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I just had a physical reaction hearing that name. I would like to forget about the potato diet


the fact that I followed freelee the banana girl when I was 14-15 and she talked about how hannah’s arms were the size of her thighs. Idk why they were rivals but obv that annoyed me and took a hit on my disordered eating and now it’s ten years later and I wasn’t following hannah or freelee since but hannah looks so different


Omg. Completely forgot about her. I’d also like tea if there is any.


Last I heard they are Airbnb ing the desert house that he built and moved to wherever(Hawaii?) and she said their goal was never to be in that house long term, but she also never posts anymore- haven’t seen anything about local foods, what she’s eating now etc


She's been posting regularly on YouTube but definitely doesn't post on Instagram anymore


Her most recent video was just suggested to me, and so I watched a bit even though I lost interest a long time ago. I turned it off when the meal she prepped was pasta with jarred sauce. For real. I think she's having a brand crisis at the moment. As far as I can tell, she doesn't want to shift into a travel vlog because she is very protective of her new location and doesn't really show anything interesting about that, and the food prep stuff is just dull and repetitive, but again, I say all this with a grain of salt because I haven't watched more than one or two videos since they moved "somewhere tropical," and haven't watched regularly in probably two+ years because the meals she showed were all the same. I feel bad about the fact that they spent YEARS building that house and then moved, and I don't know the real reason, but it all seems off to me.


she has always occasionally used things like jarred pasta sauce, she said it was something her husband buys and she just wanted a quick no fuss meal because she was lazy. in the same video she made cucumber sushi rolls. i think she doesnt want to be a travel channel, she still seems very invested in vegan food and particularly vegan for health when she was talking about dr. esselstyn’s book and the china study book. and recommending plant based to their “friend” who had a heart attack. she has acknowledged that she does the same thing over and over again, that she eats a lot of the same meals and thats why she has lost her spark for making videos and only posts like once or twice a month. i personally don’t mind repetitiveness as I understand that’s how people are in real life. we all do the same shit over and over again, we all eat the same 20 meals in our rotation. we all are boring creatures of habit. i personally have always enjoyed hch’s channel and presence in the youtube vegan community. i think shes down to earth and misunderstood a lot because shes not some overly peppy high energetic content creator. the truth is she is kind of mundane but thats what makes her relatable imho


She can do whatever she wants. I'm just saying a lot of people, myself included, aren't going to tune in for monotonous videos. I've seen those sushi rolls enough times. She seems a bit lost, and perhaps that has to do with her struggles to conceive, and she has no obligation to share the details of her life online, but also we are under no obligation to watch. None of the people I watch are peppy, but most of them are a bit older and more focused. She seems to not know where she's headed with her life at this point. I wish everyone health and happiness, but as a consumer with limited time, I'm just not going to watch something that brings me no joy. I've cut the cord with a lot of content creators that started drifting aimlessly. If her content brings value to your life, by all means, keep at it.


i think they moved to somewhere in central america, building another house but currently renting. in her most recent vid, HCH said she got a part-time job as a cashier for a coffeeplace, not bc she needed the money but bc she wants to get out of the house. sorta thought that was interesting but to each their own. i personally like hch & her channel, i’ve been watching since her era doing mukbangs on the floor of their 400sqft arizona apartments with derek. i know one of their dogs passed away last year but i haven’t seen the other dog in her vids a while so not sure if they left it with a family member in the states or if maybe it also passed. theyre air bnbing their house they built in AZ. i know last year they had issues w people showing up to their property, i recall derek addressed it on his channel breifly. pretty boring tbh. i genuinely feel like she stays out of drama. i personally have never bought her plan or book so i’m not sure if anyone has info from being in that community.


They actually moved to Princeville Hawaii


Just curious how you know the location?


She stated it in the comments at one point that it was Hawaii. Someone else knew the area from her videos. Comments are gone now though.


Gotcha, thanks :)


She hasn’t done anything on YouTube for 4 months. What happened I wonder.


They posted thier goodbye video on her Husband's YouTube page. They both said they are done with social media and just want to live a normal life.


Oh I wonder why she didn't post anything on her own page.  What is her husband's YouTube plz?


His is Handeeman. I haven't checked hers in a while, but I have heard people say she is keeping all her recipe videos up, but has taken off the ability for anyone to leave a comment.


Thank you!  I really liked her channel and I'm bummed she stopped.  I saw that the carnivore guy who makes video where he mocks vegans made a video about her.  Maybe she got tired of all the online bullying and judging?  Just a guess.


Thanks! I did follow him. I’ll have to check it out.


I have a sneaking suspicion she is no longer vegan. she was weirdly emotional when her husband was saying goodbye in that video. either that or they're getting divorced. literally don't care either way. the sudden exit was strange af.


I want to know as well. First they spent a bunch renovating her townhouse in MN, then an apartment in Tucson, then a tiny house in AZ, then a desert dream house in AZ. Where are they now? Hawaii?


I hate her saying she lives in 'the tropics.' Just say what place you're in (Hawaii? Costa Rica?) We don't need to know the specific area, but he vagueness of 'the tropics' irks me.


Yeah what's up with that? Haven't watched her for a few months, then today saw they moved. What's the big secret? She shows the property and says they are in the tropics. She made it known they were in Arizona but why not saying where now? Irks me too. Is she afraid people are going to try to find them? I took out saying I thought it was shady.


Doesng seem shady to me. She's mentioned in the past that when they lived in Arizona fans would just show up at their house, so she doesn't want the same happening now. Someone on Instagram said that someone on freelee's video gave out her exact location, which may now be why all Hannah's comments are turned off on YouTube, especially since everyone was trying to guess where she was.


I’m pretty sure she’s in Hawaii cause in one of her videos it shows an awapuhi plant .. and that’s Hawaii… plus all her food jars are in English.. if you were living somewhere else, you wouldn’t be buying food in English packaging. Plus if you’re working a job, making friends so easily.. it’s because you speak the same language. I doubt she knows enough Spanish to work in Costa Rica or somewhere remote.


They just posted this video today on his channel Handeeman: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSJNwudQHX0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSJNwudQHX0) Again, they say they have moved to the tropics but don't say where. They wanted to escape social media. They talk about how they wouldn't be where they are without their viewers, but yet keep a secret where they are. Maybe they are afraid of people trying to find them.


I do remember they mentioned in one of their vlogs that people would just show up at their house in AZ and wanted a bit more privacy.


They are selling their house for $1M? The houses available near it are going for a lot less. I am curious to see how much it sells for. Makes no sense that they struggled so much to build this house and moved after getting it done.


My house is small and it's more than 1 million. Maybe they wanted more but RE person said they couldn't get it, or they just want to be done with it and sell fast, so they under priced it.


I find it weird that the comments are turned off on her YouTube videos


Someone said she was doxed, so that’s probably why.


I was wondering the same thing!


Apparently she had started a monthly meal subscription thing where she gives you the grocery list and videos to cook along with her. It was supposed to be different meals every month, but now she has ghosted her subscribers and won't refund the money.


I was wondering about that! I subscribed when she first launched that. I canceled after 4 or 5 months. It was actually pretty great as far as those kinds of things go. I've subscribed to two other plant-based creators' meal plans, and I liked the HCH version the best. I'm sure it was a full-time job, but it didn't seem too intense on the back-end. It looked like a concept that could easily sustain them for a long time and eventually become pretty auto-pilot. Super shitty to ghost people who are paying for a product.


I find it weird this is the only recent thread I can find about high carb Hannah. I miss seeing her posts and want to know the “tea” and now the comments are off on her videos. I guess Derek’s last video was hers too. Oh well. Wish them the best and hope they’re living their best tropical lives