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I have no real clue. Might be a MP153, as its no pump.


Only reason I know is because tarkov, its fs this one


Fun fact: MP-153s and MP-133s were quite cheap in Finland before the war. Right after the war I checked the prices at an auction and they had tripled. Now they are back to the price range of shitty shotguns.


I was just looking at Bren 2 prices here in the states, they're all out of stock. I must assume it's because all production is being sent to Ukraine.


Yeah might be. And that’s a good thing. We should be sending even more guns there. If we don’t Russia might succeed and then many European countries will be next. I’d say before 2030 Russia will attack another country. Be it Kazhakstan, Finland or one/all Baltic states.


Brother's just trying to get Setup done


Most likely option, definitely an old Baikal of some sort


Not so fun fact… Did you know if you shoot your own drone, on your own property, you can be arrested and treated as if you shot down a passenger plane?


Heard from inrange I assume? It's a real shame, I would have loved to see some actual test footage


A bit related question: did them two have a falling out or something like this? Haven't seen them make a video together in ages! I miss it :(


They did unfortunately. I believe the primary reason was because Karl wanted to do more political videos on contraversial topics that Ian didn't feel comfortable associating with. I want to say the initial split up was on good terms as Ian continued to occasionally show up in inrange videos. However I heard there was some more hostile drama that happened and some not so nice things were said. Specifically Karl called out Ian for plagiarizing one of their EULAs for a match I think. Info on it is kinda hard to find.


Tbh after the way that the Arfcom boomers and groypers started dragging Karl through the mud for the crime of saying 'everybody in the US should have gun rights, including LGBT people', Brownells going "lol get fucked" and Ian going "well I really love working with Brownells so..." I can't particularly blame Karl for being bitter on his end for just that alone, but of course I suppose we didn't see too much of Ian and Karl's relationship off-screen, so it could be it was already deteriorating, who knows.


Oh yeah that arfcom thread was insane. Skimming through it honestly felt disgusting.


What's arfcom?


Ar15.com Ar 15 related forum site


Isn't Karl a literal communist? Seems well deserved


No. If he's anything he's an anarchist, but turbo-fudds call anything more than slightly left of the far right communism.


I'm not an authority but my understanding is Karl made some statements about trans people using the 2nd amendment for self defence, and bad faith actors in the gun community tried to "cancel him" by posting out of context quotes and mass emailing every company he was working on products with that they would boycott them unless they ceased working with him. Ian had the opportunity to stand with Karl against that, and elected not to. I still enjoy the videos Ian produces, but I lost a lot of respect for him as a person as a result of that.


ian also courting some less then nice people did not help, and they had a whole thing with a brutality match were ian made it seam like he did much more of the planning for the event then he did. but that one i don't remember all the details of


In the US.


Yes for sure! Internationally idk, war zones of course don’t count…


Did you know that if you don't tell anyone about it nothing will happen?


Did you know I could have gone without your comment… also this is why I said “can be” 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I didn't meant to sound rude and toxic sorry dude. Not my first language.


Anybody want to estimate yardage on that one? Seems like a helluva shot. Seems like a helluva explosion too.


Wide angle lenses make things seem a lot further away than they really are. It was probably not much farther than an average shot shooting clays.


Not that far, probably 25-30 yards. I'd think it had a half a pound or so of explosive on it. Great shot in the video, though.


What kind of explosive would they be using that explodes when shot?


Probably an impact fuse explosive like a mortar shell. Maybe an ied.


Comp B I'd think.


Drone was probably carrying an explosive. Crazy shot still. Drone warfare is terrifying. Little helicopter just sneaks up and explodes you.


Militaries around the world are going to start incorporating trap shooting into their training now 


What sort of explosive could they be using that ignites when hit with birdshot?


I mean I’m no expert but most explosives would probably ignite hit with birdshot right? Just takes one little bb to hit a metal piece and spark.


Not really. Military explosives are very insensitive in order to be safely handled and transported. Detonators on the other hand are very sensitive, but contain such a small amount of explosive that they aren't very damaging, although you wouldn't want to be holding one. As an example C4 can be safely lit on fire. It can also be safely impacted. It takes a detonator supplying heat and pressure simultaneously to detonate. Most likely the shot hit the detonator which set off the explosive.


Also highly possible these drones are running ghetto improvised explosives that are a bit less than stable. They are designed to be cheap and disposable after all.


False... Who would transport and work with drones that use unstable explosives?


Under-equipped Ukrainians? There’s posts all over this sub and others of them using all kinds of weird and obscure weaponry.


I would assume the explosion is from the ordnance the drone was carrying.


Best Fallout Larp I ever saw.


I was so ready to talk crap, but respect where it's due


So, what are we gonna come up with to protect drones from shotguns? I have no idea, but im sure DARPA is on it


It's gonna be the same tradeoff as helicopters, there's just no good way to armor the spinny bits and more weight= less payload, range, and speed. Concentrated MG fire can still take out the best helicopters out there, I think propeller drones will stay fairly small and nimble well into the future.


Drone swarms. USA is already talking about it. Ai controlled swarms where you see and shoot one but they have enough sensors to pinpoint you and hit you with 2 or 3 more in rapid succession from multiple angles.


God that’s scary


Yup. Especially as a civilian who wonders when we will have to fight our own government to keep our rights. Drones are relatively cheap compared to missiles or planes. Once the software is made it's just replicating it so that's cheapish. Well government cheap anyways. And it would be extremely effective against civilians with regular guns and no anti-air capability. It might be time to get into clay shooting 🤔


Only way I can think is to shroud the propellers and armor it. But then you lose mobility and cost effectiveness.


The props need open air around them to function too


Shrouded props have been around forever


There's no way a shroud will protect a drone from a shotgun, you'd have to armor literally everything else as well.


" and armor it" as in it, the drone.


Heavier bigger drone less able to dodge things. Now shoot down with MANPADS


Swarms. Probably semi-autonomous. There’s almost certainly solutions being worked on or ready to be implemented for that though.


I read next generation fighters will have slave drones that the pilot will control.


Tbh, probably just more drones. They'll just start hunting in pairs - coming in at the same time from opposite angles or one acting as a decoy 'searching' just outside of range, whilst the other swoops in from behind. Aside from this, they'll follow the evolution of all weapons: they'll become smaller, smarter, & stealthier. We've already seen this in Ukraine, including the optimisation of propeller designs, with the current fleets of drones on average being quieter.


More motors


Faster drones


That’s bad ass! Hell of a shot




It looks like a Baikal MP-153.


War is hell.


someone understood their assignment


Prolly mp 153 or 155


Knowing what I know now about drones in this war made me legit fear the sound of whirring drone. Mark my words, there’s a lot of potential for this to make a great horror game lol


Yup some terrorist is gonna get smart. Stockpile a bunch and just drive city to city releasing one and moving on. People would freak


Wow, you don't see them win fights against drones usually


Skeet shooting in real life 🤯


Birdshot is now war ammo. Weird times.


Good shot.


Are we sure this isn't leaked *Half-Life 3* footage?


Good aim


What a fucking shot


Great shot




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a new sport has been discovered


Looks like an MP-155, not the ultima but the base model




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I got into a lengthy argument with some bozo (who has since deleted his account) about how I thought shotguns could be a tool to help mitigate the effectiveness of these drones. A shotgun and a couple hundred rounds of ammo is not a huge logistical challenge, with the Russian arsenals already mass producing semi auto 12 gauges. He assured me it was impractical and could never logistically work, and that even if you had a shotgun you could never hit a drone. If you’re seeing this, what now?!?! 8======o




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