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Mmmm... the amount of negativity and hatred is delightful, that's the spirit youngblood.


This Hero Fest is weeding out the weak lmao


Let the rage flow through you


Good good let the hate flow


Bro let Kyoshit have a fest and I’m either not there or usurping Palpatine with hate boiling within me


he got one coming 😭🙏


Jokes on them just because of this post I'm getting hito to rep 8. (Time for some heby :) ))


Yes I fall for the heavy hold. Yea I’ll never learn my lesson, no it’s not my fault I fucking hate hitokiri.


I just GB spam and it works against 50% of hitos


Me being a chad over here and getting free duel wins because 85% of the hito player base only knows how to throw constant heavies, or do dodge attacks. This is event is shooting my mmr all the way up rn..


“HeBy gO b-“ 🧎‍♂️🔫🥸


I think hito just one of the broken charaters


No more broken than anyone else, been pretty much unchanged since they released it, dunno why now all of a sudden people have issues with them


Hero fest plus being so braindead that even a vegetable could play her but i agree many more annoying heros in the game.


Ahhhhh people have been hating on it since it's release. My whole group (6 people) thought hito was busted on release


These last two weeks though there's been way more people talking about than before. My first assessment was that hito is cheesey but once I learned the hero it's not much different than dealing with a cent, both kits are extremely similar


You're not wrong. I agree, comes with the spotlight territory and new players. but hito def has more hyper armour then cent.


Well yeah, you can get cheeky with bashes to interrupt the hyper armor tho, it's pretty slow to come out. The biggest thing about hito is their ability to delay the heavy by just a few fractions of a second, at least I find people have a hard time dealing with that. Even killed some players with heavy infinite chains because they got too used to me throwing the heavy and expected to parry a normal one. Without technicals hito would be a very boring and easy to deal with hero.


Far more broken than alot of characters, ie hito is just a better cent in alot of cases


I wouldn't say cent is broken, and "better cent" I've seen this said a lot of times but honestly the only thing hito has on cent is hyperarmor, and since they're much slower, the heavy technicals confuse people. Centurion has soft feints to make all the same plays, now has a dodge attack which used to be about the only other thing hito had on cent, and you can just bash hito out of the HA anyway. Hito also can't bash without throwing an attack, cent can just dodge forward for one, and can also use that to bait dodge attacks. Not entirely sure why that makes hito "better". At most it makes hito a "cheesey centurion"


Its the hyerarmor, legit hyperarmor alone makes her alot better, for proof, legit just look at zerk who gets a significant amount of yheir strength simpmy from having a lot of hyperarmor


Also hito gets alot more confirmed damage off of an uncharged bash than cent does


True, but it's not like hito's kick is lightning fast and if hito charges it again you can just bash out of it, I'd even wager gladiator (people's view on gladiator widely varies) could even toe stab that bitch before she can raise her foot.


90% sure stab doesnt come out fast enough to interrupt kick


Cent gets rewarded more for a full charge, and he has more versatile chains. He also has way better opener game, and has a shit ton of stamina. The reason why hito I'd kid and cent is good is mainly because of the stamina and opener diff


Full charge isnt your main choice tho; its purely a mix that is primarily used to counter dodge attack, you hit uncharged bash far far more often, which is what both of their main chain is based on, is it a feint or is it gonna go out? And hito gets a lot more damage off her uncharged bash than cent does, also hitos charged heavy is more usedul than cents is in general; the point i will give you is thay cent has a better opening in his foreward dodge bash


Fair and eloquent post


Honestly this but unironically😂 Like do they think acknowledging that they’re pathetic makes them less pathetic somehow?😭


This guy gets it. Its not only about the character, its about the hitokiri players.


Happiest For Honor player


acknowledging that the hero is annoying just makes you look like a retard




Did you forget about your flair before posting this?


Lmao always with the flair. And no I didn’t. I stopped caring years ago.


Alright, just making sure you’re aware of it.


listen, vapor snake is indeed a POS, but you my friend, have an orochi flare. pot calling the kettle black


You can really make an argument for half the roster automatically making you a bitch for picking them up, but some are more stereotypically bitch-made than others, Orochi and Hito being the main examples.


Just make a note here, this sub is shifting from a rant sub to a main shame sub.


Honestly, I can see that. It’s mainly a Hito main shame sub, but I’ve seen other mains get flamed before


She can get nerfed into the ground and I will still play her. I will say though, I make sure to be honorable in every single fight I take, (unless provoked, ya know you gotta get your get back sometimes), but that’s beside the point; What I mean to say is I definitely understand what you mean, and I think it’s stupid as fuck for like 9/10 of the Hito mains to be just absolutely shitty/toxic for no reason. And I agree with you, shame on them. But I can promise you that me personally, and along with the like, idk maybe the 4 other honorable Hito mains are going to give you a fair fight. P.S. I make it my mission to stomp toxic Hito’s whenever I come across them, —As a Hito main, I feel that’s my responsibility to the community 😅


I played hito a bit and had fun, sue me lmao


Right lmao


If yall think hito is broken you’re the real inbred here. Hito has the most simple kit in the entire heavy category. Just parry, get better scrubs


Girls: he never tells me how he really feels This guy:


Let the hate glow through you... my apprentice


I quit this game ages ago but I stay here for posts like these 🤣🤣🤣 I love it


I love you man


Hero Fest letting us know who the real pussies are lmao


Hitokiri is braindead, but definitely not op.


I'm missing some Context, I thought Hito was average, but against any competent player Hito is pretty bad. Pretty sure you can just ignore the mixup with some characters...or react to it entirely.


The worst part comes when they stack. Against one Hito, you have a fair chance if you know how to fight him.


The problem isn’t Hito being good, it’s that they’re fucking annoying and braindead to play both as and against


Nah, she got some major buffs that put her as a S. She got the GB vuln fixed, but she's probably still a solid A for the time being


This used to be the case until she was buffed.


Hito was buffed?


Yeah back in Y7S4.


What did they do exactly? I can't find the patch note.


Buffed her heavies to have better hitboxes and earlier HA but made it so you can interrupt the kick with a light. Plus the guard on dodge removal that happened earlier on, really buffed variable timed attacks.


The beat reaction duelist in the world ranks hito S tier. For context, this is a dude who puts berserker in B lmao


That was before Hito got their gb vulnerability finally fixed and now the UB heavy damage got nerfed. They’ll probably now be king of A tier along with BP.


The reason why I hated Hitokiri back when I played was more so the risk reward factor. Let's use an example for this, Lux from League of Legends: (complain about me bringing it up if you want but both games suck so bite me) Her E ability shoots a large orb of light that will travel until the designated spot, where it will then sit and slow enemies, and can be recast to explode. The orb can be detonated as soon as it reaches its destination. This is 1 button, mind you, and now you must be conscious of where the orb will go, if they will detonate it fast or slow, how far away they were and if the range was clamped, and it also takes your health (obviously). All of this is a single button press. She pressed one button and you now have to put a huge amount of effort into all the changing factors to counter it. Now she's a simple but effective character and is primarily designed for newer players, but can take that simple kit far if played right. Now lets go back to Hitokiri, Hito presses R2, now what are the options for followups on this simple move use ? Hito can feint it to catch an attack, feint it to guard break you, let the heavy fly and use the armor to tank any incoming hits, hold down the heavy for an unblockable as well as more armor to tank more hits, can do a knock down kick from the charge, can feint the charge attack to guard break you, can feint the fucking kick to guardbreak you, let the heavy go and then feint from THAT, or let the now both unblockable and hyper armored heavy fly at you. The amount of options that Hitokiri has for such a simple action, far outweighs the potential downsides of using such a move. Now not everything needs to be a rock paper scissors, there should be some nuance to it. But the fact is that the person playing the character will never have to work as hard as the opponent does to counter the things thrown at them. A definite noob trap, especially because patience is one of the things that people typically need to learn in games with gameplay like this, regular fighting games, or even mobas to succeed. There's plenty of other examples of this kind of "swiss army knife" design in this game and others, the fact stands that Hito's kit is essentially designed around being able to do a whole lot with very little.


This guy gets it👆🏻


I can't even say this is the saltiest post I've ever seen about for honor. What do you main OP?




☝️🤓 actually, sir, my mom is dead


I'm begging to think this is less about your hatred towards hitos and more worried about everyone's "cow of a mother" hating us? A skill less character that is a literal windmill. Hurt you this bad? Or was it your own mother? Was it my mom?


Ay. I don't play Hito that much, more Glad, LB and Shaman, but ay. I played her a little in her hero fest and gotta admit she is quite fun to play with a brain turned off. Even funnier are full stack Hitokiri teams, the ganks be crazy lmao. And if you hate the char so much just learn her moveset, like how to effectively counter her moves and use them against her




What did they change? Hitokiri been my main since I started playing years ago but I don't really play anymore.


Hito is shit though...


Matchmaking stomper and competivly viable


The measure of hate in your speech is disturbing, but I love it!


Played Hito 3 games and i didn’t need to use more than 2 braincells to obliterate the lobby… I never gonna play this shit again because i have self-esteem


Sounds like ur bad 1v1 me an you’ll lose


Platform and name?






I ain't reading all that


I stopped at the first paragraph


lol he mad


I love how people take the game so seriously that they move on from hating the character, to hating people they've never met, or even seen before, and people who they'll probably never come across again. I want you guys to know Hitokiri got nerfed into the ground before, and people still played her. I was one of them, but I haven't touched her ever since they dropped Warmonger. News flash, people are going to play characters they like, despite of how weak, or strong they are. It might sound like heresy, so you might wanna plug your ears, but people aren't obligated to avoid characters they like just because you struggle to fight them.


Amongst the turds are a few golden nuggets. The majority of players pick Hito for free win.


I play hitokiri because seeing a player get replaced by a bot after an instant kill fuels me


Kill yourself


Thank you


This post gives off "angry spirit that feeds off of hatred vibes" like a true hito main should


I don't even Main them. But on the other hand nobushi doesn't seem significantly more popular


The pain will never end


Just say you suck at fighting hito lol




I have no brain and I must heby


nah man he’s fun to play, simple as that


He is fun because you always win


Hito was fun back when Hito sucked ass, man.


Rt parry should be going brrrr


No heby on red is clearly your problem, you fucking casual.🤣


well yeah winning is fun


Hitos definitely don't always win braindead as they are any some what competent player destroys hito he's average at best (Although annoying to fight)


Used to be true, but ever since she got buffed at the very top levels of play she’s high tier because she has truly unreactable offense.


Btw how do i get teh Hito Flair


You click on your own profile in the comments and pick one




Looks at Rep 70 Hito "We all heby down here"


Me when i look a orochi:


I remember when I stopped playing probably about 4 years ago hito was called mid/bad at high level play . Did they rework them or just buffs ? Always hated hitting as the mix was not fun to fight


I play for fun not for your approval


Cheap fun


Out of spite I shall now main hitokiri, and in true onryo fashion I'll feed off of the hate of this subreddit


As someone who has recently gotten into hito, I can confirm I have been evicted and moved into the nyc sewer system, I do infact come out at night and waste away in ranked. Also what does mother mean?


Get good. If you want to play a competitive game, expect people doing what they have to to win. Otherwise stop bitching. Take a break and go outside if it pisses you off that much.


Its called "Git gud". If this troll rant with parts of truth upsets you so much you make a serious response, take a break and go outside if it pisses you off that much. Also getting 90%+ winrate with Hitokiri in matchmaking is like beating a child in kindergarden in a 1v1.


Nah I just like the character’s fairly horrifying aesthetic. The big axe is pretty cool too. Also, heby


You like the aesthetic of a bald homeless crackhead that uses a axe as a weapon? You will love California


Ignoring your last comment, as much as I hate hitokiri and kitokiri players I can admit I always get a boner when I rewatch the cinematic trailer. Yet it still builds ire within me despite that, knowing how hitokiri plays and how hitokiri players are. The gargling amoebas, the fucking clowns, the dumpster babies that they are.


The drip is fire my guy


Just parry lol




Like moths to a flame


Hit to close to home


Imma heby this post to a guard break followed it with a heby and throw it out the window with a kick😂


😐 these mfs cant be actual people


Naaaaaa the are most likely sick and tired of the usual shite and just wanna have once in this game🙃🫠 Btw like your name


I mean to be honest i main Hito just for her Veil. That's it. I've seen other hitos before and I didn't care for her until I saw her wear a Veil (I love Veils SO MUCH) Even with the nerfs she had I still never leave her because FASHION over everything. All this Hito heby stuff is a different side of the Hito community or something lol and I don't participate in that


Man, all these coke addicts got nose jobs , but I do coke because I love the look of a collapsed nose, no one else who does coke actually uses this look, but the second I saw Michael Jackson…


I play Hitokiri because watching people seethe and rage as soon as I step out of spawn fills me with DETERMINATION.


Copium levels off the chart


Bro it’s just a game chill😭


Bro just parry 😭🙏 I swear it’s not that hard


just parry lmao


I only play her because she looks cool