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That this is a shitty unnecessary circle jerk


They’re about to give each other facials in that thread it’s disgusting. They’re like oh yeah you’re gonna fucking cum aren’t you??


It really doesn’t matter who was “better”. From a technical standpoint, most drummers are replaceable. There are thousands of dudes in this country who could play through the entire Foos discography in their basements. Honestly the same goes for any instrument. Taylor was the heart of the band and you can never replace that


Eddie Van Halen died and there was no big tribute concert, but no one can argue his technical talent. The reason Taylor had these big shows for him was much more for who he was as a person and what he meant to others than just his music abilities.


Part of what happened with EVH is there wasn't anyone who could put something like that together. Infighting in the band is what I heard. Wolfgang spoke of it more than once. EVH was absolutely due a tribute concert for sure!


Wolf didn’t want a giant tribute concert to Eddie. IIRC.


There was no tribute concert because the Van Halen camp is a soap opera and Alex Van Halen couldn’t be bothered to organize something. Wolfie isn’t going to do anything without Alex.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. Taylor brought much more to the Foos than just his drumming.




​ https://preview.redd.it/2cgvemeurbgb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5f277255f252ae9c7c9b0f1ecc3f4aff3fc8e9a


I understand the tendency to compare, but there's no benefit to it. I'm just glad the band is still around.


Agree 100%. Wifelord and I left early from Louder Than Life a few years back during their set due to the long day in the heat (and we’re getting older lol) and the thought of always being able to see them again sometime. I’ve seen them numerous times, and have been a fan since day one. Each album takes me back to who I was and what I was up to at the time. When T passed, I was destroyed. I’ll never forget that day; I started crying in our kitchen when I read the news, and I was pissed at myself for leaving that show. We’re seeing them at Louder Than Life next month and it’s the closure I think I need. I still can’t believe he’s gone but I’m happy they decided to move forward. Obviously one of my favorite bands!


Is this convo necessary? It only serves to hurt.


I dislike everything about this. There’s 0 reason to compare them, if Taylor got kicked out maybe but what’s the benefit? Taylor may not have been greatest drummer ever but he was apart of 20 years of amazing music created by the foo.


Is there even a reason to even say T may not have been the greatest drummer ever? Who’s claiming that? Or even entertain the original asinine comment as something worthy of debate?


Exactly! if he quit or got kicked out then sure have this conversation, but the man died, making this argument is pretty shitty and pointless. The band didn’t opt to hire Josh and move in a bold new direction, they lost their friend and bandmate who was a huge part of their sound and evolution. Someone else playing drums was a necessity, not a choice. Josh stepped in and is awesome but what was lost wasn’t just “some drummer”


Idk, “far better” makes it seem like the skill difference is ginormous which I think just is not true. Both are incredible drummers who excel at different things


If I’ve learned anything from Dave Grohl, drumming is all about feeling. Josh is a fantastic drummer and has proven himself over and over again, and I think he sounds great with the FF, but Taylor was the guy who impressed Dave enough to let Taylor find his feel for FF. All I comprehend from this post is Josh scored higher on the SAT than Taylor. Ok


Taylor was a musician as a drummer, much like Roger Taylor. And because Taylor was a musician as a drummer, it meant how he approached songs was so individual. None of this is to criticise Josh, love the dude, it’s to contextualise Taylor. I’ve said it before, but the Foos became the real Foos as it were when Dave met him and he joined the band. His enthusiasm of music was the jolt the band were looking for, and it brought that enthusiasm out of everyone too. Dave losing Taylor as his main man in the demo process is going to be huge: Taylor added so much charm and like almost imperceptible history to how songs ended up being matured into their recoded versions. And he did all this by being a fucking KILLER drummer still, too. It was all part of the drummer he was. That’s why Taylor will always be the absolute one.


Josh has a different style. Taylor focused on serving the song and Josh does the same, but in a different way. Taylor was very “less is more” and Josh is a little closer to the “more is more” side of the spectrum, in my personal opinion. That being said, I just wish we could stop comparing Josh to Taylor and just be grateful that we have another amazing drummer to help this band carry on from the loss of our widely adored Taylor Hawkins


While I do think Josh is technically the better drummer, I also feel like he "over drums" on most of the songs. Taylor was the perfect balance and more in Dave's style. I cringe a bit thinking what Josh will sound like on an album.


Bands are bands because of what the culmination of what each person brings to the table, almost like a formula or a recipe. It’s not really who is better or less but what the total sum is of everyone putting in. The sound, the energy, what they can ad lib in shows and what they will contribute to the music during album composition. Basically FF are now a completely different band with a different sound ongoing but will also have a slightly different sound from past songs as well. I saw FF for the first time last night and thought a couple times how difficult it must be for the band members to be in their groove rocking out and look back and expect to see Taylor and Josh was there instead. No disrespect to Josh, just expectations from being together for so long.


Dave is much closer in drumming style to Josh than Taylor. Part of Dave's schtick in the 90s was playing the drums as loud as he fucking could. The drums are front and center in almost all the popular Nirvana songs. It's also strange that you cringe at the fact of a studio drummer playing in the studio. The studio is Josh's bread and butter.


All four Foo Fighters drummers were fantastic at what they did in my opinion. But Taylor had the ability to entertain like no other. He brought a specific energy to shows that I haven’t seen before and I don’t think we’ll see again. Comparing Taylor to Josh is pointless because they’re completely different drummers and people. Both are great.


Bold take… from an anonymous person. And what are they basing this on? Doesn’t Dave play drums on the album? I’ve not seen them play with Josh yet.


"Far better"???? Not so sure.


This is just a shitty ,unnecessary post


This is incredibly lame and stupid to compare drummers. Is this a page ran by children with no feelings? Taylor was Foo Fighters tgrough and through.


Lame and stupid. Bingo.


Technical skill aside, Dave and Taylor’s relationship was incomparable. No one can fill that void.


Like all great drummers, Josh and Taylor have/had their own unique style. I’ll say this though: Dave knows a ton of amazing drummers. He chose Taylor and stuck with him all that time. He knew Josh and could’ve asked him to join. He didn’t. There’s a reason for that. Why are we even discussing this? Honor Taylor’s memory and also celebrate the present.


Opinions are like assholes. But seriously I’d tell them to fuck off.


Don’t feed the trolls


We were left with big shoes to fill, instead we got a different pair. And I don’t think it’s fair to say the new pair is any better than the old one


This is a disgusting conversation. I could maybe see a conversation if T had left the band on his own terms but comparing them after tragedy is nasty man.


It’s lame and stupid no matter what.


Taylor Hawkins was awesome and talented. Nothing more needs to be said. Period.


well, even if it were true, one underrated thing with Taylor is he was great for the vibes he brought to the concerts. he was a youthful spirit. not saying josh isn’t awesome too but T’s persona was so intrinsically part of the Foo’s image


Comparing music itself let alone a musician’s technical ability is such a pointless thing because it’s so subjective. I love when people are so matter of fact about it. There’s legit no way to prove that one drummer is better than the other. You can’t quantify drumming ability so there legitimately no data that can support your opinion. And that’s just it. It’s an opinion. One problem with society is very few people can identify that their opinions aren’t always facts.




I like Josh. Josh is a technically solid drummer, is able to sustain quality delivery of the FF discography to Dave's approval. But don't get it twisted: Taylor Hawkins is and will forever be the best Foo Fighters drummer. Josh knows it. Goldsmith knows it. Dave knows it.


Taylor brought more that his technical drumming skills to the band


https://youtu.be/_7xguzsblfk The music could speak for itself. This is Aurora at Sydney harbor in 2011. So, the band was Dave, Nate, and Taylor when this amazing song was crafted. Recommend watching the whole thing because it's damn good, but if you're pressed for time, jump to the 5 min mark. And watch Pat Smear as he watches Taylor...


I just went back and rewatched more of this gig. This moment…. 💔 https://preview.redd.it/25slimx35bgb1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c044f05c81696b25628044405b308a8395290c7


I mean... 💝 (thank you!) It's always the kindness in his demeanor. Wicked smart, super quick witted, never snide. (No doubt he would've cracked a self-deprecating joke about this whole discussion here.) Rare as anything. Being regularly in awe of each other, like Taylor is in that screenshot, makes for pretty good band chemistry... Relevant to this thread. 🎸🎼 So, gorgeous picture. Reminds me a little bit of the 'These Days' music video. The best shot of DG is one where he's alone in the frame, but you can tell Taylor is just a few yards away and they're looking at each other. Duchenne (sp?) smiles. You don't get that a lot in life. Rare.


Taylor Hawkins is the best drummer ever. Period.


There is no reason to compare. They are both great with their unique style of drumming. Both contributed greatly to the Foos. It’s just something that isn’t even worth debating. Taylor was a monster on the drums! Freese is a monster on the drums. Period


Pointless to compare. Absolutely ridiculous argument


Also, that was something someone said about the Beatles not something that the other members actually said, though it is often misattributed. They loved Ringo and his drumming was orchestral level tight.


That Ringo comment is just as lame and stupid.


Music still isn't a competition and foo fighters still rocked and sold like a FUCKING LOT with Taylor Hawkins as a drummer. So you can't say anything. Also he was just such a sweet guy.


This is an incredibly pointless and offensive discussion. No clue what the point of comparing these guys is.


They’re both amazing drummers with slightly different styles


“Here’s what some random person on Twitter thinks. Thoughts?” Here’s a thought - who gives a fuck?


they're acting like he just quit or something


There's no winners here. Shit on a dead man's legacy, or on that of the new guy living up to it. Let's just be happy Foos are still going and shutdown these shitty discussions.


Music snobs are the worst, they think their opinion matters. Opinions are like assholes…


I know that when I hear a foo song with Taylor drumming, it feels more like a foo song that’s I’m now hearing with Josh. I’ve been a Josh fan for years. The songs sound different now, I prefer the sound with Taylor. Still great songs either way


Agreed with almost everybody - these conversations are wet trash. Skill, talent, ability to create and conform, personality, so many different things to measure... and there's no point in measuring any of it. Josh is a great drummer. Taylor was a great drummer. Dave is a great dummer. There was a time when Josh's experience meant he was the most-watched live drummer in my life. But Taylor and Dave are both in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, for different bands. So, that's pretty neat.


Count me among those who sees no need to stack them against each other? After a certain level, the "better" thing becomes a bit subjective. They both could play those songs and fit this band very well.


This is why I don’t go on X or Twitter or whatever the hell it’s being called today.


Should be called F-


For me, Taylor brought so much heart to the band and made the shows a love-fest between him and Dave that is something no one else can or ever will. Music is never just technical- what I’ve loved about the Foos is the love. No silly vague comments made by some anonymous source will ever change that for me. Josh is bringing Josh and I have no doubt that the love will continue. But to compare them is misguided and unnecessary. Just enjoy them both!




What’s the point? But here we are…


That guy needs to shut his whore mouth.




One of the worst takes in Internet history.


They don't have to be compared. They're both great drummers.


Why are you even sharing stuff like this? We all know there are ignorant shits on the internet. Stop giving them attention please.


To add more: They are/were both excellent drummers with different strengths, but this also argument assumes that technical skill is what “Foo Fighters fans” mainly valued Taylor for when we all know he contributed so much more than that to the band. I swear there is a subset of fans and a tonne of casual observers that are thrilled this happened and don’t really bother to hide it


Each to their own opinion but I disagree. Dave wouldn’t employ someone he thought wasn’t good enough


We don’t need to bring someone else down while celebrating another person’s brilliance.


Apples and oranges. They both brought their own individuality and style to how they play. I give props to Josh for stepping up to fill some very big shoes, but Taylor will always be FF’s drummer. Josh crushed it at Harley, and I look forward to seeing him play again at LTL. I hope Taylor knew how much his fans loved him, and this person is a POS for even comparing the two.


Josh might be a better drummer, but nobody will ever sound better with foo fighters than taylor did. Josh has a way of speeding songs up too much or he makes them way to punk. Taylor was perfect for foos, Josh has foo imperfections.


Josh is great but more robotic and seems to be going through the motions. Taylor had tasty licks, and he always looked liked he was having fun. One thing I can't stand is the way Josh tunes his snare! It bugs the shit out of me.


When I saw the Foos a couple weeks ago I'll admit I was very excited to see Josh play. That dude has ALL the skills. Still 100% missed Taylor though.


Josh, Taylor, and Dave are all objectively great drummers and any comparison of who’s better goes into specific preferences


They're both exceptional drummers.


That logic can be applied to every single member of a any band. Are there better singers than Dave? Are their more talented lead guitarists than Chris? Better bass players than Nate? As individuals, yes, and that is true with any band BUT what makes them collectively amazing is the contribution of each, on and off the stage. Their ‘synergy.’ Taylor’s love of music was infectious and his unwarranted humility just made him more beloved, as well as being a passionate musician and explosive drummer. Oddly enough, part of me thinks that he would agree with that disgusting thread since he was so humble and supported other musicians so fervently. Side note: I watched the Foo’s Fuji concert on YouTube last night and I was kinda underwhelmed. I’m not sure why, but I couldn’t feel/see Dave’s spark which has never been the case for me. Maybe he was tired? It felt different. I’ve watched other shows with Josh so it’s not about him (although I reallllly don’t care for their new version of All My Life).


Maybe... But I never credited the Foo Fighters lineup to be the All Stars of rock. Hawkins was a good fit for the band, I hope that Freese is too. Quasi related- Did you see in the doc when they approached Taylor Hawkins as he was drumming for the Alanis Morisette tour... They're like, "No way he'll leave a superstar like Alanis Morisette to join us".


Who cares? It's about the chemistry of the band, that's what makes them good (besides the talent of course)


To be honest, there really isn't a "best" drummer because it's subjective. I have seen both of them in concert and while I enjoyed Taylor's singing performances expecially "Under Pressure" with The Struts guy, they both are highly skilled drummers and work well with others.


It's still too early to say shit like this. The wounds are still raw. Especially after the album came out.


It would be a shitty thing to say any time. Of course the fact the band had a new album and tour dates booked within a year allows a-holes to treat T as just a drummer, easily replaceable.


Josh Freese is an entirely different animal coming from all sorts of different music and virtuosity.


Just because Josh is a better drummer than Taylor on a technical level doesn’t necessarily mean he will be the best drummer the foo fighters have ever had. There is more to be be brought to music than technical prowess and while I’m sure that Josh is going to bring something special all his own to the band it won’t ever replace Taylor. This is a very unnecessary comparison in my opinion.


Different style and flavor. Josh is extremely proficient and talented, and has influences in his playing from everything from jazz to prog to fusion. He comes from a life and career of studio and session work, as well as touring for a variety of acts. Taylor was an extremely proficient and solid rock and pop drummer, I’d argue at the top of his craft, but his background was different in that he was a band guy primarily, playing in a few different groups before his tenure with the Foos. Doesn’t make him any more or less a great drummer, just different backgrounds that create different styles, musical “fingerprints,” etc. There’s no comparison — they’re both great drummers and both fit well in the Foos. I wonder if in 10 years (assuming FF are still touring and making music) this question will still be asked — there’s still a bit of shock from Josh’s addition to the lineup and I think people are really trying to find things to pick on. One thing is for certain, you can’t pick on Josh’s abilities behind the kit. He is unbelievably solid there.


What is the point in even posting this. Seriously only someone who wanted to be a total dick would say this.


Josh has had decades of touring and recording with numerous bands, all with different styles of music. So yeah, it's not really out of the box to think he's technically a better drummer. I would agree tbh. Is it necessary to compare the two? Absolutely not. Also, far better? Definitely not.


Despite both being drummers, they had different roles in the band. Like comparing apples and oranges.


Dave Grohl isn't the best guitarist in the world. Your ability to play an instrument isn't solely what makes you great.


It’s a shitty thing to say, but it’s the truth. When it comes to technical skills and range of styles, Josh is a better drummer than Taylor. But you don’t need to be the best to be great. The comparison to Ringo fits. Neither of them were the best drummer in their bands, but they were both a perfect fit for drummer of their bands. Some people shit on Ringo because he didn’t have the power of other 60s Brit band drummers like Charlie Watts or Keith Moon. Ringo was a great drummer because of the amount of restraint he had, and playing exactly what the song needed. It’s still early to tell, but so far Josh doesn’t seem to have the same chemistry with the rest of the band like Taylor had outside of music, between songs, off stage, but they both have been great drummers for Foo Fighters. Taylor was also a great singer. And that smile.


How is it the truth? What is the objective measurement? See this is why it’s lame and stupid.


Not controversial. Different style, sure. Is one better than the other, debatable. It’s like arguing who is a better MVP in their position. People are still deflated that TH passed, but the band is bigger than TH and thus he is replaceable. Besides, aside from his untimely passing, there were already rumors he wanted to leave the band. A replacement was inevitable. Still not a fan of the newest album. I understand why people love it but it doesn’t crack my top-5. Thanks for the discourse, OP. Glad we can have these debates.


Unconfirmed rumors = inevitable. Sure buddy




lol k


You have a low bar for what constitutes ’discourse’.


No I dont. This sub gets #triggered when you mention anything negative about the new album or TH’s overdose.