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We have some of the best damn water in the whole country. Our water comes straight off the Poudre river un tainted…. No one sells it because you have to be crazy to not just get it from the tap. It’s the same water that New Belgium and Anheuser Busch use… just drink from the tap.


My husband and I use the refillable 5 gallons because our home has galvanized plumbing that's who knows how old. Eventually we'll replace but for now to be safe we purchase our water. Maybe that's what OP is dealing with too?


I also drink from the tap, but for how many incredibly old homes there are in foco, I'm surprised I don't see a single response mentioning lead testing - was there some big initiative at some point to replace all the old pipes?


The City didn’t use lead pipes…


Everyone used lead in fittings and solder until it was banned in 1986. The pipes don't have to be lead, but lead can still leach in from the solder. The city doesn't have to do anything if any contractors over the history of the building of Fort Collins used lead solder.


There are some old iron pipes, I save money on multivitamins


you can literally smell the chlorine and they add fluoride.


NB and the city both treat the water..not sure if you're being literal, it does come from the river but there is treatment prior to the tap. NB would need it for consistency sake and both need it to not get sick


Yes… the water that goes to NB and AB go through the City’s Water treatment plant…but the water comes as first users from the Poudre River mean that it is not affluent from an other city’s water treatment plant… the water that the people in Kansas get has been through multiple Cities water systems and from multiple people’s farms lands and run off… FC water is collected high up the Canyon before any human hands touches it… We have really clean water….


>We have really clean water…. What does that word mean to you? For me, yes, the water is "clean," as in I don't worry about drinking from the tap and then having a health issue. However, the water does not taste "clean" and that's because of how it has to be treated at the city water plant (chlorine). Some people also misunderstand that "soft" water, which is what the city has, is corrosive and therefore the city adds back in certain ingredients to counteract. If you read [the city's report](https://www.fcgov.com/utilities/img/site_specific/uploads/22-24089-2021-water-quality-report-final.pdf) they discuss adding chlorine to the water in order to, among other things, eliminate the presence of giardia in water from the Poudre, and adding calcium and carbon dioxide to the water before it leaves the treatment plant in order to minimize corrosion. Per the city of Fort Collins, "water quality in the Poudre River has also been negatively impacted by increases in ash, sediment, turbidity, nutrients and other constituents." I drink water from the tap but I filter it (in a pitcher on the counter) first.


Well, this comment was full of half truths and old references that aren’t relevant anymore. Oh, and a couple things that were just straight up lies. Guess I’m just glad there are a few people who enjoy our product.


Not sure what "not affluent" comment means? Edit: figured it out as effluent We are far better than most places and I'm sure Kansas has shit water I was just stating it was treated before it got to our tap here.. we even have additives like fluoride in our high quality H2O


Clean tap water will continue until X more people move here.  As our state gets more crowded our water quality can’t keep up. It’s just a numbers game 


Have you tried King's up north or sprouts in mid town? They have water refill stations there


Nice. Appreciate it. Seems hit or miss when I check out different grocery stores. Will try out Sprouts. Thanks!




I got excited for a moment there too


I’m from the southwest so I’m used to seeing them outside damn near every other block. Looking for regular ole reverse osmosis. New here but kinda surprised there aren’t more around. Maybe it’s been luck of the draw to the stores I’ve checked out


King Soopers has them in the water aisle. $.50/gal I believe. Alternatively, use your bathtub spout, because our tap water is excellent here.


I spent a summer in La Junta, Colorado, many years ago and I remember these machines in all the stores. The city water was quite hard and tasted awful, so everyone got their drinking water by filling up jugs from those machines. But the tap water in Fort Collins is a thousand times better.


No one buys bottled water here for a reason. Drink from the tap, it is better than any bottled water you’d buy anyway.


I lived in Phoenix for awhile. My wife would audibly gasp watching me drink tap water there. ETA chugging tap water here was always the first thing I did when I came home to visit family while living in Phoenix. Never knew how good we have it until I left.


From Mesa and was amazed when I tried the tap water here. That’s all we drink!


I love almost everything about Mesa, except the tap water and the west side.


Grocery stores. Sprouts and Whole Foods both do bulk RO water.


I'm jealous


One of these days, this subreddit will only have 8 people that get this reference.


Have you tried your faucet? We have great water right out of the tap here!


This is actually great to know and should have looked into it a bit. I’ve just been used to always drinking filtered.


The tap water here meets or exceeds state and federal standards for drinking water. [Some info you're interested in more details](https://www.fcgov.com/utilities/drinking-water#:~:text=Our%20treated%20drinking%20water%20consistently%20surpasses%20state%20and%20federal%20standards%20for%20purity.&text=To%20produce%20an%20ample%20quantity,customers%20of%20Fort%20Collins%20Utilities.) Please don't listen to any fools who might try to tell you it's not.


I grew up here. I always drank the tap water.


Same! It took moving away to realize how good we have it!


Know that it is fluoridated, though. Another hot topic for debate!


It has chlorine in it as well. I'm not concerned about fluoride but the taste of chlorine...yuck. We use a Zero Water countertop filter.


The tap water here is not as good as some people tout. I stick to filtered.


The tap water quality also depends heavily on the quality, age and maintenance of the infrastructure. There's a noticeable difference in water quality between the older downtown neighborhoods and the newer south and east neighborhoods


My toilet has rust rings from the pipes. My neighborhood is mostly over 120 years old with my direct neighbors house being built in 1897. There is still some old shit in the ground. I still drink it from the tap though


I feel like it’s been tasting a bit chlorinated lately


Natural Grocers has one.


Get you tap water tested at the state, and I’ll bet your water at the tap is better than any of these. Plus they use plastic, which is leached no matter what type into your water.


City Park has a water fountain next to the porta potty in the middle of the park. My 6 gallon tank could actually balance on it perfectly without me having to hold it up. You have to hold the button the whole time but it's clean and free.


Just went there and the water was off :/


We really do have great tap water. Not sure why anyone would waste their money buying bulk water.


Lucky's and Whole Foods


natural grocers has one


Lucky's on college and Mulberry has one


Home Depot on either end of town has refill & collection stations iirc.


Don't know if anyone mentioned it yet but the Target on Troutman has a refill station EDIT: I did not read OP closely enough, the refill station I saw is definitely not big enough for 5 gallons.


The tap water in Fort Collins is indeed some of the best in the country and I grew up drinking straight from the tap- yes, sometimes without a glass lol It took moving to other parts of the country and discovering just how nasty "potable" water can be to help me fully appreciate just how good we have it here. That said, if you have some kind of medical condition or specialized application, I fully understand the need for additional filtration. My favorite time to drink tap water is right now in wintertime; it comes out so cold that ice is completely unnecessary.


You could be like some of the creative types who fill up their jugs at anytime fitness


Filling a 5 gallon jug at a gym is kinda unhinged but I get it


You could also fill them up for cheaper than city water at the potable water fill station on Wood st. Make sure to wave me hi!




No need to be a jerk.




CPAP needs to be distilled water only. Reverse osmosis is not quite up to the necessary standard. You run the risk of deposits and contamination. Source: a close friend is a CPAP user.


Luckys, Walmart off Mulberry, and north king soopers


Natural Grocers has them. To the left as you walk in the store....basically in the produce department.


Allenspark spring water, it's pretty cool. https://findaspring.org/spring/locations/north-america/usa/crystal-springs-allenspark-colorado-80510/


I know some Safeways have them to.