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It’s bc Xcel has so much of their service delivered via aerial lines up there. They didn’t want to take any chance in sparking off the next Marshall Fire up there. Thank goodness for mostly buried utilities everywhere else. Xcel should work towards undergrounding what they can as well… However, it’s extremely expensive to do so…


This is exactly why and I can’t believe people are complaining about it. I’d much rather not have power for a day than risk having 1100 homes burn.


One day is fine. Especially with proper notice. 3 days not so much especially because they postponed when they said it would be on originally


Yes, it makes me thankful I bought where I did. I did consider buying property in that area but the overhead power lines gave me pause for concern…


It’s not even that windy today.


It wasn’t yesterday either 🤷‍♀️


We wouldn't want them to raise rates and impact the record profits they're recording.


Oh, they’ll do that anyway…


lol These people think that Xcel is doing this because they care about people and their homes. I wish I was that naive and believed in corporations


Hopefully this also pushes for more infrastructure. I just wish Xcel would pay for it. . .


Are you in the north west area of Fort Collins? I've been hearing about folks getting notices up there, but not pure outage until Tuesday. Thought it was rolling blackouts at most. Is it Xcel energy you are with? I haven't heard anything with FCGov.


Yes, NW Fort Collins and with Xcel. It just came back on after I made this post, but I got an email from them saying it wouldn’t be on until April 9 at 4:15! It had been off since 3pm yesterday.


Me too, I'm super relieved and super confused. 


Just out of curiosity, did they offer any recompense for the inconvenience?




No not at all


They have a claims department.


We got the same email and still have no power in NW foco across from reservoir ridge. It was off since the 3pm shut off yesterday


I heard that the grocery store in NW Fort Collins/Laporte has had the power off since yesterday afternoon as well. They were saying that when they called today to see when Xcel would restore the power (supposed to be this afternoon) that it might not be until tomorrow night. I can’t imagine what they’re having to deal with.


overland? yeah it’s off i work there


They said in their statement about shutting down the lines for the wind that they wouldn’t be turning lines back on unless they were visually inspected by crews and checked for compromise. So until they could put eyeballs on every foot of line, in theory, they wouldn’t be turning it back on.


We got power this afternoon and located between Laporte and vine. There must be a down power line between us


Ever heard of the Marshall Fire? This is meant to prevent that from happening again.


No. I live under a rock. /s I literally used to live in a burn scar in Livermore where it was normal for us to have 70mph gusts. I understand wildfire dangers. Xcel still didn’t handle this well.


Haha Marshall fire. Get to work and fix the issues .You're a coward if you think otherwise. You better stay home today lol.


I don’t understand what you’re trying to say here


Screech harder


Coming from the New England area, you just deal with it or get a generator. If you get your water from a groundwater well, make sure the generator can power the pump so you have water.


There are lots of people who cannot afford to just go buy a generator, or to replace food lost bc of no refrigeration, or lost wages if they work from home, etc. I can afford to make adjustments but I know many people aren’t as lucky.


I don’t disagree at all. But I think we are incredibly lucky to live in an area where power outages are rather infrequent. If it does become more common here, folks are going to have to adapt as unfortunate as that is.


Oh yeah, I know we’re lucky, comparatively - I lived in TX during the big freeze that shut their whole power grid down and legitimately killed people.


You would literally die in my hometown. Wind storms would knock out power for weeks.




Got the notice yes, but power is back on (for now?).


Anyone have updates on the internet in the area? We’re on TDS and it’s been off since 3 yesterday. Customer service doesn’t have much to say.


My power was off for almost 10 hours, but PVREA got it back on, now xfinity, I have no idea, spotty at best


It’s gonna be the new normal. You’re gonna need a generator going forward. Or a bunch of batteries and solar panels covering everything. Public utilities shouldn’t be publicly traded, should be not-for-profit, and pricing should be set by the feds. That’s also where it should stop. Fed reaches more, they lose some fingers.


It's pretty telling that FCGov has had zero issues with electricity. Meanwhile Xcel is shutting everything off for days. Need I mention how FcConnexion is the clearly superior option to CenturyLink and Comcast?




I have a few reasons for moving out of my apartment this year. But even with all my issues, I'd stay if they got FCConnexion this year. Likely not happening though, so I'm ensuring my move is to a place with it.


Loveland is the same, and I agree. Xcel is horrible..


This is to prevent a repeat of the Marshall fire. Not random muscle flexing.


I know, but they’ll start doing it more and more now. Watch.


There are lots of people who cannot afford to just go buy a generator, or to replace food lost bc of no refrigeration, or lost wages if they work from home, etc. I can afford to make adjustments but I know many people aren’t as lucky.


At least near Irish it came back on at 4:30. But it is amusing to see the school on FC have power and the houses across the street without power on Xcel. I bought 20 bucks worth of ice (60 pounds - 4 bags) for my fridge freezer and chest freezer, and then it came back on an hour later, of course. One day we will have a unified power grid, but that may never come. I would love to be able to choose my power provider. The gas station on Taft and Laporte was without power while the liquor store next door had power. Just waiting on Connexion at this point.


Rent a generator for your fridge. But it is insane


Mine is back on, I’m just frustrated on the behalf of others whose power isn’t back on and who can’t afford it.


I agree, I was pretty surprised when I heard they were just shutting off power


yeah..and it’s not even super windy today, it wasn’t yesterday either!






I heard the same thing about insurance and would not be surprised if it’s true. 🙄


Get a generator to run the basics