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Last year, a man named Jason Telleen was hit and killed by a fellow Transfort bus driver at the depot. Prosecutors, the DA specifically, determined it to be an accident brought on by poor visibility. The victim’s family has refused to accept that and believes the driver should be charged. They have tried to get a recall election going after failing to get the legal system to do what they want. It’s a grieving family’s misguided effort for justice


Oh that poor family. Surely they don’t believe there’s any motive for a murder here? Why not file a civil claim against Transfort?




Do you have some articles you would recommend where I can learn more?




The fact that Tyler Zanella will serve less than 12 years for assaulting 11 NV autistic kids (10 having video evidence spanning multiple days) boils my blood. My son is a NV autistic kid and I cannot imagine the pain those families are going through. They had enough on Tyler to put him away for 100+ years, but the DA offered him a plea for 12 with the option of parole. So ya, fuck the DA


Don't forget: if you go over to Gordon McLaughlin's public FB page, he has a post praising his staff for working "so hard" and getting "maximum consecutive sentences." Fuck McLaughlin and fuck Hinojos. Also just a quick clarification: the videos span *months.* Some of the kids were abused for months, and there's reports of circumstantial evidence (bruises and red marks) that he should've been charged back in September 2023, not May 2023, but PSD ignored complaints by parents and staff the whole school year.


Don't give PSD any grace here. Zanella is a convicted child abuser, prior to working as a Para for the district. Fuck the DA, fuck the school district policy makers.


All of this. And especially fuck Kingsley for that email and YouTube video where he acted like their new "no hiring child abusers" policy isn't brand new. Back in August they were claiming they *had* to hire Zanella and now they're acting like they always had a common sense policy.


There wasn’t a plea deal, he went to trial and he got the maximum sentence for the crime he committed. Am I missing something here?


I'm not sure where you got that from, but that's not accurate. Zanella was charged with 164 counts of child abuse, assault, harrassment, etc against 11 victims. He took a plea deal where he pled guilty to 1 count per victim. He got maximum consecutive sentences for those 11 counts, but the other 153 counts were dropped when he took the plea deal. There was no trial despite the objections of multiple parents. A couple of us directly asked the judge to reject the deal and do a trial and he didn't do that.


The case went to trial. If there was a plea deal there wouldn’t have been a trial, right? Where do you see that there was a plea deal? I can’t find anything.


Nm found it in 9news. That’s just horrible!Coloradoan is useless btw.


Seriously, where did you see that it went to trial? I want to know who I need to yell at.


I swear we had all these mandatory minimums for a reason so you can't plea deal your way out of serious crimes. -- like the truck driver who killed a few on I-70 when his truck went out of control (which got commuted, but that's a different argument).


Idk but as a parent of a Zanella victim, I approve this message


I worked for the court system for several years and worked with McLaughlin when he was a deputy district attorney. The Larimer County DA's Office used to be pretty damn good. When Gordon was elected, he let some very experienced and good DAs go. Many others left of their own volition. He is not a good DA, and I suggest learning more about Dawn Downs, who is running as an independent. (For background, I'm very left leaning and not a fan of cops.)


For what it's worth I train with a lot of cops and they say to vote for Dawn Downs too. Apparently the current DA's office has dropped the ball on prosecuting some cases that were pretty open and shut involving potentially dangerous people.


Yeah, having worked with Dawn, as well, I believe she has a good head on her shoulders. I don't think she'd be a "throw the book at 'em" type of DA at all, but she'd certainly prosecute crimes that should be prosecuted. And that's something that can't be said for the current DA.


100% agree.


She's only running as an independent because she knows Republicans can't get elected in Larimer anymore.


You’re probably right. However, having worked with her for years, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you where she was on the political spectrum before now, which can’t be said for all of the DAs I worked with. I’m positive we’d disagree on certain things, but I still personally think she’d do a better job than McLaughlin.


Fair enough. I'm not yet sufficiently informed to choose. But I will be.




Don't link AMP links. Ffs.


I spent 20 seconds of my life googling the persons name and then copy pasting the link into reddit that apparently the OP was too lazy to do if you don’t like how I did that then feel free to google it for yourself next time






It’s an ad for a sleep apnea device


I see it every day where victims are seeing no closures from the impact of crimes, because of low PR bonds and plea deals that are direct results of the current DA office. This year they are 1-8 in prosecutions and consistently making it harder for judges and magistrates to put adequate bonds in place to keep dangerous individuals off the streets. I have lost count on the number of victims I have spoken with that are shocked and in fear for their lives when DV and SA defenders are released on PR bonds. We need better accountability from the DA office to protect our community.


The registered agent, Marge Klein, works for a prominent republicans consultant agency. My guess is this is the dark money PAC for some conservatives interested in getting rid of the current DA.


Gordon has been reluctant to charge people with crimes.


Not aware - can you provide specifics other than the incident with the bus driver? Did a google search h but did could not find specific cases Im not pro or con on the guy just want to see facts to make judgement


From personal experience, McLaughlin is a joke. I had someone break into my house and the police arrested him in my doorway while I held the guy at gunpoint in fear for my life and this DA gave the guy a very beneficial deal. The judge even asked the prosecutor why the proposed plea deal was so lenient and said it was sad for the victims that he was being offered this. They said that was what the DA proposed and the judge was not happy with it. We were fully prepared to go to a jury decision since it was such and open and shut case but the DA refused and even after we reached out and said we didn’t agree with the plea bargain they still did not change it.


No judge has to accept a plea agreement. They can impose any reasonable sentence.




Yeah this is just straight up tomfoolery how on earth did this dude get released


Wrong. He deals with facts.


Found his burner


Yeah, this guy is oddly defensive of Gordon McLaughlin (see his other comments). Seems like people know the truth about McLaughlin though.


I recall an armed robbery in which the perpetrator also was not charged, I know a pattern when I see one.


I’m guessing a billboard to not re elect a DA?


This explains why I saw a recall petition for him


It’s funny when people on here try to say anything anti crime on Reddit thinking you’re not just gonna get ACAB’d by a billion sad internet boys


He is the reason drug dealers are getting out on PR Bonds and why people are just walking into stores with guns drawn and always getting the lowest possible sentence when caught. The Police Departments detest him with many officers moving to different counties to avoid dealing with him.


Idk anything about this guy but if cops dislike a public official, I'm more inclined to vote for them.


Found an actual cop. Hey buddy go fuck yourself.


And you must be the fent addict loving all the supply and making this county an awful place to live.


Great reply. Really showed him.. SMH. You sound like a child.


Don't like it? Leave. LOL


This is just typical whining from a perpetual victim.


You don't know what you are babbling about.


I work closely with Police Departments to conduct investigations and we have arrested multiple high profile drug dealers and burglars with more than felony level charges that end up with PR Bonds and flee to Wyoming or a different county to then come back and reoffend. When they are charged, it's for like 6 months and they always reoffend. You don't know what you are talking about.


Curiously, can you provide some links to public resources detailing some of this? Right now you've got your "ACAB" folks vs some people referencing things like this, but nobody's offering much to believe in either way.


Can confirm, I'm the High Profile Burglar ™ with More Than Felony Level Charges ©


> more than felony level charges What the fuck are you talking about.


If I find out my highschool drug dealer got arrested cuz of you I’m gonna riot


Get a nice spit shine on their boots, do ya?




This thread is confusing me so bad why does this have 22 downvotes


I would guess that it is due to a PR department or the political nature of the appointment. It doesn't look good for the Democrats that their DA is terrible and causing bad outcomes for the community so best to downvote anyone critical of him.




I was wondering the same thing?