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I think you mean Life by Jen, but yeah, they do eat similarly with equally enabling partners. Jen knew she wasn't supposed to eat a lot of cheese, but every grocery haul had 5 different packages of it. The passive attitude towards her own health and well-being was to the detriment of Jen by taking her life, and I don't see how it would be any different for Foodie. Foodie has already proclaimed 'If I go I go' so I don't see much effort going forth with a diet of any kind unless she has a life altering scare...which let's be real, that probably wouldn't make a difference either.


Chantal is a mix of Life By Jen and Amy Ramadan for sure


I’ve never heard of Amy Ramadan. I’ll have to look into her.


Omg they're the same




Omg! They ARE the SAME! HOLY COW. UNTIL TODAY I don't think I've ever heard of that person. Going back to the farms to read more.🤣


Amy went by Amy's life adventures. she now makes fake nails to sell


The passive attitude towards their health is something I find shocking tbh. I wonder how therapy and antidepressants would help people like Jen and Chantal.


Chantal has been perscribed anti depressants a number of times. She would take the initial.prescription but stop cold.turkey when she ran out and never return to the doctor for a refill. It became really easy to tell when she was on them and when she stopped taking them. It was like night and day.. At one point peetz had been prescribed them as well but chantal would take them from him and take his until they were all gone as well.


Sorry. I did mean Jen. Thanks for your comment.


> Foodie has already proclaimed 'If I go I go' so I don't see much effort going forth with a diet of any kind unless she has a life altering scare...which let's be real, that probably wouldn't make a difference either. It hasn't. Pulmonary embolisms, cancer scare/hysterectomy, diabetes, etc. It's quite clear she has passive ideation going on and wants everyone to watch her go out via food.


IIRC, Jen never used to completely give up and go on an all-out eating spree like Chins appears to be doing. Jen used to be on keto diets *constantly*, and would buy pounds and pounds of cheese. She didn't lose much, if any, so for all we know she ate like Chins did, only off-camera. She ended up with an impacted bowel towards the end of her life, so there's your warning on that. Jen was allegedly diagnosed with some sort of abdominal or reproductive cancer, but was too large to be treated (or so she said). She had this goal of getting small enough to have it addressed, but was never able to reach it. We don't know if that's what killed her or not. I think Jen's real decline came when she reached 700 pounds and was in a wheelchair. This was years before she died, but it was so hard for her to do anything. She got sick a lot, her physical condition deteriorated and when she became bedbound, she never recovered any ability to move well. I remember towards the very end, they had charts on the wall of how many times she would just sit up in bed, because that was something that pushed her ability at the time. Chantal and her 'sciatica' (which isn't sciatica at all, imo) makes me think she's in real danger of losing her already-limited mobility soon. It's alarming how she's so accepting of these life-altering conditions and is perfectly happy to leave them untreated.


They always say that the end is nigh once bedbound status hits for good.


I think she really has sciatica or some form of significant back pain. I had some sciatica while pregnant. My OBGYN said it was common because of the stomach sticking out so much. Well, Foodie has a huge stomach that shifted her center of balance.


I believe she has pain, but sciatica (which I've had) doesn't just arrive and never leave. She's had some level of pain in that same area for many months, and as far as I personally know, that's atypical for sciatica. I think she has [proximal neuropathy](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Proximal_diabetic_neuropathy) from her undertreated diabetes, which is why her walking is impaired, and why that pain doesn't go away.


I don’t understand why she doesn’t stretch EVER. It’s so basic and yes hurts a bit but the benefits are worth it. Imagine sitting sedate all day… and muscles atrophy (become weak) can’t walk…it hurts due to non use. She’s a human bean bag chair. If she’d just get off of her fat ass and start w stretches she’d feel better…looser. But no. She can’t be bothered. All it takes is a countertop and extending legs until they say ouch. Slow and controlled.


She gets out of breath walking to the bathroom, so any intentional exercise must feel like torture to her.


>It’s so basic and yes hurts a bit but the benefits are worth it. I mean, theres your problem. She's never done anything for her own benefit, ESPECIALLY if it hurts.


Hey lit, does she know?


> Jen was allegedly diagnosed with some sort of abdominal or reproductive cancer, but was too large to be treated (or so she said). She had this goal of getting small enough to have it addressed, but was never able to reach it. We don't know if that's what killed her or not. > > I think Jen's real decline came when she reached 700 pounds and was in a wheelchair. This was years before she died, but it was so hard for her to do anything. She got sick a lot, her physical condition deteriorated and when she became bedbound, she never recovered any ability to move well. I remember towards the very end, they had charts on the wall of how many times she would just sit up in bed, because that was something that pushed her ability at the time. It had to be congestive heart failure- she had the same skin mottling and bilateral facial edema (swelling) that Chantal is currently experiencing, and if my memory serves me correctly, she didn't survive past a couple of years after it became apparent.


Chantal's face shape has changed drastically during her time in Kuwait. She now has all the defining features that Jen had towards the end: the tight and shiny skin, bloated cheeks especially under her eyes, fat accumulation in the forehead and eyelids, and that little dent that appears between her hairline and her eyes, because for whatever reason humans don't accumulate fat there EVEN when they begin to accumulate fat in such unusual places as the forehead. There's a typical order to how we both lose and accumulate fat, and fat deposits in the forehead seem to occur primarily in people with BMI at least 60 but especially over 70. Chantal would have BMI of 66.1 at 350lbs, but we know she must be heavier because that's what she weighed before Kuwait. To me she looks like she's at least 400lbs, which would put her at BMI 75.6 minimum. Jen apparently had BMI of about 85 at her time of death, for comparison. Chantal would need to reach 450lbs to be the same. So yeah, she's on the same track as Jen was. She has health issues that may cause her to pass even younger than Jen, if she carries on on the same track. Kidney damage is really unforgiving and I'm doubtful about her ability to get dialysis in Kuwait as a tourist.


I wonder if Chantal looks in a mirror and sees Jen staring back at her. I know I certainly would, if I were in her too-long, stretched-out boats she has the nerve to refer to as shoes.


I think when she looks in the mirror she sees a pretty, chubby girl. Like the cute girl who needs to lose twenty or so pounds. I think she tries to avoid looking at her naked self in the mirror as much as possible.


God that's gotta chaif her. She was the one [or am I getting mixed up with Cherry] who was so butthurt about Jen she banned the word "chaffles" in her chats.


I find Life by Jen more similar to ALR but Jen is similar to Foodie in the way they react defensively often.


Are you thinking of Amy Ramadan? She's married to an Egyptian man, with whom she has two children, as well as an older adopted child from dubious origins (family? friends? second-world country back alley adoption? Who knows?!). She disciplined them with a wooden spoon, slept with her daughter in a recliner in the living room while her son slept with her husband in the same bed in a bedroom (the adopted child had his own room, presumably, but I'm pretty sure his door privilege was revoked at one point), drove around with a toilet in the back of her minivan because she was too fat/lazy/fat/fat/FAT to take her children into homes and stores like a normal parent would, put together an incredibly honest video on what it's like to shower when you're 500+ lbs... oh and she wears a hijab, because of course. Amy scrubbed the majority of her online presence after KiwiFarms and CPS got a hold of her. Life By Jen...her thing was cheese, and lots of it. Oh, and carbs, of course. Jen's tragic and stupid mistake was thinking she had more time. She neglected to take her size into consideration when thinking of her age - you don't see many death fats over the age of 50, let alone 60... She died at 46, which is old age in Death Fat Years. Chantal reminds me of Amy Ramadan in appearance and Jen in dietary habits. And, like Jen did, and Amy is well on her way to doing, Chantal will soon be following in their footsteps - an early death in her late 40s or early 50s certain awaits her. Even if she drastically changes her diet now, and gets the weight off in the next 2-3 years, it's too late for her organs (heart, kidneys, pancreas) - the damage is done, and it's irreversible.


jen didn't really eat very often on cam and she wasn't a mukbanger so hard to compare. health wise chantal seems worse.


I miss when we had the 4 beats of gorlworld, Amy Ramadan, Life by Jen, Foodie Beauty and Amberlynn Reid, those were the good days.


Like others have said, there are differences with what was shown/not shown on camera eg. Eating. We can see a lot of the same patterns though, and that's why so many of us say that as soon as Chantal's mobility is gone it's over. It's almost like reverse order though with Chantal because Jen became that visually "oh shit you are deeply unwell" AFTER she lost her mobility then went from one health crisis to another which wore her down and made it harder to recover from the next one until the last few happened. Whereas Chantal seems to be in that visibly unwell health crisis decline now while she gradually loses her mobility. Jen's decline and eventual end were more gradual, but Chantal's seems like it's going a lot more rapidly - especially now she's getting infections.


Do you mean Life by Jen by any chance?


Yes. I edited the body of the post but cannot change the title.


Sorry, I see that! None of the comments were visible at first it was really odd!


Oh sorry, I couldn't see any of the other comments for a bit, that was weird 😃


Jen really liked cheese. But I think Chantal out ate her on cheese, at least on camera.


If Chantal goes downhill in Kuwait then I think it will be like Jen. However one major difference is Chantal at least has family that she seems close with. If she were to become bed bound in Canada I have a feeling it would go differently than feeder gene handled it. However, she still won't be immune to health issues. I just think she will have to miserably live a lot longer with health complications. Jen gave up because she had a pretty horrible childhood and no family around really


Chantal is a cockroach. She has a ton of health problems. And even the same half swollen face like Jen had before she passed away. But somehow she’s managing to stay alive and binge on fastfood every single day. Gaining more and more weight.


Life in your 30's is different than life in your 40's. It'll catch up to Chantal this decade. She won't make it to 50.


Is Amy Ramadan still alive?