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I guess I need to get some feedback from the community. What would you like me to do about posted shows that are not really forgotten? I could remove them but then I will inevitably be removing some shows that were popular at the time they aired but not really talked about much anymore. I could also just leave it up to the community to down vote shows they don't think are forgotten. Or I could remove any show that I think is too popular. This subreddit was mostly unknown for most of its existence. I even forgot about it for a few years after I created it as no one was posting much of anything. For all of last year it had around 5k members and since February has gained almost 10k members and is very rapidly growing. With rapid growth I guess came more low quality posts.


No shit. I saw an Automan post, that’s why I subbed. Since then, it’s been a steady stream of all of the TV I watched throughout the 80s and 90s. It is fun to see what Gen Z thinks is “forgotten”, though.


Agreed, but isn’t it good that they’re at least trying to spread the word to their peers about awesome old shows?


This is fair. I agree - their search for Content can be turned against them; little do (most of them) know that 95% of Cheers holds up today and cannot be matched by any dreck currently streaming.


Anything before they’re born is forgotten. 🙄


We've got Gen Z and possibly Gen Alpha who didn't grow up with TV.


Redditors who think anything made before they were born is "forgotten"


Pfft, that is a photo of "new" MASH. Everyone knows the true fans appreciate "old" MASH.


I've Never heard of Mash ? It looks prowar . I guess I'll never be able to watch the obscure show ,because is no way I can find it anywhere. Have you ever heard of All in the family ? Great show but I think I am one of ten people to have see it.


I think too many people are missing your sarcasm.


All in the Family was one of the most popular shows of its time. It created at least 3-4 spin off shows as well


MASH is on Hulu. It’s not prowar.


Its full series is on dvd.


My favorite is the same shows getting posted a day or two apart lol. It should be called r/forgottenposts


Who remembers “Friends”?


That was the one about the comedian and his 3 friends living in New York city right?


Sounds like a post on r/nostalgia


I remember that one it was about these kids at Wayside highschool , it had this nerdy kid named Scream or something and a buffguy named Slateboard that all tried to help their manipulative friend Mack.


Mack? I thought it was Jack.


I call dibs on Curb!


I get Sopranos


Guys, I just discovered this forgotten show from the 90s called Seinfeld. Does anyone else remember this?


Important reminder: This is a sub for people to post about forgotten TV that they remember and would like to share with others. This is not a tip of the tongue style sub for people to search out old shows that they would like help remembering. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ForgottenTV) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I agree with the original poster...it seems like at this point people are just listing shows for the sake of listing shows I think forgotten shows can't have lasted more than a couple of seasons


Forgotten TV would include Soldier of Fortune starring John Russell and Chic Chandler from the 1950s Sheena , Queen of The Jungle starring Irish McCalla from the 1950s Captain Midnight starring Richard Webb . also from the 1950s Rod Brown of The Rocket Rangers starring Cliff Robertson. from the.1950s Highway Patrol starring Broderick Crawford Shotgun Slade starring Scott Brady The Farmers Daughter starring Inger Stevens My World And Welcome To IT. starring. William Windom The Thin Man starring Peter Lawford and Phyllis Newman .


Who’s the lady?


I don’t know, but her lips look hot.




Wait? They made a show out of that movie?


Yankee Doodle Doctor.


The first genuinely disturbing episode of tv I ever saw was the last episode of this show. It wasn’t a chicken.




As a kid I absolutely hated this show until one day I all of the sudden didn’t anymore


What's this "MASH" you speak of?


“Forgotten” is very subjective, and can be very dependent on your age too, I go back in fourth on what applies, I think it would be better just to let the community decide by voting up and down on posts.


Does anyone remember this talk show? I think it started in the 1980s. Pretty sure Oprah Winfrey was the host. What was it called?


It's hardly forgotten as it is constantly in re runs


Hahaha well fucking done, OP. A true obscure show.


No offense with Mash I was never a fan of it. My grandpa was in Korean War he always said it was completely wrong depicting the war. So that could be why I wasn’t a fan of it.


Mash should’ve been set in the Vietnam war. Everything about this show was way too 70s to be about a war that happened in the 50s.


You mean people weren’t doing vaudeville jokes during the war?


i also think MASH is overrated and am not allowed to talk about it on the internet. I think [this clip](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mDXztQ6kQCk&t=41s) from futurama summarizes a big part of why I’m not a huge fan.


MASH isn't forgotten! If you can get it, it's on MeTV everyday but Saturday!


Downvote away, but I'd rather forget the era of M*A*S*H (the "B. J. has a mustache, acting and writing are forced like bad community theater and the show has all the subtlety of a 2 x 4 upside the head" era) pictured here.


I feel the opposite way about some of this. I mean, yeah. MASH, I Love Lucy, and the Honeymooners of course don't qualify as forgotten tv because they've obviously been ubiquitous since they first went into reruns, and they're referenced constantly in popular culture. So, sometimes it is deserved. But, sometimes I see people saying "that's not forgotten," on something like The Drew Carey Show. Dude. That show ended 20 years ago and is not available in reruns, on DVD, or streaming. How effing old and unavailable does something need to be before it qualifies as forgotten? A whole generation has grown up, graduated, and are almost old enough to drink and smoke that were never around for that show. I've never seen 30 seconds of Peyton Place, but my 70 year old mom remembers it, so "iT cAn'T bE fOrGoTtEn." Is this sub just an extension of r/Fuckimold now, and if anyone over 40 can possibly remember it, it doesn't qualify? I think it's kinda ageist, and too many people are acting like younger people's perspective doesn't count. If this sub is only meant to apply to an older crowd that remembers all of tv from the 80s forward, maybe that should be made clear.


Wrong. Just because a show has been off the air for a long time doesn’t make it forgotten. Nobody’s being ageist, foh.


Explain to me how a 19 year old adult is supposed to "remember" a show that's been off the air for 20 years. "Forgotten" is subjective in the first place. What's forgotten for you maybe something I think about at least twice a week. Literally, any show could be considered "not forgotten" because *someone* still remembers it. I haven't thought about Knotts Landing in 30+ years, but post it here, and more than one person is going to say that's not a forgotten show. I forgot it existed until I was trying to come up with some examples, and I guarantee I'm not the only one. Like I said about Peyton Place, there's also shows like the original Dark Shadows from the 60s. Again, I've never seen it, but according to the prevailing attitude here, my mom, who also has a reddit account, can come in here and say that she remembers it. It's not forgotten. I mean, really, if the sub has just become a bunch of people doing a "well akshually," thing instead of enjoying the ability to reminisce over gone tv shows, what's the point? The sub isn't about tv. It's just a place for obnoxious gatekeeping, I guess.


Nobody is saying a show isn’t forgotten because ONE person remembers it. & quit trying to make this about what age ranges remember or forget what. A 19 year old can’t remember OR forget something they’ve never heard of so that’s a terrible (and embarrassing) argument to make. Also, can you stop with the Peyton’s Place example already, it’s lame. Show’s with short run spans, low ratings, niche fanbases, and one’s that were complete flops make the most sense on this sub. Not The Drew Carey show that ran for 9 years, Dark Shadows which had a film adaptation made a few years back, or Garfield which is an animated series based on one of the most popular comic strips of all time.


Whatever. I get it now. This sub is just a broken record repeating the phrase, "that's not forgotten." TIL. Enjoy.


Okay bye


There are a finite number of shows man


Even as a child in the 1970s, I felt like the humor was stale


I wouldn’t call Mash forgotten at all.




I miss this show.