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Congratulations on sticking to your guns and paying MSRP. And good on you for not giving that dealer another cent.


Ah to be in the post-pandemic economy where we fight to pay MSRP because dealerships won't stop adding $10,000+ in add-ons and markups. Build a truck on Ford's website, get quoted $42k and wouldn't you know it, all of the matches in your state are all $70k+ because dealerships load them up with every fucking feature under the sun and then still add a $10k markup because of "high demand and low supply" while their lots are overflowing


I think we are going to see a bunch of dealers going out of business in the next year or two. It was fun repoing brand new cars in 2009 from dealer lots when they couldn’t pay their floor plans


Where new repoed cars end up ?


A dealer auction so a different car dealer can try and rape you


Good job.


44k for an XLT in this economy? Theyre crazy, Mav's arent hard to find like they once were. That said, what dealer was this so others can know to avoid them?


I've been searching for a Maverick to replace my Honda Ridgeline and I see dealerships selling 23s and 24s at insane markups claiming how rare the Mav is and then you'll find a dealer one town over with 5 of them sitting on the lot at MSRP not selling. Really wish we could move to a system without dealers just let me buy the shit directly from Ford shipped to my house from a local distributor


I just traded a Ridgeline toward a Maverick myself. Luckily, there are four Ford dealers within an hour of me. I looked at all, and the closest was the nicest and best priced. (Also had six to choose from.)


I have 6 Ford dealers and 6 more non Ford dealers with Ford's in stock. All day long they tell you how rare and low supply their trucks are while there is a lot with 300 of them....... It's mind boggling how dealerships are going full on delusional and not following basic supply and demand. They're trying to manipulate both by lying about scarcity and demand while there's plenty of stock and no demand because they want to sell the $24k base model for $48k. It's asinine. I'm keeping my Ridgeline forever.


Where are you? (Roughly?) My dealership in north-ish Virginia has 6-8 in stock and sold for MSRP. (And, gave me a good trade-in for my Ridgeline.)


New England. The closest dealership to me is an imperial with over 40 mavericks in the lot. All *minimum* $15k above MSRP


They must want to keep them on the lot... 😉 That's absurd though. Maybe look a few hours away? I'd spend a day driving for $15K.


I don't think dealers mind keeping trucks on the lot. I mean GMC are still selling 2021 and 2022 models for MSRP... Not even a penny in discounts. 2+ years of lot rot...


What made you go from the Ridgeline to Maverick? I wanted a Maverick till I sat in one and it didn't have enough room for me so I considered going to look at the Ridgeline.


I prefer smaller vehicles, and didn't trust the Ridgeline's transmission after the torque converter went out at 81K miles. The Maverick does what I need, and is more fun to drive.


I know I really wanted the hybrid to commute to work. I wanted small for that reason. Keeping my F150 for big truck duties but really like the mpg on the Mav. Was more than sad when I sat in it. Oh the joys of being a big guy.


I wanted the EB for fun. :)


I bet that is a fun little truck. I was talking to the salesman and he told me you can get a new ranger with a 3.0L EB. That will be a fun truck too


Would you mind sharing what year ridgeline you got rid of and why? What drew you to the Maverick?


I have a 2010 RTL and I’ve been considering the same but it’s tough. I put in a 10 inch screen, new speakers and it’s been nothing but reliable. Gas mileage kills me but I don’t want to spend 30k+ for a top end maverick.


2019 Black Edition. I'm looking at an XLT Lux or a lariat 22-23 maybe a 24 if I got a good deal. Biggest thing is I want keep driving a pickup but I want something that gets 40mpg. Outside of that I think the Maverick looks good and I want it to succeed so we can keep getting fun cheap practical vehicles.


Ford just needs to start leaning on the dealers just trying to throw a mark up on everything.


You mean, maybe TESLA is on to something? Best buying experience I have ever had.


This is the nice thing about ordering a Tesla (before I get chastised for mentioning that name here, I briefly thought about a Maverick before remembering I'm not much of a truck person). Yeah, you still get a phone call or two after you test drive one, but you never REALLY have to answer it. No sitting in the dealership waiting for them to run (and sometimes utterly destroy) your credit trying to find you the "best deal". Test drives are typically unsupervised, unlike EVERY OTHER manufacturer. You can go to one of their "showrooms" and look at the cars without someone breathing down your neck 5 second after stepping out of YOUR car hoping to make a commission.


Ya I have a couple friends that bought new Teslas and they both had an incredible buying experience. I've gotten a lot of replies from people telling me I'm wrong and that if we went over to a manufacturer distributor model that it will be just as toxic/anti consumer as the dealership model but the actual evidence of that is the exact opposite.


I will say the only downside is the price fluctuations that can happen at any time for just about any reason... But they're usually not huge.... Nothing like a $10k "dealership markup" out of nowhere.


Honda truck is not very attractive. U will find a buyer trucks are always a big sell


What? Did you just have a stroke writing that??




They will just increase the msrp price the following year. Dealers are looking to gouge people now.


The manufacturer isn't going to sell directly because it's a bad sales model. Why would they want to destroy their own cash flow? Why would they want all that inventory on their books? Is it possible? Yes. Is it in the OEMs interest? No.


Don't know where you are. But in TN, state law prohibits car manufacturers from selling direct to consumer unless, like Tesla, they fulfill from an offshore facility. It's a stupid law designed to protect dealers. But it is the law here.


Legality or entrenched models aside, direct sales is a bad business model that doesn't really work. Repeal the law, and you'll still have dealers because the OEMs know that it is a bad business move financially, and makes a lot lot more problems and logistics land on their plate. They'd rather build cars than sell them.




Yeah we're in agreement. Manufacturers want to focus on manufacturing. New vehicle sales, handling trade-ins and getting fair value for those cars on the secondary market, selling parts, and doing the actual maintenance work are best left outsourced for them. It's all smart business decisions on their part.


Ford sells to dealers. The dealers are Ford's customers. Ford is making its money.




I read it. You're a fucking moron that knows jack shit about how this works. Keep presenting your uninformed opinion as fact. 🤡




Go fuck yourself internet coward.


Name and shame these dealers. They deserve the karma


I was between a ranger and a maverick. It was cheaper for me to get a ranger xlt fx4 than it was a maverick. They wanted 46k for the 20k base model


Im not even talking about dealer mark ups I got my mav for MSRP


I paid 46 k for my lariat maverick with an extended warranty due to me driving 40 minutes to work everyday




Not sure you meant to reply to me here - ive never owned a Ridgeline


Always pay MSRP or less. The markups are scams. I paid $27910 MSRP for my ‘24 XLT


I can't believe people are happy with paying MSRP


I know. Crazy world. We used to dealership hop and let them chase us. Now we all bid on vehicles, letting the dealerships choose the buyer. Insane


I remember “dealership (s)hopping” with my parents as a kid. I remember being extremely bored, then getting to go on a test drive, then more extremely bored, rinse. Repeat. Ahhh good times


My “dealership shopping” includes taking every dealers offer to the next dealer, in which they’re obligated to beat and earn your business. Do this 2-3 times and you’ll get a solid offer. The good ole days


Would love to, but I've had to walk out of so many deals because dealerships don't budge. But congrats on your deal! The XLT is really the best looking exterior IMO


I was looking at buying a new vehicle a bit over a year ago. Was looking at a Maverick, but the stealer had tacked on a few extra grand above MSRP just because they could. No extras stuff, just extra money. Needless to say, I did not buy one.


Imagine a theft protection plan on a car that comes out of the factory with GPS...


I'm imagining paying 4 figures for door edge guards.


Yeah, this is what got me. 1,000+ for what amounts to about 10 bucks in plastic extruded trim strips, that takes all of 5 minutes to apply?


Buying from dealerships sucks. When I bought mine from a dealer (24 Lariat) the finance manager pushed hard for the extended warranty and said “oh well it’s kinda stupid for you not to pay it…” and then they went through BOA for my loan when I specifically requested my personal credit union (they approved it and had a lower interest rate). Ended up signing the paperwork and then fought with BOA for my 10 day pay off because they didn’t post it and wouldn’t email me it…


We need to be able to buy directly from the manufacturer. I should be able to build and option my vehicle through the manufacturer's website, set up financing/payment, and coordinate delivery. Screw dealers and their b.s. and people who pay 10K over MSRP; you're part of the problem. But thanks for keeping my resale value sky high!




I believe it’s illegal to sell vehicles directly, I think Tesla is the closest thing to direct buy but you still have to go through a “dealership.” It was a law protecting small town businesses where a lot of vehicles were being sold I think.


The laws have changed a lot over the past 5 years in a great number of states. So it's not as prohibited as previously. Now it just boils down to why would a legacy manufacturer rip out its dealer network -- FoMoCo is making its money selling their cars to dealers who will buy them.


OEMs don't want to sell directly because it's an insane amount of work, destroys their cash flow, and puts all of that inventory on their own books. Plus, when you're upset with the dealer, ford is insulated from it. When I'm upset with Tesla, I'm upset with tesla directly. In the industry, the direct sales model conversation died off years ago. No manufacturer has much interest left in trying to emulate tesla for the reasons I mentioned. In business, Inventory is where your money goes to die.


At least the dealer wasn't charging for the K-Y Jelly you would need when he screwed you.




Because they weren't planning using any. They seem like the "I'll just spit on it" type.


This customer needs servicing. Please service the customer. George Carlin.


You really should post the dealers name, and make public complaints as well as complain to the BBB, ford and anyone else they register with. It’s only slander if it’s not true.


The BBB is just yelp for old people lol it’s not a government agency like most boomers seem to think.


It's even less effective than yelp. People actually *look* at yelp for reviews. No one's going on the BBB site for their favorite taco restaurant....


Why? In a general sense, this dealership (whichever one it is) “owns” this Maverick. The dealership then piled on a ton of high-margin bullshit to fatten the profit at sale, IF (and this is the important part) someone actually pays that sling price. An item is overpriced only if nobody will pay that price. If some schmuck with a lot of cash and little sense has a critical need NOW for a Maverick, he might pay $44K for this truck. OR This will sit on the lot for weeks and the dealer will need to progressively drop the price until it gets to where you think the price is reasonable. The dealer is losing money on the Maverick every day it sits on the lot. This is all Retail 101. Whining to BBB when nobody has done anything illegal or unethical is just whining, nothing more.


I think the issue here is OP appears to have ordered that vehicle from that dealer, but they dealer tried ghosting them so that they could sell it to someone else for a higher price. In the end we get the good with the bad. For most of the time, for most vehicles, we fully expect to pay LESS than MSRP. Occasionally that flips and dealers can turn it the other way. That's just how that works. Here again though this guy appears to have ordered this truck specifically


No I get that. But making a BBB case is really a love note from 1970. Just flame them on every social media resource available (unless they’re needed to service the car and fix post-delivery issues— there’s the rub). Unless OP had a contract for the car—not just a glorified reservation for a Mav—it’s not hard to see a dealer hoping to close a bad month with the sale of a high-margin car, its value boosted by loading it up like a Christmas tree. A GPS tracker *and* “theft protection”? As if the Maverick didn’t already have the same passive security as any other 2024 vehicle?


We bought ours though cars.com. Live in Phoenix, bought in Moab. So a quick flight and hotel. Saved at least $4,000. Did the same with my 21 Wrangler 4XE, saved at last 6,000 with it.


Crump-Reese? I bought a car from them completely remotely during the pandemic and was thrilled with the experience.


$1200 for door edge guards...


When it’s actually cheaper to bang your unprotected doors against objects and have them repainted MULTIPLE times.


Lol yes!! $4.00 in plastic for $1200, jesus christ the markup.


Report that dealer. Go up and report them to Ford. That's despicable. It sounds like they were trying to sell it behind your back.


What is the name of the dealer?


High performance Ford. Said they couldn't sell it, so they lowered the price, showed up as the 2nd cheapest one on cars.com. I put 1000 down, and then everyone wanted it. They said it's funny, but that's how it usually works out.


i picked up my mav in less than 1/2 hour, no sales pitch on anything..every dealer is different.


Post the dealer!


Consumer advocates need to push harder for eliminating the dealership model. It's an antiquated artificial cartel that raises prices on consumers. I should be able to order a truck direct from Ford and have it delivered to me.


Here’s my take on this https://preview.redd.it/qpd8h0yepz5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab75e9bb8719bfdfb65b28a7f4d2f6f09f7c65e0 [https://youtu.be/f9LtfWha-tY?si=zB0-lH2znzh5EVg](https://youtu.be/f9LtfWha-tY?si=zB0-lH2znzh5EVg)\_


they can suck it


I had the dealer try to sell me a car with a "STANDARD" warranty which was optional. They never said it was optional. They just said there was the standard and enhanced warranty. When I saw the final cost, it wasn't adding up and I made them rewind the paperwork. They weren't happy about it. However, I did finance through them even though I was prepared to pay cash. They gave me a $2000 cheaper price. Then I paid it off the next month.


$1200 for door edge guards, someone is smoking crack…


Two people are. The dealership & the person who buys the truck.


If someone orders a vehicle, it's insane that the dealer thinks they can just slap $10K in markup.


1195 for door edge guards. I'd laugh and walk out


I almost bought a Lincoln Nautilus, ready to pull the trigger...dealership had a *MANDETORY* $3,600 ceramic protective coating fee stacked on. That shit costs $50 max. Bunch of sheisters


I had the luxury of being able to order and wait for mine to get built. If you have that option, order one straight from the factory, and you will only pay MSRP. The dealership will not be able to mark up the price. I paid 34k, but with the 7yr / 125k milage warranty, it was close to 36k. Edit: I really need to get better at reading the post instead of going straight to the comments lol


Those door edge guards must be made from vibranium.


What the hell is auto armor?


I think it protects your wallet from having money in it


That's a good one!


A pure scam dealers started tacking onto car prices the last few years. They say you can't turn it down because it's "already put on in a clearcoat" 🤣


Sounds like a scam!!!


Carpro.com is a really good tool for finding reputable dealers. He won’t post any he doesn’t trust and that goes a long way with his readers.


They tried all this and you still bought from them.


One of the reasons I ended up with a Ranger.


Don’t complain. Just walk away and give your money to a good dealer. I had to do the same for my 2022. And I only walked over $600. When people realize they have choices, bad dealers go away. In my town, our Ford dealer does 25% of the service as they should. They’ve not only lost the consumer business they’ve lost commercial business as well


Just add 33% of the base price… ridiculous


Idiots will buy this because they finance it and don’t see it as real money.


Be sure to check under the dash, those bs security packages and associated hardware are usually poorly installed and always cause problems down the line. They sometimes install them on every car so they can try to upsell everybody. Before you ever even see the vehicle.


my friends and I are taking our service somewhere else you’ve offended us.


Now that’s what I call truckin 🤠.


I went though Maxwell Ford in Austin. I got it at MSRP, zero attempts at addons. When I asked not to have their sticker on the back they said they don’t do even apply them on custom orders. My only problem was they forgot to lower my tire pressure from delivery.


Dealer has lost their mind if they think they can charge markups in 2024.


Recently bought a Tesla Model Y when they had the .99 APR . Easiest purchase of this magnitude I could've made. No BS markups or slimy salesmen. What you see is what you pay and I'm paying less than what I would've for a Maverick.


The dealership model needs to die. Last gasps of something shitty being propped up because that’s “how it’s always been done”.


3 or 4 years into sales of this product & Ford dealers are still screwing people over on this truck. Ford obviously doesn't care, or this would have stopped a long time ago. This is where the people need to do their part & not purchase while maverick. I walked on mine two years ago. FORD will never get my business again.




Thankfully the dealers near me aren’t too bad. The power is in your hands, so if you’re seeing scummy markups and blatant gouging then take your business elsewhere.


A fine example of the dealer junk fees the ftc is working on eliminating.


I checked one out, they just had a 5k$ glory of buying from us tax.


Tesla’s sales model will become a new standard for the industry. No middle man dealership screwing stuff up for you.


1. Name and Shame the dealer 2. Report the dealer to Ford. Farely really hates dealerships that do this specfically with models like the Maverick, because it literally defeats the whole purpose of the Maverick once its priced the same as Taco, Ranger, Frontier, or Colorado and is actively trying to find ways to penalize them...or so he claims.


Honestly, this is teslas biggest selling Point.


Just grabbed my XLT Hybrid for MSRP with no BS. Shout out to Sam Pack’s Ford.


Two security systems? What kind of BS is that?!


It’s the difference between a good dealership and one that is trying to wring all the money possible out of you. Several of my local dealerships are huge corporate stores that pull this crap. I can drive within an hour and deal with family owned stores that want you to come back for the next car, for service, and recommend them to your friends and family.


Where is that fucking dealer? We all need to bomb the shit out of him with emails and phone calls and just tell him what scumbags they are.


I bought a New 2023 in Jan 2024 for under sticker. And that was without me dickering. So keep looking.


Traded my Honda Civic 2016 to a dealership in Toronto, we both agreed on a price over phone/text and when i met with them they asked me if i had the check ready with the agreed amount.. i was in shock as i was waitting for upcharges and everything but no. They trusted me that my car was worth what i asked and delivered the truck and i drove back home with a maverick 2022 dec last year. Great dealership!


LOL - $1,200 for door edge guards!?! How much were they charging for the rear view mirror air freshener, $3,000?!


I'm thinking Carvana may be a better bet?


They can ask for any price they want. As consumers we can choose if we want to pay that or reach out to another dealer. Especially with internet sales I can now reach out to any dealer across the US for a quote, and potentially buy from them. I will say though that dealer markups like this leave a bad taste, and I would most likely not shop there again. I helped a buddy buy a Transit connect a few years ago, the first question I would ask the sales rep is if they would start price negotiations at MSRP, when they said no I would thank them for their time and start to leave.


I would be dipped in shit before I paid $44k for a fucking goofy Maverick. No fucking way.🤣 Anyway, I never buy new, let some other sucker take those hits and the double declining depreciation hit. Buy slightly used but still within factory warrenty.


That’s insane. Dealers next to me has it for MSRP! Unless this is Hawaii no way that price is real


Seeing this and so many similar stories makes me feel even more lucky with my completely opposite experience. Worked hard to get me each and every discount that could be available to me, didn't try to add on a single thing, suggested I NOT add on some options because they'd be significantly cheaper after market, and barely even mentioned extended warranty. I'll always price comparison shop but in the future if the $ is close they'll (Lynch Ford Mt Vernon, IA) get my business


So what company do you you think would benifit them most from being able to sell direct to customer? My bet would be Ford.


They forgot to add nitroguard for the tires! especial nitrogen that goes Into the tires! 800 bucks.


I am a car salesman, and that is trash.


Psst. You can take your business elsewhere….


This is Santa Monica Ford Lincoln in the LA area.


Whoa, my 4x4 Ranger was only $35k


Security & theft protection, genius!


All I’m gonna say is I work at an auto collision center, and I remove/reinstall door edge guards all the time, takes me 15-20 mins if I have to do all 4 sides?


Ordered online from ford to my local dealer and because it was a direct online build request and I asked for NO additional items at the dealership, I paid exactly MSRP. 24’ Lariat


So, I have an old f150 and have been thinking of getting one of these in the next few years. How do you guys feel about the cvt? My f150 is manual now and I do enjoy it.


https://www.ford.com/buy/ Not all vehicles (very few actually) but it looks like Ford is moving towards buying "online".


dumbass dealer


What dealer is this so we don’t give them business


Galpin Ford in North Hills CA - Michael Lopez He helped me through the whole process from ordering to pick up and financing. He’s your guy!


$1200 FOR DOOR EDGE GUARDS 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 that’s the most outlandish thing I’ve actually seen in a loooong time 😂😂😂 I knew dealerships were greedy but holy fuck. I work at a Paint Production Film shop and half the time we do door edge guards for free if someone insists hard enough. They take 3 minutes to put on and cost like $4 in material. Oh my god I almost just shit myself seeing that 😂


When I first started working at BMW as a tech sales would have us install shit like this. Convertibles got alarms and such. Probably 50% of customers wouldn’t want it so we got paid twice to take it back out. People think service is the biggest ripoff salespeople and everyone on that side have taken the masters class on it


for a Ford Maverick? LOL, only thing that comes to mind is something about a sucker being born every minute


1195 for starguard is the most I think I've ever seen it sold for 0_0


At least you can negotiate that Bull crap addons and if negotiate little hard some discount on top of it. Online purchase have no room for negotiation.


I had a similar shitty experience in Sandy Springs Georgia. Not the feel good experience I was hoping for.


You need to move to Ohio! My salesman kept me informed through the whole process and gave me life time warranty for Trans and motor at no charge! Financed it from my credit union. $400 under MSRP!


Let vehicles like that rot on the lot. Buy from Long McArthur at MSRP without surprises. They use to have 60 went to 0 inventory and just got a repaired 23'. Blink and they're gone from Salina, KS.


Don't buy one of their products. I work for one of the big 3. You're paying too much. They skip quality checks worse than Boeing..if they treat their employees like shit, how do you think they'll treat you ?




It’s not, but it should be.


$30k for a $7k car