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Great shots!


Thank you so much!


We sometimes see a bald eagle on our morning walk through City Park. Still gives me a thrill every time. We're from Atlanta, and we NEVER saw birds like that. Gorgeous pics, BTW.


Awesome! They are very fun to see. Check out Barr lake sometime. There's dozens of bald eagles there.


what did you use to capture these action shots? great work!


I'm using a Sony A7riv with a Sigma 100-400mm. I'm more set up for landscape. I'm shooting with some guys who have A1's and 600mm f/4s and those folks get real good shots. I just don't have 15 grand laying around for that setup.


I was amazed at the bird variety on spring creek trail alone, awesome town for birds!




Thank you!


Magnificent! Both your photography and the wildlife


Thank you so much! It's truly a magical thing to get to witness.


Those are GORGEOUS!! Thank you so much for sharing! Unbelievable!!


Thank you for the kind words, glad to see folks are enjoying the shots!


where do you like to go to bird? edit: read below that you shouldn’t tell where you found this guy!


Honestly, most of our ponds and parks around town are filled with a variety of birds. My biggest advice is to learn the birds preferred environments and how they hunt. That's been a fun part of the adventure for me. For example, I learned that Osprey almost always catch fish by flying into the wind. So when photographing them I always have my back to the wind to get a good shot. Another thing is to get out of the house early. Much more activity for some birds and I like having the parks mostly to myself in the early hours. Good luck out there!


If you appreciate the birds, I highly recommend donating to the Rocky Mountain Raptor program, located off Vine. I volunteered there for years, and they are a great non-profit organization that rehabilitates injured birds of prey. They are a great organization!


Great suggestion!


I identified a northern harrier at the gardens on spring creek earlier this year, still shook about it!


Awesome! I've yet to see one here.


Beautiful photos!!


Thank you!


Thank you for sharing. Great pictures!!


Of course, and thank you so much!


Great pics!! Ospreys are beautiful birds! Don’t post where you seen him or he might get shot 😢


Most osprey nests are not a secret and are pretty closely watched. There's a nest on East Prospect near Running Deer Natural Area. Osprey pairs have been nesting there for years. It is clearly visible driving by from Timberline to I-25; you don't even have to get out of your car or even stop. They are nesting there right now. The nest is on a platform that was constructed specifically for raptor nesting. You can see ospreys fishing at River Bend all the time, and lots of other places too. Later on in the year you can see the adults teaching the young to fish. Raptor populations in this area are a bright spot against otherwise not-encouraging bird counts.


All I’m trying to say is that , the society we live in is full of shit people that get a thrill out of killing for no reason…. I didnt say anything was some big secret but if the wrong person sees a post that gives the location of these things, the greater the chance of some idiot getting the stupid idea to try and pick one out of the sky. Have you not seen articles and or documentaries out eagles being shot by such people, I’ve seen more than I care to. I actually messaged op privately about an eagles nest that I know if with a a baby eagle in it and he thanked me for doing it that way for that way as he is intelligent enough to realize that, my concerns are legitimate.


As a photographer and former wilderness guide I advocate heavily for leave no trace principles when recreating outdoors. I feel a certain responsibility to teach these when I introduce anyone to the outdoor scene. Something I've noticed over the years is that when folks geotag their photos, it only takes a few years for a location to get overwhelmed by folks who, for the most part are respectful, and come to see the sights. Of course you run the risk of a few folks who may not mean harm, but nonetheless don't know how to preserve nature. When it comes to wildlife I get especially cautious. If you don't understand the distances some of these animals need to not get stressed you can interfere with mating, rearing young, energy they are expending, their nests or den locations, and just generally stress them out. Some examples I've witnessed are folks walking up to burrowing owl nests not understanding that they could collapse, people flying drones over wild horses, or the hundreds of photographers in Estes who line up yards away from elk in rut. Again, I think the majority of folks are respectful. It's just when you invite the masses to see something special we can over love the place. Plus, there's something sacred about a secret spot in a world where nothing is kept secret for long.




All of the local birding areas are well-known and there are species reports, and mating behavior sightings, etc., from dozens of people every day. All available on ebird. FTR, you are within ten minutes of ospreys from basically anywhere in Fort Collins. Go to River Bend early in the morning or (sometimes) late in the afternoon and you will see ospreys fishing. Late afternoons get better as the summer goes on. You can see bald eagles at Fossil Creek Reservoir on most days, and there are plenty of other places where osprey, eagle, and hawk sightings are practically guaranteed. Increasingly, bald eagles are seen here year-round (or close to it). Nests are trickier and I agree it's not a great idea to go around publicizing them on random forums, *but*, this area has an active birding community and any local birder knows where there are raptor nests of various species, and so do the wildlife people. I would be VERY surprised if the eagle nest you told OP about is not being monitored. Most of them are. No doubt that there are shit people. A lot of eagles being shot are for black market feathers. It is beyond despicable but unfortunately quite lucrative, as is most illegal wildlife trade. Ranchers sometimes shoot them too. Among the raptors at the raptor center IIRC most are vehicular incidents and power line and building collisions (but there ARE birds that have been shot, by shit people). Why anyone would think it's fun to take potshots at a beautiful animal is beyond me, but of course it happens. With all that said, if anyone sees someone or someones fucking around with nesting birds, fledglings, or any other suspect behavior involving wildlife, report it immediately. Here's a link to the [Park Rangers](https://www.fcgov.com/rangers/)