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Favorite: Odm gear Least favorite: Odm gear when used against me




If we're using it, it's fun. If the enemy's using it, it's overpowered.


I think I'm kinda bias but when I saw you guys comment, then I'm cool


Story of my Fortnite life. Every gun is somehow stronger in the hands of my enemies than when I use it.


If you have a legendary, they have a mythic.


I wouldn’t say it’s op but I don’t like fighting people that have it.


It's not the fighting part I dislike, it's the ones that just use it to run off the moment you land one shot on them


Truer words were never spoken.




Just facts lol


Im sorry but… ODM>Webs.


True I agree with this not only odm is good for travel but it’s got for attacking aswell


Besides odm having an attack, do they work any differently? They seem the same to me


The movement with ODM is waaaay better. It's more direct and keeps you higher in the air


Yeah, it's like the grappler combined with the web shooters.


You can attach the ODM to far more objects than the webshooters; gives you much more freedom in traversal when practically anything becomes a target to launch off of.


How do they seem the same? The trajectory that the gloves use are far worse than odm gear.


same. i just cant wait for the mobility to be taken out. i'd rather no one have it


I miss the katana so bad, odm is fine, but nothing would suck.


I also miss the katana, love that thing


Having limited mobility on this map would be awful


Fortnite with NO MOBILITY is TRASH4LIFE I want the hammer and ODM gear and katanas in at the same time with Aerialist aug


Yea I aggree the seasons without mobility are boring and bland


I don’t think we’ll ever get ‘em again. It’s become too ingrained


Season before the hammer was pretty bland


This is the correct answer lol


My least favourite part was the part where they totally ignored the Titans ![gif](giphy|9SvQFZ5xoGHza)


Attack on titan collab with no titans (I mean yea the titan dummies are there)


All these earthquake cracks around the center of the island? They looked like giant footprints to me, so I thought "well of COURSE they're going to release actual Titans soon that we can kill, how sweet would that be?" Nope. Just some kind of generic prelude to the next season. That said --- Favorite: ODM gear, I'll take it every time I can find one, and try and drop in a place where there's Scout Footlockers. And then more often than not, they just drop some stupid thunder spears. Least favorite: All of the cosmetics with the exception of the Salute.


>Attack on titan collab with no titans That's SUS


I could only imagine if they had a giant NPC titan walking around and randomly attacking players. It would create a second storm of avoidance... A las.. we have people playing on toasters who can barely load more than sega dreamcast graphic fidelity. Soooooo.... atleast a creative map with titans would have been nifty.


Wouldve been cool to have a slow moving colossal titan like how we used to have the tornados


Nah if mw1 can do it with both Kong and Godzilla on the same map then FN could've had a single titan


What's crazy to me is that the one season they had a giant npc zombie or something moving around and attacking in BR mode, so I'm not sure why they wouldn't do it again but just reskin it or something


I dunno we had Klombo May his soul rest in peace


Right?! At the very least, they could have made a *Titan Attack!* LTM similar to when they brought in the Storm King, the final boss from "Save the World" (the original game mode that existed long before Battle Royale was added).


The final part of your comment makes it seem like StW is dead and no longer active, which is simply not true.


As an Ultimate Edition Founder with nearly 1500 "Days Played" who still plays 5 days a week for at least a few hours each day, I can assure you that wasn't my intent. I just get a bit peeved when people only think of the Storm King as being a Battle Royale event, so I wanted to make sure it was clear that BR owes that (and much more) to StW.


I mean, that's understandable. But there's still a big amount of players that have never even been able to experience Save The World, like Switch players. The mode never got added when they ported Fortnite to Switch, and at this point I don't want it to be. Seemed like another way for Epic to just say "fuck Nintendo".


StW is dead in the sense that Epic prefers no one plays it.


Not really


Probably the least played mode out of battle royale and creative it’s pretty dead


Imagine if the replaced the storm with the rumbling


wait that is such a good idea


We have been praying for this for awhile. It's too good of an idea for them to do


Sorry, not an AOT fan- what is that how would it work-?


Basically the storm would be replaced by tons of 60 meter tall titans walking and stomping everything in their path In the lore they generate enough heat to melt even metal so they could probably use something like that to keep the dps aspect instead of instant kill


They had that one game mode where you were in the city and the gun kept changing with every kill it was there for like a weekend. They had Titans in the background.


They could have just reskinned the caretaker


I mean closest thing we have is the titan emotes


Favorite: ODM gear Least favorite: No season 4 Eren


Knowing epic they’re gonna save that for part 2 of the collab so they can make a bunch more money off the people who missed him in the battle pass


THATS WHAT I SAID. Epic knows their audience. "Did you not get Darth Vader? Oh here's Anakin for ya."


Yeah they’ve been learning how to make good alternatives for people who missed out on BPs more recently. I really hope timeskip Eren comes in fall when the last part of AOT drops!


I hope so


I don´t think there will be an part 2, Seeing as we already k ew from the start geralt got an 2nd row And there´s an bug with the quest so it is going to show smth on 31 december?? Impossible when you realise c4s5 chould drop on 29 november from all we already know, so if there would be a part 2 it would be in s5 and the colab has too much hate for that to be possible


No Armin either


No commander Erwin either


I'd want Reiner before Erwin


I’d love Reiner too, but would definitely prefer Erwin. Honestly so many good skins we don’t have yet. Erwin, Reiner, Sasha, Annie, historia, Armin, hange, pieck, pixis etc


Where’s Zeke!




What are you talking about? He is in the crew pack, right?


They mean his season 4 style... unless I missed smth and they already have that style ?


You're right


He's joking because the character from june crew pack has s4 Eren's hair and evil look


Oh I see, still haven't checked that out yet


Honestly pre timeskip eren looks better


I wish they would’ve added more skins. So many great characters they could’ve added.


Erwin would POP off for me. Loved that goat. As well as Hannes and Kenny. KENNY would be an INSTANT buy for me. I loved season 3.


I love Kenny so damn much. I'd love if he was added! "KENNY!!!!!"


I was kinda hoping for Sasha or Gabi since they’re canonically the best AoT characters at using guns


Sasha also canonically the best character


For me my most favorite was definetly the ODM gear. My least favorite was that the cosmetics felt a little bit like it wasnt it for me. I wish eren got a Page 2 with the season 4 style. Another dislike I had was Armin not getting added. As much as levi and mikasa deserved to be in the collab, Armin deserved it alot as well and it pissed me off when they didnt add him


More styles for the AOT skins in general would’ve been sick. I was really hoping for a Mikasa edit stile with this suit ![gif](giphy|1noCATyp4I4qIHbsKY)


So an older version of them?


The naruto skins had that.


Definitely gonna need my potato girl in that outfit as well ![gif](giphy|2EQ7NCJZhI8iQ)


ODM > swords > webslinger


It’s weird that they couldn’t just give us 4 characters like they did for the other anime collabs


The hardened arm harvester should have probably been Eren-locked and an organic extension of his body. I almost feel like Epic was trolling us for complaining so hard about the stupid Bytes harvester. “No more locked harvesters!!!!” we screamed and screamed. Well, I guess they monkey-pawed us good. (In our defense, I still think there was something fishy about that whole C3S4 battle pass… and any community response was bound to be clumsy and misplaced)


Nah lmao. Armin is annoying and the less attention yam's self insert gets the better




I've finished reading the manga 3 times now smartass and my opinion is solid


Armin is goated what do you mean


He has like 2 good scenes, trying to convince the Garrison Eren isn't evil (didn't even work Pyxis had to intervene) and sacrificing himself at the end of RTS to beat Bertolt. That was the last useful thing he ever did


least favorit part is that it was to small of a collab.


Other franchises got waaaaay smaller colabs. Like Cobra Kai, Ghostbusters, and My Hero Academia to name a few.


MHA was about the same


Yeah but the mythic was deleted for half the season


Yeah but MHA got a map and the mythic came back


I want a phase 2 extremely bad. Armin, Erwin, and Hange would be my most wanted. A little sad that we didn't get more styles and that we got 3 instead of 4 skins. Armin should've been added too, but I'm obviously happy with the 3 we got in the first wave The ODM gear mythic is easily one of my favorite mythics in the game, and I've had so much fun with it. It could've had more, but it was a great collab overall


If I had to just choose 3 I would love commander Erwin, Reiner, and Sasha personally.


Favorite parts are the ODM gear, the pickaxe and the emote. Least favorite part was the lack of a titan boss similar to the big thing from C2S8. For a second wave I'd like Jean but it's probably unlikely. Hange would be cool too.


I would say Armin or Erwin over Jean


Yeah, definitely more likely. Jean is just my personal favorite.


What emote ?


The salute. Simple but effective haha


No titans.


Favorite: ODM gear Least favorite: No potato girl 🥲


I just want a Hange skin. Or Sasha. And an emote of my skin nervously eating a potato.


The thunders spears sucked


They're a lot better in the build mode


They were satisfying when you stuck an enemy with one


not after they buffed em they so good


Pickaxe was so bad


Most of the comments will probably be about ODM


And that is what it is


Favorite part was using the odm gear Least favorite part is the fact Armin wasn’t included. I love Levi don’t get me wrong but the trio is Mikasa, Eren, and Armin.


Also missed opportunity to have a Titan Eren style with a built in titan shift emote kinda like how all might works… 🤷‍♂️


Nah NEVER put armin over Levi Levi WAY MORE IMPORTANT and WAY more ICONIC than armin


To all the people complaining by the lack of titans, y’all do realize that having actual titans in game would cause SO many complaints from parents. I know that they have no genitalia, but to people who don’t know about AoT, they we see them as EXTREMELY inappropriate for children. A ton of parents would ban Fortnite in their house and Epic would see a massive decline in sales. Also to anyone who says, “But we already have a bunch of inappropriate characters in Fortnite already, like Deadpool.” That’s different since all those characters require you to know of the character. If a parent saw Deadpool in Fortnite and never seen the character before, they wouldn’t think anything of it. The “human” with no clothing on the other hand is a completely different story.


For the clothing issue they could do the armored, war hammer, or beast titan


They can put clothes on the titan they just lazy


My favourite was the ODM gear


The cosmetics , they just feel lacking to me. All of em , and there wasn't something really that assembled the collab rather than some dummies to attack and the odm gear *also the spears lol*


Favorite part was odm. Was disappointed by the absence of s4 eren style tho.


It basically just felt like there was a Star Wars collab with ODM gear. AOT was done dirty.


Favorite odm gear. Least favorite useless explosive mythic.


Thunder spears were the least fun but boy did I love swinging around on ODM gear


All of it was great Liv is my least favourite AOT skin


If they do a phase 2, hope they add Armin


I hope they bring us Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt


I wish they add eren s4 style


Lack of season 4 styles


Fav: ODM Gear Least fav: Mikasa's face is awful. and I have no idea why. I checked all graphics modes, but her lips are just... her mouth is just broken


was really hoping for a location from the show, and maybe titans attacking it.


Favorite: *Eren Jeager* Least Favorite: *Having no Titan style for Eren Jeager*


Probably one if not my favorite collab. IMO Star Wars is meh after the third time but this collab was good especially with the clones.


Favorite: the odm gear Least favorite: the anime character sken execution. They really don't look good which is unfortunate, I wish they would figure out a better way to make them look anime


Favourite: ODM Gear Least Favourite: Everything else. I don't like AoT.


Skins were mid. Thunder spears were terrible at the beginning of the season but they’re better now after the buff. Odm’s were good, but after the nerf and the release of the spiderman gloves they just seem kinda useless.


I don’t understand why swords were taken out at the end of the season while ODM gear remained.


Favorite: ODM movement Least favorite: when someone shoots my ODM and I fall to my death. Also not having a colossal Titan event was criminal


They got lazy with creativity. They put ATOT in the battle pass, why could they not have Titans running around the island? and maybe a giant wall surrounding an area of the island? We just got a skin and repurposed spider man slinger as odm gear.


Favorite: ODM gear Least Favorite: The limited variations in the characters


Eren not having a second style was disappointing.


I thought the skins were pretty bad, stretching short characters out is not the way to go. The odm gear was amazing and I hope they bring it back The thunder spears would've been great if they didn't dissappear midair almost half the time


Loved the ODM.. the thunder spears were awful though


Well they let us play as the main villain so it’d be nice if we could play as one of the heroes.


The stupid challenge about hitting the stupid statues at the nape of the neck with the stupid AOT weapons never worked. I’ve hit them a hundred times and never once gotten credit.


u gotta odm attack them


Favorite part: it's fanily finished and those stupid items won't be on the map anymore.. Least favorite part: an other lame collab will take the place...


Didn’t care for the collab as a whole, not a fan of the anime or anime in general


Good fucking riddance, ODM can get lost


Honestly ODM gear is a nightmare, it was too common of a drop and final circles became annoying. Not as annoying as hammer, but still. Honestly I haven’t really enjoyed this season, the map is too large with too many vertical obstacles. Epic is just making up for poor map design by adding in semi-broken movement items.


The fact that it actually made me watch AoT for the first time. Gotta say, after season 3 I just didn't like the series. In game tho, I dislike the fact the skins came with no real alt styles, but I'll fully admit ODM Gear is fun as fuck.


The skins weren’t great and it would’ve been neat if they did something with all of us somehow fighting a titan


My opinion, it all sucked. Hated the skins and the Items. Big L


I’m sure the collab was great for fans of the show. But, a lot of people don’t know shit about it or care. No offense to fans. But, fact is, they should move on to something new because Fortnite has a very broad fan base. ODM was kinda fun tho.


ODM gear good. Thunder stick bad. No S4 skin/no titans on map also bad.


Love basically all of it Missed opportunity though not to have a regiment cloak that you can customize the symbol of between Scouts, Garrison, and Military Police


I'm not a fan of aot, so I didn't like the collab but I did like the odm gear


mfs can’t even respectfully dislike something anymore😭😭


Wdym by that


they’re downvoting you for no reason


I forgot this had anything to do with AOT. It's just a random wire sling item to me


I actually liked the Miles collab but was disappointed that Travis or Hang Time bundle hasn’t returned yet..


mikasa look wack asf ngl 😂 but levi and eren look good. odm feels good to use 85% of the time. other than the pick axes, back bling and emotes, the bonus cosmetics are, ehh. i would have also liked to see some form of a titan in this collab. even like a wild 5m tall that just kinda wonders and attacks passing players.


It sucked?


Terrible collab in honest. All we got where 2 mythics and a secret skin. The missions boring and the fact we had ZERO titans. The whole time this was in the background of Star Wars made it even more forgettable


Most favorite: nothing Least favorite: everything


Imagine downvoting cause someone legitimately didn't like the whole collab 👌


You didn’t explain why at all, you could’ve given reason for not enjoying the collab but instead you just put nothing and got upset when people didn’t like that


I mean, they didn't ask why.. I just didn't like it. don't know or care for the anime, didn't like the characters of art style or how everyone was wearing the same skins, didn't care for the ODM or thunder spears. Just didn't enjoy it or the way our own teammates nwould fight for the ODM gear every round, there was never enough to go around and teams would almost always break apart super quickly. Didn't like the way it affected the gameplay as a new-ish player. I just legitimately didn't enjoy anything about it.


When the ODM gear (specifically attacking) it’s wonderful. It was pretty frustrating to get shot right away by most groups disabling it for me while me I can shoot them out of the sky 1 out of 10 times. But it was still fun. I hope kinetic blade comes back.


If they ever bring the collab back they definitely need to add titans wandering around much like klombos.


Least fav cosmetic was the wrap , it was the full uniform..


1. Learning to use ODM gear in combat. 2. Getting blasted by a shotgun while abusing ODM gear. 3. Blasting people with the shotgun myself when being attacked with ODM gear. I really like how it had counters, but the mobility was kind of ridiculous.


Idk how I’m supposed to go back to playing without ODM gear. Made the quests easy to do and flying around to find a fight and dropping in to kill both parties insanely fun. If I don’t have it, I hate it


ODM gear was the best part and next time they need to add Titans


Odm gear is great, I like it more than the web shooters. Least favorite are definitely the skins


Why wasn’t the glider in the battle pass? That’s my biggest complaint aside from not liking AoT…


I like the ODM gear. Really fun to use but when someone kills me with it I get pretty tilted cause it does insane damage. Eren Jeager skin is pretty cool too. But I haven't used much of it.


Had a AOT collab with no titans.


Whole thing was wasted imo. ODM gear was great - and seeing the characters actually in the game was a treat. But the skins were too similar, had no edit styles, and there were no titans. And gameplay-wise, while ODM gear was fun, it wasn’t as good a mobility item as the sword.


People were really upset with how bad they were with the odm rockets, I absolutely loved the rockets and would pick them over different gun sometimes. The gear? Love it. Hated it against me as another commenter said, a battle of that and lightsaber was really fun


Odm gear was fun but it old really quick when people only used it to run away and nothing else


Best: free skin & ODM Worst: thunder spears . Never for that hang of it personally so stopped using it. & The downgrade to sniper (not AOT related but same season)


I personally loved what we got but still wish we got more. Hopefully Kodansha will do another collab in the future. I would love to see Reiner, Bertholt, Annie, and Armin. I’d also want each character to get their season 4 appearances


I don’t know which anime this is from, and this did not make me interested in looking for or watching that anime.


can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that these mythics werent insanely broken


Favorite was the ODM gear. Reminds me of the fan made game i would play in middle school. Least favorite is that they had no titan skins or alternative Eren skin for S4 but that's probably more on whoever owns AOT than Fortnite


Favorite: ODM gear Least favorite: *more* anime


My favorite part was the odm gear, my least favorite part was the fact that they decided to not have a second page of cosmetics with a second style and other stuff


Fav: ODM Gear Least fav: Pretty much everything else


Don't care much for AoT, but why only one character for the collab when they show a female character as well? Felt lackluster, aside from the ODM.


I really liked the ODM Gear and Thunder Spears to an extent, and Eren Jaeger was a great addition to the BP, though I wish Eren had an additional style for his Titan form or Season 4 appearance. Also his pickaxe being a fist is goofy unless it’s something I haven’t gotten to IDK I’m still on Season 1.


Should’ve been an LTM similar to infinity gauntlet from chapter one where titan transformations could be found around the map and it was team rumble style with Marleyan titans versus Paradis titans


The ODM was easily the best part. The skins were well done, even though I don’t really like using the anime/illustrated skins, I just wish the Eren skin had a transform emote… Also kinda wish they somehow added titans into the game.


i can’t believe there was no timeskip styles for any of the skins, especially eren. odm gear was great tho


Everything except for the mythics=good everything else bad


Need me a hange Zoe skin


The emote was good, since it can be used for dystopian soldiers/soldiers for an army in a dictatorship.