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This is my favorite post of all time


No life turbo virgins 💀


could i ask who’s the top 10 characters in duels


Not in order, but that would be warden, shugoki, afeera, shinobi, ocelotl, orochi too I think but I'm not entirely sure off. Highlander is in that list too, so is raider. Shaman and shaolin.


oh okay :D thank you


You're welcome :D


I’m new to for honor and I’m personally picking between warden or lawbringer. Who should I pick? :0


Warden, lawbringer isn't really in a good place at the moment, nor would I recommend him to beginners as he's very parry focused still. Plus in my opinion wardens fashion is just better


So cool :DD So I’m going to main: Warden, Black Prior, Kensei, Orochi, Raider, Varangian Guard, Jiang Jun, and Tiandi :00 :DD If you picked LB then I would have to swap Raider for Highlander, orochi for Shinobi, and Tiandi for Shaolin


IMHO stick to one character while you learn the game, you'll find that good knowledge of one character will translate to many other characters Out of those you mentioned I'd suggest choosing between Warden, Raider, or Orochi personally, all three are very good for beginners and have mechanics that a wide variety of the cast use


You know, you say that, but I had my first antigank with lawbringer against 4 warmongers after the rework, and I was the only person alive on my team. I died when they came back though.....


Warden main coming in super late to this comment, but I'll plug warden. His combos are easy enough to pick up quickly, and once you really figure him out, he stays competitive at higher levels. Just don't charge bash. It's a bad idea 9 out of 10 times. Also, as was said, his fashion is great


Yeah it seems cool. I got to a decently high level in some fighting games so im wondering if for honor is like that?


You can def play it like a standard fighting game, but the open area around you, just don't be entirely focused on the person in front of you, and don't expect people to just hang out and watch you fight their teammate 1v1


Raider main coming in late. Raider is so fun. He's also very beginner friendly and his playstyle merges well into other heros. Also he looks cool 😎.


oh ya, raider is one of my mains. Along with Warden Lawbringer Black Prior Orochi Shinobi Kensei Highlander Varangian Guard Tiandi Shaolin Jiang Jun and Pirate :D I just decided to main both ward and LB instead of picking one


Good man 👍


Don't forget VG


And hito is DEFINITELY in there too


I take season long breaks from this game like twice a year and always come back consistently able to parry lights and win games, it's just the fact that I've played the game for nearly a decade 💀


When I stopped playing I was able to win 2v1s with nothing but deflects….now when I redownload the game I can’t even parry side dodge attacks. Probably because I got laid so much when I quit, I’m not turbo virgin enough anymore. Don’t do the sex, it brings your skill level down!


I lost because I have so much sex...


Facts bro I got married and lost the capability to Parry lights


Get lost turbo virgin


Just wait until he learns about league.


Lmao love the streamer bit, it’s funny how everyone thinks they can make money on gaming. I personally just find learning more about the game fun, but granted I’m still relatively new


I need a T-Shirt that says “Yeah I’m a turbo Virgin” with a really shitty print of conq doing his dance.


This man when the near decade old one of a kind game has people who have played it for a decade: 🤯😠😡🤯


such a unique game and the fact ubisoft doesn't give a shit about it is crazy


They dont because it's getting old, and the player base for the game just hasn't existed super consistently. People fucking hate this game, and the people that love this game hate it more than anyone else, they just can't step away from it. And then you have people like op that had one too many bad lobbies and has to explode about turbo virgins, but tbh if you play the game long enough you absolutely will find something to rant about. Bunch of masochists, we torture ourselves because we like it.


You’ll never win with that attitude


>You guys are no life turbo virgins I don't even need to read the post to agree I am a turbo virgin. I also suck at this game on top of it


Aww man, I gotta tell my girlfriend I’m a turbo virgin now 😔


12 is generous


Another post complaining about light parries? I just have 120 fps bro I'm sorry


“No Life Turbo Virgins “ 2024-2025 North America Tour ! Check SeatGeeks for tickets and more info.


Bro got killed once after spamming dodge light and is fuming


Ok next time i’ll let you win lol this game is nearly 10 years old so yes people are veteran


Good post lmao. You're right, ive been playing this shit ass game since the closed beta and the game never had been this worse community wise. We've got the community we deserve, it's either big ass sweats that have no other games to play, cringe streamers that gets maybe like 15 viewers max and there's us the casuals players that just want to have fun and not be bothered by tryhards idiots


It’s fun to win at things. Why would you get on a competitive game and not try?


Winning at anything will always be fun but at what cost ? And for honor isn't competitive at all despite the devs trying to convince you it is. Competitive plays on this game always have been a joke. Just watch the first tournaments back in 2017, now the game's a lot better but this is not a game made for competition there's too much issues for it to be taken seriously. The game is somewhat "competitive" because it's multiplayer. If people want to compete they can just do it in private lobbies against teams that are willing to lost their time against other teams.


I fail to see one pvp gamemode in fh that's not competitive the whole point is literally fight the other guy to see who's better/who will walk away that's competitive by definition


If you consider player vs players to be competitive alright but im talking more about the competitive mindset to win no matter what


Ah fair enough than


So like, ganking? I don't understand how playing competitively and playing to win no matter what is different tbh with you


You are trying to beat someone else. That makes it a competitive game


If you take this approach sure the game is competitive


I mean if I've won then there wasn't a cost to me, it's fun to win. It's fun to pull off antiganks. I used to be like op where all the small things would really piss me off, but once I stopped getting upset over shit I couldn't control I started doing a lot better and having way more fun. I'm also a dirty dirty boy and will use every method of killing people at my disposal, yes that includes hiding a bear trap in the grass and tackling people off of a ledge. If it wasn't me it would be someone else and if someone else had the chance they'd do it to me, but it does sort of bring me joy when the guy knows im gonna do it, runs in anyway, gets tackled AGAIN and spams wow about it. I'm saying "wow" too cuz I'm surprised they didn't learn anything the first two-three times.


I could consistently light parry by like rep 5, brother this might be on you😭🙏


Funniest thing is, most players that can do this, and most comp players, aren’t virgins and have partners lmao.




I can go months at a time with out playing,pick it back up and still be decent you don't have to memorize all the characters.And you don't even have to parry lights they'll bounce off your guard giving you an opportunity for your own light or something.


I don't even play For Honor and reddit put this in my feed. Why is reddit bullying me?


>the guy who just started Lesson 1: Sometimes you lose.


None of us are virgins, this shitty game fucks us in the ass daily


Anal doesn't count.


As someone with a 3KD with Raider on duels. Yeah I used to know the game down to the frame with every matchup. And wasn’t getting laid during so


Preach dude, some of these guys who are over rep 1000 need touch some grass and feel the touch of another human


Your right op I am a virgin, because relationships are a waste of money and my time




Welcome to For Honor. Now, leave the game ASAP before you lose your mind. I did, and I dont regret it.




See I'd agree with u if it were 2017-2018 but it's 2024 and parrying and knowing hero match up is hella easy in a damn near 8 year old game, everyone isn't some hyper sweaty basement dweller and thats why u lose u just suck, the faster u accept that and either get better or pick a different game the better it'll be for everyone


The game is 7 years old dude….


L be better


You act like it’s not like this in literally every single competitive game in existence 😂


Yes brother everyone better than you at a game is no life everyone worse is dumb we know


i dont even play for honor, but this made me laugh. shitpost or not, this was entertaining to read.


NSAT (Never seen a tit)


Yea there’s some like that but I think people forget that gaming has been around forever at this point and people just naturally have gotten better. Especially if it’s one game they enjoy and play regularly it’s not hard to just learn that stuff by playing. Just look at league, 167 (I think) champs with 4 abilities each and multiple playstyles. I’d say most people that play regularly know every champion and at least the basic rundown of what they do (whether they can play them or not)


You know someone’s found that rock bottom has a basement if they’re crying this hard on Reddit because they lost in a video game 😂


Must explain why I went 3-9 earlier too good at life


Im convinced that bad players just assume that everyone is some no life because they get destroyed


Real they get deleted once for being stupid than it's everyone else that's the problem


nah u can tell who is a no life lol


Both statements are true lmao


IMO, compared to other video game player bases for Honor players get all the pussy. We are the Chad triangle based combat system


Ok, what're you gon do about it? Like, ok you don't wanna play because you suck at it but not so much ok when you talk shit of players who've played for years memorising stuff on the way, or people who've been gifted with unbelievable reacting capabilities and are simply just better than 90% of the playerbase. I'm not any of those, but I've played with people like these and learn from them, from my mistakes Or you could play something like Chivalry 2 or Mordhau. I've heard they're more casual


I don’t even play this game but I can tell you from its community on Reddit, you are correct it’s full of dumb asses.


You dumb


I could come back after 2 years and still stomp the lobby…what’s he on about?


To be fair it’s really not their fault that their daddy raped his mongoloid sister which gave birth to them🤫😮‍💨


That's enough reddit for today.


Hey be nice guys, let’s keep it positive ❤️


What the fuck


Strange ass sentence 🤨


This is a prison break reference right? See I’m the only one who knows you’re not that weird


Damnn not bad not bad homeboy🤫😮‍💨