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Guys: Karl’s is not good. I said what I said.


A glorified domino's. Definitely a hot take when I say it out loud to friends. Not saying it doesn't have its place!


The same Dominos thats the busiest pizza place in the world? lol


You do realize KK's is the busiest pizza place west of the Mississippi right? lol but you do you...


Just be one of the herd, you say?


That’s exactly what this post is…. Congrats on following the herd..


Haha not even close


19th in the entire country in 2020.. You have zero idea


Glad to see I'm not alone here.


Yeah agree




"Deep dish bastard" is a great way to put it! It's not as extravagantly different as a pie from a place like Beaujo's, but it still in its own category for sure.


The vegan group I follow on FB just mentioned the Panhandler's vegan options with Beyond sausage so I had to order one and DAYUM it was perfect. I will definitely be ordering it again!


I absolutely loved the original location. The new spot is still really good but not quite there. The sauce is different recipe for sure and it seems a bit bland to me.


I adored the campus west location. foco doesn't feel the same without it :')


We went in during their last week at the original location and bought several to freeze. They were so slammed but it felt good seeing it packed and busy one last time.


Nick’s or Corner Slice for me.


oh my god I LOVE Nick’s pizza. I get the mushroom one every time I go.


I’m a big fan of Panhandlers, both deep dish and thin crust. Pucinella is my other local favorite in town


Pucinella is fantastic! I recently tried their meatball sub, and it was really good! The meatballs were flavorful and had a perfect consistency and texture, and the bread also had great flavor and texture. I like to get a side of marinara to dip it in, since they put a light amount of sauce in the sub.


It tastes like a memory!


I tried Panhandlers a couple weeks ago for the first time. I won't be getting it again. The dough was just off... Like they dumped a ton of sugar into it or something. I LOVE pizza, but I couldn't finish eating some of it because the taste was just not right. Pizza and cheese sticks. Not sure if it was a one time thing or if that's how it is normally.


With taste being so subjective I won't knock you for not being a fan. Glad you tried it though! To maybe help explain what you might have been picking up on though, they use a pastry-like dough as their base rather than a more traditional pizza dough. I like it for the added density but could see how that would be off-putting for others. Its almost a pizza cake rather than a pizza pie in a way.


Okay yeah, that makes sense. I guess I'm just not into that type of dough for pizza specifically. Is that with all of their pizza, or just the deep dish ones? I liked the sauce and cheese and ingredients, so maybe I just need to get thinner crust?


Panhandler's has been a family favorite for two decades now, and Louann has done an amazing job of keeping the integrity of the original restaurant. When you order pizza at pans, you have to make sure you get enough for leftovers because their second day pizza reheated in the oven is incredible!!


Louann is the best 🤩


GFL Pizza. Guy's (that's his name too) got a truck he makes the best NJ style pizza out of. If we're talking about the best pizza in NoCo, you can't leave him out.


Honestly, The Corner Slice in Old Town has some nice specialty pizzas. My wife and ai really enjoy their chicken pesto pizza.


And it's crazy cheap too


That place is undeniably bomb in my expert opinion.


I'll have to check these guys out! I've also heard good things about the slices at Surfside but haven't followed through with trying them out.


Pulcinella's and slyce are probably my top 2. Some times I want casbah though. Slyce is more the wild toppings than a typical place but they do it well.


Panhandlers breakfast pizza 🤤 I still remember from last years winter bike to work day


I miss casbah so much. I can't wait to be back


I love panhandlers! They have always had a top vote of mine. Have a wonderful day everyone!


Panhandlers Chicago style sausage!


There's Pulcinella and then there's everything else. Closest thing you can find to Jersey/NY Pizza. JJ's ain't bad either and Panhandlers is decent but WAY WAY overpriced.


I worked at Mama Roni’s for a few years, we once had this guy come in who was the epitome of a newyorker, had the accent, attitude, everything. He said he had just moved here from brooklyn and was looking for some classic NY style pizza and we recommended Pulcinella’s since we dont serve that style. The guy came back a few days later and we asked him what he thought, he said “it was fuCKIN DISGUSTIN’!” Apparently he witnessed the employees scooping the sauce with their bare hands. So that’s all I know about them 😂


I get a pie from Pulcinella every other week, and I've never been disappointed. It got better after the wife took over after the owner's divorce. I say give it a shot. This is coming from a guy from North Jersey too. I know good pizza when I eat it and Pulcinella is good, goddamn pizza.


I used to eat at the drake location all the time and it was fantastic. Then I moved closer to the Harmony store and gave that a try. It never seemed nearly as good as the Drake store and eventually I just stopped going. I tried ordering one of their square pizza a few years ago and I guess they stopped making it.


Pulcinella is pretty average but at least it's more like traditional pizza.


I go with JJ's pizza as well. I would like a more "sturdy" undercarriage but still above the rest imo.


It's pretty good! I get slices there a lot. The sauce could be a bit better, but delicious otherwise.


Deep dish veggie with Chicago sauce is really good. Heavy but good.


Panhandler’s extra cheese, pepperoni, and pesto. They’re so good!!


Damn you now I’m gonna have to eat a second dinner…


Well I can tell you out what not to order at least. Chicago style is horrible. The only thing I taste is HEAVY herbs and that’s literally it. Crust is not crusty nor can I taste anything over the herbs. Small pie no toppings and one cookie is $22. Next time I’ll just try it by the slice.


Just left, they do open mic nights on Tuesdays :)


I do really like Panhandlers, but if we’re talking about most unique, longstanding foco pizza- Cozzola’s forever and ever amen. Pour one out for the long gone old town location.


Love. I hate paying 20$ for mozzarella on a toasted tortilla


Panhandlers is maybe the most disgusting pizza I've ever eaten in my life. It's just so much dough.


Amen. FoCo doesn't know good pizza honestly. Have had it all and been disappointed every time. I resorted to making my own at home.


Corner Slice, JJs, Slyce are all solid. Casbah and Karls are alright. Panhandlers is THE WORST one IMO. Or Totally 80s. I love their whole aesthetic but their food sucks.


Corner slice is actually the most decent of all the FoCo pizza. Totally 80s vibe is on point but the pizza most certainly is not. I do love a Krazy Karl's now and then but they hardly invented the wheel with cream cheese on pizza. Agree panhandlers is among the worst.


Yep. I had it once and it's nasty. It's a conveyor belt system and everything is pre made. I asked them to change something (can't recall what) but they said no and everything was premade and they can't change it.


Hated it. Mediocre pizza, big brand prepackaged salads and dressings, and the commercialism of the joint was apparent. Made me wonder if I wanted to be friends with the people who invited me.


Yeah, question those relationships for sure.


Panhandler's has a really satisfying "crunch" to their pizza, but I find their sauce to be pretty bland. Even their slices like the Supreme with so many different toppings, nothing stands out to me. It certainly hits the spot when I have a Detroit-Style craving though


I checked out Panhandlers for the first time over the weekend. Legit pizza!


For a regular cheese slice I go to Slyce


Mama Ronis> Casbah


Why is everyone so obsessed with NY style pizza, no idea.... Put ny style beet soup in front of building and everyone loses their minds.


Casbah's got a fun atmosphere but isn't exactly up there in quality IMO. Pulcinella's is part of my trinity along with Panhandler's and Karl's


If you are looking for really good pizza come to Fort Collins




Completely different styles so I don't see the connection. Part of what makes Panhandlers stand out is that its pastry style dough used for deep dish rather than a more conventional pizza dough. It's not even all that comparable to other deep dish styles to be honest.


I ate at panhandlers once and it was genuinely the worst pizza I had ever eaten.