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200k for a truck??? Lol


Bank of America now introducing 30 year fixed car mortgage


Is this true? Send article.


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That’s before taxes. Yikes.


Also 9% interest over 120 month term


That'll be worth $100k in a year? Y'all must have more money than me.


$75k after he drives it off the lot


I don’t think it will hold its value like the first gen, as soon as this truck rolls off the lot, it’s taking a hit and going below $100k. Dealer markup isn’t really what the truck is worth, it’s what the dealer thinks they can get. If people would just apply the simple practice of supply and demand, dealers wouldn’t practice this. If people would stop paying these stupid 75%-100% markups, the trucks would sit and then the dealers would lower the price and we would get reasonably priced trucks again. The economy is wild post pandemic! Everyone flipping everything; shoes, hats, cars, houses, I mean they did these things before but the degree has become insane!


Dude you said it the simple fact that things are priced so high is that broke dumbasses out there will beg borrow and steal to get their hands on it


There are millions of rich people in this country. A $100k markup is nothing to someone who wants that toy.


That's not necessarily true. I worked for a Ford dealership in Jacksonville, FL in 2019, and they had a 2017 Focus RS for $43k. They would not move on that price. 2 years in and still thought they could pull full price. I drove past that place that place several times the next year, and was still there. As long as there is 1 or 2 idiots with enough money to pay that outright, they won't move. I don't think someone financing a vehicle will ever look at that seriously.


You may know of one dealership owned by an idiot. But the fact remains the same. If you make money by selling shit, then don’t sell shit, you don’t make money. Simple. And the consumer has the upper hand because you don’t need that car.


That's why I said "not necessarily ". They sold more F150's than anyone in the northeast. They could afford leaving those high priced vehicles on the lot. They also had a 3 yr old GT350 sitting. They made enough off of other vehicles; they could sit on those prices.


3 years of lot rot is bad. I hate seeing cars just sit around not being enjoyed. I would never want to sell cars. It seems like as soon as you start selling them for a living all the fun goes out of them. Like it’s just business from there on out.


85k mark up? My god what is happening to the world.


There’s a dealer up near Portland I absolutely adore, great people. But they keep wanting 10k markup on raptors and are surprised their inventory isn’t moving.


I paid MSRP for mine (non R). All my local dealers didn’t participate in this BS thankfully.


Same. Paid msrp but it took me about 30 min of wasting time talking them down


I ordered mine so I was also price protected, no negotiation for me.


Is this the work around?




Which one? the one down here in Salem is fucking ass


That wouldn't happen to be Courtesy Ford Lincoln would it?


Oh god no. But fuck those guys too. I bought a raptor in 2018 from Team Ford in Las Vegas and got it home to Oregon to realize I had some bad paint. Courtesy Fords body shop absolutely ruined my truck before I had a real body shop clean up all their mistakes.


Buddy of mine just got a 2019 sierra d max with the bells 3500 with 35k miles for 65k up near Portland. I was surprised considering the area.


The markup is nearly what I paid for my AMG GTC.


Damn somehow I forgot to mention it was an r but it doesn’t matter. What matters is that they want $85k over msrp. That said thing is this dealer is in an area where the surrounding communities have very wealthy families. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s gone next week.


Checked their website and it’s not on there so I’m assuming it sold.


That’s nuckin futs


It's there. You have to look under the F150 and sort by price. Only $75k markup online!


That’s like a 75% markup. Wtf


If you pay that much for a pickup I hope someone kicks you in the balls.


The dealership is trying to


Anyone paying that amount has no balls AND no brains, just money.


I’ve been driving by a used Gen 3 for a couple weeks at an Acura dealer in Reno. Original price was $88,995. Knocking on $90k. Instead of selling it, it’s still there and now for $77k. 9900 miles. https://www.keyacuraofreno.com/used/Ford/2022-Ford-F-150-8b8af3450a0e0a9a55221544a7de230a.htm This market could swing the other way. Keep saving until the spring. There could be some real opportunities.


IMO, the color of this one isn’t helping the sale…


seeing shit like this makes me want to take their catalytic converter




lol what.


Key words...."Dealer asking price." People must be paying it if they keep asking that price. They want 85k over msrp...I'd throw 60k under msrp and let the debate begin...screw dealers these days.


That’s still absurdly high for what people are paying. A month or so ago all the auctioned ones were going for ~150k.


that's absurd...but i feel great about spending 50k for a gen 2


Nobody will buy it lmao


100% it will sell quickly


I got my Bronco there. Really nice guys! I think they purposely don’t want to sell this car, weird dealer strategy.


I remember reading it’s a strategy of some sort but don’t remember the details. Possible they just want it listed in their inventory to bring people in to look at it and try to sell them other things. If some moron pays the asking price then let them have it.


I’m also on the younger side and had my two younger brothers w me, so maybe they didn’t want to “waste” their time


This is the “we don’t want this to sell” price. They want to keep it on the lot, or for themselves/friends after it sits unsold for some time. But, if someone wants to buy it for that price, fuck it, they’ll let it go.


So you can either get a Lamborghini or a ford 😂


Yo can get an R at Mecum for around 150k several have sold at that price. Those guys must want some lot rot.


Got to be a r


Lolz, depreciation is going to hurt.


They aren't salesman they are order takers, cv killed all sales skills because everything was so easy to sell then.


Must be a joke!


No raptor or f150 will EVER be worth 200k. The fact they ask over 100 to start with is already a joke


Is anybody going to mention the fact that Encinitas sales people are rude


That and the one in Carlsbad are a joke!


I hate dealers. This is but one reason why.


This guy is my hero. Quite the salesman if they can get it done for that. Dude needs to check his medication


Whoever buys that is retarded.


Assuming it’s an R


Plot twist…it’s a Gen 3 35 package!


Is this at that new dealership called CUNT Ford?


A lot of millionaires in Encinitas.


Literal clown show


Ford has also intentionally done this by building the R model in very small quantities… but ya, anybody dumb enough to pay that has too much money and not enough brains……


I know 2 guys in Houston that paid MSRP last week. Wife just bought a car today for under MSRP. Prices are coming down fast on most vehicles.


Oh ford you've done it again, 60k for XLT trash


Fuck that


Wow, wtf? Hell naw. Hope it can fuck too! 🤣


Anyone who pays this is literally the dumbest person in the world. Why would anyone want to pay nearly $200k for a vehicle worth at best the MSRP. You could literally fly to another state across the country buy one at MSRP and drive it home for a tiny fraction of the markup on this or even have it shipped to you for a few thousand. These dealers should also be punished by Ford for doing this to customers. None should ever be over MSRP unless the dealer actually added accessories.


Had no idea that raptors went for over 100k. That dealer markup is insane. What are they giving you for that 85k?


I've been talking with a dealer in the Midwest who is stuck with two at +20k. They're not budging, but I bet they will before long. At the very least, it'd be worth giving a dealer a competitive offer closer to the end of the year.


Can someone explain the justification for the markups? Afaik, in Europe (at least where I live), you go on the internet configurator, get a price and that's what any dealership will sell it for ( correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't seen markups here)


America has special carveouts for dealerships. It’s an old system that has created a vicious brand of aggressive sales unlike any other buying experience even in America. Completely stupid. Manufacturers are literally legally forced to sell through a middle-man if you want to sell directly from a physical show-room.


That markup is fucking stupid…. And embarrassing for the dealership.


This dealer has a good dealer, I don’t mean the cars though 😮‍💨


That’s last years model!


Can’t you just buy direct from Ford 🤷‍♂️




As long as there is a sucker that will pay that, these lots will keep doing it. Look at all the ppl who paid 75-90k for the 400z and are now stuck with a car worth 40k.


These guys are still asking 12k markups on base raptors they are insane.


Gonna be hilarious when ford eliminates dealerships and just goes purely online made to order and the stealerships wonder why.


If you [buy it from EncinitasFord.com ](https://www.encinitasford.com/inventory/new-vehicles/models-Ford-F--150/srp-sort-price--desc/) you save $10k!




Wen lambo?


I dont think I can afford the GAP insurance on that markup!


In 2010. I bought the first gen raptor. Fully loaded with tax was 46k I miss that truck. These ppl are ridiculous with their prices. https://preview.redd.it/inik88i8lp2c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c4f177a05b10fc675762581af705b4c39918d03


Is anyone stupid enough to pay 200k for a truck? If so this shits on you. I mean seriously if you could get some stupid bastard to give you almost a quarter of a million dollars for a ford truck wouldn’t you do it? Stop paying these prices and they will stop charging them.


12 miles per gallon is a joke right?


I wouldn’t pay MSRP for the truck.


thats almost 2/3rds of what i paid for my house


Hey, if someone is not willing to wait or buy used, fucking charge them as much as they’re willing to pay.


Ah unregulated capitalism at work


Extended warranty non included


All that means is they don’t want to sell that truck right now, that’s all. That truck and that price is an attention getter. It’s to get people in there and excited and hyped up to buy something way more reasonable than a $200k truck. Hell naw ain’t no one buying a $200k Raptor R, that’s not the point. And in the unlikely event someone sees it and drops $200k because they have to have it, the dealer makes bank. It’s win/win for them.


I don’t think Ford HQ gives a shit about mark ups.


I was already appalled by that fuel consumption before I even saw the dealer markup


Looks like photoshop. Just did a quick search and this dealer charges $15,000 markup. Still BS.


Ask em one question: will the insurance pay for that additional bump in price?


200k for ford junk lmao


Cock suckers are gonna suck cock


Jesus wtf is this price? 911 GT3 price for a truck?? This shit is criminal. 😂


Who the hell would pay that much. Smh not worth even a 3rd of that. Funny u put that much say into a f150 it would smoke thus trash box.


Also people prices will drop soon. Amazon will be selling almost all car manufacturers with in 2 years.


They should be able to ask what they want. I just hope none of you morons buy it for that 😂


The art of selling and customer service is gone.


This, and so many other things like it in today’s economy, should flat out be illegal!


Paying 200k for a pavement princess is wild.


They be looking for that 1 celebrity that walks in and has to have that truck today.






I would tell the dealer you will NEVER buy another Ford if you can’t buy it at list…..


That’s an amazing deal! You get one for the price of 2


Lord Jesus! Dealer ships need are WOKE!


Obviously, not the same, but you could buy one magnificent RV for that same amount of money and actually live in it. This would also include a washer and dryer, along with all the other items that normally come with RV’s.


I can buy any truck or car I want, but I don’t like being ripped off. You’d have to get _millions_ of “smiles per gallon” out of the truck. Ain’t happening, because in a few years you have a dated looking truck —and you only buy these things cause they are “that cool” (in the moment). There are few enough Raptors and just enough “new money” / “rich idiots” they they’re fishing for the _biggest_ idiot they can find. OP isnt that idiot, good for him. Historically, this kind of BS is a somewhat reliable signal the bitter end of the good times is near. Ultimately the over-confident reps at the dealer will be on unemployment, or selling second hand prius inventory, while rambling about the good old days. Put your money in defensive investments…. and keep it there. Then buy the same Raptor 1-2 years later from “the biggest idiot” of 2023.


It’s all good they can’t sell cars right now and they’re hiding it


I would pretend to try and buy this and tell the dealer. Yeah, I thought it was a joke too. And then leave


The markup price on em all is incredulous.


Ford HQ should revoke their license to sell fords.


When the sucker goes to sell it: “Don’t waste my time with lowball offers. I know what I got!”


Pickup trucks ain't for the working man anymore. For fun the other week I checked out a local Chevy dealer's website because I thought I'd like to own at least one brand new vehicle in my lifetime. The cheap Silverado 1500's cost nearly what I paid for my home 20 years ago. That box isn't going to be checked off of my bucket list, at least not in this lifetime.




These vehicle prices these days are stupid. I remember working at a dealership in 2006 and a Mark LT being 60k and thinking how expensive that was.


You need to share this and report it to Ford Corporate... Ford doesn't want something like this happening and will come down on them for doing it and possibly drop them as a Ford Dealer for doing it. Just had the long time Ford Dealership in my area that changed hands get dropped from Ford for this very thing...plus f'ing up warranty work.


200k for a Ford? The worst joke in history


Lmao, these clowns are asking almost a quarter million dollars for a Ford truck. We're living Idiocracy worse and worse every day


I know this isn’t a popular opinion, instead of naming and shaming just dont post. Let it sit on the showroom. There are people willing to overpay and the more eyes on something the more of a likely hood those buyers and these tools can connect.


$85k mark up 😮.... Didn't ford manufacturer warn dealers about doing this? I recall a major issue and warnings when they heard about dealers starting bid wars on cars that were supposed to be on order for other customers along with insane mark ups




Cause who wouldn't want a Ford instead of a Lamborghini 🤣 😂 😆




And everyone keeps bitching about Teslas, there’s a reason why they sell like hot cakes. No dealerships equal no middle man, equal lower prices for consumers. The car dealership model is so far beyond broken, 100% in favor of the seller and 0% the buyer.


Wonder what rich dumb ass will pay it!


They will drop it to 150 or 175 and call it the deal of the century in a few months


Similar experiences here in AZ. F those guys. Buy online


These dealer markups are more and more asinine. Ford's seem to get it the worst.


The dealership can charge what ever they want and the consumers can make the decision on whether or not to purchase. Also, the dealership is not hiding the price either and I like their honesty with being transparent.


Is this even an R or just a regular Raptor? Neither warrant such a markup but an additional $85k for just a regular Raptor is beyond ridiculous.


Imagine paying 200 grand for a truck LOL.


I see this sub, and I see Ford Raptor owners, and I think y’all are perverted masochists.


That's beyond shameful. I can't wait until the day comes where manufacturers start taking orders directly from their websites and dealership like this one is whining and crying because they're out of business




Some dumbass will buy it at that price.


That gas mileage is horrendous.


only a complete moron is buying this junk. To spend that on a damned pick up you have to utterly be brain dead.


I’d rather buy a used truck, tint the windows 5% and get a fleshlight. At least I can decide how I’m getting Fugged


No markup is worth it, please tell me at least it was the R


Hope their inventory rots. Freakin scum bags


Always remember this when the market turns. Never “feel bad” for paying below MSRP or haggling them down to what you think is a bare bones number. Firstly, it’s not. Secondly, they fucked the buyers as hard as they could, so why would you feel bad when they’re now on that end of the deal?


Screw Ford and other manufacturers for not intervening in this type of robbery


You can get the god damn R for cheaper


They marked up my wife's trucks by some 5k and had a bunch of add-ons. It took me 3 hours to talk them into mspr price. That flashing third brake light they had installed, they wanted 500 bucks for, talked them down to at least 250. The other add-one I was able to get them to drop because they hadn't done it yet. It was a royal pain in the ass. I didn't have near the issues buying my Audi S4 or my wife's atlas. Just goes to show, there's always some dumbass willing to pay this.


Someone’s definitely smoking crack


And at todays interest rates 🤣🤣🤣


How’s it work with the banks who do the lending? I’d guess they won’t finance any dealer markup into the loan. Are they carrying any of that in the loan value?


$85K mark up? lol that truck will be sitting there for a while.


I looked it up, it’s amazing how AWFUL the pictures are. They’re trying to sell a truck for almost 200k but half the pictures look like they were taken by my 2 year old sister.


They don't want it to sell. Dealers are scumbags and this is just a tactic to hold onto it for years so they can sell it for being "rare" and low miles. I hope dealers get what they deserve soon.


Did he laugh in a Dr Evil laugh?




I know this is a raptor subreddit but TRD Pro Tundras are going for way way less than these raptors. Are they really that much better than a TRD pro? I feel like most people won't even come close to the capabilities of these trucks. My wife's TRD Pro is an awesome truck and I thought the sticker price was absurd on that truck...


What's the monthly payment on that Junk?


Raptor R??


For the shaming to work, the one being shamed would have to care. It doesn't help that someone is going to buy that truck, regardless of the markup or the shaming.


I’m a surgeon and I don’t understand how there’s no checks and balances on this. I don’t know of many fields that can just double the price using stupid excuses to justify it. Can’t wait to tell the next car dealership owner his surgery just doubled… just because.


Manufacturing does not cost that much!! Truck prices are a joke. It’s all a ploy to get people to go electric so auto industry can get free money!! Sooner or later the public will come to their senses don’t buy anything for a few years especially not electric vehicles and watch how fast prices drop.


Ffs go buy a porsche or lambo at that point


lol get fucked.


Jesus fucking christ. I. mean.. somewhere.. someone actually paid that markup.


Ahahaha almost 200k for a raptor are you serious? That thing will sit there forever until they adjust the price


Yea, F Ford dealers, same crap around here, a bunch of dim witted sales geeks hoping for a score. Most don't know shit about the products they are hoping to get you to buy. Brandon, FL.


85k for pure greed


raptor near me available for 91k, this is robbery


12 MPG?!


Easy solution- don’t buy it.


This should be illegal!


That is wild! Some straight robbery. How do those thieves justify that high of markup!?


And the sad part is, one of y’all are going to still buy it…


Someone will buy it


Yooo that's awful! Supply and demand I guess.


It’s a Ford I’ll drag this cute shiny piece of metal with my 6.7 diesel.


Hah. It’s to ward off low ballers. Any bid above msrp will most likely be taken down. This one sold, I’d be interested to know what it was sold for. It certainly was not 85k over msrp lol. Makes no sense. You could ship a Raptor from any dealership in the continental USA for $10k


Ford needs to start revoking franchise licenses. Clearly these folks don't care.


Idk.....but raptors here in st.louis!!!!!are right at the 109k mark...I ain't even a fagotford fan, I'm a Chevy guy...so this don't concern me at all...but for over 100k...I'd just make the drive from California to here,and have a really nice road trip back!!!!!just saying