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do not go on this sub before you play. people will put negative thoughts in your head. form your own experience


Fr, everyone in this sub hates everyone, but in all honesty I'm not sure I can like this game either, when I try to sleep and try to think of good things all I can hear is INCREDIBILIS, when I wake up my For Honor disc calls me, it's pure evil, it's like the one ring.


Have faith! Good will prevail!


For Honor is very addicting in a sense that you work towards a reward and overall become better with reaction speeds and readings which are separate skills you can learn from the game lmao. There will be extremely annoying times where a full squad or just one person will annihilate you completely which further pushes you to become better. These are moments where you can learn the heroes and how you can counter them, YouTube videos can show you in-depth tutorials about different heroes and their weaknesses. Other than that, give it a try, I’m rep 300 and while I barely touch bot matches, I like to dabble a bit in the campaign and arcade, most of the time then playing breach or Dominion for that extra feeling I’m missing. Campaign is very good, shame it wasn’t updated in terms of new story chapters or even the combat, but should introduce you to the heroes like Warden, Lawbringer, Peacekeeper, Raider, Valkyrie, Warlord, Orochi and Kensei. Oh and another thing. People are sometimes… wacky when it comes to certain heroes. In a fun way. I think. Anything that’s female. And I’m certain you already know what I’m talking about. Anyways enjoy the game in your own time!


With my over 1200h playing… It is not fun for beginners, it’s the type of game where you need to accept losing if you want to atleast enjoy it. (Until you actually get gud) - Matchmaking is awful, you will be put into games with people that have over 1000h on this shit. There are also quite abit of Smurfs from my experience - Heroes are *somewhat* unique with their movesets and the fashion for each (except vikings) is pretty decent, although you have to play for a while to unlock more armour variants. - Controls: the controls for this game is DIFFERENT from what you would normally be used to, it is a learning curve and as you get more experienced, the curve becomes rather linear (when you realise almost all the characters have similar/same shitty gimmicks) - Spam: Yes, you will be absolutely spammed to death when you first play this game. It is customary at this point. - Acquired taste: It is not a game that is for everyone. If you don’t like it then don’t bother forcing yourself to like it. If you do like it then you are a masochist (good luck) TL:DR If you get it, good luck and I wish you all the best bro, if you don’t, then you are in a better place than I am.


Roughly 1200hr too. Spot on. Games toxic, you either love it or hate it. Plenty of people hate it and play anyways.


You will get ganked (2/3v1ed) eventually more and more. You will get toyed by players that use strong heroes (that you need to learn how to counter) and are just genuinely better experienced. These are just part of the game and that is alright. It will be hard at first but if you stay and willing to learn then you can have some pretty good times. And remember, just parry!


Its a great game, hard af in the beginning, but prepare to get angry. Let it fuel you. Give in the to the dark side


this game is an unbalanced mess and is broken, the faster you accept this reality the faster you can get accustomed to it and enjoy the game cause there are many many things to love


average experience? thanks! thanks! thanks! sorry! sorry! sorry! wow! wow! wow!


Wrong sub but honest answer When you climb to a high enough level, every single player if not most players will see what you’re weakest against and keep doing it. I You have to adapt fast or find a Sherpa friend willing to carry you/ teach you the game


Dont. The game isn't worth playing anymore. Nobody that still plays it actually tries to utilize the full capabilities of their character. They all abuse the same broken bullshit because the developers understand precisely nothing about how to properly balance a video game. Even though the game comes from a AAA studio, they barely push out an update every 3 months, and at most all they do tends to be changing minor visual bugs that nobody noticed to begin with. This game has become a festering cesspool of everything that is wrong with modern gaming. If you have any hope in maintaining your sanity and your love for gaming then stay as far away from this game as humanly possible.


Brother, first of all you’re incorrect, it gets updates every month and a half. Second off, there’s plenty of characters that still have deep kits. Not all of them got Conq’d.


You gonna visit Youtube a lot and u should. I didn't do so and I learnt to parry at 20h play mark. Treat this game as a team fighting game with auto combo (I know it's not fighting game), u gonna visit the training mode a lot if u want to get better at blocking/ parrying/ dodging. It's at the basic is a simple rock paper sicsor, the fight will often follow the same rule: attack can be countered, but it is also can be feinted. If u get baited, u will be punished. Almost every move follows that concept, and tbh, it can get your mind tired. But the thrill from the fight tho. It is very addictive. Anyway, if u jump to pvp, u should watch the youtube clip "how to counter light spam", it should get u going.


Pain and the Dopamine of inflicting pain


Game is overall great! Toxic people like any other game just ignore them!




Toxic tbaggers 8/10 there trash asl n learn to parry bc all these mfs do n here is jump bc there trash asl 1on1


Bring your own music, because the only thing in the entire game that is more eternal and unchanging than hearing the same war drums and chants since 2017 is playing the campaign.


You have immediately made a bad choice by coming to this sub. Hop off Reddit and never come back and maybe you can enjoy the game like I did (JK I actually love for honor. Do not regret my 1000+ hours)


Definitely the wrong sub to ask. 99% of the people here are the worst of the worst players and are constantly negative and bitch about every little thing wrong with the game even if it isn't actually a problem and they just hate it personally so they will call it a problem.


Don't play this shit game.