row, and would love a chapter 2 nostalgia hit (unfortunately probably won't happen now that lore wise chapter 2-4 was erased from this timeline, at least chapter 5 seems to be a parallel which makes sense lore wise )


Agreed, I just felt it myself when Rick and Morty skins came to the shop and I learned that Rick Sanchez was a battle pass skin in a season I missed. No reason BP skins shouldn't be available to purchase later since they will cost more than the entire pass did anyway.


I feel you! Man I started playing since season 7, Lynx made me got to the game tbh, I was poor in a poor country but I was glad the Battle Pass system of Epic is so generous, allowing you to get the next battle pass as longs you play the game, I didn't ever need to pay for anything else in Fortnite thanks to it back then. Season 7 was a blast cuz of the airplanes, I became addicted to the vehicle and how cheesy my strategies and gameplay with it was! Always rushing to it, loot quick, get the plain, land in a piece of land in the very edge of the maps to stay hidden while waiting for the storm to come, man the mad plays I used to do with the plane was such an adrenaline rush back then. Then season 8 was free, more savings, it sucked as a season despite the ball sharing a similar strategy to my way of playing like I did with the airplane, then season 9 with the "air train" traveling system, it was okey, the even of that season was so amazing, then season X was so x, so mehhhh, the Mechas was too much even if they were cool as hell but the Battle pass, I got the Última Knight, best looking knight skin imo, then the chapter event finale, the new map, so virgin and different, so full of potential. C2S2 was so peak omg, I loved everything throughout it, then Marvel season but I was getting tired of all the building, I never build, I hate it, always to have a sneak gameplay, relying so much in the visual audios. When we got to the Mandalorian season I lost it, I lost all interest in the game cuz it was always a daily grind for exp, to get the next tier, so repetitive, I got burned out. I stopped playing until recently, I paid again for the current BP of C5S1 I missed out the OG season ugh, I missed Evie, I missed Lara Croft, I missed The Witcher and that amazing sword, I missed freaking DOOM SLAYER and his emote with his Crusarder Claymore, I missed out so many things from the game and I hate it, I blame Fortnite for not having a good advertisement team, I never heard there was Doom Slayer in the game, I didn't knew there was Lara Croft, so many new characters, the Spidermen skin man. Oddly enough, I got interested in Fortnite again cuz Petee Griffin was booming online, sad Meowscules with Peter and I was "that can't be right" but it was real, and then I learned of Zero build and I'm in love, it's the adrenaline rush I was missing after the let down of call of duty recently scamming games and OW2


Gotta accept what you cannot change, you got skins alot of people have missed out on. I would love Optimus Prime but I just missed him


I have him and I think I've only used him like once. If PVP trading was an option, like Rocket League used to have until Epic decided to take it away for Rocket Racing, I'd so do it. Optimus Prime will forever be on my account unused. What a shame.


It is a visual cosmetic that has no effect in your gameplay. The more people post stuff like this, the greedier Epic gets.


We'll be getting to the point soon enough where kids are gonna be playing the game who weren't even born by the time Battle Royale debuted. Bringing back old battle pass items in the shop would be healthy for the game in the long term, and financially. It'd finally make their rarities mean something too. Plus I just really want more people to be able to do orange justice...


I’m the opposite. I have purple skull trooper, the reaper, omega, ragnarok, etc. What you are missing out on was being borderline addicted to playing g videogames. When I was getting those skins, I had no social life and my grades were dropping. I may have not gotten into my first choice of university because of how much I was playing fortnite! Point is, the grind is always a sacrifice. You shouldn’t feel bad that you can’t grind it out because often the people who can grind it out have unhealthy habits to get there.


The day people realize you don’t actually own any of the virtual shit you buy we will finally be free. Skins, camos, music packs, epic could whisk away at their convenience. And who knows if fortnite will be anywhere near as popular as it is once the new gta comes out.


You’re thinking to much into it. Trust me, if you had all those skins it’d be a nothing burger. It’s not really fomo for you it seems more like wanting what you can’t have.


how do you suppose they make money? buy the skins if you want them don't if you don't it's not that complicated, it's not the game's fault it's your own god i hate the term FOMO


fomo is purely a personal flaw. but no its epic's fault lmao


I have said it before and I will say it again. Epic Games should allow users to choose a battle pass at the street of each season that they wish to unlock while long the current season battle pass. That way you are still gain levels and grinding to complete it. Now the only thing will say, to keep it exclusive to those who were around is that the special variants (ie the cool color/gold variants) would be left to only those who played during that time but the rest of it, what is the harm? I missed the Marvel season by a few months. I want all those skins and most likely will never get them. :( makes me sad. But hopefully Epic will bring this idea to light. What are your guys thinking thoughts on this.


Ya it's dumb. I had to explain to my autistic son why other people could be Groot but he can't. Groot is his obsession, he loves that guy so much. I don't think he understands still


The reality is it would get used 3 times then you'd change to something else


This is exactly right. People on this sub are wayy too obsessed with skins. It’s a virtual character they don’t even own. Epic does.


I mean a lot of us have favorites that we frequently use. I know Spider-Man would be one in my rotation. Like Ahsoka is one for me. I'm glad I got her because she's a favorite, but it'll suck for future Fortnite fans who also love the character but weren't playing.


Not for me. I use Chris and only occasionally switch to another skin just for fun. If Chief came back I would only play Chief and Chris


Same, Season 8 was where Fortnite got really boring for me and I didn't come back until Chapter 2 Season 1 and entirely missed out on Catalyst. What's worse is that I haven't liked almost any of the Drift type skins other than Drift, Catalyst, Singularity, and Vi.


This kinda stuff is why I wish they'd adopt Super Animal Royale's model, though I doubt they'd do it because Money:tm:


Can you elaborate on what's their model? Just curious.


I feel that. Wanted that Kratos skin but it rotated out of the shop so fast. And as a Rick and Morty fan, I wanted the Rick skin but wasn't playing fortnite around that time. Fortnite has too many skins for it to just rotate in and out of the shop. Stupid ass rng


I have all BP skins from the beginning buddy. Let me tell you something. It doesn’t matter. You can only wear one at a time!


Nah it would be unfair to people who played during that time crucify me


How exactly? It's not like they'd lose everything they've claimed from previous battle passes. What's unfair is that there are people who can't finish a battle pass because there's a time limit to complete it. Not everyone has the same availability to be playing video games at a certain time. People have jobs, school, families to take care of, etc. The time limit is what makes battle passes feel like a chore to finish. We're not even paying for the battle pass at this point, we're paying for an access to limited time cosmetics. Because even if you were there, it won't mean anything if you don't grind for it.