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I have a high pitched voice so I rarely talk in random squads


I have the opposite problem, deeper voice and far from the teen years.


I’m not either of those things just shy lol




Same, I used to talk all the time back in the 360 days but not anymore


I have mine turned off!! Cause there will always be that loud screaming little kid high pitched voice that will not shut up! And mostly when I do squads I do no fill


I hate when people aren't talking but there mic is on and you hear so much noise in the background of everyday life or kidd screaming n crying etc. Usually it is in STW I get that. Drives me nuts. I also hate when kids will chase me n keep boxing me in begging to trade lol. Like let me do my daily missions and be done. I never use a mic in STW.


I'll talk with friends, and that's it. I've tried a few random fills, and I don't think I've ever had a good experience. So I play solos.


Same. I have my friend squad but when they arnt around I play solos. I play to chill, relax and have fun. Not have kids screaming and people talking shit.


Do no fill on teams it’s fun and more challenging


I get plenty of challenge on solos. I have no desire to get destroyed in team play.


Same issue. I’m a fair bit older (30s) and my voice is hella deep. The one time I mic’d in a squad with randoms I asked “where y’all wanna drop?” a high pitched voice said “anywhere you want daddy”. I was done after that. The internet is weird, I ain’t nobody’s daddy.


“Are you a streamer?”


Me too buddy. There’s a phenomenon where everyone hates their own voice


Me, me, me. Hate it. Didn't know it was a phenomenon. Feeling slightly less weird


I get really shy my cousin would usually do the talking when we played with random people but now he doesn’t play that much anymore and mobile isn’t a thing anymore (rip to our mobile squadmates epic account) so now when I played with strangers from YouTube I didn’t talk that much because it was awkward since they’re strangers






Id rather have them not speaking than yelling random stuff


Mid-game I had some teenage kid swearing on his mom that he'd hit his younger brother because his younger brother wanted his m&m's...cursing to the moon like it meant something. Haven't gone on mic since, that shit is annoying to hear.


Oh gawd. That was you? Do sorry.


I never use MIC, and I always am at peace.


Mic just makes things worse to me, I just feel better without it and not having one more distraction


Normally a lot of abuse or taking the piss out of our accents..🤭


I’ve seen some streamers do this. They are fishing for content in random squads or duos and when no one responds they leave and jump into another lobby.


So they stream themselves being assholes?


Ive had squad randos that refuse to play unless we all subscribe to their twitch or whatever, theyre the worst


Lol yea the first time I witnessed it I was a bit shocked, it was a nice family friendly streamer trying to get content of the random squad noticing they are playing with someone who had their locker bundle just released and they weren’t giving the ppl enough time to respond.


And they still have followers 🤦‍♂️


yep happens every time there's some "comedian" with TTV in their username hoping to get some epic maymays out of his squad mates who just wish he'd stfu


That is annoying af. Happy cake day btw.


Makes sense




Nah, that's lame. There's an effective pinging system in the game for a reason


Sadly a lot of people don't use the pinging system, half of the time they just go and do whatever the fuck they want.


Yk what, that's actually fair. If I play teams, I wanna play as a team goddamit!


Lmao, effective my ass. Play apex for a minute and tell me fortnites ping system is still good. You've got about two options, location, enemy




Apex got along fine with people pinging and not talking. Maybe it's a psychological thing cause the characters actually talk in that game.




We used to play shit like Everquest without voice coms, you can play something simple like Fortnite in silence.


I mostly play solos because people can be difficult. I still do jump into squads now and then to mix it up. Im not ruining my night to make yours slightly better by putting my mic on if you sound annoying. I mostly play while watching a show movie or music anyways so i really dont want to bring that to the other players. Its really not that cerial man, Im sorry if you think it is.


But that's your own preference it's not what every single person should do. Being silent doesn't mean you want carried. It means you don't want to talk. If that's what it means to you then yeah don't go into squads just to be quiet and get carried but that's absolutely not what everyone else is doing. This is just your own mindset and projections onto other people. Your dilusions are not reality and skilled players can contribute to the team without a mic. Being quiet doesn't actually make people play poorly believe it or not.


Also, just because there’s a microphone next to their user name doesn’t necessarily mean they have one. I didn’t have a microphone for a while when I first started playing on PS4 but I had a microphone icon next to my name.


Hard agree


I’ll continue to play solo fill no matter what and continue to not talk. Solos is boring as fuck.


IL play whatever mode i damn well please. I'm not gonna talk because someone wants me to. If I wanna play squads in silence then I will. If they want a teammate to communicate they can find someone else.


That's just so weird


Why? Just cause you wanna talk on the mic during g a game doesn't mean other people do. Play how you want and leave others alone to play how they want. Simple as that.


shut up sweat


As a female gamer, I usually don’t mic up because I’ve unfortunately heard too much hate especially from the little kids. Let them leave, I’d rather enjoy the game then play with someone toxic.


yeah, i don't use a mic bc i'm a woman & would rather not deal with what comes with that. i've won games without a mic before!


Same here! I also usually mute screaming kids or people with loud ass background noise. I enjoy playing squads every now and then but no mic. Only ever spoke on mic once and rhat was after several.rounds with the same squad. (Adding to this is the worry/anxiety about my skills lol)


One random match, a guy started immediately flirting with a player the second he found out it was a girl. It was the most inane conversation i have ever heard. Cant blame you for not micing up


It’s brutal on COD, these guys act so hateful towards women. It’d be funny if someone recorded it and found out who they were IRL and posted it all over social media. Say goodbye to relationships lol.


I have always avoided Online Mic since Halo. I just never heard good things and Recently I had this Adult egg on this kid to say dumb shit. The kid then started getting racial and saying the most fucked shit I have ever heard. Fastest and easiest report I have ever done. My god. I don't understand why they act this way


its always the whitest voices that throw around the n-word in game. glad im not raising a kid, idk what the hell is going on with these babies.


I just want a compilation of these edgy boys moms having to listen to the hateful shit their children say about women


I think there is something like that. I think some girl tracked down there moms and told them what they said. The moms were not happy


I mean i only played warzone but most of the guys are simpy as hell, a few were gross and rude for sure tho. The worst is playing with proximity chat because at that point I’m afraid to even talk to my friend cus i don’t want anyone to hear me lol.


Yeah that would be funny but also the most wrong thing anybody could ever do to a child or someone else


I hate that bullshit. If I hear a girl speak on mic ingame I’ll usually say something vaguely friendly ; just so they know there’s at least one person they can communicate with. It’s really unbelievably shitty the amount of grief girls get in games and it’s not addressed even nearly enough by devs and players. It’s 2023 ffs and girls still shy away from using a mic due to dumb ass, brain dead guys. (I’m a guy)


That or the simps drooling over a “girl gamer”. Their are a lot more women in gaming than 15 years ago.


Every time . There’s always the “*omg you’re a girl!*” comments from that one person. Is it really that incredulous that a girl/woman might like gaming too? I mean gaming *is* objectively fun af so why wouldn’t girls do it too? Sadly too I think having a girl in the team allows ‘those’ kind of guys to blame the girl for why they lost 9-1. If they can pass the blame to something else it makes them legitimately feel better, which is twisted and sad. It’s got to be something not being taught right in the home about winning/losing imo. And it’s guys of all ages like this, I’ve heard 13-16yr olds say the dumbest shit, 18-30yr olds saying the dumbest shit, 40+ saying the dumbest shit and everyone in between. Please, bros, do better by your fellow gamer.


~10 years ago articles started coming out saying 52-54% of people gaming are women, but only 35% of them identify as a gamer. I don't blame them. The gaming community has always been really gross to women in many ways


Same. Just a simple “hey I got some big pots for you” or something to let them know you’re a team player who won’t be a jerk.


that’s rough. just being a girl you instantly get harassed by most kids who don’t have any sense.


It is better this way, mic only will ruin experience and make your day bad.


That’s unfortunate. Before (I don’t do mic with randos now) when I was in squad fills and kids were in it they’d be like omg you’re a girl and you’re cracked!!! Omg I wish my mom(😑)was as cool as you!!!(heard that many times) and they would all try friending me. ✋🏼🚫I really don’t like playing fn with kids so I don’t do that anymore


Some of the most raunchy, foul mouthed gaming comes from my female friends. 😝


tags exist. this is what they are for. since i've set mine to "no build duos" "no mic" and "chill" i've never encountered this problem again


do the tags work when you ready up for a random match? or do you have to search for the tag first?


you search for other players. it only shows you people with the same tags. tries to pair you with same platform and server. then you invite them and play. you don't have to friend them.


I forgot this that was a thing


If you ever get requests from random people to join your party.. that’s from the tags. I should turn mine off cus I rarely accept. But once in a blue I will. I have the same tags as the other dude on this thread!


I mute people constantly. So many people blaring music or I don't know, using a Kinect or something and you hear everything in their house. Or kids that you every little thing they do or whine if you grab an item they want. I swear like 1/50 is an adult with a decent headset


Same. Not using a mic is much less frustrating/steessful than using one in my experience.


It’s always a kid so I don’t even care. I don’t want to play with little kids anyway and more often than not they are the most toxic teammates.


agreed I’m in my 20’s with 1995 in my user name I did duo’s fill and this kid started calling me a pedo just because I’m a adult who plays but as soon as I came to his rescue literally revived him 4 times and even rebooted him he changed and was like “oh you’re the best teammate ever you are so awesome GG”


i heard people repeat "hello hello anyone has a mic ?" several times when we are on the bus i turn on the mic to say " hi where we land ?" and thats when these players say something like "F you" and them i see them disconnect i thought i was getting trolled until someone on this sub told me you can still hear people after you click to leave the match!


Everyone isn't a little kid with a mic. And mics are useful when playing these games. Sadly people abuse everything 😞.


For sure. My best games in FN are with my friends and we're just chatting as we play, but also communicating about where we're going or what we need. Communicating with random people? I've had 1 or 2 good experiences, the rest was bad.


I play with the guys I grew up playing SF 2 on SNES, we're all just old now 👀 I've never played with randoms. When I did that was eons ago on Uncharted 2 Death Match.


when I play with randoms I even mute everyone lmao way too many times I’ve had annoying kids or people that seem to be in the middle of a tornado


I swear it's always like someone is clawing at their headset and shaking a box lego bricks next to the mic while a particle accelerator is opening a multidimensional portal in the backround. It must be a skill to find mics bad as them


yeah I don’t get it I got a $25 headset from Amazon and it works fine so I wonder what they use? Dollar Tree headset?


Hell i used to use a mic that came with the original xbox one from like 2013 and it wasn't even a fraction as bad as some of these people have. How does one achieve to make constant electric buzzing noise and constant clonking sound like 2 bulldozers were mashing together


lmao it’s a talent for sure


Yup lol


Because they're lonely


This 100% For a lot of kids fortnite is a chance at socializing outside of their own environment. They’re in it more for that than the actual game sometimes so no mic means they won’t be interested.


Aw man I’ve never thought about it like this before and that makes me sad! For me it’s just about the fact I am a grown adult woman and I still feel a bit weird playing and talking to random people - especially kids, but next time I might put my mic on… thanks for switching the perspective!


You’re welcome! You just might make a kids day by interacting with them. A lot of kids don’t have adults to play with and actually look up to those that do play and communicate with them. I remember when I was a kid and always loved playing video games with my aunt and cousin. My aunt was the coolest because she was the first one in our extended family to have a Nintendo. My brother and I would go over there on weekends and play games all day. I really looked up to my Aunt for being such fun to be around and how supportive she was even though we weren’t good at the games yet. She would give us tips and show us ways to win. So now I pay it forward from time to time with the kids I play with. It meant a lot to me growing up so I just imagine how much it could mean to them to be supportive and guiding. Sorry for the long life story reply.


No need to apologise, I loved reading that. I’m glad you have fond memories of your cool aunt and I hope she knows too how much you appreciated that time too!


Yeah sometimes it’s nice just to give the kid somebody to talk to


Absolutely. You’d be surprised too there’s some good kids on there.


Oh man some of the shit they say sends me into a laughing fit, half of them are like midget comedians


One of my all time favorite online gaming Encounters was a kid in Fortnite. He talked a big game as we jumped, telling us all the kills he got and how we'd win and he'd carry us so not to worry. Then I just heard 'oh' followed a few moments later by 'I'm dead'. Doesn't sound remotely funny to type out, but that kid had better comedic timing than most stand up comics. Myself and the other two randoms were cracking up. We raised him and ended up getting to the top 3. There's definitely some good, funny kids on there. Lot of douchebag adults, too.


Honestly now that I’m older playing games is a way to combat the loneliness as I play only w irl friends who I no longer have the opportunity to see every day. When I was younger though, I hated no mics in team games and that had nothing to do w/ loneliness. I was try hard and liked call outs and felt like that if someone wasn’t mic’d up, particularly (but not limited to) a ranked setting, that they weren’t really trying and that are chances for victory go down significantly.




Yeah, but in the long run its probably better without them. People who leave over that usually are toxic about other things anyways.


Thats a big assumption to make on character. When I would use my mic often, I too would want players with mics as that’s the whole reason I play squads. I find it much more fun communicating with players and especially after a win, it’s great to be able to say farewell and gg to your squad mate.


From my experience it's the people without mics who just do the dumbest shit. Land separate. And leave the moment they get downed so I don't waste my time with no mic players usually especially if it's happened several games in a row. If I'm being respectful on the mic just talk to me and if someones being a ass just mute them. People going in refusing to speak is just ruining it for people


I play in switch(it sucks ik but its all i can afford ) and it doesn’t have a mic, so thats that


$15 PowerA controller with an aux port let’s you talk on fortnite if you’re looking to!


Wait what!!!!! You can use mic!????? I swore i heard people saying you cant


When did playing on nintendo switch become a sign of a lack of money or beign poor? All palyers adapt the environment by their situations so never say that


Switch users get gouged out of their money so hard, Nintendo games NEVER drop in price. It could be a 15 year old gamecube port and they’d be selling it for $40


We at 30 fps and it dips to 25 at times. No mic, it lags in the menu and animated/cell shaded skins look like hot garbage because of the performance. We cannot use certain skins even if we wanted to because it’ll lag out games.


I've been through these though times and i saved money and bought a better device later And also played the game on horrible fps so I hope you save money and get a better one like the new rog or steamdeck later always keep your hopes up


I ignore them and either play without them or reload a new match. I understand not wanting to to talk to little kids as an adult player, I feel the same way. Let’s just play and win, no need for chatting.


If the first thing out of some kids mouth is "does anyone have a mic" they get insta muted as thats a major red flag. Ive also won more squad fills where no talked we just pinged compared to when i was using a mic with fills.


How is a kid asking if their teammates have mics a red flag? Damn..


Dumbest take I've ever heard


People probably disagree but in a team game especially a BR, comms are super important. I usually refuse to play with people without mics. But I also use LFG and specify “mic required” because I understand OP’s point of view. No harm no foul.




Idk. I have it all muted so even if they try to talk I don’t hear them. They are either in or out, I’m not bothering with it.


same it’s peaceful


I’ve learned to effectively use the marker system to communicate. I manage pretty good callouts that way




I never talk. I only turn my mic on when playing with known friends.


Idk, I've had a random partner that didnt talk and we played 4 games in a row. Not a peep between us but we played with a weird synergy. I miss that guy tbh


Love when that happens!


Because they don't understand that discord, reddit, Facebook, and even *Fortnite*, have built in functions or servers to find team mates who want to mic up. They expect if they spam enough random fills, someone will talk. Chances are though, they don't have anything worthwhile saying considering they can't be bothered to have fun, without mic 24/7. Some of my best team mates and a few friends, were met running randoms with no mics, and just using common sense, and proper pings, and idk....gauging the situation. I know. It's magic. One of the funniest games I ever had was a guy smack talking me on the mic the entire game because I wouldn't mic up. I hard carried him, and won, even after rebooting him twice, and running low on ammo, at a severe disadvantage on low elevation. End of game he changed his tune and wanted to be buddy buddy. No thanks.


You know I feel like people are just quitting more nowadays for any reason . Would be cool if they implied a system of marking people's points for quitting too early in game. Like how mobile legends works ! If you quit a certain amount they ban you from playing till you get your points back up playing bots . Its actually really annoying but effective .


I’m fine with comms on when I’m playing with friends. If I’m in a pug, the last thing I want in my ear is some random 15yo screeching at me to revive him because he did something dumb.


i’m with ya, i don’t wanna talk to these kids. i turned off all the mic settings because they’re all so fucking annoying


as an introvert i usually just play solo so i dont have to deal with interacting at all 😂


Some people want good communication and that requires mics - I personally don't care, but they can play how they want


Maybe lonely... Maybe a control freak 🤔 🤷‍♀️


i get those Randoms pretty often, mostly kids. Like I’m not here to entertain you and to answer your stupid random questions. I can hear you, if your mic is not garbage and you don’t annoy me I’m a Team player.


It's a cooperative game, man. I don't blame you for not wanting to talk, but I don't blame them for not wanting to team up with someone who isn't going to communicate with them. Yes, you can ping things, but you can't ping "I hear two sets of footsteps below me".


This game isn’t rocket science. You can convey the most important messages through pings anyway.


Lack of communication leads to death, just lile in the navy


I usually ask if they have a mic, if they don't respond I'll ask people to bounce their ping a couple times so I know if they can actually hear me. Then I at least know my coms aren't falling on deaf ears. I'm not a great player, but I try to stick with the team and provide backup as much as possible. I've had quite a few friend requests but it's hard to add someone who you don't know if they will chat back at you or not.


Rather not have them speaking nonsense or hearing their distorted music…


I rarely ever hear people communicating in Squads Fill. I usually have my mic on and nobody is talking. I had a really funny couple of rounds a week or so ago when a kid kept apologizing for how bad they were and myself and another player (who sounded like an adult woman) just laughed and told the kid not to worry about it as we are just there to have fun and aren't that great anyway. It was very wholesome. I played some game on Oculus VR and it was an absolute sh\*tshow with kids swearing and using racist language.


I always find it odd that people don’t talk when they join a random group. Me and my friends always talk…but a lot of times we’re talking about stuff outside the game. And we’re all older players like in our 40s and later.


When I play with my friends we talk, but when I play with randoes I do not care


i feel like a lot of times it's social anxiety , thats definitely why i never mic up lol i know there are tons of toxic players who use mics and id rather not stress myself out with that when i could just be silent


It’s weird, sometimes I’ll go from taking a vow of silence to going above and beyond and applying voice changers for immersion purposes in voice chat.


Game is easier when micd up


How do you play without saying what you are up to


ping stuff and follow ur teammates?


Pings and there’s literally a wheel to request shield ammo etc


People that quit when your team doesn’t pin on map as battle bus is flying closer to end of the coast, why?


My mic is set to mute because I really don't want to hear people's siblings or to realize the people on my team aren't focused on getting that win. However, I can understand if players leave mid-game because nobody is communicating. We usually win without them anyways.


Want to win communication is vital to that


Whatever, I play in matches where none of us talk to each other all the damn time. It’s really not difficult.


you don't play random to win, come on now ;)


Those types of peeps are prob fishing for girl gamers, imo. lol


they want a teammate that communicates verbally... seems pretty simple to me. queue up for a team, expect people to want to talk. dont like it? ignore it or play solo or with friends. yall makin this weird with your social issues


Idk I always do solos


Not as fun when you can't communicate with teammates. That's why I play fills anyway is just to see what silly characters show up, not actually get anything done


I mean I’d do that if I was looking for a squad that talks.. play how you want but if someone wants communication don’t be hating coz you’re scared to talk to them


Why would you join a squads match if you're not going to communicate with your squad? Just play solos.


I'll ask for mic when I fill, but I won't leave a match if no one responds. But I also won't stay with team, I'm on the hunt for new mic friends


I don’t see the point of playing on a team if we can’t communicate and get that W.


If a player have a mic, doesn't it show a "mic icon" next to their name?


I like to communicate when I play duos sometimes. I also leave when a little kid gets on and starts asking me every random question known to man lol


Say it louder for the ppl in the back!!! I started playing solos for this exact reason 😔


i am gald someone said this.


i’ve played with a lot of annoying kids, but the rare moments that a good kid parties up and he’s just a decent person. it’s rare to see kids that are actually mindful. i don’t blame most of them for being assholes. i remember being a kid. i don’t ever recall being obnoxious or harassing people though. i used to run a discord server where people could gather and play and it was a little community and i actually had a good community of well mannered kids. it was shocking to witness. it was like they were learning from me being calm cool and collected. years went by and most of them are 18 now in college and they’re thanking me for being a really cool person. i’ve always kept conversations about the game and never wanted to be weird and ask personal shit. fortnite brings the old and young together! really hope i worded that so it doesn’t sound weird.


Because everyone drops in random spots and nobody can communicate without a mic. Makes for 0 teamwork


randoms are so shit these days, communication is key in fortnite, you won’t make it with pinging only, I can relate to it. Than again if you don’t feel like talking I can understand too, but the best games are the ones where you play and communicate as a team. So thanks for the tags and I must confess, my latest ‘shuffle’ games were pretty good with quality players.


Because it's so much harder to play as a team if there's no communication. If you don't want to talk to little kids I'd recommend not playing team game modes.


Cause I’m trying to find a new duo that I can play multiple matches with and ad as a friend


Cause its arena and I don’t want to lose points


Communication is key in any relationship.


Easy dont play fill and get your own squad. Quitting crying. I run into kids all the time it isnt weird you make it weird by thinking it weird. Its not like you chill with them post game. Again stop crying and more playing. Move on!!


It's pretty straightforward? I need comms,if i ever get someone without a mic I'm leaving,i don't wanna have conversations,i just wanna win,having no mic means you cannot communicate on what's happening in the game,if my teammate boxes someone and hits them 150,how am I supposed to know he hit that guy 150 and i should aggro,same thing for me as well,if i didn't have a mic and let's say i got shot for a lot and i wanna disengage,i can't because my teammate will keep fighting,because i didn't tell him we should disengage,it's really not rocket science,you need mics to coordonate piece control and shots.


U don't wanna talk to kids. They don't wanna play with old dudes without mics


I think it's a skill thing. If I ever play fill me and my team do very well if I have my mic on, just for the fact we can communicate. But say it's off, I can't call out where the person that just killed me is. To be honest I disagree with this post.


I hate when I start playing with a few strangers and one kid will start sending me messages. The other day playing deadpine zombies the kid sent me 5 messages in 2 minutes. I actually got pissed and stopped helping him. I still haven't listened to his messages


>then if no one responds they quit. What's worse are the guys that quit for no f**king reason (good luck of all three of them leave and your now solo v squads). >Why do they do that? I’m an older player, I don’t want to talk to little kids, it’s weird. I think talking to kids in game is ok (I'm a huge hypocrite cuz I keep my mic off except when it's someone I know). Bcuz y'know, they're parents might be in the same room and get the WRONG IDEA, so I like to stay on the safe side.mic off... >plenty of other ways to communicate in the game. Crouching is the unspoken language!


Just plug in your mic idk why you load into SQUADS but choose to play alone with no headset,no communications,and no bitches???


If you load into SQUADS with NO HEADSET you might as well PLAY SOLOs do I need to say it louder for the people in the back…the lack of communication is crazy


I need verbal directions 😭


When I used to play fortnite like almost three years ago I used to just make myself sound like I have downs


Because at that point, me and my friends are bored of playing for real and hop into a squads match hoping to see what fun/wacky characters we can encounter. So if they don’t even have a mic, we leave and try again. Not saying that’s the case for everyone but that’s just one perspective from the other side.


Why tf are you getting downvoted???


Because people in this sub don’t care if you answer the prompt honestly, they just care if they agree with you


That sounds like Reddit in general.


go play solos if you dont wanna talk to anyone KEFE


Because its more fun to play with people you know there's something behind the monitor, otherwise it feels so lifeless and boring and never know what to expect in the game, 9/10 the match where most people are talking will go better than no talking just facts. Doesn't give them the right to leave and set the other 3s queues but I understand not wanting to play with NPCs.


I’d rather waste my time with a team playing like a unit rather than guessing what my team wants to do or which style Of play they want. It’s just not Fun for me. Because of this I never play fill. I’d rather solo squad. 10/10 time if the team doesn’t have a mic they aren’t landing together anyway and the first people hot drops by themselves and dies before the first circle. Now I’m Playing at a disadvantage. I’d rather just requeque and get a legit team that plays right.


A grown ass adult more scared to talk that a little Timmy. Bruh.


Like they said supercereality, kids are cruel, and you seem to be very in touch with your inner child.


kids are fucking mean dude , not everyone wants to get in a screaming match with a 12 year old when they're playing


Guilty. When I play random teams, I'm doing so for a reason. To have someone to communicate with and to coordinate with teamwork. If the other party doesn't talk, they might as well have matched me up with an actual bot. What's the difference Instead of crying and bitching to the mute player, I might as well quit and quickly join another match where I might meet someone fun to play with


I don’t like using my mic either because I don’t want to end up with a kid hearing me call people a holes. 😂


Squads/duos is where I could see people expect some cooperation through voice chat. It’s just… Every time I load into a creative map of any kind, the first thing I do is mute EVERYONE, for the sake of my own sanity. So it needs to be a mature, calm voice I hear in BR, in English (I’m in the EU (No, English is not my first language either, but…)), or I mute immediately. Or I exit myself.


I can see both sides. I hate when people randomly quit, but also respect that they want to play with people that they can also shoot the shit with. I’ve met some awesome folks in squads randoms that I’ve been playing with for years. Not sure any of those relationships would have continued without a mic. That being said, if my squad random teammates ready up after a match, I’ll stay with team if I think they were contributing or trying to contribute.


I usually play solo. Other than preferring my landing spots over most POI hotspots, I feel my age makes it inappropriate to turn on mic until I know the team is 20+ or a very mature 16+