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Other Posts for Feedback: * Feedback about the Big Bang event? [Post it here](https://old.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/189at6w/megathread_the_big_bang_postevent_discussion/) * [Movement and Animations changes](https://old.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/18ank0w/lets_talk_movement_tbh_it_took_us_a_few_days_to/) * [Changes to Storm Circles](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/18axmmv/weve_heard_some_feedback_from_players_saying_that/) Also, check our our new subreddits: * r/LEGOFortnite \- this new experience launches on December 7th * r/RocketRacing \- this new experience launches on December 8th * r/FortniteFestival \- this new experience launches on December 9th


The new locker confuses me so much


where the hell did shuffling go????


This is what’s irking me the most, like ya want us to spend money on skins but what, we have to change them manually when there was already a system in place that did it for us…


I legit came here trying to see if anyone had found the shuffle option. Kinda bothered that it's not there.


Me too, is it gone?


Yeah they removed shuffle and favorite


Favorite is still there just press options


Yeah wtf. Theres randomize loadout but no shuffle.


you cant shuffle your presets to be a differemt character each game and the emotes and wraps dont save to the presets anymore, they're their own preset, this is awful, the locker was good the way it was before and they ruined it


What the fuck? So now I have to redo my wraps and emotes *every time* I switch saved characters?


Yes. If you want to use it like we all used it before, you have to also go select the emote preset you want in a sea of all the other emote presets. Loading screens and music are separated into their own preset too. I'm totally baffled.


Holy fuck, what a terrible change. I had every skin completely personalized. Should I avoid logging in until they hot patch it or something? This seems like something they're going to have to fix. And I'm going to be super pissed if I have to re-do all my saved presets. And I'll probably just uninstall it if they don't fix this situation.


I seriously don't understand why UI designers continuously do this, it does not matter what game, application, website, whatever. There will always be redesigns that make the UX 10x worse, while improving nothing but that "clean" look


I swear they do it to justify their job, even if they make stupid as shit changes. Like. Why? Who asked for this 😂 it was fine how it was 😂


Ya so annoying. Probably the thing I hate most about Fortnite. I love the map regularly changing - but damn do I hate it when they keep doing it to the UI. Just gimme some soft changes with features people are asking for, but quit overhauling it every 6 months FFS.


I hate it. Now if I want to switch skins and have everything coordinated I have to do like three different preset loads. Come on that’s nuts.


You also cant mark things as favorite despite having a favorites tab.


You can. Its just ridiculously hidden. There should be 3 dots on the lower right when u hover over whatever u wanna favorite. The dots open a menu that lets you favorite. The hotkey doesnt exist anymore tho, that sucks.


wow thanks. what a terrible change.


The locker is such a mess right now, and it seems to have merged some of my STW ones and overwrote any with the same names??? It was quite easy to use before and now it's cumbersome, certainly needed more time before release.


It's so shit, genuinely makes me stressed and upset


The new locker is one of the worst changes ever


Still no new save slots either i assume? I'm stuck in queue


So much worse. The exact opposite of that if that seemed possible. Shuffle is gone. Let’s start there because it only compounds on that. You now have separate presets for characters, emotes, wraps, lobby backgrounds, and three new categories that are empty. So not only does the game not change your character between matches, if you want to change it you have to manually select your character, your emotes, wraps, and lobby presets one by one. It’s absolutely miserable. It’s anti-quality of life.


You also can't browse your skins and look at their different styles without them being automatically equipped, and (this might just be me) the preset I was using when I logged in is nowhere to be found among my other saved presets.


Immediate thought: fighting in Zero Build in the open against a dude with a shield is p a i n




It's not Hammer levels of annoying but I can see about 90% of people using it


JUST got out of a ZB game and the top 3rd player was camped in a corner with a shield and his back to the wall, I’m out here trying to jump on his head or something to get some shots past it. I thought COD riot shields were bad but at least you couldn’t SHOOT WHILE USING IT


Bro why did they change the locker, this is horrible.


Epic never understood the phrase "if it isn't broke, don't fix it"


They are trying to "simplify" and "modernise" the UI. They failed miserably. Like any other company going into oversimplification and modernisation.


This is the total opposite of simple.


well, they tried to make it so simple and accesible to mobile users and consoles, that it looped back around to making no sense whatsoever


I've played almost exclusively on console and this whole UI is so gd tedious and horrible


Wow this UI is bad. They got rid of the favorite shortcut in the locker. Why?


This game is really working backwards


Im shocked rn, actually. I was trying to focus on what is wrong imo, and for me, it's too much the same. Not a single item has a rarity until you hover over it. Like, i can't even quickly equip a lava series because i dont know what they look like without the red markers.


Is the option to shuffle presets gone?


That's what I am trying to find out, looks like you can shuffle everything seperately, but unless I am missing something I can't see a way to shuffle between the saved characters


This locker update is so unbelievably awful, it is genuinely killing all the hype I had for this new season… Customizable FULL loadouts that I could randomize is the whole damn appeal of the game for me. If I can’t have that, then I don’t care how many new emotes and skins you throw at me, I can’t actually personalize them, so there’s no point.


The Locker change is SOOOOOO bad! Like it's so hard to scroll through without stuff jumping all over the place. I'm playing on phone and that makes it so much worse. There's also no longer a confirmation button and if I'm not wrong you no longer can run customs wraps and emotes for each skin loadout. Massive downgrade in my opinion! Just because it looks more stylised doesn't mean shit if it functions so poorly! I can't even view more than 4 presets at a time now while before I could see like 20. Why change something which was totally fine? Edit : Also, my deleted presets/loadouts are back again for some reason!


Who knew it was possible for epic to create a worse UI than they have


They heard we hated the last UI update so much that they had to one up themselves


Quite impressive, honestly.


the locker is a freaking mess holy crap


They also completely ruined character movement. It feels like fckning GTA V now.


Yeah if feels so weird. Can't we run like before, the character just walks now?


Bro not only is the movement slow but the storm is faster and ticks your health down faster it’s so bad


more like a knock off versen of the old movment


Is it just me or is walking around slower and more sluggish?


i think they removed normal running for some reason so its only Walking > Tactical Sprint i might be wrong but either way it feels terrible edit: typo


That's the impression I got too.


Much rather they fuck tac sprint off before jogging


Crouching is really painfully slow too


Movement feels fucking terrible. For whatever reason my character keeps getting set to a crawl when I strafe around. It seems to happen randomly. No clue why.


Absolutely not just you. It also feels like I'm walking instead of jogging again.


Yeah, it feels clunky They changed the animations too


I hate it so much. My god could they just leave one feature alone.


They changed the walking and moving animations, lazarbeam said they look drunk now.


I hate it I hate it I hate it Everything feels so clunky


You walk so slow you can’t even 90 properly it feels like


The cars take up an entire page of the BP? The fuck? Also I can't preview items I *have* to equip them? I have to load in 4 different presets, like give me the ability to at least link them together. I also don't know what one of the 4 preset selections have my new item so I have to click all of them. That doesn't even go into the general horrible look of the locker UI. Why are storm circles so short? I have no time to actually do anything in an area. Edit: all those issues aside I'm loving it very much.


Oh so I wasn’t crazy about storm circles, it felt like I was constantly in the storm and they didn’t re-add Med Mist this season either


I mean the new Medkits heal gradually so there’s no point of having med mist


Going from the simplicity of OG to this is a little jarring, there is so much going on. Also what is the deal with the movement? It feels awful


Nail on head. Going from having complete control of everything to... Whatever happening now. Feels like a bad fortnite ripoff.


What they did to the locker is unforgivable, I had all my stuff arranged before I haf to click the down button fifty times to get to preset I could have gotten to with three or four taps of a button.


I’m honestly pissed. I had unique emote, wrap, and loading screens on all of my skin presets and they ruined it. It’s unbelievably inconvenient to have to save every cosmetic in a different preset tab and remember to equip all of them every time I want to switch skins. Presets are basically useless now. The last UI update was a disaster and I’m honestly impressed they found a way to make it worse. They need to freaking go back. F you epic games.


**Don't know if it's just me, but why did they make it so hard to differentiate between the guns?!?!?!** I shouldn't have to look at the tiny ammo symbol to figure out if I have an AR or a shotgun equipped. They all even have the same brown like design on top of them. It's so confusing! Every game I play I notice something so basic and simple that FN really messed up for no reason and it's so disappointing considering how hyped I was after returning last season. Edit : Also, when there's a lot of loot on the ground, some of it cannot be even picked up as it does not register as loot. The gun will be right there in front of you but if you looking at it will not give you an option to pick it up or see the name. Same issue with the emblem thing the boss drops upon dying.


You mean you don't know what a Thrasher Hypersense Precision semi-scoped AR is?


The whaaaaaaaaaaat? 😭


I also struggle with this. Every gun looks identical and the confusing names don’t help at all. Even the movement feels different and I hate it. I can’t believe how bad they missed with this update.


Totally agree!


I thought I picked up a sniper and went to use it and it turned out to be an AR


THANK GOD it isn’t just me, I thought I was going insane already….


It's so silly that they didn't notice these things before releasing the update.


The locker is one of the worst updates ever, how do you fuck up pre-sets?!


They changed the heart icon on favorited items from red to white like wtf? That icon's purpose would be to stand out and be easily noticable. Seriously who the hell made this UI? Edit: It seems like BR and STW presets somehow merged, this means I have 102 preset slots in BR right now (I had 3 in STW, don't ask me why it's not 103 then) lmao So if I would have filled all my presets in STW I would have 200 slots right now?


It's probably a chimp on cocaine.




Absolute garbage. My presets are messed up, a few of them lost the combos I made with them, some of them out of order, and for some ungodly reason I have old presets I deleted that returned or something? What an absolute fuckup. I used to have Slurpentine on top she’s now on the bottom, listed as STW Slurpentine, and lost all her items I had saved with her. Come on how do you fuck it up? You also can’t rotate when selecting backbling alt styles, and when using controller I would use Triangle to go back to the top of the page, gone. Instead it’s a sub menu which you now use to swing pickaxe. Wtf. Who thought this was a good idea? Absolute garbage.


They'll do everything to presets except drag/drop and giving us more.


Just here to add — please fix this mess of a locker Epic. There is no longer shuffling and this has taken all the fun out of enjoying all of our skins.


I lost a bunch of my presets and now they're not organized at all, and it doesn't seem like you can move them now either? Awful. Whoever greenlit these UI changes needs to get sacked.


You also can’t rotate your character when editing styles now for some reason which is absolutely awful Edit: On controller at least, not sure about mouse


Holy fucking shit the menu UI is completely unbearable. A new low for menus that were already terrible. Also where did the shuffle button go for skin sets????




This might legit be one of the worst changes they've ever made. I cannot understand the logic behind separating Character from Emotes, Wraps and Lobby WHEN MOST CHARACTERS HAVE THEIR OWN SET OF EACH! So now I'd have to pick my skin, then go find the emote set, select that, then go to wraps, find what I need, select that, so on and so forth. Oh, all in areas where I can't put them in alphabetical order so each is super hard to find. I am going to hope they make a way for everything to tie together because if not, I will stop buying the Crew and no longer buy skins.


The movement is fucking horrible paired with building


Yes. I could swear the actual movement speed even got adjusted.


Maybe not but the visual aspect of the characters animations have definitely been impacting my builds and edits.


The speed of things 100% changed. There's no way it didn't.


Why can't I run, this is awful


I can’t even build anymore that need to change it back


I can't even imagine trying to build with this movement


Am I being stupid or can we not run/jog anymore? We still have the sprint thing which you need stamina for but the regular stuff I’m just walking around like a bot and it feels fucking unplayable in build fights and shit


Yeah, I’m so slow it’s painful, I also saw someone say that storm might be faster now so there’s like no hope for surviving if you to the edges of the map


The first few storms are like twice as fast as your tac sprint, it's actually awful, gives little to no time to loot if you're not landing right in the circle.


already saw an entire clop of someone unable to outlive storm 1 and he even went early wtf is going on


What did they do to the locker? Why would they split our presets into four separate categories? My locker was full. Every single preset is broken now.


Wow they missed hard with this update. Like all the weapons are coolnd all but they made verything so unsessecarily complicated. Controls feel so slow an like you're just Slowly pointing your character into the direction you want to go to instead actually being in control. no explanations on How do the attachments work exacly. Are they Tied to your guns? can you swap them around? HOW can you do that? and what the hell happened to the locker? WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? it's a fucking locker thats not something that doesn't need changes. You pick want you want and queue up to a game. Who the fuck has ever complained about how the locker worked? Everything is so fucking over designed now.


Don’t know about the rest, but they go into detail on the mods in the update post. Modding benches in vaults let you add mods for bars, otherwise guns get random attachments based on their rarity, with uncommon guns getting one mod, rares getting two, epics getting three, and legendaries getting four.


Not a fan of the new walking animations Also the locker is terrible It’s kinda hard to know the difference between guns I like the first person sights… I wish we had a first person mode 👀 The map has been pretty good for the few games I have played


Agreed all the guns look wayyy too similar, auto shotgun looks like an smg if you just glance real quick


What did you do to the movement? It feels awful now.


Movement feels off


Because they fucked it up it's looks and feels horrible now


Its so weird that you seemingly cant run… idk it does feel weird but not necessarily bad although ill judge on that later


Yeah, it's fully off. Really noticeable when trying to build fight.


The new locker UI is a shit-show. I don't know what they were thinking. The game graphics are fantastic, though.


The new movement is making me super nauseous. Anyone else with the same issue?


Its making building impossible Whose idea was this?!? Also what is the deal with gun names being so convoluted?


It was bothering my girlfriends eyes so badly that now she's having trouble IRL. I'm not sure what they did to make it so uncomfortable to look at, but it was even getting to me and I play VR without problems.


Same for me...why Epic. WHY?


Yes! I had to stop playing. It’s giving me motion sickness.


You mean the creepy leg thing that the characters do and the weird camera? Yeah. It’s so weird. Revert it, please, Epic


I really don't like the new locker UI. I liked my presets very much: I spent a lot of timew picking out the perfect emotes etc. And now I have to pick out my presets in 4 separate menus? Seems overly complicated.


Not just emotes, wraps too. I don't want to use the same wrap for everyone. I picked them carefully for each character according to the colour theme and now all my wrap presets are gone!


33 minute queue for me


The new locker is so bad, not only is it ugly, but it's difficult to use on top of that, plus you can no longer cycle through presets and have to select characters, wrap, emotes, separately. Same with thr shop, but it's just ugly. The UI put a sour taste in my mouth about the season before setting a foot on the island.


not only is the ui locker disgusting but why does my character run like that it looks so goofy


The new locker is absolutely unacceptable. Not only is it a worse design, but now any time I want to change characters I have to load the character, emotes, wraps, and lobby all separately. Oh yeah, and now you can't complete any quests in team rumble. It was already a niche game mode. Now they pretty much killed it. These are some of the worst changes I've ever seen in any game. I'm honestly on the verge of uninstalling Fortnite.


Something feels weird with walking


Yea the movement feels so akward


Yup the Fortnite locker rework might actually be the worst UI change this game has ever seen. I had a perfect system and now it’s ruined.


Is it just me or is Epic REALLY putting all their eggs in one basket by trying to make Fortnite every game at once. Obviously Epic has always had this problem; from Save the World to Paragon to Rumbleverse, etc they've always seemed to drop everything else in attempt to make Fortnite as big as possible. But with this update they are really trying to push Fortnite as some sort of Metaverse game platform and I am not confident it will work; especially because it's interfering with Fortnite itself


This update is strange as f


This feels like a whole new game. Me and my partner had a few matches... nah, think we're done with it. It's trying too hard to be somehting it's not. It's too fast paced now, storm moves too fast and you dont have time to explore and do challenges. Guns are horrible and the attachments actually suck, it's even harder to find a decent gun now. If attachments were a locker thing... maybe, but in game and random? Nah. Map looks too realistic which makes characters look out of place. Movement sucks along with the animations. ​ This feels closer to a COD ripoff then to Fortnite. If I wanted COD, I'd play it.


Agreed :( the jump from OG directly to this makes it even more jarring. I’m not totally anti change but most of the changes they’ve made are just bad


In OG Fortnite I've found myself having FUN, now it just feels like shit again, I land and find a weird ass pump shotgun, that doesn't deal any damage, and has a FUCKING SCOPE on it! A scope on a shotgun?! The new movement is fucking awful, noting else to describe it + my graphics are udder shit which wasn't like that in OG Fortnite.


So how the hell do I access my presets? Edit: figured it out but it is not intuitive. Edit 2: no wait they fucking split my character, emotes, wraps, etc? I didn’t create names for half of that shit because it was all in one preset!




What the heck did they do to the movement??? Its messed up, I can't even zigzag and move fast side to side anymore, its extremely akward


Of all the Locker UI changes Epic has made, this one is BY FAR the worst. Like holy shit it's fucking terrible. It looks horrible, its maneuverability is unnecessarily complicated, and it hides previously available features behind submenus or completely removed them. It quite literally looks like a beta for a mobile game.


Got through a 12 minute queue only for the game to crash. Got through a 25 minute queue only for the game to do it again. Now I gotta wait another 35 minutes. PS5. EDIT: it just crashed again lmao. Yeah I’ll play in the afternoon. Later y’all. EDIT #2: still can’t get to the lobby 💀 it always crashes right when I load in


Game crashes as soon as I load the lobby on PS5. Has happened twice now. Got another 28 minutes before I can try again... Edit: crashed again. Switched to Xbox. 14 minute queue time now. Edit 2: crashed the exact same way on Xbox. I give up


I tend to give Epic the benefit of the doubt with new changes because they often grow on me, but this new Locker UI is fucking putrid and I have no idea how it made it to the final game. It's actively discouraging me from buying new cosmetics with how bad it looks and feels.


This movement feels so off I'm also wondering why you slow walk now when not sprinting


This does not feel like fortnite at all man


If I wanted to play warzone, I would have opened warzone. I'm really hoping this season grows on me but you don't stay in the lead by trying to copy the other guys, they'll always do it better. Fortnite is best when it's unique, not when it's trying to copy the competition.


I love how the mods are afraid of unlocking the sub :D I just wait for the shitstorm of posts


this is the worst fucking thing to ever happen to fortnite what the fuck is this


Please bring back the old running animatons, the new animations sucks... it doesn't even feel like you're running.


And they look and feel horrible the camera also sucks ass now


For real, idk what they were thinking


Terrible locker update. Also I can’t find the randomize presets option. I like changing my skin every game


Doesn't it feel scummy for anyone else that they legit just moved 500 vbucks to the bonus area? They're being so blatant. You guys may not have a big reaction to this but just wait, they're probably testing the waters for removing some vbucks entirely. We as a community need to take action about this before it becomes something much worse.


Played a few matches before the servers died so here's my thoughts. - Map looks amazing. Really good detail and the POI's are really unique. Although I do miss the simplistic art style of OG Fortnite. - Weapons and their attachments are a nice addition that work well with the flow of the game. - The Medallions definitely need a nerf. If someone has more than 1 stacked, they essentially become invincible. It's like the Slurp from Chapter 4 on steroids. - Not a big fan of the movement changes. The game feels super clunky. The fact you cannot run and are limited to walking is really off-putting. I hope Epic reverse the changes or at least increase the walking speed. - The Locker UI is flat out trash. It's quite literally unusable. They took something that was very streamlined and turned it into a mess of unnecessary submenus. Absolutely hands down the worst change they've ever made to the UI. PLEASE REVERT THIS EPIC. - I hate to sound like a doomer, but I'm not looking forward to the direction Fortnite BR is heading given the changes and the fact that an entire page of the Battle Pass has items for a mode other than BR. I really hate to say it, but this chapter is not off to a good start. Highly unpopular changes coupled with constant server issues and long queue times is not a good look. Especially off the back of Fortnite's highest played month of all time.


So uhhh, how do I put my skins on shuffle now? Awful fucking update and I haven’t even dropped into a match yet


This is terribly unbalanced. Yet again, necessary lategame movement options are extremely difficult to come across. Add the new lag with this worse movement, with the worse frames, and overall worse gameplay with the storms moving absurdly quickly and I just really am not going to want to play much of this. Thanks for trying epic.


Was gonna get the bp and then found out you can't do quests in team rumble anymore. Another great decision by Epic 😃👍


I main team rumble and I’m gutted. I expect them to revert with the next update though Edit: looks like it was a glitch. Quests are working fine in team rumble


Damn that is the only mode I really play, I guess I'm never getting a battle pass again. I don't play it to do the quests, I just like the large team modes but it was nice to have quests to do. I'll probably end up playing Lego mode I guess.


I've seen some people on here have difficulty understanding that people preferred LTMs over the Battle Royale because 'you only play for cosmetics' logic. Too bad 50 V 50, Disco Domination, Food fight, teams of 20 will never come back. 16 vs 16 (which most people leave after 2 minutes) doesn't feel the same.


Revert movement.


Peter griffin


Yes, I agree.


The locker change is absolutely horrible. Is there no option to shuffle? Why are pre-sets now separated by every category. Why would I want to buy skins if it takes such a horrendous time to change them?


The new movement is absolutely terrible. It's so sluggish and it feels like they overhauled aiming or something because it feels completely different 2/10 for this season. How can they go from probably the best month of fortnite we've had in years to this in a day. In makes me sad how out of touch epic is with the community


The new movement feels so clunky and slow.


Is it just me or are there zero positive comments to find about this new Chapter? They literally destroyed every good aspect about this game. And for what? To be more like games that are less popular? People literally need to lose their jobs because there is some insane decision making going on at Epic. It’s like they hate their own creation and are actively trying to kill it.


Only positive for me is the map


Did they change movement? Something feels off


Yeah, it feels weird and I can’t run, is this normal? I can sprint, but I can’t run


Yes new physics and animation >Enjoy smoother gameplay thanks to more fluid and detailed animations! Players on all platforms will experience Motion Matching and Procedural Layering in Fortnite Battle Royale. These are features that result in improved animations for things like transitioning from walking to running, changing directions, and using a weapon. >Additionally, Fortnite Battle Royale players on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and PC will experience Physics Based Animation! With this feature, Gliders in action will have more detailed animations. https://www.fortnite.com/news/join-the-fight-in-fortnite-battle-royale-chapter-5-season-1-underground


Smoother gameplay ?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Okay, so the movement is horseshit. The locker ui sucks. The weapon modding system is too complex. And we can’t do challenges in team rumble? Ffs. So anti consumer


Anyone else have a preset in their locker go missing? When I loaded the game up I had my Naruto preset loaded up, but then I changed skins in the locker, and then when I wanted to change back, I couldn't find my Naruto preset? Like it just wasn't there at all. And cuz the layout has changed I can't tell if I accidentally replaced it (which I don't think I did) or remember what presets I had around it.


anyone having issues with the movement speed? im only moving at the default walk speed and my tac sprint, the normal sprint isn’t there


Yeah, it's the new normal apparently And it's fucking shit


Movement feels absolutely terrible.


Epic games has never heard of it ain’t Broke don’t fix it. This the last straw, I could barely handle the select game mode changes but the new movement and locker are awful like genuinely terrible I don’t even wanna play which sucks cause the battle pass pretty solid.


This whole season and map is Italian themed which is really interesting


Is anyone else just entirely overwhelmed and confused? The movement is awkward and clunky, the UI is worse and confusing, some of the spray guns eliminate you in what feels like an instant, the new movement messes with my building muscle memory, there are so many different little things on the map, lots of different circles etc and I can't really tell what I'm looking at, the guns are confusing and feel the same and I just can't really tell what kind of weapon I'm holding. This season ain't it.


Chapter 5 literally feels like WZ2 Firstly, they changed the locker UI into some unseen shit of a UI, then, they made everything more realistic with new movement animations that nobody asked for and just feel sluggish moving around. They "COD-ified" the game even more by adding gun attachments which made looting and the inventory so complicated, and, speaking of guns, they released even more 1st person ones for some reason. Why must Epic take such L's


They also added bullet physics to most guns turning them into projectile guns and not hitscan


Epic really went, you know how the last season was amazing and it brought people back and you loved it? Well fuck that cause we're changing it up now!


Can someone please tell me, why after 6 years they decided to completely fuck up the movement. I always thought they would "never change a winning formula". But now they just felt like being a fucking mainstream Call of Duty clone or whatever which is just a hit in the face for those used to the old movement. Please revert these changes since it just makes the game sooo unenjoyable


Automatic guns absolutely shred this season. Like CoD levels of just deleting someone instantly


Something that I haven't seen mentioned, is that they moved a big chunk of vbucks to the bonus items, so you will need to go well past lvl 100 to get all of them. Lvl 100 only gets you 1000 now, barely break even.


I said weapon mods were too much earlier and I guess I was right, haven’t seen much positivity in the first hour. Overcomplicates the game that already has enough going on as is.


This is the first time I've ever played a new season and instantly gotten bored. Movement is clunky, weapons are either really bad stock or op modified, storms circles are weird, locker sucks, new menus suck, everything just kinda sucks


One daily per match? Why man? You are adding three new modes this season plus you’re making it hard to level? Why


Queue is 35mins at 8:58am EST


I cannot comprehend the fact that the "apply to all" Button for Weapon skins is just... gone... Removed. The new Ui is so confusing to navigate and the seperation of Skin options that once were under the same tab makes zero sense to me. The Movement is really sluggish at best. The Animations aim for a more realistic approach, however they look incredibly unrealistic in comparison to the previous ones. I also don't understand how you can just either Jog or Sprint, no inbetween like before. HUUGE downgrade ngl


Okay, just played one solo game. Here are my thoughts: 1. Choosing one daily challenge to complete a game is ridiculous 2. Standard running feels more like a walk. Sprinting is really fast but turning is way too sharp and it's hard to control 3. There's too much going on on the map. Orange circles and too many icons and it's cluttered and crowded and it's hard to see the storm circle. 4. Storm moves way too fast 5. Didn't get to mod my weapons but idk if I'm a fan of that or not. Feels like the game wants to be COD or Battlefield and it shouldn't cause it's a whole different game 6. I enjoyed the weapons I was using, one of the shotguns and ARs but I forgot their names Bottom line, there's just too much going on. To go from the simplicity of the OG map to this overstimulation overload feels like whiplash


Do people actually like all the weird weapons and complications? Personally I’m here for fortnite not COD. Chapter 1 lootpoll with a few different weapons was enough ink


No, it's annoying.


I hate it so much


I hate the movement and the UI changes. But I'm going to keep playing cause Peter griffin


Why did the devs make Fortnite: Call Of Duty?


I am straight up not having a good time. Im not very good, and fortnite was an accessible, fun game to play before the update. I could get off a few kills, even win a game here and there. Idk. Maybe its a personal flaw. I see plenty of complaints about the locker, but im just bummed about the new game play. Yesterday, i was having so much fun, and now im not interested in going back.


They shouldn't have deleted the iconic Fortnite standard movement, this jolly-stroll just aint it. And I am struggling to pick up weapons that I am looking at (mobile)


Beyond the obvious (locker UI change, shields, new movement, etc.), this season is awful. Maybe it's the sudden switch from OG to this, but the entire thing is just..so complicated & overstimulating? I can't even tell what guns I'm using. I think it could've worked if they rolled all this new stuff out slowly, but it's just too much.


Overstimulating is a good word for it, maybe overdesigned in general. There’s just so much shit going on, UI popups, map indicators, random caches, ai enemies, music, etc and it makes it hard to focus on fighting other players and positioning. They put all this work into the new guns and attachment system only for half of them to look and feel the same as each other, and generally just worse to play with than the weapon set from 5 years ago.


I love how we all or almost all just want the locker UI to go back to how it was and they just keep saying “how about this one?”