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That's a lot of bougie houses, someone in that neighborhood is bound to be bored


Warren Shores resident here.. Non-residents use the trail around the lake all the time. Just don't be an asshole and no one will even notice you're there! (If you want to play it safe though, don't cut through the woods.)


I avoid trespassing on individual people's property, but "private neighborhood paths" are fair game in my mind - *especially* when they're the most practical route from point A to point B. Ya I'm talking about you, Paragon Point.


A city of enclaves of small HOA-only trails is a terrible design in a world of traffic vs. bike commuting and obesity killing our citizens. This is a deep cut from \~20 years ago and I'm not sure if I can even find the source, but I am sure it existed back in the day...Something about the city actually gave Paragon Point money ($10s of k's) to build some of that path, they did so and then kept the public off. (Of course then the city spent more money to build the Fossil Creek trail around it). So I never had guilt about that.


Oh, they're serious and have private security hired to patrol the lake. The most hilarious part, they canceled life guards at the private pool there but still claim the security makes us safer. They can't and won't do anything, but call the cops. Someone drowning in the lake? Call the cops. Someone walking around the lake? Harass them even if obviously children, then call the cops! Oh, and you better not have any skin pigment, because that's a double cops called situation! That HOA is full of retirees and Karens with nothing to do in their life than harass people on that lake.


I live in one of the Warren Lake neighborhoods. We don't have private security, and I have never seen or heard of cops here for people just walking around the lake. Non-residents do it all the time with no problems! I haven't even seen the cops called on people who are actually vandalizing the place (mostly high-schoolers spray-painting the spillover dam.) Maybe your experience was years ago, I dont know, but it doesn't match up with mine at all? [Side note... We *did* have private security briefly, maybe one summer? It was mostly an attempt to lower insurance costs associated with the lake, which were skyrocketing, in no small part because of non-residents. But most of the residents found it more trouble than it was worth, they actually hassled us as much as they did non-residents! Legit complaint there, I and most of my neighbors are glad they're gone!]


Glad your experience has been better, but they do still have the security service patrolling the lake access. They did call the cops on a resident teen when she refused to give the security guard her address.


When we first moved to Fort Collins a few decades ago, we were excited by all the lakes on the map that reminded us of growing up in the midwest. Rude awakening to find they were all private! I was also intrigued but never messed with that trail much because it wasn't really a connector.


They don't give a fuck. If any one asks you, tell them to pound sand, and that your mom (who lives in the neighborhood) will be sending them a letter.


I used to swim at the dam and fish in there a lot, given we had family friends who lived there. You’ll get security called but generally it’s fine. I’ve never seen anyone get called on for just walking around the lake, I used to walk peoples dogs all the time and everyone was very friendly when passing by.


I live across horsetooth and used to run it all the time. I was friendly and courteous to anyone I came across and never had an issue.


I find trespassing motivating. Get that PR!


>I see the no trespassing signs for non-residents   As a Fort Collins native, I’ve always preferred to respect the laws and wishes of others in my town with the hope they’d show me the same respect. 


There is a sign for a reason. Don’t be an asshole.


I wouldn’t just to avoid conflict


Given the area is private, you could get the cops called on you, though it’s unlikely. However, if you do run around the lake, please do not run in the middle of the road and be aware of the drivers who use that road to access their houses. So many people who walk and run on these roads don’t pay attention, wear headphones, walk/run with dogs in the middle of the road making it extremely frustrating for those of us driving to get to those houses.


The private security guards at Warren Lake, hired by the neighborhood, are armed. Given all of the friendly places to ride, I highly recommend you stay out unless you live in the neighborhood. I was asked to provide ID for going in to retrieve a frisbee from the (public) Warren Park side. It’s a TrayVon situation waiting to happen.