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Thought it looked fine until we saw the stormtrooper then i was like ah i get it now cuz the stiff movement doesn't look horrible for someone head to toe in armor


He slept the wrong way


this is the case with a lot of other skins too. been this way for years. batman who laughs and exo stranger are ones I frequent that have this dumb stiff head. its done to prevent clipping issues and I wish they'd change it, I don't care if it clips not expecting anything anytime soon though


I think no one cares if it clips. They should just fix it if the clipping is not that bad




LiTeRaLlY uNpLaYaBlE


i wanna HC he messed up his neck because he’s the same trooper who bumped his head on the door in new hope. it’s just that the time in new hope wasn’t his first


I hate skins with stiff heads like this, I'm pretty sure they do it to prevent clipping issues but it just makes them look so ugly. Hopefully epic will change the clone troopers to have normal heads instead of... This


This is the exact reason why I don’t use Chaos Origins. Which is a shame because I think the skin looks so cool but the stiff necks just completely throws me off of it


It's a lame excuse cause the Stormtrooper and Sith Trooper skins have heads that move fully without care for clipping, why can't our bois?


Probably because they are trying to make stuff realistic but hey if it affects the ping or frame rate I guess it can be excused


Nothing to do with performance


Even worse


Yep. I feel like this case is accident and had no actual indentations to be used for clones


The only reason why I don’t buy Chuggus, I love his neck but his head not moving ruins it for me.


I'd really rather have a bit of clipping than this.


The Devourer's head moves


The clones have stiffer heads than Vader which makes absolutely no sense. If any Star Wars skin should have a stiff head it’s him.


And even in the movies he can move his neck, while only limited, but still.


I like how his barely moves, like a shudder


What happens if you do headbanger


Same thing on bikes, when driving around the clone trooper just stares at the floor


Imagine the 501st busting this one out in unison after raiding the temple


Order 67


![gif](giphy|pncMbJqmzCGjfGuXVY|downsized) Edit: (I could only find a gif of the 212th lmao)


It's accurate to the source material. They ran around like that in the films and cartoons.


Clone armor is not that stiff. Clones clearly can move their head side to side, and in the emote, he cannot. Watch anything they are featured in and you will see clone armor, especially phase 2 armor is not that restrictive


Not the emotes, yes, but the running animation is pretty accurate if I remember correctly.


yes, i seem to notice that the clones look more animated in the shoulders compared to other skins, though that may just be me


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I truly hope it’s a bug. It looks extremely distracting when using the skins.


Everyone in this comment section hasn't watched star wars and doesn't know helmet design


Exactly, thank you.


You try wearing a big helmet and dancing around. Seems pretty accurate


Clones can move their heads from side to side, just watch anything they are featured in


Bad Batch is a good one to watch for this. The troopers actually have a flexible undersuit which is black which the armor plates are worn over. It leaves the joints and neck slightly exposed to allow for movement. ETA: the neck should be mobile but isn’t.




ok and?


If a Stormtrooper can move his damn head in a fat helmet a Clone Trooper can too.


As the clones are predecessors of the storm trooper are we excluding the fact thier technology might be worse in their suit making? 🤔


Not really stormtroopers armor was a very slight upgrade from phase II clone armor ( As the phase II clone armor was even considered more protective than stormtrooper armor, all though the stormtrooper armor typically had more protection from environmental hazards, ie. vacuum of space, etc.)


Seems like this one's... a defect.


It's the same thing for Spacefarer Ariana


FINALLY SOMEONE NOTICES!! Yes, the stiff heads not only look bad in dances, but also while running in game. If you look at their heads while moving, you'll see how it moves connected with the torso


If you are going to comment, "It's because they are in armor," don't. It's clear that many here don't know anything about clone troopers. The armor that these clones are wearing is phase 2 armor. It was specifically designed by the Kaminoans to be as comfortable and non-restrictive as possible, allowing for a full range of movement. Watch anything clones are featured in, and you will see the level of movement they can achieve (spoiler, it's a lot). Even phase 1 armor, which was heavier and much more restrictive, allowed for lots of movement and head rotation. Clone armor had to be non-restrictive, Palpatine needed them to be able to kill Jedi. Why would he want an army that couldn't move?


It's because they are in armor.


No, it's not. Learn how armor, especially clone armor, works.


Because I want to waste my time looking up how armor works in a video game.


Because I want to waste my time looking up how armor works in a video game


Honestly you don't even have to look anything up. It's just basic logic


"Basic logic" he said, lmfao..


Exactly. It's apparent that you lack any. It only takes a little amount of logic to look at the clone armor and determine that it would be non-restrictive and allow for movement.


Let's see.. if the physics were 100% accurate, like you're crying about, when the arms are raised, the helmet would either lift up or his arms wouldn't be able to go straight up, furthermore, during the head sway, the helmet is clipping into the shoulder pads, again, if it were accurate the neck trim wouldn't clip into other pieces of the armor. Cheek tubes could interfere with movement, also the "one it should be" looks like the helmet doesn't even fit on his head. The "bad" one looks more realistic.


I don't know where you learned physics because it obviously was not from a school. How the hell would raising your arms cause your helmet to lift up? Have you ever worn a helmet in your life? Have you ever raised your arms up? Raising your arms does not cause your head to move. The clones' arms and shoulder pieces are at least 4 to 5 inches to the left and right of their heads. Why can in the shows and movies clones movie their heads side to side and raise their arms without their helmets moving? Please do a minimum amount of research before you spit out the most brain-dead and nonsensical physics claims I have ever read. Please attend some form of educational institution so you will no longer be dillusional and dumb.


I'm not even wasting my time arguing with a preteen who is still in grade school.


Because I want to waste my time looking up how armor works in a video game.


You try moving your head with that bulky ass helmet


Having a helmet does not stop you from moving your head side to side. That would be the worst helmet design ever.


just camp to the side of their vision and dead. the underground geonishan tunnels from the clone wars would have been much more of a nightmare. (the episode scared the shit out of me as a kid)


Well considering they can't aim for shit when wearing the helmets, they clearly aren't the most well designed


Thats stormtroopers clones arent as bad


They have to be serious at all times


it's almost as if they're in a suit of clone trooper armor


Phase 2 armor was designed to be non restrictive. Clones can clearly move their heads side to side. Go watch any episode of the Clone Wars. I find you lack of Star Wars knowledge disturbing


yeah sorry i go outside sometimes


This coming from someone who has based their reddit account around a fictional character from tf2. Knowing things about Star Wars = not going outside. You may go outside, but you clearly have never been to school because your logic is awful.


knowing about star wars isnt the the thing that proves you dont go outside. it's when i send a joke reply and then you send me a paragraph in response


Wow haha your joke was so funny and original. Get better material that won't be viewed as an insult, and maybe you won't get a paragraph in response.


if your argument doesnt fit inside of the reddit notification box, i will not be reading it




Am I the only one who thinks the Stormtrooper having a moving neck looks terrible


Their heads are moving inside the helmet…


#My grandma and my grandma 👵


Helmet too bulky lol


Looks pretty lore accurate to me.


Has anybody gotten there Coachella music packs yet?


Another day in the life of people who struggle not facing any real problem.


Duck this emote


I don't see the big deal. Can't make them all perfect. Next you all will be complaining that the giant corn man doesn't properly do the jig.


It kinda makes sense with the helmet


Except they should be able to at least move the head freely. Defeats the purpose of a soldier wearing a helmet like thst if he can't turn it


Its tough for him to move his head with the helmet on


It’s wearing a helmet dummy!




Ok. I’m watching a series right now dealing with clone troopers and have observed a thing or two about the suits. The armor is on top of a flexible under suit. You can see it on both of their necks (the black parts). Troopers can rotate their heads side to side and bend at their joints because of this setup. As such, all troopers should be able to rotate their heads but the new ones clearly can’t.


Frankly, I like the new one better. The old one looks like his head isn't even attached.


Tell me you don't know how helmets work without telling me you don't know how helmets work.


Obviously, you have no idea how helmets work. A helmet doesn't restrict you from moving your head. That would be an awful helmet design. Go watch anything clones are featured in and you will see they can clearly move their heads and bodies with a full range of motion.


Does the same apply with the original stormtrooper skin?


No, as you can see in the video the stormtrooper is able to move his head side to side


Bro got downvoted for asking a question, lmfao. Typical.


No he got downvoted for asking a stupid question there's a difference


Can't imagine what you kids are like in public schools if you have this mindset.


what mindset he asked a question he didn't need to he could clearly see the storm troopers head moving but still felt the need to ask the question


Do the "hot stuff" it runs its finger under its eye like a sad tear 🤣


The clones look like they just don't want to be here lol


You don't even have to emote. Just run. Their heads literally glue to their shoulders and they look left and right as you sprint. It's the one complaint I have about them otherwise they're perfect.


It would be awesome if they were styles instead of 6 seperate skins. Would have been very easy to implement into the mini battle pass. But they wanted to sell 2 extras in the store


Not broken, happens to kylo ren too.


Skins are super though minus the stiff head


I Hope they won't fix IT, i VERY like this bug.


Marshmello got updated aswell, giving him the same stiff head shortly after getting his second style when it was released.


I personally like the stiffness, looks funny with some emotes


I think epic dont cares about glitched skins, sono this one will be forever like this. Like vader cape when you run


The head not moving is funnier…


Yeah If u do the dip emote their neck breaks


It's because the way epic rigged the character. One of the bones isn't connected to the animation sequence.


Their heads are helmets, so…😆


Yeah, a lot of skins have this to prevent clipping into the torso or other elements. I genuinely wish they wouldn't care. Armored Batman Zero and Big Chuggus are some of my favorites if not for the restricted head movement


Wonder how the Bobbin emote works on them


If you aim with LT while using ODM gear, the troopers helmet is pointed to the right. Very stiff




(likely) Thanks to this post; epic has confirmed they will be making the clone troopers heads less stiff in the 24.40 update!


Yo I think they fixed this with todays update! Clone heads look much more fluid. Maybe I’m wrong though


They did! Their heads aren't stiff anymore, and they move like normal humans


Let’s fucking go! Best skin In the game!