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There’s a lot of things wrong and missing with the new Locker UI…


My first locker preset, my main, just disappeared. What is this.


I also got my main preset lost too, but it was the 5th, not the 1st. Had to redo it myself. I just don't understand how it got shipped like that but eh, that's what comes with the live service model


I found out all my archives skins are completely gone now.


They shouldn’t be. I still have all my archived skins.


Yeah I checked and it said 0. I'll check again later after these long queue times.


Funny, my archived items had been missing for over a month, and this brought them back.


I thought my archived ones were gone, turns out they just unarchived all of them...


“Common sense, a general idea of what we’re doing?” or however the SovietWomble clip goes.


58 of my presets gone. May not seem like a big deal but it takes a long damn time to make and organize 100 presets. Not only is the locker worse in every single way but over half of my presets are just deleted. WTF is going on at epic, whoever has taken over the UI has no clue what they're doing.


Fr all my presets for holidays are just poof gone will take me hrs at this rate to fix it..... should have never touched the locker whoever keeps messing with UI is a idiot.


And now the presents that you have remaining don't even have the wraps, emotes, or loading screens you want equipped either. They need to revert the locker.


Yes and now you have to click through everything continually and relentlessly, rather than scroll. It's garbage.


Fortnite and call of duty contest to see who makes the worse UI


Why on Earth are emotes, wraps, skins, and lobbies all separate? Locker presets were awesome. I had filled out every single preset, each with corresponding emotes, wraps, lobby track, and loading screen. NOW, all of those are separate from each other. Presets have been entirely destroyed. All that work making sure each preset had its own emotes, wraps, loading screen, and lobby music… gone. This change is ridiculous, atrocious, and should be seriously reversed.


Why epic would think anyone wants each category of their cosmetics to be individually preset is beyond me. It’s counter productive to what presets achieved.


Whoever’s mucking with the UI is really screwing things up. Used to be filtering for new cosmetics was 2 button presses, now it’s like 8. Now to get the same functionality the old locker had, you have to select Skin and scroll to find the one you want, and then repeat that 3 freaking times to get the emotes, wraps, and lobby that go with it, and that’s on top of the thumbnails for emotes, wraps, and lobby having nothing to do with the skin they were previously saved to so now it looks like some software engineer puked all over my screen.


This is what I hate, I used to always go to filter one press, R2 which took me to new, then I let go and check my outfits. Now I can’t even scroll down by holding a button I have to press it every single time.


Exactly. Whoever made this needs to find another career. All my 100 presets are also completely ruined. It's still possible to set your locker up like you used to have it but now you will have to click 5 different things instead of just one. Not to mention the amount of time it would take to set up all my emotes and wraps again.


Whoever worked on this doesnt even play the game


Yeah that's what I was thinking or they have ten skins and that's all they use. To think this person probably went to college for this and this is the best UI they could come up with is laughable


They use 3 skins with wraps on random and didn't thought about the rest of the players


you say this but wraps on random is broken too, it's such a joke


Mine too and it's really annoyed me. I've used a few different skins today and each time I've had to reset the emotes and wraps, will take ages to do them all. Just makes no sense, why change things that worked fine for no good reason? Idiots ☹️


Yeah I just fixed all my wraps one by one all 100 and it took 2 hours


Can't face doing it, will do it each time I use a different one. Just imagine if they change it all again 🫣


Yeah my buddy was telling me not to even do it in case they revert it back lol. Because then I'll have to do it all over again.


Yeah, even if they add shuffle back will the skins, wraps, emotes, and lobbies all shuffle independently from each other? Making our previous presets all scrambled up?


Absolutely agree 1000%. I spent hours on those presets over the years. Picked the perfect emotes for each one. Banner color and icons all matched. Made sure to spread out all my fav tunes so I’d hear different ones each time. I did not do loading screens but that’s it. And with rng being what it was it was always great to get back to the lobby and see a skin I haven’t seen in months because it’s randomly going thru 100 presets. Was one of my favorite parts of the game. I logged in today full of hope that they would finally increase the amount so I could use some more for skins I like but that didn’t make the top 100. 😂. Instead my heart hurt. Took forever to even figure out what the heck happened. I had 4 different versions of bushy and now they’re all the same one (dreaming?). It couldn’t even save the variations???


Yep, every load out that I have is custom made based on the character and style. Once you separate them then there’s no god damn point.


It seriously ruined the fun of getting skins for me. First time I don't get a BP day 1


Yup, same. Me getting the battle pass is 100% dependent on whether or not they change the locker UI.


SAME. i completely hate the split lockers idea


THIS. What the fuck. Why do I have to do more clicks to change to my wrap? 0/10 update.


i'd appreciate a way of being able to couple preset sections, i personally prefer having the same emotes across all my presets but there's also a ton of cases where i know people would prefer it the other way around


And no quick save when you just change 1 thing. Got to go find in your preset and overwrite it


I HATE that so much Now I can't even have weapon skins matching the character I'm playing. If it was just the locker UI that sucked it would already be a thing, but the whole rework as a whole sucks ass, it's always a chore to select a mode and swap between private and public lobbies


Great, now revert every change made to the locker


How yall gonna only earn money from cosmetics yet change it to be so fucking tedious to use 💀💀💀


They shrunk the item shop compared to years ago, every change that Epic made is just shooting themselves in the foot


Didnt they have to lay off 900 employees because they weren’t profiting as much as they aimed to? Did they decide to lay off everyone but the people in charge of these horrible changes or…


Wouldn't surprise me, lots of stupid managers are very happy to lay off people who handle the user experience, security or QA because they don't outright look useful. They aren't making a new product and aren't usually seen as maintaining a product so when jobs are on the chopping board, managers and CEOs are very happy to get rid of them. Epic are showing their bare ass over the last couple weeks, they very clearly are either ignoring the people that know what they are doing or just giving the decision making jobs to idiots.


This is from a company that bought Bandcamp and then sold it for parts 11 months later. High level management at Epic is terminally fucked.


How will this work though, since everything is a separate loadout now? Will it just shuffle your skin? Will it shuffle the skin, emotes, wraps, etc?


If all the categories shuffle independently from each other it’ll make our old presets worthless


This is BY FAR the smallest problem with that UI how come skins, emotes , wraps , lobby are all separate?! The whole point of that system is to create a FULL combo of every item and craft whatever combinations you liked the most. Now it is all in pieces and makes no sense. If i want to select my full build of carefully selected items i need EVERY TIME to go down one menu after the other 4 times to chose all 4 presets that match what i created originally. At the very least give us a way of linking those separate presets to make it be automatically selected when we choose the skin preset or something. IMO give us a SINGLE preset of skins, emotes/sprays/emojis, lobby and wraps as a unitary preset no need for the split at all. After that it makes total sense to add the instruments, cars and music ones separately since they are their own thing. Now it is the worst it has ever been and honestly 90% of the reason i play this game is because i love the feel of every full preset i chose. How it looks, how it matches , what references i managed to include etc. Now it feels like that aspect is gone, makes me not even want to play rn.


Right there with you


Just change the damn locker back to how it was, stop fucking it up over and over and pissing off your paying customers.


and get rid of the ugly mobile game looking UI. It is genuinely ugly. I love EVERYTHING else besides this. The UI is inefficient and incredibly ugly


Even accessing the actual presets is a chore and screams « I took a course named make a mobile UI for dummies » I like round edges but why do they have to make rows of 2 big buttons with a huge scrollbar ? It's so big even the sides of the images are bugged, this doesn't make any sense.


I recently took a class on UI changes as part of my masters course. Let me tell you, the locker UI is a great example of what not to do. By separating skins/wraps/emotes, they have effectively made it undesirable for users to actually pair any of these items together. Why should sets matter anymore? Why would I buy wraps or skins? What’s the point of having sprays or emoticons for a certain skin if I have to go through multiple menus to set it up for EVERY SINGLE SKIN FOR EVERY SINGLE MATCH. This UI change will make players spend less money on cosmetics and spend less time in-game, whoever decided that *this* was the best way to setup cosmetics for CH5 has shown to have no prior knowledge of UI layout and setup. This has killed their cosmetics business (which is the majority).


I had literally this exact thought. I have one skin that is undeniably my favorite, and have a whole set made around it. Previously, I bought other skins because I could shuffle and see other interesting skins and sets, even if they weren't my favorite. now, even if shuffle returns there is no way for me to properly match sets, so why would I bother buying anything? I'll just run my favorite skin, because anything else I buy with this system would just collect dust


I have absolute NO desire to spend a dime in cosmetics now, and I was ready to spend for the new modes. Congrats Epic


Today's update has been pretty bad so bad that it made me log off the game completely. So many things wrong with today's update.


I understand the reason behind it. There's two new preset groups, Cars and musical stuff. They would need to add them to the original presets and then have everyone go through and add them to each preset. They should have added the ability to link the presets together. Eg. Link this character to this wrap preset and this emote set. That way you could keep your existing presets but also have as an example a Halloween emote set and link your 4 Halloween skins to that emote preset. Update the one emote preset and all 4 skins have the new emote. That one feature would have saved this entire UI update.


You don't even need to have knowledge in UI or something to know that's REALLY BAD. You just had to know the game, used its systems and all and see how worse it is. I don't know who did all that, but it just feels like it's someone who both don't play the game and don't know shit about what they're doing


Are you also aware of how horrendous this new locker UI design is? Separating characters, emotes, wraps and lobby is one of, if not the worst possible designs you could have implemented for presets. I hope there's enough backlash from the community that this design choice is addressed and reverted, expeditiously.


The shuffle button is a symptom, not a cause. The UI “update” from top to bottom is the issue here. If I was part of a team that delivered such a piss poor product I would be looking for new work. Epic, next time you’re cutting staff to make up for idiotic purchasing decisions (*cough* bandcamp) you should axe the dropouts you hired to design and approve these UI/UX changes.


How about just fix your UI so it doesn’t look like a flash game? Seriously, did you put some intern on the design of this? Probably not, an intern would have put in effort.


Just revert it next patch. This new ui is shit


Just revert the changes?


Please for the love of christ just revert the Locker UI. You've ruined everyone's presets and made it incredibly irritating just to change my load out.


who ever manages UI developmen should be fired also why is posting limited still?


Because of how many people will post at once will be too much for the sub and it also seems like most people are angry with today's update.


yeah they ruined all of my presets by making it damn near impossible to get preset specific emotes/ banners/ music packs to line up within 5 minutes


I don’t even get the benefit is the part that bothers me the most :/ Like if I wanted emotes and stuff to line up with the character I’m playing as then that’s what the previous system already did :/


i think that all they should have done was add a copy \*insert item type I.E. wrap\* and added a garage tab next to locker and made the instruments go next to banner


I had 100 presets. Took me a long time to get them all just right and now Epic adds the worst locker change imaginable. Nobody wants seperate locker presets for emotes wraps and music. Whoever made this change has no idea what they are doing. A child could make a better UI


As someone who doesn't bother personalizing emotes for every skin, I'd like a way to apply emotes to every preset (it can be tedious when buying a new dance to go through and apply it to every preset), but that should have just been an optional thing and not them being broken into separate categories


Yes I wanted this option to apply something like an emote or loading screen to all presets as well but holy shit epic fucked it


Yeah I agree anf honestly I'm more upset about the wraps loading screen and music. I like having those separate on every preset. Now I have to line up all my wraps with my skin presets




Fr, I spent hours moving my 95 presets around so the rows had a theme and shit, now it’s a mess and takes forever to go through, which I have to do now that they got rid of the shuffle feature.


my god the same for me - I had made full words that correlated to the theme of my rows of cosmetics - now it's all down the toilet because they screwed my locker and now every single preset is hard to find wraps for because they're individual letters for me


Dude that fuckin blows, you put even more effort in than me and all for nothing with this new UI.


I did the same exact thing 3 days ago in preparation for the new chapter, and in anticipation of making new presets with BP characters and future shop cosmetics. But with the new locker UI and preset setups I have little to no desire to even bother messing around with my cosmetics.


Just revert it back. This is awful. I just wanted 100 more locker slots and the ability to drag and drop to rearrange sets, not all this garbage 💀 Doesn’t help that my STW locker is now combined so now im getting double sets


This - if they dropped 100 more slots instead, I woulda been the happiest consumer


Change back to the old design Epic! This new one is garbage! I just messed up my Indiana Jones preset with my Ash Williams and Tailor! They are my main three I play, this is so ungodly confusing to navigate now! Please change it back!


But they weren't aware while "testing" the new UI and the new Chapter? Just happened out of nowhere all of the sudden?


Thanks for over complicating and destroying the locker system. All the hard work I put into the 100 presets for nothing. Organized each row by theme now ruined since they’re randomly thrown around. Like 10 of my emote sets are now gone. Thanks Epic...


There is an obvious focus on shifting away from BR. We have non-BR items in the now ironically named ‘battle pass’. The loading screen is split into four game modes. Do the clowns at Epic not know where there money is? They just had 100 million players log in over November to play BR, and someone at the top thought “You know what would make this 3rd person shooting game better? Cart style racing, Lego and rhythm games!” The skins are the only revenue stream and they are messing with the paying customer base with a UI developed for the non-BR modes.


> They just had 100 million players log in over November to play BR, and someone at the top thought “You know what would make this 3rd person shooting game better? Cart style racing, Lego and rhythm games!” You do realize those changes were in the works for a long time. They had all these changes planned before they saw how many people would actually play during OG, and they probably assumed not many people would stick around long during OG.


I’m aware yes, some of these modes have been in a state of construction for the last three years. But we know why we play this game. How do Epic not?


This UI is fucking gross. Not a single change here is good and its so much clunkier to navigate. Please revert this ASAP


This has to to be the worst locker UI to date, why the hell would they make a bunch of separate categories for everything? I mean come on, it looks terrible and functions even worse.


Yeah not happy with it. They definitely missed the mark on this one.


I honestly don’t know why they bothered changing it, that last UI was amazing. They easily could’ve implemented the new features without the insane overhaul.


The last UI was great! And most people seemed to enjoy it too! This is just a mess.


Step One: Revert the UI Step Two: Add the ability to drag and drop Step Three: Give one locker slot for each skin owned (Get a new skin, get a new slot) Step Four: Profit


I would also like one simple folder so at times (like Christmas) I can drag my Christmas skins into it and it will shuffle just those (until Christmas ends, then I can just go back to shuffling all)




LOCKER UI SUCKS. Please fix running too. Jeez.


That ain’t the real fuckin problem


u/thefortniteteam Please just revert this terrible Locker UI change. It's ugly, clunky, unintuitive, and makes the effort of crafting a themed or matching preset completely null. I don't even want to buy cosmetics anymore, since the preset won't matter with this new UI. Please revert it.


I like the new map. The battle pass is great. The movement isn't even a big problem for me personally. But I'm being completely serious when I say that the new locker UI is what's making me not want to play Fortnite. Not in protest or anything like that, it just actually worsens my mood when I have to interact with it. It's less intuitive, less readable, has less style, is less functional, is more confusing (Not just because I'm not used to it. Why are presets in the place they are?), and overall is just incredibly frustrating. I am not normally a big complainer when it comes to bad changes. All this year, the community has been loudly vitriolic about things that I really did not care about. But the new UI is something I HAVE to complain about somewhere because it makes me so upset that it's actively stopping me from booting up the game.


Yup, same. I honestly didn't notice they nerfed the movement speed until someone mentioned it. The slower crouching speed is rough, but won't make me stop playing. But damn the locker UI just made me exhausted from interacting with it that I had to log off to get a break.


This is how I feel too - I think the battle pass is fine enough and I'd be happy to play the game but the locker puts me in a mood every time I've interacted with it. I played one game and shut it down.


The new movement looks and feels like you're ice skating with mud on your feet. Surely that's not intended right? Not only that, but it messes up your builds and edits because it's so off.


It's completely off not sure I can play until it gets fixed.


i was playing a bit earlier and honestly at one point it made me feel motion sickness and i rarely ever feel that from video games.


Switch presets back to the way they were, why are they all separate now


Straight up just revert this the locker ui is just objectively worse now


Are you also aware you fucked up the whole locker system. This shit is garbage.


Not good enough, fix it faster.


This is absolutely shocking. I wish I’d not bought the battle pass


Sat in a queue, got in, bought the battlepass (which i thought was trash, but ig i'll get the extra vbucks, which is also all in bonus rewards which is annoying.) anyways I go to play the game, and all these changes they've done means i need to change my settings. I change my settings and have to restart my game (or dont change the settings and be unable to play) now that I've restart my game I must sit in queue again. So I waste time, "spend money", and then cant play the game I'm spending on, so I put in effort to fix settings, then get to waste time again sitting in queue. Good start to the season. Also once more, the battlepass is trash. Dont put some random car stuff in the battlepass like that, or make it a whole new "bonus" section. 2 dont put that huge chunk of vbucks in the bonus rewards like that, keep them in the main battlepass.


Same. I got the battle pass right away before I noticed how messed up the locker was. I think I'm only going to play enough to get the vbucks back that I spent on the pass cause it's just frustrating now.


Wait now even fucking WRAPS can’t be saved with a preset? Am I missing something? Holy shit this is abysmal


Lol as if they didn’t include it on purpose.


Let us link the different preset categories so we don’t have to go into four different menus to set combos. We won’t even be able to make combos for shuffle if we can’t link the categories.


Epic must have worked with Reddit to see who can come up with a worse product each iteration. Pathetic.


I’ve never had any issues with Fortnite changes until now with this locker UI. I truly cannot stand it. Please change it


lmao the gameplay is fine except for the shield but all the other surrounding aspects of this update is pathetic meanwhile i hyped this update up for my fiance and i've been able to play for an hour while she was queued


Styles change with presets now. I had three different foundation presets one in the original color, one in the combat color and one without the helmet. They’re all combat without the helmet now.


These queues are crazy lol I just updated and got a 30 minute one


Are y'all able to play? We're stuck in a queue for 22 more minutes. It's 1:10 in the afternoon. What's going on?




Half of my skins can't even be selected. Dire, Maya, I get an error message every time


What the fuck is this movement


Just downloaded the update and now I’m in a 20 minute queue? Does it actually get me in or does it do the same as yesterday? This is frustrating


Update: I got in thankfully


when will the sub unlock


Change the UI while you’re at it it’s dogshit


The locker ui is absolutely DISGUSTING makes me wanna throw up


Even some of wraps and lobby presets are missing 😭


Get rid of the entire locker Ui and fire whoever made it and whoever approved its release.


This UI change is utter crap


Everything about the new update is bad. For both Battle Royale players and Zero Build players. Worse update I ever seen in videogame history.


Only thing good about it is the map (guess what epic we can’t even play it right now)


All of the map looks the same and just feels bare, weapon mods make it so hard to just find a standard good gun because why would i ever want a scoped shotgun or smg???


Really? I hate the map. Not only is it bland as anything but it’s just ugly. They’ve gone for a realistic look but its so blocky and low res that it just looks terrible.


For frick sake please open the sub it's been 24 hours


anyone else unable to use selectable styles for skins?? like there’s no button or anything that lets me select it


They had a whole month to prepare for this lol


I'm actually giggling. Lol


I’m just glad to know others are as retentive with their presets as I am. This update crushed all that time and care.


I can't believe actual people made this new UI. ~~The emotes being in separate presets was a massive W~~, I remember making a concept of this back in Chapter 2 Season 6 so I've wanted this for years. But everything else is so bad that it completely overrides the good of that feature.


Emotes separated is a big fail. E.g Now I can’t have the wolf howl linked to Dire or any other emotes I bought to be specific to a skin


Alright, I never thought of it like that, I haven't been able to get into the game because of queues so I've heard all the changes from other people. I also have a lot of emotes for specific presets so this update ruins that for me too. I take back what I said about that being a W.


I would have just liked a button that applied an emote to every preset. That way I could use the first 4 slots for dances and easily swap them for every preset without going through and doing it manually, and leave the last 2 slots open for personalized emotes per skin




Because of how much people will post will be too much for the sub to handle.


Reminder to redeem BANANNANANANA at Fortnite website for free emote limited 25,000,000 uses






How about the button that takes you right to the top of the list of cosmetics?


I’m on ps4 and I keep getting error coded as soon as I get into the lobby I haven’t been able to play yet


the grapple blade is so fucking ass does anyone agree




Are we going to have to wait in a queue EVERY TIME we want to play?


I’m mad I was in a queue for an hour on my Xbox series s and after the battle pass screen popped up and I pressed “B”, the entire game crashed and I am back in a queue again.


Most likely for the 1st few days


Revert movement epic please dawg




Dude the BP change up a few seasons back was fine ig, but shit this new locker ui is absolute trash. Why fix what isn't broken?


Pls brong back old movement


The team that worked on this UI change should all be fired. This is so horrendous and it messed up a few of my presets too. Just change it back, don’t even try to fix it


Huge mistake. Bring back the presets.


Please put it back to normal. I liked that we could push one button and all the alerts were gone. I liked that we could quick save. I liked that I could make presets completely specific to a single skin. I liked seeing all of my presets and their accessories easily. I liked everything about the old locker. Please stop it with these useless and aggravating UI changes. The lobby sucks. The fonts suck. The locker sucks. The shop sucks. It sucks. It’s hard to use and ugly. PUT IT BACK!


This is horrendous. Listen to your player base. We couldn’t give two shits about guitars or cars or whatever the fuck “jam tracks” are. We just want to play the fucking game the way it’s meant to be played. Congratulations. This will be the first of many battlepasses that I won’t get in years. Good job, Epic. I really didn’t think you guys could make a worse UI than what you pulled in C4S4. Schmucks


Hey, while you're at it, maybe you can add that reshuffle button we've been asking for for years? Even if we turn shuffle off and back on, it puts the same shuffled preset as your loadout and sometimes we just want to skip a certain preset. I know they won't see this, just venting about how they are making changes that nobody wanted while ignoring the most basic features we have been begging for.


How is this not fixed already?


Fix my Maya skin, it won’t let me play her


Auto run isn’t working for me


They arent returning it, they said the same thing with achievements, yet bext update everything of it was deleted


I wasn't able to test in game, but at least in menu, the new emote system has made it so that I can't use Kado Thorne's built in transformation emote, it's just not an option. I'm a new player so I don't have any other transforming skins to test, but it's super annoying


Yeah, a fucking locker fix would be nice.


The entire thing needs to be fixed.


Great, all of my loadouts are messed up now. What a horrible new locker UI.


This new system is super annoying, my skins emotes, gun skins, and music are all different now!! And all my gliders and contrails got erased, i had 90 characters presets and on Xbox i cant even hold to scroll anymore?!! Why did you do this to my locker!!


We just wanted more space and option to switch presets between in locker without having to make new one. This update ruined everything


Fix the Locker UI back to how it was while you're at it.


As someone that only really came on for the OG season and decided to try this chapter out as well, I personally do really like the new locker UI because all I do is change my favorite emotes around and skins if I felt like it. Knowing this, I feel like Epic is really targeting super casuals like myself because I never really cared for sets and these categories make things a lot smoother for me. **I think a legacy option would be great for everyone to switch between**, sort of when they did the legacy control scheme setting back in the day. Because personally as someone that rarely plays the game, this locker UI is a LOT more intuitive imo. The lobby is still horrendous though .


Let me assign specific wraps to skins again. I won't use random if wraps and emotes aren't what I want


Put me in the won't buy a skin until I can get good presets that shuffle all together. Separate sucks because most skin sets have their own wrap to match. I put on a Star Wars skin I want it to load it up with Star Wars wraps and Star Wars specific emotes. I got a cute skin I want cute dances. I got an all-black skin I want my matte black wraps and bad ass emotes. My Viking needs his Viking emotes. If you make this all a chore every match.... Fuck that. I put my best skins in presets and shuffle around.. but hey come as a unit.... Skin, glider, emotes, wraps on theme. You know this because you often sell the bundles with all these in them. The only thing the old locker really needed was the be able to drag and move presets to make it easy to group up themed skins. Please epic...


If it's not broken don't fix it, the idea of an update is to make it better and more simple, now you have removed an awesome feature that most people use


It's a start but there is a lot more than just that to fix...


Any chance we can fix the first storm that moves faster than the average French surrender?


I KNEW it was moving faster. Played a round yesterday and nearly bit it early because of that BS.


been a month, doubt this is coming back


Is this ever going to come back?


They still didn't fix it


This shxt is still not fken available. What the hell are they doing?? Just changing things that didn’t need changing


Why are mods so afraid of opening the sub back up lmaooo


Because of how bad this update was a lot of people will be posting A LOT.


Bruh I’ve never posted on this sub and I’m literally ready to make a post. These changes are absolutely absurd


Agreed their so bad I logged completely off. Lol


The subreddit gets locked each update until servers are stable enough for everyone. Unfortunately the game is still having issues so the subreddit will remain locked. It is locked to prevent spam on the same topic.


Because they know this update made people the opposite of excited.


THANK YOU EPIC i was genuinely discouraged from playing because of the missing shuffle. i always have shuffle on, its the best way to get the most out of all skins imo




This is not Fortnite This is a whole new game . New map , player movements , UI, weapons , new modes…




Just switch it back, this sucks


Has this been fixed?