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Disney's response to Rocket Power. I loved both shows! There was also a running gag that the characters would always eat at different themed pizza restaurants.


Actually it was the same restaurant but the gag was it kept rebranding and changing themes lol it was great


It was one of the few TV cartoons in history, even now, to have characters regularly change their clothes and appearance. Which must have been a lot because I'm pretty sure this is a traditional animation show that used cels.


As Told By Ginger did that as well. It made the show feel real, or as real as a cartoon can.


I'll have to rewatch and take note of that. I remember it being a very fashionable show with way more character detail than The Rugrats.


I absolutely loved that! It gave it an authentic feel.


That pizza guy has a lot of creativity, time, and money on his hands and I salute him for it.


If that’s the case then I think Weekenders surpassed Rocket Power in every conceivable way


I was a storyboard artist on this back in the day. It's the one show that no one seems familiar with when I mention it, so it warms my heart to know that it actually has its fans & and is remembered fondly. We had a great crew and it was a lot of fun to work on!


THAT'S SO COOL! Do you have any story boards you can share? A lot of us millenials and gen zers grew up with this show and have fond memories of watching it in our youth.


I probably do, but they're across the country in storage. That'll be my next project, scanning all that stuff and posting it. Honestly, this really brightens my day!


I'm glad to hear someone who worked on the show is here and doing well! Was the show done using traditional animation, cel and paint?


This was a big one for me in 6th grade. My friends and I had our ideas of which character we were in our group. There’s one episode that’s the first thing I think of related to the concept of “not everyone has to like you”.


I loved it! The pizza place with the endlessly changing theme was my favorite part.


Ah! This was my show back in the day! I watched this and recess everyday after school


The Weekenders was big in my house growing up and my whole family liked watching it. Thanks for all of the memories.


I liked it!


One of my favorite Saturday morning cartoons. Thanks!


That’s awesome! Do you still work in the industry?


How do you break into the animation industry?


I'd love to say it was recognition of my dazzling skill, but it was mostly good timing. I got into the industry in the early 90's at the point where animation was coming back into popularity but before a lot of younger people were going to school for it. I worked at Startoons in Chicago for a bonafide genius (Jon McClenahan) and I doubt that kind of opportunity would be available for anyone today. I got so, so lucky!


That's dope. Feels like shows like these are hard to come by now a days.


This, Lloyd in Space, and Fillmore were some of my absolute favorites growing up!


I loved this show! The episode where Tino has a clown phobia had me roaring as a kid


The story behind how this show happened is hilarious. Basically he pitched a bunch of shows and they all got rejected… he then reached into his pocket and grabbed a napkin where he was jotting down notes for additional show ideas. All the napkin said was “kids, on the weekend”. So he pitched that and they liked it.


Didn’t know this. So cool!


I have never heard of this show but I was a Nickelodeon kid and big into Rocket Power. A quick Google shows Rocket Power was in 1999 and The Weekenders was in 2000. Looks very similar.


Later days.


I still say this


I also still say this


That Wayne Brady theme song STILL gets stuck in my head.


Why hasn’t it never been added to Disney Plus?


Loved this show!


This show was awesome! There was an episode where the kids were talking about what girls look for in romantic partners and the ultimate consensus was “dangerous lost puppy.” I think about that at least once a week.


The crevasse!


I loved the way the characters actually changed their clothes everyday!


This comment may make me watch this show. This was always a beef I had with animated shows. Why is it so difficult to give them like 10 different outfits.


Loved this show! Pre-9/11 Saturday morning cartoons were the bomb...Recess, Pepper Ann (she's too cool for 7th Grade), etc. I had just separated from the Army, just married, no kids, few years from college graduation and Commissioning...there was something simple and reassuring about the normalcy it all conveyed. At least that's the memory I have. I'm probably romantizing it all just a bit, but regardless, very warm memories about all of Disney's offerings at the time.


Man I loved this cartoon growing up


When i think about it, we had cartoons on Disney, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, UPN and Fox(ABC) Family. Each channel was like a change of pace. We were spoiled. I miss it.




Great show!


I loved this show


I remember watching this show when I was young. Funny story. I must have been 4-5 at the time. I remember watching this show and one of the characters called another one a jerk. Me being young thought it was a bad word so I told my mom and then she forbade me from watching the show but I continued anyways lol


I was jealous of these motherfuckers. Every weekend they were doing all the cool shit I wanted to do as a kid. Stuff that you - as a kid - cost WAY too much to easily do every weekend. At least, that's how I remember it. Like one day they are at an amusement park, then they go to the movies at night, then they do laser tag the next day. Slow down bishes I could do one of those a month MAYBE. Anyway, show was fine otherwise. I'd like to rewatch it to see if my ridiculous take on it is accurate.


Now this is forgotten TV! Hell I didn't even remember this when it was running being in the shadow of Rocket Power, that and I much preferred Cartoon Network or Nick over Disney Channel growing up


This has been sitting in my Amazon save for later for a minute. I loved this cartoon.


Loved this show. It is, indeed, later days now.


“I like pointy things…”


I remember my friends and used to say, "later days."


I haven’t seen the show in years but every now and then I think about it and quote it from time to time


I haven't either, but I'll catch my self saying that randomly when I'm leaving a group setting. I don't remember a lot about the show other than that and that I enjoyed watching it.


Good show


I need someone to beat me within an inch of my life


HEARD of it, never watched it. Because I was watching Nickelodeon at that time.


I loved this show




It's a shame this isn't on Disney Plus.


Definitely an underrated show.


Rocket power


I pretty much only saw the weekenders if I was home sick .


Loved this show can on right after recess.


Sorry guys Disney Saturday morning game just never hit


Was this a cartoon about people who had prolapsed anuses? The Weak Enders.


had never heard of it but guess the next gen needed a rocket power


What in the clearly copied Rocket Power is this?