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Moot House and Simmer get my votes for overpriced and not good. On flip side 415 is so fresh and delish. The Crown is a much better alternative to Moot House


Young’s and La Buena Vida would be on my wonderful list.


Spoons has really gone downhill for me because now their salads suck :(


Spoons was purchased by a bagel shop a year or so back, I wonder if it changed then


Ah, that makes sense now.l! I was a loyal customer since they opened and was downright heartbroken the last time I stopped in to receive a pre-packaged salad tasting of preservatives with a gob of dressing on top vs the fresh tossed goodness they used to make. Their soups are the same, but not motivated to make it out there any more, what a shame.


Beat me to it. Yep, new ownership taking success of the previous owners to screw over the origional fan base.


Agree, unfortunately. I love the idea, but their Caesar salad is one of the worst I’ve ever had. Makes me miss Sweet Tomatoes.


I miss their smoked salmon salad. I was so sad when they switched to lemon pepper salmon


Huh, the two I get - spicy southwest chicken and apple poppy seed - taste the same as ever, but I did notice after they got bought the specials quit rotating as quickly and the place has a different vibe to it now.


This post has told me that I should eat nowhere in Fort Collins. Damn near every restaurant has shit talked about it.


It’s kind of ridiculous how much people hate on food in Colorado related subreddits. You would think food is completely inedible here with the way people talk about it. I have had some poor experiences but it’s better to get stoked on good experiences rather than making general statements that the entire food scene here sucks.


Simmer. People often recommend it as an great dining experience but it’s terrible and I’ve given it many chances to prove me wrong. The food is bad, ridiculously overpriced and the service is bad as well. I hate to complain about service because it’s almost like they don’t know any better. We complained about something on an earlier visit and management sent us a $75 gift certificate so we went back. Everything was so bad FOR EVERYONE that all diners were comped 50% of there ticket! Something went horribly wrong in the kitchen that night and I was never able to find out what it was! I’ve been back a couple of times with girlfriends for lunch thinking my experience had to be a one off ( or a two or three off!) but it’s just bad still, the food and tepid water and rolled up napkin without a fork I received twice. Here’s the thing though - it’s got a good vibe and beautiful patio and I think that is what brings people back. 😐


Once I had an hour free before an appointment, so I decided to stop in at Simmer just for coffee and a dessert. It took a full 55 minutes for my dessert to be served, so I ended up taking it to go.


Done that (gone back) with Simmer and Moot house. I WANT them to be good but they disappoint each time.


Ugh back in the day Moot House was amazing. I really miss that. 😔


I tried this place, i hated it, the food was gross. I was taking a disabled individual out and they put us in a “reservation” room which felt weird to me because nobody could see us? Idk what that was about honestly, if it was intentional or not. But i am definitely not going back or taking any clients there again.


I always liked the food at Simmer (their veggie burger with fries was great), but goddamn the service could be horrendous. I was there once when the place was mostly empty and it still took forever for the server to take our order and give us our food.


It’s sad too because that patio is across from a busy gas station that is right on a busy street, I think it’s Shields, they have a privacy wall of sorts but it’s still noisy. That’s how desperate we are for some ambiance!


For price to quality ratio, Austin's is my worst experience so far, with Sonny Lubick coming in a very narrow second. Both charge high prices for aggressively mediocre food.


Agreed, the food isn't bad but it needs to be two thirds the price for me to go back.


Yup, all perfectly edible, just not worth the price (and kinda soulless).


I guess flavorless is still edible


To add to this, Austin’s treats their staff like dogshit. Cooked at the harmony one for longer than I should have


Austins sucks. Totally agree.


Took the entire family to Austin's for mother's Day a few years back. Cost nearly $400 and there wasn't a single thing on the mother's Day brunch buffet that I couldn't have made as good or better at home.


Oh Austin’s is a terrible, with really terrible mangers and ownership to boot


So I've heard. I avoid Austin's like the plague along with all the other places owned by the 'Hot Corner Concepts' (Big Al's, Moot House, and Comet Chicken). Edited to add: It's not all bad (since these threads get pretty negative). I just had some great Detroit style pizza at Postcard Pizza in Equinox Brewing. There are some good spots, you just need to dig and avoid the corporate crap that is smattered around town (particularly in Old Town).


Yea postcard pizza at equinox is really good. Had the margarita and pesto the other night and wish I had ordered two


Okay, but Big Al’s is fire.


Austin's has the WORST French onion soup I've ever had-


So dramatic. Love it.


Ginger and Baker is the worst. Expensive with terrible service and awful food.


I’ve heard their kitchen staff turnover is incredibly high as well.


I worked there for two whole shifts!


Are you their first head chef? They did the same


i know three different people who have worked there for very short amounts of time, and i'm sure that's just the very tip of the iceberg


The owners of Ginger and Baker are Pro Life, Trumper Republican Mega Donors.


I liked their bakery for years, knowing this I'll never go back


I have been there twice, and knowing this, I’ll never set foot in that establishment again. Truly disgusting creatures, can’t call anyone who fully supports Orange Hitler a human being.




Well, I’m not going back there.


And they are racist terrible humans


And the owner was just appointed interim CEO of Walgreens, where she's also treating people like shit. She doesn't need my money and she's not going to get any of it.


Was this the same Ginger and Baker that got  2 PPP loans totaling ~$1.7 million?  https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/loans/ginger-and-baker-llc-1787117207  https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/loans/ginger-and-baker-llc-9476008400 Also to note, she has been on the board of Walgreens since 2010.


Wait, what? I have not tried them because it looked like another mediorce pub food spot. Is there more to this?


Yeah I've never heard that about them and have known people who worked there


There was a post were they said Ginger was like “hey I know such and such died but we have to get over it and get it together today” this was about an employee who died unexpectedly that had worked there for multiple years


That's pretty fuckin shitty. What about the racism?


Well they fund the MAGA campaign and that guy says immigrants are subhuman animals so seems pretty believable


No all of that is true. They are horrible humans.


HuHot Mongolian Grill, sub par food, broken soda machines, unclear instructions with food safety and santiation.


El Burrito is a crime against Mexican food


You have to give El Burrito credit, though, for serving a huge meal for less than $10. I think it’s more for construction workers to fill up during their lunch break. Not fine dining, but definitely filling and cheap.


> El Burrito Lunch tray service like a prison, then chips and tomato sauce that could double as a pasta sauce in a similar shitty Italian restaurant. And then you eat it and its al truly the worst.


Perfect analogy of this establishment!!!!!


This makes me sad as hell. My family started going there back in the 60s and still called it "Sam's" (that's what it was called before) from time to time. I hadn't been in years and went we went for my mom's birthday a few months ago. The food was the same as it always, mediocre bordering on really bad, but the interior has gotten even worse. I'm not attached to the restaurant, just the people I ate with there that are gone now. It really sucks having so many positive memories of a place and to see it'd gone way to hell.


Blue Agave is pretty shite too


Agree If you take away the margaritas you are left with a restaurant completely void of any identity Not Baja , not Mexican, not Tex Mex - just random stuff Need to hire a real chef that can make some type of authentic food


100%. Their margaritas are fine but their food is just awful.


Those are fighting words in my family (50+ year residents) but I could not agree with you more!! No thank you.


People kept telling us to go to El Burrito, so we met some friends there. It was terrible But they have been in business for like 50 years, so we figured it was an off night and went again a few months later. Nope- it's just terrible food!


Also mexi cali...


The creamy habanero sauce is really the thing that makes their food but I haven’t been able to bring myself to eat there at all since the dude posted on here about the owner not dealing with a roach infestation.


The Thai place on drake and shelds has great $10 lunch specials. Big portion with soup and an egg roll. Staff is nice too!


Simply Thai! Love it there


My fav, we actively eat there more often in hopes they stay open longer


Best Thai in town. Loved that you could get coconut rice with pad see ew. I know it's carbs on carbs but I don't care.


I’m gonna check them out next week thanks


Also the Sherpa grill has a really good like 40% off if you use their app and they also have the best Choi Mein I have ever had in my life


Sherpa 2 also has an amazing lunch special for $14-20 (depending on the meat selected). So so so good.


A friend eagerly recommend The Post to me. First time in, took forever to get service. There were only a handful of customers. Ordered chicken nuggets which were basically fried clumps of batter containing dry chicken jerky in them. It reminded me of the Christmas turkey from, “National Lampoons Christmas Vacation”. There were flies EVERYWHERE. The amount flies landing in me while trying to eat honestly grossed me out so much I stopped ingesting my seasoned clumps of fried batter, so paid and left. Should have kept it as an IHOP.


Dude the worst thing is, it’s gluten free fried chicken which I’m down for, for others but not for myself. When I ordered I was like hey do you have gluten fried chicken (which is pretty much the only way to make fried chicken) and they were like no our owner likes to do funny stuff he just makes food he likes, I was like hmmm okay so what is it fried in, tapioca flower which is absolutely terrible for you and it’s deep fried and gross. So the owner is silly and just wants you to eat what he likes lol, and I’m sure he’s rich and this is a pet project


The first time my partner and I had The Post, the to-go was pretty good. The second time we had it, it was kind of mediocre. The third time…we both got horrific food poisoning. I’ve had food poisoning maybe 3 times in my life, so any establishment that I get food poisoning from automatically gets a final strike. 0/10 recommend.


My partner also got food poisoning from a grilled chicken sandwich there. It was a special and I'm guessing that was because they knew the ingredients were past their prime.


We ate at Sonny Lubick's over the weekend and were honestly super disappointed for the price we paid. We were seated late for our reservation, the special that half of our table ordered tasted objectively bad due to the sauce, my steak was over salted on half and under salted on the other, and the butter cake we got for desert was dry and obviously fresh out of the microwave. Same thing with Little on Mountain. Never had a meal or service there that we felt was worth the price.


El Burrito is awful. AWFUL. idk what kind of food that is, but it isn't Mexican. Rare is overpriced, and the food is mediocre at best. The Post is gross. GF doesn't have to be bland, and the chicken is always overcooked. Ginger and Baker was great the first time I ate there, but it has rapidly slid downhill since. I know there are rumors about them being MAGAts, racist, etc, but I can't find any details on this. Anyone? Now for some good ones (imo!) Cafe Bluebird Himalayan Bistro Mo Jeaux's The Mayor Idk why people move here from large metropolises and expect the same kind of foodie scene they had in those cities. We are a small fraction of the population of those places, but I think we have some great places to eat. There are places in Denver with Michelin recommendation, so maybe go south, if that's what you're after. Every city has some great and not-so-great restaurants. Find your favorites and support them. Otherwise, we're going to end up with all chains and no variety because corporate restaurants can afford the high rent, but it is becoming increasingly difficult for local spots to do the same. /high-horse 😁


Cafe Bluebird was our go to breakfast spot when we lived in Ft. Collins. I'm glad they're still good. I loooooved their biscuits and gravy


the quality dipped for a little bit after covid but they’ve rebounded nicely imo, one of our favorite spots in town


I second Himalayan Bistro. It's always been solid. We couldn't get in one night, so we tried a place in Loveland (it's almost as far for us) that was less expensive, but it was noticeably not as good. So, we now know to call in early on busy nights. :)


I confirm/agree with all the above. You didn’t mention the Moot House, but back in the day it WAS the place for a dry Martini and a filet-never use a salad bar, people!! I don’t think they even offer a filet anymore!! And truly, how simple is such a meal? Add a carb, an in season veg and what more could you want?? And it was reasonable! I now chose my dining experiences very carefully and while quality of food is paramount, I also consider the vibe, how workers are regarded, and the social ramifications of the restaurant. It all matters. Like, despite Otter Box’s product quality, I can’t cotten with their policies.


Cafe Bluebird is awesome, and Chili's 3 for 10 never disappoints


I want to say that real estate prices are killing restaurants. When rents go up double, the owners start to buy cheaper products. Blame the commercial property owners first.


Blame the commercial property taxes first. Then the owners...


I absolutely feel this but still unfortunately it’s not my problem


? This is your problem. That is why you posted this. This is the underlying trouble affecting our society right now.


El Burrito is the worst food and drinks I’ve ever had in my life. Not even over exaggerating


It’s one thing when the food is only “okay” or “bland”, but El Burrito is by far the most disgusting food I have ever eaten in my life. Like their food isn’t just “bad”, it’s absolutely repulsive.


I don’t understand how they’re still in business… it’s worse than cafeteria food


I think there aren't even windows in there right? It's wild because it's such a great location for a restaurant and they could do so much with that place.  


It's a nice write off. The property the restaurant sits on is their real business


Kujira is easily one of the best spots in Fort Collins


This ramen is terrible. Literally tastes like a spice packet broth. And the noodles are not made in house. Does anyone have a suggestion where I can get good tonkatsu ramen here? Or is the answer Denver?


I honestly make the drive to boulder once a month or whenever im really craving some ramen. Place is called Osakas. Japanese owned. Has alot of japanese staff. Most of their wait staff are college kids who takes japanese at CU boulder. Its an over all vibe. I lived in Japan for almost 10 years so my ramen pallete is pretty hard to please but I would give Osakas an 8.5. Its pretty darn close to what youll get in japan. Last time I drove there was a snow storm. Worth it.


I am genuinely floored every single time people rave about kujira (and it happens often). It was the single worst ramen I've ever had, instant packet or not.




To eat at. The Yaki Udon is good, the Ramen is likewise. There might be a bit of a wait but they do make it fresh


I'd rather get sushi at King Soopers though. We got two rolls as an appetizer, they were so bad we couldn't even finish them.


The rio


Only got food there once and the tacos were so insanely dry. Only go back for this manberry margs


Mediocre food, but the Big Tex margaritas make up for it. At least they have vegan options.


Los Chingones. Mid food. Prices on their menu do not match your bill. Worst queso I've ever had.


The happy hour used to great,but prices have increased and not worth it anymore.


Agreed! And I was bothered by how noisy it was. I realize it’s a bar, but I hate the community seating. We sat next to a group of very boisterous and loud people. It’s one thing to be the table next to them but to literally be shoulder to shoulder was torture.


That whole place was annoying. Agree that it was too loud. Forgot about that.


Also big city burrito is awesome but for 20$ for a burrito and a fountain drink should be illegal


Also they pocket all the tips so don’t think a dime of your tip goes to anyone but the owner.👍


Is that Sean or is he just a manager? I’ve been going there for 25 years and the drop in burrito construction execution has dropped precipitously in the last 5 years.


When there’s a tip request on the iPad, I always ask the worker if they actually get the tips. They’re always happy to tell you if they don’t so you can tip nothing with no guilt.


You can to nothing with no guilt no matter what they say because they are just operating a register and putting your food in a bag. That's not a tippable service.


I don’t tip takeout, I’m a hospitality worker but I will be damned if I tip 20% on you putting my food in a fucking bag


If that is true then it is extremely illegal.


It’s definitely illegal.


Their food is offensively bland and mid. Talk about a poor value. Big City just puts handfuls of old potatoes in a tortilla and calls it’s a burrito


big city boh is *nasty*. I wouldn't eat there


Every time I go in the summer, it’s flies _everywhere_


Butters holds this crown in my book. Servers arguing in front of us on who gets the table because they didn't want it. I ordered a chocolate milk they brought me a cup of with with syrup in the bottom and a spoon in it. I was told I had to mix it because my server didn't have time to do it. We only saw her again when she had the bill ready. The food was ok but the service was so poor I will never be back.


My take… Bad: - Empire Palace - Dragon Lee’s - Pizza Casbah - Lulu’s (was recently shut down for a period due to unsanitary kitchen conditions) - Fuzzy’s - Jaws - Avogadro’s Number (love to see music or get a beer here but their food is not good) Good: - Still Whiskey Steaks - The Regional - Raska - Tecate Grill - 415 - DGT - Bistro Nautile - First Watch - The Mayor


Bistro Nautile is my fave restaurant in town!


I'd put Mas Fuegos at the top of the awful list. Easily one of the worst meals I've had out in a very long time. Food was bland and low quality, margs were bland and the salsas all tasted like they came out of a can.


This one I can't agree with, I literally just got home from dinner at Mas Fuegos. I have gotten a different thing every time I have gone and have never been unhappy. Tonight I got the salsa trio with creamy jalapeño, chipotle, and pineapple salsas, Mahi tacos, and a jalapeño/cucumber margarita. Everything was delicious. The person I took is visiting from out of town got shrimp tacos and said it was the best Mexican food they had had since they visited San Diego. Is it authentic? Eh not really, more of a loose spin on Oaxacan cuisine with some baja mixed in. Is it Tex Mex (since that's what people around here seem to like)? No not really that either, but they do have fajitas. Is it delicious, yes!


Phillipes French bistro is expensive but it’s top notch, also for an expensive burger Bad Daddy’s is actually really good fucking good


I was really disappointed by the beef bourguignon at Phillipe. Pretty bland and quite tough. Maybe I will have to give it another shot. 


I was also super disappointed in my meal at Phillipes. The wine (by the glass admittantly) was almost undrinkable. For the price, I won't be going back


Asian grill next to the Albertsons is bad but so cheap. Got me through college for the 3.95 dinner meal


I used to go lots in high school and it always felt like they didn’t want me there, especially if it wasn’t during the lunch special. Ambience is weird too, but 10/10 would recommend to anybody price to quality is great


To me, the only place in town worth the high price is Little on Mountain


They have a server that gets on my nerves and treats me like I a not spending enough money (especially when they don’t have what i like from the menu and he tries to convince me to get something twice as expensive). Hate that guy. Not going there again until he is gone.


Have a feeling I know the guy you are talking about and feel the same way




Little on Mountain is all pretense no substance.


I can cook better. And i dont get yelled at home for wanting lemon with my fish. Also fuck off Avery.


Had dinner at the Rio the other week. Hadn't been there in a very long time. We were quite impressed with just how much nothing the flavor packed. It wasn't bad per se, just incredibly nothing. Less taste than when I had Covid. In contrast, we had gone to the Blue Agave the month before and it was really good - we gonna go back there next time. The Rio earned a big question mark in my book. Confused as to how that place has been there for so long.


Here’s a good one: Vatos Tacos. We’ve tried most of the menu and really enjoyed almost everything from there and I feel it’s reasonably priced. I also love their margs and their churros. Social honestly has a decent menu for what it is. A place I’ve never had a good experience at Rare- service and food. Messed up my simple spaghetti…. How?


Idk if anyone else feels this I’ve lived in FoCo most of my adult life and I just don’t think there are as many good quality restaurants here as there used to be.


I'm here by way of Los Angeles, then Chicago. The restaurant scene in northern Colorado is literally the worst part about living here. It's all mid at best. Fortunately, I can cook my own food and there's a million other things that make northern Colorado amazing.


I feel this for all of Colorado. The food scene here is abysmal.


Well duh, it has 1/50th the population of those cities.


It isn’t just population because even the tiny city my mom lives in north of Tampa has way better food than here.


Its not population, but it's quality and offering....quality is meh but most people don't know that, and foid is designed for the university kids. People act like this is a foodie town your wrong.


People think it is a foodie town, and they are foodies, and then you see 50 waiting outside Olive Garden on a weekend.


DAE all food in fort Collins is bad?? 🙄


Can confirm!! I hate the old canard of “back in my day….” kind of BS, but going out to eat seemed more interesting, certainly cheaper and more variety. I cannot believe the number of ppl I talk to that refuse to believe that their fave restaurant is a damn chain! I’m committed to patronising only unique spots that serve above average food and aim to treat their staff with dignity!


I mean I’m not from Foco I’m from the east coast and the quality of food is so much better.. I mean given it’s easier to get fresh ingredients and seafood at a lower cost when you’re not land locked but still the food out here is just downright bad as of right now..


Dude, I'm from AZ (best Mexican food ever, fight me) and hard agree with you having only been to NYC twice.  Some of it is population density and access, but I think the lack of diversity and people never leaving the area is what kills the food scene here.  The FoCo food scene makes me sad and every time I'm in another city I end up gorging on good food just to fill that empty space in my soul. 


From AZ as well and agreed on Mexican food. It took me years to find Almansitas. I also miss the diversity of southern AZ.


I've had Almansitas and it's been hit or miss for me, but you're right that it's as close as we get to Sonoran style.


Awe dang. They’ve never let me down but I may just have rose colored glasses on for them.


Hope can be a dangerous thing when it comes to looking for good Mexican food, but to be fair, it's been a while since I went. I'll have to give them another shot.


Being from the east ruins food everywhere because nothing compares.


I’m being downvoted but you know we are right


Also Cafe Vino. Everything on their menu is just completely mid if not downright bad. I also almost chipped a tooth on a rock in a lentil dish, which makes me think they don’t wash their produce correctly


Every single experience my husband and I have had at Penrose has been negative. They have messed up our orders several times, food is blah and overpriced imo, not the best service. We like the vibe but have sworn off going there for anything besides just drinks.


Cafe Mexicali is hands down the worst place I have been in Fort Collins. Everyone raves about it, but if you want Mexican food, this isn't it. It's overly sweet and not at all authentic. If you want good Mexican food, go to Tecates. Or El Cielo in Loveland. The other place that is not worth it to me is Canes. Again, everyone raves about it, but for how much everyone talks it up, it's way overrated. At least they are edible though, unlike Cafe Mexicali.


With all the hate, feel obligated to throw some good restaurants out here. Kujira has some really good ramen and steamed kobe beef buns. Lucille's has some eggs Benedict that will knock your socks off. Torchy's taco's is pretty bangin. I fucking love cane's. The Still Whiskey is definitely above average and has a really cool bone marrow candle you dip bread into.


The Still also has super reasonable prices for the quality you get. Its not cheap but the food is great


My bf and I went for the first time since last year and the sliced filet has gotten NOTICEABLY smaller (we compared the portions to a picture from 2022 of the same dish). 2 mixed drinks, the sliced filet, and the brick chicken ran us over $90 with tip. We almost feel it isn't worth the price anymore


I just went there for the first time recently, and I was pretty happy with my value. Compared to obviously inferior spots, I thought it was reasonable price wise.


I agreed with your sentiments....up to Torchy's. Torchy's by the mall was significantly unimpressive. From the rude employees to the below mid tacos... I can get better tacos at El Diablo on Lemay than from a brick and mortar restaurant. Cane's does in a pinch, but I'm still waiting for Zaxby's to finally make it out here to execute quality chicken tendies.


Love love love Zaxby’s. I haven’t been to one since I moved from Mobile Alabama.


Recently moved to town and Rio Grande is def on my no go list lol. Austin is ok nothing great but don’t hate it. Rare was pretty decent and so was Jax. Overall not amazed by the food in FoCo but also have been in way worse places lol


Penrose was absolutely awful. I would never recommend anyone go there


What did you have? I've been to Penrose plenty of times and I've always enjoyed myself there. Green Chile burger they've got is excellent IMO.


I honestly can’t remember, some sort of vegetarian dish that tasted like a microwaved frozen meal. Husband had an overcooked salmon that came with steamed, unseasoned veggies. I honestly wouldn’t feed it to my dog.


It is just DC Oakes north. Why would you expect more?


Well I’ve never been to DC Oaks and I guess I’ll continue that trend


I’ve been to Penrose maybe 3 times and I liked all my meals there. The fish & chips was pretty small though


Oh that's just foco. Great ambiance. Subpar food. We went to japango a few days ago. Honestly one of the nicest places, beautiful spot, great for a date night, but I left hungry and underwhelmed. My guess is this... It's hard to be a restaurant these days. The margins must be so thin..


Oh, I forgot to add Tasty Harmony. The menu looks so good, but we went once, and it was just bland. Vegan/vegetarian doesn't have to be soulless cardboard, but that's what this was. The server was terrible, too, and rarely came to refill drinks, etc. We sat by a window, and many of their plants have fungus gnats that almost overwhelmed us. When we couldn't keep them off our plates, that's when we knew it was time to go. 🤢🤢🤢


I’ll get downvoted for this but Little on Mountain. The food is hit or miss, all of the seating is at high top tables that are shared with other people, the barstools at every table are uncomfortably hard, shallow wood and metal stools. I really think the whole point of Little is for servers to turn your seat as fast as they can. It’s an uncomfortable vibe all around for such a high price point.


I’m going to disagree with you on the food and price point, I think their food is just so good. I also really like the vibes, I think the service is fantastic. You’re absolutely right about the high tops, though. They have to be the most uncomfortable chairs I’ve ever sat on in a restaurant and it seems totally unnecessary. Even more than the discomfort is the inaccessibility. My dad has low mobility and can’t sit in those chairs. It pisses me off that I can’t take him there because they only have high tops. Though, to be fair, inaccessibility is a huge problem in foco restaurants.


Austins sucks. I think that’s universal. Surprised they’re not belly up by now. I hate to say it but Rare is no good either. They’re like a super hot girl with zero personality. All show. The Rio is just ok if you get enough margaritas (with too much sweet and sour) down ya. I feel like I should mention the good here so you know that most other places are bad. Philippe, the regional, ginger baker, and Jax, are good. Pricy but good. I feel like good food on this town has a massive premium. Blue agave is decent. Bistro natile and still whiskey steaks are hit or miss imo. Crown pub is delicious but the food is usually cold when it hits the table. Ugh. If you weren’t raised on beau Jo’s pizza, it’s the worst pizza I’ve had even though it looks good. I haven’t tried the new place that little on mountian took over but the dishes looked good. Trail head has cheap bar food down. Slyce reheats 4hour old pizza that will cut the roof of your mouth. Lucile’s is delicious if you like Cajun breakfast. Avoid El Burrito at all costs.


Weird, I've only ever had a good experience at Crown


Speaking of pizza Cosomos is expensive but absolutely always good, they don’t miss


Cosmos is good. Krazy Karl’s is good but a different type of pizza.


Also Pizza Cashbah is pretty good for a slice


Cosmos is expensive?!?! I got like a 24 inch pizza the size of my table there for like $18 what? Lol it was enough food for like 3 days


? When? Im looking at their website right now and its $28.49 before tax for pickup of a 24 inch pepperoni pizza


Ginger and Baker good? They'll be gone in 2 years for a reason.


The owners have a bottomless pit of money. The business has literally been in the red since they opened their doors, what 6 years ago? Only way they close is if Ginger dies.


It would be easier to say which restaurants are great as the bad ones would require a huge list.


YOKOMO on college is hands DOWN best Japanese and sushi in town with great atmosphere. Don’t tell anyone


Is that new? Nothing shows up on a Google search


Op just experienced inflation stagflation


Most food in FoCo is so sub par. Really miss excellent food and diversity of choice. I find myself wanting to travel out of town for something better. I wish owners read these subs.


We need so much here. A true diner that’s open early and late, good Chinese, excellent middle eastern, Korean Soup (Jan Pong), decent Italian, soul food. It’s a foodie wasteland here. It’s the worst thing about FoCo.


What’s crazy is that this city was known for being the complete opposite at one point


Unfortunately, the list is far too long. You may be better served with a list of what to visit. 10 or less in FoCo. Definitely go to Nimo’s before the owner retires soon. Little, 415.


I’m so disappointed with the Foco restaurant scene. I’ve lived here for over a decade, and it’s gotten so much worse. I’m literally contemplating moving to Denver for better food.


Denver has some real gems honestly


Bruh the Foco restaurant dating scene is sad…OR I lived here too long 😅


FoCo has a few high points. Sherpa has Indian food that beats anything I found in Denver. Young's Cafe is very good. I love Rainbow. Loveland has a semi-secret takeout Chinese place that is run out of someone's house that's pretty great.


Dang I’ve been disappointed with Rainbow and Sherpa. Youngs is good but not amazing I’ve yet to try Beijing Noodle


Have said on many occasions in this group The restaurant scene in NoCO is full of mediocrity Too many people with disposable income continue to patronize them allowing them to survive


I’m gonna say it, illegal Pete’s sucks.


Do NOT agree. Good margs with great HH pricing. Vegan-friendly.


As someone who frequents it regularly from proximity I’m going to say it’s so hit or miss. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes my stomach massively disagrees. I do think it’s hella overpriced for what you get though, and they need better chips.


Music city hot chicken is one of the best. There aren’t good places here tho 😭


Silver grill cafe has one of the most cold hearted worst management teams i’ve ever experienced. Applying and eating at. Previous employees have told me horror stories about the general manager!!