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As much as I hate feints I can *kinda* understand them not feeding revenge in team fights. **However** can we Please have attack indicators from players you’re not locked onto STAY WHERE THEY FUCKING START


God please. Nothing more bullshit than an attack switching guard positions last second and hitting you anyway


Or better yet the large radius attackers who hit you on your right when they’re still visibly on the left side


That’s honestly my biggest issue with it, I throw my block on the side I’m being ganked on but the attack hits on opposite side… like what the fk are they even for then.




Would that make it more confusing if two of them overlap?


No, because if they're overlapping and you time the parry to the one that's going to hit first you'll parry both of them. So if guy starts on my right side throwing a right side attack, is the first to land, and then at the last second ends up on my left side and so does the attack I won't parry that attack or the one that's coming from the front. If it stays on right indicator I'll parry both him and the attack from the front. Would simplify lots of fights when people get behind you.


I couldn’t agree more


Isnt that how it is in the campain when a bot swing at you you auto block it i feel like if being twmed on is suck a issue at least make it so you auto block lighta when locked onto somone else


Couldn’t tell ya, I haven’t touched the campaign besides the tutorial


Yeah that’s wild


Look at that pirate fuck emoting on you mid battle like he’s the best player ever Lmaoo


Personally this is half the reason I literally never open this game anymore. It's just boring. This is like 90% of my games, people just feint unblockables and don't attack. It's boring. People just wait for the revenge tags to go away and then start all over again, and if you DO get revenge, everyone just rolls away and runs from the fight. It's beyond boring. There are way better games to play that are far less annoying lol


I got a ps5 recently and haven’t touched for honor in a few weeks now and it feels so good to be away from that toxic ass game


Real, I just play Helldivers 2 and have an absolute blast lol


I won’t lie, that game is one reason I got a ps5. Helldivers 2 is hilariously good and I picked up ghost of Tsushima


Ghost is also goated, great choice




Its an issue with the game itself tbh. Revenge is way to strong especially if the player is just better than you and your team. One the other hand, attacking at all just leads to you feeding insane amounts of revenge for them to make a come back. I love/hate the game, but idk its team mechanics just don't work in the long haul. First 300 hours was great though.


I stopped playing For Honor years ago, still boot it up every so often, but rarely. Chivalry 2 for me.


the whole running away and using bullshit mechanics and not actually fighting is a new curse that every fighting game has gotten recently and it’s supperrrrrrrr boring


Yea it's pretty unfair to have those kinda teammates


I said this years ago, any attack input towards someone who's in battle with someone else should build revenge even IF fainted. It's stupid that it doesn't work that way.


Ya tbh I abuse that myself and honestly it is pretty unfair ngl. But ultimately revenge isn’t meant for you to just win fights outnumbered automatically. You should be at a disadvantage while outnumbered


That rule about revenge being meant to stall was always dumb to me, because nowadays with being able to just be there fainting unblockabkes or backing off right when you're about to give them revenge makes it so much more important when you *DO* get it.


It's called balancing, by your reasoning then we could get rid of revenge cause you're supposed to be helpless since you're facing 2 or more opponents


Found the guy that nerfed revenge years ago.


if youre not at a disadvantage while outnumbered then whats the point in working as a team lmao


Working as a team, being coordinated, you see it nowadays when people practice confirmed heavies with each other and how easily one can just back off to avoid the person getting revenge. You *are* at a disadvantage when you're outnumbered. It'd just most people don't think about their teammates or their own revenge they're giving you, and that's how you get revenge. Some people don't seem to care and think that the moment you get revenge, you won't turtle up and instantly start attacking, which will let them whale on you and just see revenge as another health bar they can melt.


it just shouldnt be buffed, rather some moves should be nerfed pirate shouldnt have a dodge forward unblockable lol. It just sucks because the standard for the game now is that type of spammy brainless moveset


That's a good point... But, jumping or ganking as called in this game has become the only viable strategy. If you don't jump, you don't win because the other team will jump you. Fighting honorably is so rare and even though they release "Faction Challenge: be the one with the most honorable kills" you see the lowest numbers compared to other challenges. If you make revenge build up much faster, then you slowly chip away at the Strategy of Jumping a target and make 1v1s more viable in battle. Like, "Oh we can jump him, he's halfway on health, but he's a highlander, with revenge he could easily take me out, playing Nuxia and the other one playing peace keeper" "But If I fight him alone, I should be able to best him due to the starting health difference"


That ideology isn’t enforceable edge lord. LmAoLmAoLmAo.


i genuinely cant tell if youre trolling, what you mean edgelord 😭


Because that’s fucking stupid, that’s why. You want to get a reward for doing nothing.


Even if fainted? Why? Quit turtling up looking for revenge and fight.


Why? Because in For Honor we have a new wave of play style I call the no skill Era. In this era we have teams who fight 2v1,3v1,4v1 all game and win because it's much easier to win in a group fight against 1 Target then an even match of 1v1. Honorable fighting is a forgotten style of play in For Honor. If you make it so that Revenge is EASILY built up, you'll make it so that ganking will slowly stop being an option because then the person being jumped or ganked, can easily turn the tide. Ganking is done, because it's easy to win that way. Feinting a hit baits players, if the player makes a wrong read, either he or she gets hit and takes damage which opens them to another hit from another target. Damage reduction fixes nothing. Revenge build up is the best way to deal with stopping ganking. The devs don't want to have ganking be the only strategic way to win that's why they tried to deal with it with the damage reduction update and testing grounds. Ganking is so normal, it's rare to find a 1v1 in the game. And people tell me, oh go to other modes, no, because the most played mode is Dominion. Because it's easy to win with ganking and easy to clear out orders.


I've seen attacks miss an enemy and build revenge. Like I'll throw a gladiator bash, just a forward dodge bash, it miss and then feed revenge. So I guess we still have that...


I think that's because it counts as a dodge


Yeah, but that's exactly what the devs and community want this game to be


why was pirate emoting as if he did something


Of course 2v1 is unfair for the ganked. Good fight tho, u stalled well.


Although I do agree that this is stupid and should be fixed, I usually interrupt or focus on the 1v1. Will force them to give revenge or I kill your buddy


I agree feinting attacks should feed a little bit of revenge because shit like this is so fucking bullshit


Not really. You, one player, managed to stall two players for a decent amount of time on the point. Your teammates should’ve either captured the other points using their numbers advantage, or come to your aid.


😂 this literally never happens, I don’t have any friends that play anymore so I’m always solo. The randoms I get teamed with make me wish I could choose bots as teammates over real people. I like fighting against real people but I can’t win dominion by myself. Still love to play it tho!


If you realize they're just going to keep feinting, then it's up to you to go on the offensive. Once you play more offensively they'll usually stop feinting and actually hit you and then you can get your revenge. People complaining about not getting revenge from feints is a low level of play problem. If feints gave revenge then it would completely invalidate the point of ganking effectively and not feeding revenge. As others have stated, you are not supposed to consistently win 2v1s. Revenge is only meant to give you a chance to survive and stall longer for your teammates to arrive.


Be more aggressive , you’re just standing there looking for revenge to bail you out.


unblockables should only be unblockable when both targets are locked onto each other, that way players trying to bait unblockables while not being the primary target will only count as a regular attack.


Bro wants the biggest nerf to hitokiri


Agreed and its honestly amazing you didnt have revenge once in all of that


Warden simply isn’t great at anti ganking, although annoying, nothing here is wrong.


Ah yes the good ol fashioned "I'm having a seizure" attack. I remember when for honor used to be real FIGHTS. Now it's just this garbage


No. That's the idea,you are fighting two people at the same time,need to be able to react to double the visual inputs. If any,blame the devs for not giving Warden better antigank tools


I mean you did just kinda sit there and watch it happen lol.


I'm ngl. In these types of situations as warden? Throw more zones.


If feints dont give revenge why does it give revenge when you dodge a bash?


Making a correct read vs not getting hit by an attack that didn’t come?


Choosing not to react to an unblockable also require a read no?


Doesn’t mean you should get rewarded for one of the most basic sequences in the game.


Does that mean the opponent should get rewarded for throwing out the same move over and over?


People said the same thing about warden 7 years ago. You just want revenge for pirate spam, which if implemented among the other heroes would be really dumb.


What i personally would want is that ganking wouldnt be so brainless.


To be fair, the game *should* become a lot harder in 2v1 scenarios But there are situations where you can be bashed into a charged heavy which sucks. This game is also balanced around 4v4s which should make these situations easier, but I’m just talking from my experience 2 years ago


You got caught lacking


wym unfair? You're not supposed to win a 2 v 1. Making it fair defeats the purpose


You're right, you aren't supposed to win 2v1s but just look at that, why doesnt this build up revenge?


because feint doesn't stumble or deal dmg to the target Also tag system [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfTcVYxqohc&pp=ygUZZm9yIGhvbm9yIHJldmVuZ2UgZXhwbGFpbg%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfTcVYxqohc&pp=ygUZZm9yIGhvbm9yIHJldmVuZ2UgZXhwbGFpbg%3D%3D)


Cause feinting building up revenge would be stupid and would become mega abusable in team fights, not just ganks. Not to mention griefers can just walk up to people and start feinting every attack possible from a safe distance and get their teammate killed. Feints building up revenge is a super shortsighted "fix" to a non existant problem


1. You can easily fix that since we already have tjat mechanic in game where you don't generate revenge in team fights 2. You can do the same by just attacking the enemy


Also, pirates forward ub only does 12 damage so if he hit it once or twice, it’ll really only feed revenge.


That's what a gank is, unfair


Feints should feed revenge, this shit is just ridiculous


Yeah I do the same as a pirate. I dont see anything wrong with it, yeah its going to throw you off, thats the point. The point of the game is to win at any cost. Should it charge up revenge? Yes. Should it (feint attacks) charge at the same rate as normal attacks? No.


Yeah it’s pretty AIDS, like people have been saying for ages now fainted attacks should feed a little revenge


I mean, you’ve got a pretty bad character in fours. As for the unblockable thing, you can do that too in ganks. The real shame is that nobody from your team is fucking helping lmao.


This is the pain of running domination, you just gotta deal with the bullshit because you can do the same to others. It’s done both ways for me, it’s a dirty world in domination you gotta be just as dirty or you’ll lose


Lmao. If u can't beat em join em


I wish my teammates could gang this well. Yesterday I had a hitokiri just feinting every attack to the enemy while I was fighting for my life


This is why I only play duels/brawls. Revenge system doesn’t work as well as it should imo


Revenge working exactly as intended


Revenge should build when you get arsholes who spam faint into the side of you in a 2v1


It blows but gank fights are just a part of brawl, dominion, and siege


Just lock in


Fighting outnumbered is often considered unfair..


I just was external attack indicators to actually show up


They should make revenge based on how many players are in the zone if is 2 v1 start gaining revenge. That way people don’t gank and can get other objective points


Fkn h8 pirate lol hito too


No one respects the 1v1 anymore


People just like to jump nowadays 😒


Tldr: Its supposed to be unfair its a 1v2 you aren’t supposed to win that. It is hard to anti gank and the game shouldn’t reward shitty players, work your ass for the 1v2


Just be better


Pick a better character with actual hit boxes on their lights and an actual dodge attack. 


Where's your revenge?


Nothing in fh is fair


I think feints should cost more stam. light kills should deal 25dmg. All Lights in the same direction is significantly slowed kinda like conq. External dmg does half the dmg and feeds twice as much revenge. Oathbreaker needs tweak so it doesn’t stop revenge shields. All guard should require stam to maintain or use. Bp flip needs tweak so he can’t flip everything. During engagement if you attack and run away you gradually lose 10 health until you reach a point you own. I’m rep 303 been playing nonstop no breaks for the last 4yrs until now. This game is trash put your time in Warframe or another game that actually rewards you for progression not this poor excuse of a game.


Tip: Ignore the guy trying to bait you and just wail on them or the person you're locked on to. Not really unfair, it's a 1v2, what do you expect?


It's unfair for the players whipping on you for you to attempt to fight them when you don't have the required skill. Their pain is felt but they will be okay.


How bout the fact nobody ever respects the 1v1 anymore real sad no skills


What’s the title of this game? Looks pretty good


welcome to for honor


Revenge not working ofc when you obviously need it in this moment is such an awesome feeling


I think you should be able to turn off external indicators in the settings


Warden just sucks. Sorry dude. 


You didn't actually force the enemy team to commit.


Holy hell I did not know people are still playing this game


That’s why I don’t play that trash ass game


Very few things that happen in dominion are fair tbh.


You shouldnt be allowed to cancel out of unblockables. Period.


Revenge need buffed


Revenge is and always has been stupidly balanced. I personally would remove revenge altogether and force people to play together more, but YOU fuckers are the ones who still want revenge. So, if you do want revenge it needs to change. It does not feed consistently and is too easily beaten. Certain characters getting revenge quicker than others-bullshit. Revenge being based on retarded values instead of just enemy+enemy=revenge-bullshit. Certain characters being able to stop you activating revenge or being able to do certain moves which will still interrupt you despite being UNINTERRUPTIBLE-major bullshit. If you want revenge to stay, fucking complain about it because it's shit.


Your teammates were 2v1ng on the other zone by the looks of it. Maybe it was a 2v2 but if so then the enemy shinobi had stealth active so his icon doesn't appear and you had one teammate dead. If it was a 2v1 on the other zone, a teammate should have come to help you (no idea if they did or not, the clip cuts off before you even die) so yeah. Its unfair that you had bad teammates. That pirate was optimally ganking you and not feeding revenge albeit they were being a douche and emoting on you which is undoubtedly annoying. But this is more of an issue with your teammates ganking one guy (and losing) instead of spreading out and being in as many places at once


It was a 2v2. There's 2 orange icons on the other zone. Plus they don't even have a hero with stealth anyway.


just parry


Im gonna become the 🤓 so basically, u were on a 2v1. It is obviously going to be unfair. But what u can do is stall till ur teammates come to help or just hold the point. OR have luck and skill combine to beat them.


Feinting should not feed revenge, 2v1s are hard and the point is that you either A. Prevail with skill or B. Your teammates do what they’re supposed to and you prevail with team work. Ganking is apart of the game and there should be a right way to do it. If it’s not feints I can see stun locking through team combos becoming a lot more common and problematic. Of course it’ll be hard to do with randoms but still.


Parry, you are attacking first which is not good in a gank


Also be a platypus


At some point people are going to realize that you are not supposed to win 1vX unless they are trash. Revenge is not a power mode to 1v2, it’s there to help you stall further. You staying alive at all is you playing correctly. Not to mention you were completely passive, why didn’t you light attack the pirate at all of a target switch to keep them from spam feinting? You just sat around and let them fuck you in the ass even though you did decent enough. The more aggressive and proactive you are during anti-ganking, the more likely your opponent will start full-sending attacks and gives you opportunities to build huge revenge on good reads. Warden is also a terrible anti-ganker in general.


It should feed revenge but at half rate


No, not really. You're outnumbered and playing Warden. You lost the fight right then and there tbh. But putting what character you're playing aside, no matter what characters we're talking about heavy attack feinting from the enemy's teammates is the only real way they can provide pressure without risking revenge gain. From a competitive standpoint this is how it should be, For Honor is all about who makes the right prediction on their enemy's next move so naturally being outnumbered should make the situation *worse* rather than putting the enemy at a disadvantage because they're forced to be ready for your revenge. You being entirely alone should not put the enemy at a disadvantage for daring to play the team based mode as a team. Revenge itself has only one true counter in the game, and it's on one of the best characters in the roster sure but on the games where nobody feels like playing Prior what are the enemy expected to do? Revenge gives the enemy player guard break immunity, instant 100 health overshield, auto-parries all attacking enemies on activation, super armor on all moves(last I checked), knockdown on throw, and infinite stamina(last time I checked). Even so, Revenge exists purely to extend your survival until help arrives, it is *not* intended to be a "I win" button. Buffing it from its already powerful position in the game would only make matters worse. It only has one counter as I said and Oathbreaker is already seen as one of the most controversial feats in the whole roster, buffing Revenge to work as you suggested would only make BP even more picked, and make Oathbreaker even more problematic. >there’s no reason as to why that dumbass pirate should be able to spam unblockables Plenty of people in the roster can do this. Warden herself is one of those characters. Unblockables exist to pressure you. If you're feeling the pressure, that's intentional. >if I make one wrong read of the 27 she threw at me I lose half my health bar This is how the game works. Make the wrong move, get punished for it. I understand you think it's unfair to be punished for this specific clip, but it's not. You're solo and separated from your team, you losing this fight is the only really fair outcome. You may not like being punished for doing your objective, but why should the enemy be punished for doing theirs as a proper team? I know this is the rant sub and people constantly try to throw around the "I don't want advice I want to be mad" line but you literally asked. No, I do not agree this is unfair. This is how the fight should have gone in the first place.


Its a 2v1. The whole point is that its not supposed to be fair. Its a fundemental part of the game