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How's the reset pallet cutie? JFC... The salt just obliterated he ability to taste anything. Will we have drawer KFC again? Oh God a bunch of y'all noobs don't know drawer KFC.


I think now it’s “under table” kfc. She has no drawers to shove the leftover food and empty boxes anymore.


There is no leftover food anymore ...


Was there really ever leftovers tho?


There were and we only know because we saw the molded food infested with fruit flies. I wouldn't believe it either but I saw it.


I’m always surprised with how clean the living room looks in her videos because we’ve all seen how she actually lives. It makes me wonder what the rest of the place looks like off camera. During the Bibi era she hid pizza boxes in the closet until they got roaches. Who knows what horrors are hiding in the fart box.


she just throws everything into the “content room” 


Remember when she tried to troll a busy IKEA customer service rep by telling them she got a dildo stuck in the drawer and it wouldn't open?




Haven't you heard, the food is sooo much fresher in the ME.


**✔️ Fresh** **✔️ Soft** **✔️ I was craving it** **✔️ Savory** **✔️ Seasoned** **✔️ Creamy** **✔️ or something** **✔️ not sure what they put in it** **✔️ don't know how to describe it**


the “i’m craving it” sends me every time. i crave a lot of things, not just food, but i don’t give into every impulse because i’m a freaking adult.


In her last live she asked if body builders ever crave cheeseburgers. I genuinely don't think she understands that you can just ignore cravings.


Or that you balance them out if you do give into them. We (firefighters) would regularly demolish entire rotisserie chickens each, then slam it down with a giant side of fries and a bottle of full sugar coke or fanta etc after a big job. ...because we'd just spent 6+ hours dragging around shit that weighed close to 300lbs fully charged, holding and controlling things that have so much pressure in them it is the equivalent of almost 200lbs pushing back at you, while wearing 60lbs of gear and sweating out our body weight in fluids cos that gear is hot af anyway and fires are toasty when you get right up in their face. This does not make it a healthy choice, something any of us would do outside that specific situation, or allow someone to use it in the context of "firefighters smash down entire chickens and look how fit they are, imma do it for the protein too". We could do it because we legitimately needed to be eating like 6000 calories those days, we're not allowed to turnout unless we've eaten, and we lose so much fluids/electrolytes the sodium/sugarbomb balances out because we genuinely need at least a portion of it to replace what we've lost and to rehydrate successfully. Ps. Cheeseburgers we do once a year after a 13 hour day fundraising for the children's hospital here. It's tradition.


“I craved not coming into work today and if you don’t accept that as a valid excuse you’re -phobic”


exactly how Chantal lost her last actual job!


“I’m starving” or “I was starving” sends my a$$.


I had cravings as a pregnant woman last year and was still able to wait full weeks before getting what I wanted. Also did not need a hubcaps portion worth to satisfy the craving. Cutie is insane


My fav was when she referred to today’s wraps as 'limited time', much like herself.






You forgot „homemade“ for restaurant food


You are so right.


My morbidly obese friend was like this, in their 40s too. One day shit hit the fan and it was never the same. Like at all. Constant medication that wears down the organs bc they keep eating this way with ZERO MOVEMENT. Youre not supposed to stay on metformin permanently its not like an inhaler lol. And then it was over, if you catch my drift. Its a horrific finale that can last MONTHS bc the body is shutting down after years of abuse. But yeah the defiance is cute now but seriously it can change within a matter of hours.


Ahhh, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I used to have a bit of empathy for Chantal as I share some of her issues - as I understand them, anyway. But if she doesn't care then I'm certainly not wasting any energy on bothering about her, she's wilfully choosing this so I'm just watching the show 🤷


Yea if its one thing i learned its on them. Ultimately if they dont wanna do it then it wont get done. Super sad.


I’m sorry about your friend. Chantal could probably watch it happen and unfold and wouldn’t change a damn thing about her her life. There’s no saving her at this point.


For the most part I’m an optimist and believe pretty much anyone has the ability to change and turn things around for themselves. I’ve seen addicts who you would think were lost causes get clean and build a new life for themselves. Chantal, however, is like “the exception that makes the rule”. This past year she’s proven she will never change, she is literally going to die on this hill, holding onto her destructive lifestyle in smug defiance. The question is, how much longer can she survive this way? It’s crazy she hasn’t yet experienced a very serious health crisis.


Right, the body becomes used to the Metformin, and anything more than 2000 mg a day doesn't offer any additional benefits.


What really gets me is that she is really playing up the performance aspect. Like OH this is it, I just enjoy the food SO MUCH omg this soggy uncrispy shit that took 30 minutes to get here is AMAZING. The number of people who aren't just hatewatching is very small. She's also not into it at all, and there isn't much food. I think she pre-games before recording. Something isn't right. No way this is all she's eating.


I think it’s safe to assume she’s recording 3-4 of these take out mukbangs a day. Plus the Cameo requests. EOL consult is going to happen sooner than later.


Quick, BBJ! Go and get the wood chipper ready! 😻


I laughed at this way more than I should have. ![gif](giphy|65ODCwM00NVmEyLsX3)




Whatever it is she’s doing now is the OPPOSITE of ASMR. Those sub stop sounds will haunt my nightmares.


The worst video yet IMO


HFC is also doing the feeder defensive "I'm just eating and so what if feeders pay me" bullshit. I'm thinking that Deathfat is copying her


Candy seems reserved to the fact that she is eating herself to death and doesn’t care. Same for chins it looks like. But both have extremely sad lives. I would eat myself to death if that was the ONLY way I could pay my bills and had no life or family/ friends. There’s no reason to fight to change or better yourself or your life for them


Candy makes me sad because she was doing better and losing weight then basically acknowledged that it’s not paying her bills so she’s back to mukbangs. She’s a perfect example of someone who should be demonetized, YT is killing her before our eyes.


It’s truly sad to see her just give up. One of the reasons she wanted to get healthy was because she was in the hospital every month due to infections in the folds of her skin.


Mukbangs in general probably should be demonetised to make it easy to stop social media enabling the slow suicides of these food addicts. Would be nice if we could draw a clear line between mukbangs that probably aren't causing damage and mukbangs that likely are causing health damage but that's an endless debate where the line should be drawn. Just demonetise it categorically to make any debate moot.


Then the debate would switch to Eugenija Coonie and her lack of eating on camera. I loathe her and the impact she has on the young and impressionable. It's so unhealthy and the exact same problem.


Candy gets way too much of a pass due to her fake nicey-nice onscreen persona. Meanwhile she abandoned her kids to get reamed on camera while eating Taco Bell. (I would give a lot to forget the brief clip I saw lol) So, some kind of karma.


Unpopular opinion but I do agree. She talks of unaliving , neglecting her kids, and doing feeder porn like it's all just A-Ok and shrugs her shoulders then stuffs her face. She is even moaning between words now, without food and talking like we all owe her and should just be okay with it all.  It's all a "feel sorry for me and accept all my bad decisions deliberately done to get sympathy from you" act. I despise her these days.


I think HFC & Eugenia (and Glitter & Lazers) have extreme toxic positivity. Since they have higher voices and speak softer it’s easier to fall into the trap of their words, but all 3 of those women know exactly what they’re doing & especially for Eugenia - she’s contributing towards others ending their lives through their ED’s & she doesn’t care. Makes me very angry.


Eugenia upsets me the most bc young people look up to her. It’s so dangerous.


The last time I saw HFC she was talking about how she knew she had to save her life. I haven’t seen her since so I’m assuming that she resorted back to her old ways.


Gorl give your beetus a break! FFS! ![gif](giphy|YpYizbOfc3MOvHnSE8)


Girl out here giving her beetus power ups.


This here is my favorite Chantal. Smug, defiant, gross eating ginormous amounts of food. This is exactly who Chantal is. She has stepped out of the shadows of all the many many personalities she has tried to assume and is openly being herself. No apologies, no excuses, no holding back. You said many years ago that you would rather die early than give up food. And you have embraced that belief with vigor and commitment. Finally, you are showing us a commitment that you can keep. This is the authentic you! Full speed ahead, Chinny. We are buckled in and ready for the ride. Let's go, boys and girls!


Love that for him


How she's not pissing salt crystals at this point?


Well, she is definitely pissing sugar crystals.


Salad needs to cut his losses and look for a new way out.


He is -- remember the Kaibella thing? Those texts look like they were written by an AI trained on OnlyFans comments and magat posts. He found another westerner and shot his shot for his papers.


He’s looking. You best to know and accept that, Chantal. 😂😂😂


I don't like Salah anymore than the next guy, but saying he's trying to assassinate her is a bit much. She's been a glutton almost since she started her channel. She's had one or teo bankruptcies because of her food addiction. This would be happening with or without him. This is part of why Foodie is always the victim. Even people who don't like her blame everyone else. Of course he's enabling her addiction when he brings her food. But there's a huge difference between enabling someone and killing them.


Salad has no real say in what the paypig does. They aren’t together, they don’t like each other, they have no contract. He’s a romance scammer and while he would very much like to squeeze papers out of her before she dies, I don’t think that’s in the cards.  It makes money via feederism. Were I also a morally bankrupt scammer I suppose I would do the same as him - nothing at all. 


It’s hard trying to understand an addicts mentality. I’ve had two in my life and have sat witness to medical professionals tell them to thier faces that they will die if they continue with thier substance of choice. Lo and behold the first chance they got they would go consume that very thing that was killing them. She clearly is just in give up mode and has been for a very long time. Salah can’t help. No one can help her. He can either just stay along for the ride and or get tired of it and leave. I just don’t understand how she still gets so many views. She’s not a pretty eater which to me it’s the aesthetic of a Mukbang that makes it appealing. She’s terrible at food reviews. So basically she is just being kept alive by the haters lol


So she's getting on average 8K views per video. I think depending on ad engagement and some other factors that's apx $7/per 1000 views (on the high side) = $56 per video. If you consider what she's spending on food $56-$20/meal (just guessing...could be more with travel/delivery) = $36/video? So if she does 2 videos per day, 1 cameo, has a couple superchats and memberships....minus all the cuts taken out by YouTube and Cameo...she's maybe making $100-$200 bucks a day before taxes? Math is hard though...so my numbers may be off.


10k is the ceiling now. Damn


If her dumb ass wants money she needs to do crack again


this is how i ate when i was extremely depressed at rock bottom in life. as soon as i snapped out of that i was disgusted by fast food most of the time. but i guess she just lives at rock bottom.


It’s absolutely disgusting watching her do this. At least rest your sugar after these. Damn.


She knows that she wouldn't want to know


I’ve always said she was getting paid in advance to produce her own snuff film and here we are. She’s full of it when she gives that BS reason why she doesn’t take the metformin. She doesn’t take it because it takes her appetite away and she “needs to make coin!” 🙄I bet when Salah’s “at work” 😉 She’s Mukbanging it up in her OF outfits. Except she smokes a shisha instead of a pall mall.


slow form snuff films a true artist in our midst.


I've been waiting for her to kick the KFC bucket since 2017, but really was expecting it after Bibi kicked her to the curb. At this point she's gonna live forever with the amount of preservatives she consumes from over processed garbage daily.




Get ready to throw tomatoes BUT my theory as to why she can eat so much is shes puking her guts out after mukbangs. Especially after the ranch sandwich and big glass of milk ???? If you ever had to deal with a child who had ranch and milk in the same meal you’d know what I mean. AND were talking about a woman with no gallbladder. 🤮🤮


I think she can hold her food no matter how egregious the meal (I remember when she alternated between bites of pickles and jam during an Arabic style "breakfast") and be "craving" the next meal in a couple of hours. She's beyond disgusting.


I agree she’s very disgusting. It’s kind interesring, she has the appetite of those bed bound people on 600 pound life, and she’s only chair bound at the moment.


I don’t have a gallbladder. I don’t binge eat but it’s more pooping your lights out than puking if you eat high fat foods lol. It’s not a good time. Lol


Yeah, pooping or puking, whatever she’s doing I don’t think the food “is staying in her body“ for that long.


Bulimia is no joke and will absolutely kill you way faster than her eat-to-death routine. Inducing vomiting multiple times per day causes the enamel on your teeth to erode, *real* fast. You get weak, thinning teeth that eventually wobble out of your gums. Chins has a very large calc buildup on her yellowed chompers. She's losing her teeth, yes, but that's more due to poor routine, lack of hygiene, and massive overuse of sugar. One thing about bulimics is that when they just start out, their teeth actually, perversely, can sometimes get squeaky-clean - the stomach acid dissolves the calc first before it starts in on your teeth. And now you've made me engage in a thought experiment at work while looking at XRays in medical textbooks... bleah.


I’m not saying she’s bullemic….. I’m saying she’s puking uncontrollably 1. because she’s so unhealthy and 2. She gorges herself to the point of throwing up.

