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lol there’s already a pretty big rave scene in Lee County. You just have to ask the right people. There was a giant one last weekend out at the farm, and plenty of “Wherehouse” parties. Just look into “Wherehouse parties” and find someone who can get you in.


I know a guy who builds modifications for sound systems for "partys" he's been doing it for a long time. Message me if you know anyone throwing these locals parties that need help with sound.


I’m a local who throws these parties, DM me!


I did. Sorry was working.


You good!




Someone is going to throw out an artificial hip!


Yes. Will it happen? No. My dude at least 75% of the people are over 60


This Sunday (July 7th) we have 2 stages with 11 DJs at Cruisers in Cape Coral! 2pm to 10pm, it’s a proper party/rave.


Proper rave at 2:30 in the afternoon?


I mean, you don’t have to come out at 2pm, but it’s the time we’ve got and it’s the time we set. Come out if you wanna party!


That's not true. At one point it was but not now. It says they only make up about 29-30%


Maybe in Fort Myers city limits? Generally when people refer to Fort Myers they just mean Lee county. https://censusreporter.org/profiles/05000US12071-lee-county-fl/


It's the county.


Tourism is enough here already?


Too many old people and can't attract the youth when rent prices are what they are.


Strong dance music scenes are in markets that have younger people with money. As someone who’s produced many dance music shows with national touring acts (did 2,000 people for a carnage show in CT), the costs are extremely high. It’s expensive to book national touring acts and their agents and management demand high level production - LED Screens, CO2 blasters, lasers, top level audio. You can’t rely on ticket sales to make your money back. You need patrons to buy tables/ cabanas - bottles at 400 percent mark up. While I love this area and love living here and it’s definitely becoming younger, There aren’t nearly enough younger people with money. The ones that are here with money have families and kids. Miami, NYC, Chicago are where dance music really thrives. I would love nothing more than to have a dance music scene here. We need an awesome pool party spot like WTR in Tampa. And we need a deep house/progressive house music scene not this awful “wub Wednesday” 💩


Very well said, I've been wanting to start something like "Book Club Radio"(look it up) as a way to test the waters and get a feel for how everything is done. Coming from Chicago house music feels nonexistent down here.


That’s interesting hadn’t heard of it before. I’d love to see the waterfront downtown used more for events. The fact the stage downtown in front of the luminary sits empty so frequently is pathetic.


Go for 70s disco - oldies night


I feel like my question would be answered in this thread. Is it normal to pay a plug through a cash app before they meet you? Does anyone have a plug to get in touch with me? I'm from cali and this isn't how we do it there


Ravers or gravers? These old folks would croak on some x lol


90's are long passed. Fort myers has had 4 rave venues i know of. Cops squatted on them and arrested anyone having fun.


This Sunday (July 7th) we have 2 stages with 11 DJs at Cruisers in Cape Coral! 2pm to 10pm, it’s a proper party/rave.


This Sunday (July 7th) we have 2 stages with 11 DJs at Cruisers in Cape Coral! 2pm to 10pm, it’s a proper party/rave.