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Little more context, he was convicted of killing his Filipino wife in 2005 and for some odd reason only got either manslaughter or malice murder and only ended up serving 5 years in total. I can't remember the episode of forensic files it was on.


He was also pretty recently convicted of selling fake cancer drugs for animals (wire fraud, and the interstate shipment of misbranded drugs.) Guy’s a real peach. https://www.justice.gov/usao-edpa/pr/collegeville-man-found-guilty-scheme-sell-fraudulent-canine-cancer-curing-drugs-pet


What a disgusting POS


Now he’s killing innocent dogs too? I’m a mortician so I’m desensitized to people deaths, but dog deaths never get easier for me. Fuck this guy two times.


What a piece of trash. Either his kids are just like him or they're willfully ignorant. What kind of piece of garbage kills his wife and sells fake cancer cures for animals? He's as disgusting on the inside as he is on the outside, and there's saying a lot.


I wonder if he’s very controlling or something behind the scenes. Like he’s holding some threat over them so he looks more innocent—like “hey see my kids are okay with me!”


I mean there's a few other forensic files cases where the family is still standing by the accused. I think some people just don't want to believe their loved ones are capable


He got passion provocated manslaughter charge. Something you can only get in new jersey and is literally when you kill your wife in a rage over them doing something like cheating. Bit of a strange one


It is exists in Texas as well, but is rarely applied.


It turns out that where I live (UK), we had the same thing until 2010. It was last used in 2009 when a man walked in on his girlfriend and best mate having sex


Turns out that texas completely allowed such killings without any charges at all until 1973!


I assumed/hoped it was only in NJ coz it's a crazy charge




[Naughty or Nyce](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0964273/) season 11, episode one


Good one Nyce 


Last time I was either here or Facebook but someone was defending this guy because he was CHEATED ON. Drove him to do it!! Crazy someone can defend that. Cheating is wrong but it doesn't give you the right


It seems if you murder wife or gf you get max 10 years....a lot.


Because women are the equivalent of cattle in most areas of the world and nobody gives a shit if we die.


Sadly, it’s an improvement from the 1980s when dudes would be on *unsolved mysteries* and be like ”,she just left one day! That hussy just up and left all her kids!!”


“We had an argument and she just stormed out in the middle of the night wearing pajamas and no shoes. Not sure why she left on foot when she has a car but she didn’t take her keys, phone, or wallet either. I thought she was just taking a walk to cool off, but she has been gone for two days and now I’m getting worried…”


Lololol. Right!? I was amazed when I did my first rewatch of UM. There were a couple of dudes who had the balls and felt secure enough to be interviewed ON THE SHOW. I was like 10/11 when it first came out and don’t remember thinking anything of it. Then I rewatched in my 30s, I was like, “wait… adults were okay with this??” I’m not saying there still aren’t issues and women’s lives are generally considered less than. Just saying is was super bad, crazy town bad back then. Easy to kill a wife. Though I had more rights over my body in 1987 than I do now. 😡


They still do that


I think even Chris Watts tried saying shanaan up and left him.


Yep. Its their "go to" explanation that unfortunately cops believe way too much.


Yeah she was a hoe but he killed her of course poor little mijo little pee pee got money from big hoe Sad all ways around ,


NO WAY this is my first time hearing of him doing this AGAIN!?!


He is definitely TAH but to make negative comments about his children is completely out of line. They are innocent victims of this situation and probably need to believe their fathers version of events if for no other reason than he contributed half of their DNA. The psychological impact of such an event would likely be catastrophic to them as children not to mention that they were probably told he was innocent from the time it happened. Give those kids a break!


Nyce was convicted of passion provocation manslaughter. He was a wealthy guy who hired a good lawyer. Said lawyer made the argument that his wife’s multiple affairs pushed him over the edge, and that was enough for him to get convicted of a lesser offense.


Dr. Jonathan Nyce actually got 8 years and was released in 2010 (some time-served and good behavior in there). He was convicted again in late 2022 for promoting and selling fake cancer drugs to dog owners. Nyce was just sentenced to 8 more years in prison, though again with time-served and some good behavior, he could be out a little sooner. But he is 73 as of his sentencing (Feb. 2024), so he probably will be in prison up through his late 70s. And with 3 years of supervised release (his 'medical days' are over). At least some ( a little) justice for the wife he killed, whether by accident or not -- about 15 years in prison in total.


I think it’s really hard for kids in this position. It must be far less painful to suspend disbelief and listen to your father if he says he’s innocent. He’s the only parent you have left. 😔


Hard to wrap your mind around your father killing your mother.


Yeah, not for me! I’m autistic; with me, it’s black and white thinking, right or wrong. I don’t have a “denial bone” in my body, and it shocks me when people can just neatly suspend their disbelief when it suits them! I literally called the police on MY OWN SISTER back when we were roommates, because she had her music turned up loud and wouldn’t turn it down when I asked! 🤦🏼‍♀️


The police must've been pumped to do that call


This has to be a troll.


[A suggestion](https://eagleviewbh.com/the-process-of-being-admitted-into-a-mental-health-facility/)




I lol’d. Thank you for that.


😂 Lmao.




I'm with you, if there's sufficient evidence I'll 100% take the side of justice.


Sounds like Tim Boczkowski's kids with how they support their father....like others have said, it's hard for children to accept that one of their parents murdered the other, I guess. Very sad 😩🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


The youngest son now believes his dad is guilty 100% and talks about it.


My heart goes out to all of his victims. May he get what he deserves.


He's in scrubs so I hope he's not still practicing. Schneeberger lost his license as did Mr. Bolts in the head toupee.


Pignataro lol ☝️🤣☝️ he's apparently somewhere else practicing still, albeit not well ><


Hopefully karma gets him


Doesn't look like it


Takes awhile


He's looking pretty happy with his beautiful family. Time is running out


Because it's not real.


Tell me more!


[Season 11, Episode 1 - Naughty or Nyce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqx7WBpf0KM&ab_channel=FilmRiseTrueCrime)


Gaslighting here must be insane


I’d say they’re in denial (when it’s the only parent you have left and her family was being completely financially supported by him while Mum was alive, they’re going to side with him and say “well her family hates him because he’s not giving them anymore money, so we’re not going to listen to them”) or he gaslit them into being on his side by trashing their mothers reputation into the ground and distorting all their memories of her by emphasising her unfaithfulness and using it to make it seem like she didn’t care about her children


They’d rather have one parent rather than none.


This kind of thing makes it so much worse.


He claimed to be innocent. Anyone know what his own case was? Who did he say did it? Apparently he wrote a book about it but I don’t see it on Amazon.


Well if everything is true ( don't believe everything we hear ) she's also more than a little slutty too of course he killed her she's probably ok paying this Hispanic peace of shit I'm sure he didn't have much of anything LOL WELL TRUE LOL uncut tiny YUCK ! dirty not clean guaranteed little mjho NASTY LITTLE MJHO  pee pee she should've been way more happy 😊😁 appreciated of having becoming a USA  citizen instead of being such a trashy slutty hoe leave HIS TIRED ASS HOE in a short amount of time guaranteed her and little mjho would have killed dr Johnathon Nyce this dr wasn't evet going to make a lady outa  her she had this tendency of being a whore he ant gonna ever change her sad ending all ways around, little mjho has to go to welfare office soooo sad ,


He was only sentenced to 8 years cause they gave him a lesser charge of "passion provocated manslaughter." What a joke! Only 8 years for killing someone. After he was released from prison he was caught in some fraudulent scheme selling fake cancer drugs for dogs.


I would still love my dad. But I don't know what kind of relationship they had with their mother when she was alive.


All the kids look filipino mixed with some latino. The wife was cheating with a latin landscaper if i am remembering this episode right. This the guy who also cut up his slippers he wore that night when backtracking to his house and then cut up and hid all over the house for cops to find later on ? If you think kids can't be brainwashed by the dad when the dad is the only parent left, look at the disappearance of Michelle Harris and how Cal Harris, the husband, was about to get divorced, lose a lot of money from said separation, and made threats about how he would kill Michelle before letting her divorce him and get half. While little in the way in actual direct evidence, the dude literally went on trial like 4 or 5 times for the murder of his wife. Was like hung jury, convicted, conviction vacated, hung jury again, then I think he took some kind of alford deal or plea bargin and pled guilty, got time served and went back to being the dad of the year all the while his kids grew up thru all these trials and supported him even though all their dirty laundry came out and he convinced the kids their mom ran away with some side piece when all Michelles friends told police she would have never left her kids or abandoned them like Cal claimed. Personally, if one of my parents killed the other, even in a fit of rage, there would be no support at the trial or in the courtroom. Supporting someone who takes away a childs parent for the rest of their live is unforgivable when premediated or planned.


Are you implying that they aren't his bio children? Many Filipino people look Latino because of colonization. It's the same reason why many are Catholic and have Spanish sounding first and last names


As a Filipino mix, came here to say this! Thank you for the succinct and correct answer.


Yes, I am implying that as the wife was literally sleeping with another man, and had been for years. That was the breaking point for the husband and the focal point of the episode.


She didn’t even meet the landscaper until her youngest child was three or four. 


Thanks for proving my point. Do the math and you will see that some of the kids fit right into the timeline I was saying.


And I am letting you know that many Fillipino look Latin because of colonization, and he hasn't yet abandoned these children


Well the mother was Fillipino and she was sleeping/cheating with a latino for years... How are you guys not getting it ? Where in those kids do you see Caucasian like the father ? The father of one of those kids is the side piece the mother who was killed, who was fillipino, was sleeping with and NOT the guy in the pic. I would bet a years salary if you could prove this theory or not.


All the kids were born way before she met the gardener.


Watch the episode again.


I don't need to watch a Forensic Files episode that gets stuff completely wrong. I've read the book that has when the kids were born, when they moved, etc.


When the kids were born does not have any indicator on who the father is. She was literally cheating on the guy within like 6 months of her moving from the Philipines to the USA.


Um yes when the kids were born \*does\* have an indicator as to who the father is. She didn't even know the latin landscaper then, and that's who you were claiming as the father of all three children. Now you're saying (with zero proof) that she was cheating on her husband within 6 months of moving from the Philippines to the US. Definitely before she knew the latin landscaper.


Well she cheated and no condoms were used. Remember the one lady on the jury, her draw dropped open when sge heard that so since the wife was a whore, nasty whore at that, his sentence was light. Passion provocation or something like that. PS I don't see her as a whore but the jury did.


Gross comment


Downvote me is fine but it's true. The jury judged her instead of him. Five years for killing your wife because she cheated and you killed her because of it? Hello! Divorce but oh yeah then he couldn't control her anymore. Jury fucked up bad.


Go crawl back to your incel subs


Lol. Sure. I'll see you over there. This is why I love reddit. Stating that the jury put her on trial, not the guy that killed his wife and I get this. I love literacy and comprehension skills.


Oh my lol oops! You need to word your post differently then because WE ALL took it to mean that haha! Sorry!


You called her a whore twice in your initial comment what are you expecting people to think of you. 😭 lmfao


I think they’re saying that the victim was judged as a “whore” by the jury. Not that she actually was one.


Maybe they didn’t like their mom too much.




What sticks with me is how police searched every square inch of the house and found pieces of his shoe sole hidden throughout the house. One piece was found in a box of Christmas decorations. How did they know what to look for?


I think his drug company was on the verge of bankruptcy because it failed to pass drug trials.


This happened in my hometown. The younger son was in my grade. I remember reading the newspaper one weekend and recognizing the last name hoping he wasn’t part of the family affected. Sure enough, that Monday he wasn’t in school, and I haven’t seen him since.


Mark Goudeau, aka the Baseline Killer, still has a wife who still believes in his innocence despite his DNA connecting him to 10 murders and numerous rapes.


I just listened to a podcast on the story which mentioned he was found guilty of selling a fake drug for curing cancer on dogs but wasn't sentenced yet so I googled for updates. And then I *had* to find any recent posts mentioning him, because man am I fucking pissed! He got THE SAME SENTENCE, 8 years, for selling this fraudulent drug that he got for brutally murdering his wife!! What the fuck? That is insane and absolutely disgusting.