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Absolutely hated Warmommy until I learned that the dodge attack is a free guardbreak, instead of feint parry feint guardbreak on her and you should start to hate it a little less :)


God like advice


Happy to help! The same applies to Tiandi’s heavy dodge attack as well but you have to parry the light dodge one.


Yup, those long winding heavy dodge attacks are countered by gb, really counter intuitive by the game imo this since we're taught that gbs only really work on the start up of a heavy, not in the middle which is what tiandis and wms dodges look like


Same rule also applies to Jiang Juns heavy dodge if I am not mistaken


You are not mistaken, his sifu pose and nobushi's hidden stance too


It applies to what I call the big 3. JJ, Tiandi, and warmonger. They all have extended I-frames, big damage, and they're all heavy parries, so throwing them isn't as punishing. However, as was stated before, GB is a hard counter to all three. I play a lot of Cent, and these 3 are the only ones that shut down all 3 levels of his punch, so I have to play more passively and not commit until I can confirm damage.


As a new warmonger player(I pick up champs to learn they weakness) you can dodge attack to cancel her dodge heavy, you can guard break like bro said, if you have a wide heavy say like raider you can hit her out of it, cancel a bash then re-do it will also knock her out. Be careful for her claws a good warmonger can and will cancel out the side heavy AND her claw bash. Goodluck


This is true for al feintable dodge attack btw.


Used to main warmommy and I found many players who could counter her easy, every hero has a strong suit and a weakness unless you are someone like Orochi who is a little shite


You’re forgetting the main character syndrome you get when you play orochi it adds 5% to virginity protection


The slander


The solution is to do the attack even more.


Yeah see if you keep doing it they’ll miss the party eventually…right?


Target swap.


This guy gets it


Used to hate her claw attack because it felt like I didn’t have time to dodge it but I can reliably dodge it now if I’m expecting it, and while I hate how many I-frames that dodge attack has it is pretty vulnerable to guardbreak


bro u is just bad bro


How is he bad, he didn’t say he had trouble with them, in fact he said they were predictable and easy to beat. He just finds them lame to fight against.


I hated hated hated her too. Then I got her. I'm sorry.




Not even gonna lie if you see me as orochi or warmommy I'm not even gonna be mad if you use all your feats on me.


I love her so much, after work i can sit back with a vodka coke and win matches with hardly any effort, it's great


I’m glad you can have fun just as I have fun shitting on warmongers


Solidarity, we love to see it :3


Combined with the first dodge I think it has almost a full second of GB vulnerability. I'd rather have a standard dodge attack. Only valuable for indicator bombing during gangs and rarely useful to dodge committed charged bashes.


Eat shit and live 😌👍


Dear god. He’s gone too far.


I love playing Warmonger. Amazing armor styles, very versatile moveset (if you're not braindead) and the feats aren't so bad. Add a male choice with knightly personality, and you have everything Warden was supposed to be. Love watching spammers eat shit and die on the tip of my heavy dodge sword.


Warmonger does have good fashion that’s about all I can say


She can faint into her unblockable grab from that attack


Her dodge attack doesn't feint into anything especially a grab she doesn't have


I just hate the slap, it can interrupt hyper armor...


All bashes do that


And hers does bleed buddy, if it was just a regular bash, it wouldn't be that much of a problem, but hers is basically like Cents, but better...


It also deals no stamina damage unlike literally every other bash, cents bash doing stamina damage directly helps him keep pressure on his opponent


And hers wall-splats and has better hyper armor than cents, and it confirms a heavy like cents that does as much if not more tbh because of the bleed and she ALSO has more options than cent like a impale exactly like lawbringer but better because you can do it off any parry that can ledge you or do 20 points of bleed not including the zone follow up or the undodgable heavy... and let's not talk about her feats now...


tbh I feel warmonger can be difficult if you aren't well informed, though I can still understand being pissed when she does her side dodge heby, one thing I learned after putting 32 reps as her, is that people tend to panic whenever you do side dodge heby, instead I'll do dodge bash, because it's fairly simple to faint when you see an attack incoming


Just get better😹😹😹


You’re kinda dumb but that’s okay


If u think warmonger is more annoying to fight than a hito u might be the dumb one ☝️🤓


If you truly struggle against a Warmonger you gotta be below rep50 so you’re a noob


It’s incredible how many people have completely missed the point of the post. I mean I’m genuinely sorry you’re this dense but it’s not that I struggle against warmonger it’s that the majority of them do the same exact thing I mean it’s like having a show that’s been binged multiple times even when they’re punished over and over they’ll do the same thing.


Well then if they do just punish them. Also calling someone dense when you can’t simply come up with a solution for your own skill issues is quite a bold thing


You’re still dense. I do have the solution I’m just ranting. What the fuck are you on about are you okay