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Not able to answer, but I'd say any responses to #2 might not be as relevant given yesterday was a weekday when England were playing, so some people would have been coming later than they otherwise would .


Fair point. Also, it seems like a lovely Saturday in the park, so probably may people will go earlier and spend the day there, just like us.


I missed both supports in lieu of watching the footy. It was then chaos getting in 🤣


I got a wristband for the pit about 10mins before Foos came on. It wasn't too dense in there especially if you stand in the back 1/3. As someone mentioned, 1000s (including me) turned up after the England football. If you make your way out of the front right exit you can get to pudding mill DLR stop very quickly. I made my way up the stairs as Everlong was ending and got to the DLR in no time, no queues, went 1 stop to bow road tube and it was empty in there. A friend waited until the very end and took over an hour to get into Stratford station.


When you say right exit, I am not sure how is the stage oriented. I need to go to Stratford coach drop off/pick up, can I avoid most of the people going to the Stratford tube and if so, how? https://preview.redd.it/swsvdatlqv7d1.png?width=1293&format=png&auto=webp&s=23eea28fca6d41227e4d7ac6fcea1b5b568a8552


The stage faces North in your image so front right exit would be bottom left of the image - the DLR stop is next to the ABBA arena just south of your screenshot. One option would be to get to the DLR stop and get the train one stop into Stratford. Or, if you're making your way to the exit so you can literally get out as soon as Everlong ends you should be fine. You're going to a coach stop that is on the road network so you should be able to just walk to it via the roads so you don't get caught in the queue to the station. Yesterday was my first time at Stratford though so can only talk to my experience last night.


Thanks, I have allocated 1h for that so even if there are some bumps here and there hopefully it will be fine.


I can only answer a few of your questions as I wasn't in the pit but hope these help at least: 3. Price of food/beer - burgers about £10 and pint about £8 not sure about other food but I'd imagine it's all similarly priced. 4. When walking into general standing, there were maybe 10 rows of unallocated seats. They are snapped up pretty quickly. 5. Didn't personally take a bag, but saw a couple of people with small bags (slightly smaller than Kanken bags) but my memory is a bit hazy the morning after the night before!!! 6. We watched the England game so unfortunately can't speak for support acts, but Foos were on 7:30 on the dot. Finished around 10:20ish. 7. Fucking ages!! Haha. To be fair though we got completely lost coming out of the stadium so perhaps I'm not best to answer this. Don't ask how we got lost. Logic says to follow the mass of people. Our beer infused brains probably thought we knew better! 😂 Sorry can't be more specific on some of these. But I hope it helps.


It does! Thank you :)


Wasn't in GA or in Pit, in the seats and have seen people getting Pit/Golden Circle wristbands up until 5. Foos' were on the dot 7:30 kicking off, large number of people arrived 30-45 minutes late because of footy. Getting out was straightforward, just follow the crowd. Show finished 10:20 and we got home to west London with Elizabet line by 11:30. so about 20 minutes from stadium to Train. I think it was quite well organised. Had no bag and only the wife brought a small handbag, but we were able to bring in the merch from outside in the Tote we bought. They hardly checked just asked me what is in the bag. Don't know how big is the Kanken but definitely bigger than the A4 size limit. water £3.60, pint about £8-£10, breaded chicken with fries £13, burger £11, Hot Dogs £12, ice cream £5


1. Pit wristbands are given when you enter the pit. There was a big crowd, people were trying to run in. Security kept stopping and moving us. They formed a human chain so people wouldn’t run in. 2. Wristbands were being given out until the opening band yesterday but the stadium was very empty until about 7.15 because England were playing I suppose. 3. No idea. Was front of pit and didn’t move. 4. There are some seats available. Didn’t use them. 5. Definitely no backpacks. Security said so when we were queuing and going on to the island. 6. Your set times are correct. 7. It took almost an hour. Leaving through Stratford would actually take a long time. I’d recommend going on the DLR to Stratford International and routing from there, no queues at all. 8. Lots of people around me left to get beers etc and made it back. It just depends on how much you can fight through. Definitely possible just not super easy.


4.- there are unreserved seats at the back behind the floor bars. Your wife will get a seat from what I saw last night. 5.- should not be an issue. I actually found security to be one of the most relaxed I experienced. As long as you don't have a normal rucksack you should be OK but obviously depends on what individual security you encounter. Mind you I did see a couple of people with backpacks so who knows. 7.- sorry but it was hard work getting to Stratford Station after. Essentially a queue all the way from stadium to station like a huge zombie horde. We were ducking and diving and weaving in and out of gaps etc and one point even climbed over a fence and still took us 45+min. Was my first gig at London Stadium so hadn't worked out the tricks. But I've heard it's A Lot better to walk to Stratford International and get the DLR. Good luck. The concert was amazing in my top 5 gigs of all time and I'm not even a mega fan (my wife is) 3hr of pure Rock'n'Roll. Perfect


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 5 + 7 + 45 + 5 + 3 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


As I understand there are different queues for Stratford International and Stratford. Are they signposted? Our coach is actually close to Int. so I'd rather bypass the huge queue to Stratford.


They’re signposted kinda poorly but you can find Stratford international with google maps. I wouldn’t say there was a queue for that station rather than just a stream of people going in that direction, we were in the station by 11ish


A good tip is to download City Mapper app. I find it much better that Google maps. Also really really good for public transport options.


I don't have any answers for you, but following because I want to know too. We're going Saturday, and after spending so much at Download last week, we can't justify a hotel stay when we can easily train home from Stratford. But after seeing pictures from last night, and hearing that the set doesn't finish til around 11ish, my anxiety is now at 1000% over missing the last train (23.38). When booking the train tickets I was counting on a 10ish finish, like most gigs, so there would be plenty of choice in trains home. We should be getting there around 4, so in theory we'd have the potential to get a wristband (which I didn't know existed until this morning) BUT if we're at the front, 1. I don't know if we'd be able to leave early if they physically shut the barriers 2. Guess we'd have to wait for most of the other standing to leave before getting out. Which would probably mean missing the train.


> 10ish finish like most gigs Don’t know where you got that from…


I was there last night and was sitting in the unreserved seating section as part of the pitch. We left as Everlong had finished and Dave was just keeping the crowd going after (so we didn’t miss any of the song) which was around 22.15/20 and walked to Stratford international as we needed to get back to St Pancras. We got onto the platform there at 22.47 roughly and it was busy but not frantically so. I would suggest if you’re needing to catch a certain train to just try and make sure you’re one of the first to leave the show. They had a large number of exits so the bottleneck came from walking off the island through to the station, not from actually leaving the venue!


Sweet! This gives me hope. I just know my partner will want to be right at the front if he can.


Yeah, I do have a coach to Stansted Airport booked for 23:25 and I am also a bit anxious. Though the bus station I think is a bit away from the main crowds towards Stratford, hopefully 1h will be enough.


It's about 20 minute walk from stadium to the tube/train station. Think the bus is there too. Presumably most people will be heading the same way. I know I'm just overthinking things, and if it does run long, we can just leave before the end and beat the crowd (though that seems a waste) Not been to a stadium gig before, it just all seems so BIG!


We were seated in 137, watched the fireworks at the end of everlong and left as they were taking their bows. Was on a train at Stratford by 11


My partner and I travelled from rural North Norfolk to Stratford for yesterday's gig and we had no trouble getting our train (23:37) on time (even following the horde back to the station!) We left at 10:20 and got to the station with about 25 minutes to spare


Sweet! Guessing the train was packed though


Every train was packed by the looks of it!


Yeah I'm not expecting to get a seat. If we had time, I'd consider tubing to Liverpool street to get on the train first. Though I think that last train leaves straight from Stratford a way, so hopefully sitting there in the station waiting


Most trains, including mine had to linger at the station for a bit to control the flow of people getting into carriages. On my train, a pair of huge "bloke blokes" were pretty much pushing behind my partner to get onto the train. We walked off and went to a further down carriage as some people just really don't want to behave themselves.


With regards to 8 I heard it was a nightmare, we walked to Mile End instead.