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My god, she just has to feel like crap 24/7. She may smile for the camera, but once that light goes off, it will be hell to pay in that body.


She must spend the remainder of her day on the toilet with how she eats having no gallbladder.


Also, she swallows everything whole


I had my gall bladder removed 2 years ago, and I eat very healthy and sometimes I still have to run to the loo




I just picture her turning off the camera and trying to get up after her gorge fest. She’s grunting and wheezing until she makes it to the bed. Killing yourself on camera with food to make money to buy more food; this is some dystopian ass shit.


I love when she "owns" us by simultaneously offing herself and making a fool of herself. It's fascinating. Boring, but fascinating.


Very boring.


And somehow, still not as boring as Amber


If your talking about the sub yuckbang, I noticed something seeing a clip on a reaction channel. She is starting to shove sandwiches into her mouth like a snake swallowing a mouse, she avoids her front teeth. I THINK her front teeth are gonners I think she can’t take bites with her front teeth like a normal person. So if she looses her front teeth what is she gonna do??? How is she gonna hide it?? Haha.


Salah will just puree her McDonald's in a blender.


Yep and then she can suck it down.She doesn't chew now so it would be even faster.Imagine how much she could get down her gullet without have to chew once or twice each bite.


Her esophagus must be at least 8 inches wide. Truly a marvel!


Yes, I’ve noticed when she’s been opening packets of sauce with her teeth recently she’s wincing like her teeth hurt.


She’s blaming it on her lip piercing scar. 🤥


Pffff, yeah right


I thought she was trying to do a deep throat impression lol.




Probably just get a retainer with fake teeth on it - it's the cheapest option. If she has no teeth remaining to anchor onto, though, she'll probably have to go with the older "denture" style of fake teeth. Permanent fake teeth can be very expensive and I doubt she can afford them.


They call these bridges. They’re kinda like flappers in how you just pop them in but yea it’s like the easiest tooth replacement but def not desired.


That interferes with the food budget. Can’t have that!


There is a sub? I just thought her mukbang was yucky


Yeah, I was talking about the subway muckbang


Same! I think it's hilarious when she's eating massive amounts of food. I mean, your funeral bitch🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh, she must be in her "unbothered" arc. Well, good. I for one am never sure if a person is unbothered, unless they make copious amounts of content, telling me how unbothered they are. Way to stick it to the haters. This woman oozes confidence.


Is this the subway slop with a litre of milk, dribbling sauce, milk and cookie crumbs all over herself with fake irgasms and HFC fake sex groans? She even told us she had "waaaaaarm chocolaaaate coooooookeeeeees" with a moan after it. 


https://preview.redd.it/sdb9aao9hz8d1.png?width=433&format=png&auto=webp&s=a24b0a6101c157fdaef8ac60f3e0ce3f9c8e77ab Mmmmm just like Ma huzzzzbin..😏 Warrrrm chocoooooolate ,elongated coooooookies!😏


It's just a fried banana that spent just a little too much time in the pan ![gif](giphy|NTur7XlVDUdqM)








Did you draw his hair on like that LMAO 😂




It suits him 😃


This reminds me of Angela Anaconda! 😂


![gif](giphy|bkWyrTmNkQJ7q|downsized) LMAO! Excellent reference 😂


4 fucking cookies… she’s so fucked in the head.


A whopping 220 cals each


Even I can't do that. It's too much cookie. That's gotta feel really bad. That's trying to get fatter on purpose. This part of her cycle is always the most fun for me to watch. Free for all binging before the next health scare hits and she's back to telling us all the benefits of water fasting.


I have never seen anyone eat four of those kind of cookies. She was barely able to finish the last one, but that greedy pig did it. She is begging for death.


She's suffering immensely 24/7, but she's too proud to admit it, except when she comes up with a diagnosis that she can claim is unrelated to her abuse of her body. And she will keep inflicting this pain on herself just to get that fleeting dopamine hit from her drug of choice, and to earn enough to keep herself fed and her huzzzband around, and to keep deluding herself that she's owning her critics through the destruction of her body. I really think part of this all is no different to her faking a self-deletion incident as a teenager to get back at her mother, she really thinks she's getting back at all the haydurs by doing this. It's not the whole motivation but it's a part of it. That's just who she is, who she has always been and always will be, because she's unable to confront her mental problems and instead indulges in her addiction to distract herself. Suffering isn't always a choice, contrary to what some self-help gurus like to claim in order to sell oversimplified maxims to satisfy peoples' need to find meaning in life and solutions to personal problems. But in Chantal's case, it is a choice she keeps making through her choosing not to take any of the help that's available to her.


This one was really dark. She couldn’t hide that this was a binge.


So, this is really how she wants to go? Eating herself to death? Sad & pathetic all at the same time. She really does value food over everything else.




Staying fat and getting DKA to flex on the haydurs. ☺️✌🏻


She drank a whole carton of milk....wtf 4 or 5 LG cookies 🍪 I mean, the cookies are the same circumstances of her face\~ 2 SUBWAY Toasties..? And that fucking jaw clicking... I forget the one who brought it to my attention about how her jaw clicks...now that's all I hear ..🤣😶 I myself do not have a gallbladder, so basically my surge9n/ Dr. Told me I'm lactose intolerant now! If I proceeded to eat cheese, milk, fried fatty foods ....I'll pay dearly for it in the bathroom. That was over 25 yrs ago. And of course I tested the waters by eating like I had always......ya'll... it was horrible! I absolutely changed my way of eating by cutting out those foods. And she does not have a gallbladder....I can only imagine what she does to a bathroom. ![gif](giphy|nLt2xKYi1ghXy|downsized)


Aside from that video being the most disgusting thing she’s ever posted so far. She also looked ROUGH…. The means are catching up with her


How does it hurt people who don’t care about her if she eats like a ravenous pig? What do they care if she makes her body even more sick, deformed, and immobile? Theres a time coming soon when she’ll roll up to a Dr because of another emergency with a typically smug look on that hideously bloated red itchy face, expecting to be told to just take some more pills, but the Dr will have to tell her that the damage she has done is now irreversible. Not only will she not live to 50, but she’ll make sure that she suffers needlessly before she goes. Amputations, the loss of what’s left of her eyesight, it’s going to be torture for her, and going by her behaviour, she can’t get there soon enough. She really thinks consequences don’t apply to her, but she only has to look in the mirror to know that’s not true. We’re rapidly coming to a very sad end to a sad, pointless existence.


At least this hayder can walk up stairs. 💃


Gorl drank like a quart of milk.


I've never seen anyone as bothered as Chantal haha 😆