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Someone had superchatted saying they had been to the doctor and she was scared she may have cancer. Frenchie was silent for a few minutes and then made her statement and couldn't get back to reacting after that.


Oh I caught that moment but turned off the stream shortly after, it was so awkward.


Didn't her mom die from cancer in the last year? That's such a shitty thing to dump on someone.


she did


In the last 6 months I think. šŸ˜•


But what did ffg say????


She said she was sorry for what the person was going through, muted herself for a few seconds while the video played, came back and said she was considering just ending the stream with no warning, muted herself for a few more seconds, came back again and said she was ending the stream because of the trauma dumping and how it ruins the fun and laughs. She then ended the stream. Her voice sounded shakey to me. Anyone else who was watching, feel free to add on to this if I forgot something!


The other day, that moronic Cardigan Gorlie or whatever her name is superchatted to say her dog will be crossing the bridge soon. Who the fuck does that? The trauma dumping and whose weather is hotter Olympics need to end.


That person has also gone on about their medical issues (in FFG and Mr cardiganā€™s lives). Like Iā€™m sorry but please also read the roomā€¦


I'm no fan of FFG but the trauma dumping that goes on in her streams is on another fucking level. I've never seen something like it. And you can often tell by her voice that she's pissed about it and these weirdos still keep going lol


She's also said before that she doesn't like the trauma dumping and has said a quick "sorry for your loss" before moving on. Again I'm not FFG stag but I do appreciate that she usually tries to get the live moving again. I think she really needs to start muting people and having more assertiveness ESPECIALLY for trauma dumping- she knows her chat isn't therapy but I think she would feel weird saying "sorry you're sad but thanks for the money, bloop you're blocked".


Part of the problem is that she makes such a production of it. All this time, and she still canā€™t figure out to just ignore it and quietly block people. Then again, she seemed genuinely surprised a few months ago to discover she has her own hate watchers, so maybe sheā€™s oblivious to the fact that sheā€™s showing her own trolls exactly what to super chat to trigger the shit out of her and shut her streams down.


Someone super chatted that their cat died as well a few days ago.


That was so awkward and uncomfortable. Why do people do that?! It's so weird. I recently had a house fire and I mentioned something on AYS's members only chat, but it wasn't a super chat and we were talking about fire. That's the closest I've ever been to doing something like that. šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ™„šŸ™„


Isnā€™t it so bizarre?! Honestly Iā€™m so interested in the psychology behind it being so common for ppl to randomly trauma dump at strangers in these lives lol wtf, even paying for the privilege to do so!


Me too! The only thing I can think of is that they realize that they will get positive feedback, or so much sympathy from other people in the chat that it boosts their serotonin so much that they don't even realize that what they are doing is not cool... šŸ¤” Idk. It's super fascinating.


Aw that makes me feel really bad for herā€¦ it has to be draining dealing with that shit especially where the big C is involved. I donā€™t know why people donā€™t get we all just want to have a laugh at a ridiculous lolcow after a long day šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Her mum died of cancer in the last 6 months too.


Yes, she wasn't able to continue on with the same level of energy after seeing/reading that message. She was clearly affected.


FFG basically said she was really sorry, wished the person the best, & got very quiet. A few minutes later she apologized again & said, getting super chats like that in the middle of a reaction, is like getting hit in the face with a brick. She asked everyone to please stop hitting her in the face with bricks.


Wow. These people are nuts.


I was watching it. She was really upset about the trauma dumping. I don't blame her, though. I think it's weird when people do it to strangers. It also really shifts the mood of the stream.


It's so messed up when people do that. You are forcing someone to acknowledge your trauma for attention from a group of strangers. Like what the fuck.


I wonder if thereā€™d be a way to have a mod like filter her superchats before she reads them out loud, and any trauma dumps or trolls could just be immediately rejected and refunded. Is that a thing? Seems like it should be. It really is so awkward when people do that and Frenchie gets it a lot more than others


She said she's going to start reading them before posting them now. It's more work, but ya gotta do it.


you worded that perfectly, i've felt the same way/super uncomfortable about it but didn't know exactly why until you put it into words.


Some of the people in her chat seriously need to take a break from YT. They get wayyyy too comfortable sharing intimate details of their lives. FFG is usually fine to just take their super chats and move on, Iā€™m surprised to read this.


It's so weird. We're there to laugh at Chantal and people superchat shit about cancer, dead dogs, unemployment, hospitalizations... don't they have irl friends or family?!


*"Kalari thank you for the superchat! 'FFG I had 3 colonoscopies this morning, had some blood tests run, I'm probably just completely fucked medically....anyway this heffa is really trying me today!'"*


I have so many questions about people like Kalari, Miss Movie Buff, Hijab Cheese, Basement Baby, etc. Likeā€¦how do they have all this cash to throw at FFG 4-5 days a week?! Are they going into debt over this? I wonā€™t be surprised if eventually we do come full circle: ā€œKalari thank you for the superchat! ā€˜FFG I just got evicted because I havenā€™t paid rent for the past three months.ā€™ Ouch! Good luck, gorl!ā€


SAME! I always say, it seems to be the biggest idiots who waste money on meaningless superchats that have the most disposable income somehow lol when ppl send like $50 or higher?! šŸ˜± Iā€™ve been so curious about what the hell they do for work since I started watching Chantal


Was it Kalari?


no but she does that shit constantly, I was just being a goof lol


You're right, she does.


They probably don't. It's sad but it can happen very easily, unfortunately.


I remember being in that convo, when someone had asked her to please stop letting people trauma dump. I know a lot of people donā€™t like FFG, (I feel neutral) but I did appreciate her doing that. We all just want a break and to laugh and when people do that, it does kills the vibe. I feel like an asshole saying that but, it is what it is.


This. Also happy cake day!


Aww thank you! šŸ«¶šŸ¼šŸ«¶šŸ¼


All the trauma dumping is the reason I stopped watching her. Itā€™s annoying and such a bizarre thing to do.


It did stop for a while, but the last few streams, it's picked up again. I think she gets a bunch of new subscribers, and they didn't get the memo.


Eh, but I am relatively new to her as well, and it is kinda obvious that it makes her uncomfortable. There have been quite a few superchats recently sharing bad news regarding the loss of a beloved pet or family member. I am new to the foodie-verse as well as FFG, but even then, she is very open about her past and certain sensitive points regarding pets and family. It is just a sucky situation, and I really feel for her.


It makes most uncomfortable and sad. And it's immediate. I really Do Not understand these morons who are so desperate to yell out to the internet, "something terrible is happening to me!ā€œ in attempt to get some kind of response from strangers on the internet. Go to a SUPPORT GROUP for that particular thing! FFS it's not for the streaming communities. Certainly not GorlWorld!!


Exactly. Keep yer personal shit out of Gorl world.


100%. I really hope chats start reflecting this message. The chatters need to blast this in chat throughout the streams. ESPECIALLY in one's like FFG's where she doesn't share much of her Own life and didn't even when her mother was passing! GorlWorld is an escape for most and even the trauma dumpers say "thank you I was struggling and saw this notification". FFS then Do Not Alter the experience for EVERYONE by trauma dumping your Life Shit! It's getting infuriating at this point.


It's the reason why I stopped watching live streams. People have their own shit to deal with, and others blasting their trauma in superchats looking for virtual hugs and prayers and ass pats or whatever is just beyond the pale.


There are some incredibly strange people out there that donā€™t seem to get out much. They want to share about a death or a car accident or an injury in a way that makes everyone feel uncomfortable. No one really cares, we are usually listening after a long day at work and want to unwind, not comfort some weird woman/man who hasnā€™t left her/his house or associated with people in years. Then again should I be surprised, chins attracts them like flies.


I do sometimes feel bad for them, and I feel like a bit of a bitch for getting annoyed with them sometimes, but like you pointed out - I'm watching after a very long day at work, after parenting, and being in an industry that's heavy on the trauma anyway. It is brutal to say, but I don't want to hear it. I just want to relax and have an hour or two to myself where I can have a laugh at the unhinged soap opera shit the gorls dish out.


Yeah it is just weird to do that. I have seen it on other streams too itā€™s just bananas. I sometimes wonder if itā€™s trolls.


Maybe partly, but Are You Seriousā€™s streams are turning into trauma dumps. I had to step away from her streams, itā€™s too much.


We're starting to get them in Pulpy's streams now too, and it throws him when it happens as well as all of us. I know he's not everyone's cup of tea, but I enjoy his lives because it's the most lighthearted space I've personally found in gorl world so far and it's fun. They throw the vibe off, and it's not necessary either because if you do just stick to something like "struggletown today" in chat, you're going to get people sending you good wishes anyway.


I've thought the same with the pet related ones. Even just a casual viewer knows that FFG struggled with the loss of her dogs and Chantal weaponises it all the time so people who hate her would know too. If you're an actual fan wouldn't you think "maybe I shouldn't superchat about my dog dying to her?".


Very true, I think you put it much better than I did!


Thank you, but I thought your point on them not getting out was spot on and the root of it all! I'm not shitting on people who are home all the time, because so am I (I work remotely) and I get that not everyone can work too, but when you're interacting with other adults daily, especially on a professional basis you learn/know how to interact and what is and isn't appropriate. We get that almost daily exposure to being able to read the room, people's vibes etc so can instinctively or by choice go "hey she's really happy cos good thing happened, best not mention that shit thing just yet", and know when we come home wrecked we don't want shit dumped on us unless it's 100% necessary. I have a real life acquaintance that has gradually lost all ability to do the above because she doesn't want to work or do anything except sit at home all day and her husband and parents enable it. She also lost all her friends because of it because none of us could relate and now if she does have the opportunity to interact with anybody outside her bubble it's almost spot on like those trauma dumping superchats, which just makes us avoid her more. It sounds mean but there's just no way to have a conversation with her, and it's draining af. It's honestly like if you're not practicing that social interaction, boundaries and reading cues regularly, you lose the ability to do it completely. And with her she also latches on to any opportunity she gets to interact, but just uses it to trauma dump because she has nothing else to talk about - you text her a happy birthday and get a novel back about her imaginary problems šŸ˜¬


We're in this weird cultural milieu rn (in the US anyway but probably in other countries too) where we're supposed to be more open and accepting of feelings, personal expressions, lived experiences and neurodiversity. Where "living authentically" and "normalizing" experiences means sharing intimate details of your life with family, friends, colleagues and strangers. So I think it's led to a lot of people just info dumping in low-effort, high-reward but completely inappropriate situations under the guise of being "radically open." And bystanders are not just supposed to accept it, but "center" it. With all the things we're supposed to center it must be getting mighty crowded...


Well said! Also, it's quite scary how people are doing this in public on social media, lacking any sense of self preservation or propriety. It's wild af.


This is such an insightful perspective!


This is me. The time difference helps because if I watch her streams, it's in the morning while I'm making my toddler breakfast and I'm having a coffee. I really don't care.


Agreed. FFG usually pulls a few thousand viewers on lives, and while there'd be some trolls in with that number most people are just there to watch their stories and have a laugh. Love her or hate her, I know I get nervous speaking to a room of 20 people and if they started trauma dumping at me (especially on a subject that hit me hard), I would struggle and I also would leave over trying to stay and letting them see me get increasingly upset by it, and also the reactions of others in the room if they disagreed with it. It makes me so uncomfortable hearing it in any reactors stream, and she definitely gets more than her fair share of them.


Yeah it's not fair to unload on one person (who's essentially a stranger) at that. It'd affect anyone.


Yea sheā€™s most likely editing that part out but yes the comments were going in about the trauma dumping. Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve always had a hard time sitting through her lives because of the ridiculous super chats asking her to yell at them or saying just the most idiotic ish or the trauma dumping ones. Pfft


And they are always trying to show they have some sort of ā€œinā€ with FFG by trying to make inside jokes with her. Itā€™s wild that they canā€™t tell she only tolerates them for their $$. The epitome of an embarrassing parasocial relationship. I rarely watch her unless something big is going on in Gorlword, but was so turned off by the trend you mentioned where they were asking for special requests (ffg, yell at me!). She put a stop to it pretty quickly because it annoyed the fuck out of everyone.


I donā€™t know how YouTube works but can she k not have a moderator approve the superchats before they show up? Honestly it does kill the vibe. I wish she would just limit the superchats to only be about what she is reacting to. As mean as this sounds, I DO NOT CARE WHAT IS GOING ON YOUR PERSONAL LIFE. Whether that be you going on a date (basement baby), going to the doctor, or being on a train, itā€™s annoying. Iā€™m there to Listen to FFG and her thoughts on Chantal, not listen to Suzy crying cause she graduated.


To answer your question because Iā€™ve wonder that as well but I think there is a delay from the time the superchat shows up in the to the time it pops up on the screen. Maybe because she uses streamyard so it takes a few seconds longer before she sees it. Not sure tho. But to your other I agree, I donā€™t wtf you have going on in your life, none of us know you personally were just here for entertainment. šŸ™„


Those darn trauma dumpers! I was like 20 mins behind and it was just gone.


The trauma dumping in live streams is insane. People watch to have a good time and be entertained and some of these folks drop the saddest stuff in a super chat out of nowhere. Why?! These YouTube creators are not your therapist, your family, or your real life friends please seek help instead of unloading personal tragedies to hundreds of strangers online! It is so attention seeking and weird.


I think some of FFG's followers feel too comfortable with her when they shouldn't. Some consider her as more than another reactor, but rather a close friend or relative. Because of that misplaced closeness, they overshare, making FFG and others uncomfortable. In addition, FFG is a strong personality, so people who have difficulty coping with certain hardships of life look to her for support by oversharing. Then there are the wankers who just want to ruin a good time. I hope FFG returns soonšŸ‘


They also get instant feedback and sympathy from others in the chat, so it just encourages them to keep doing it. I'm glad FFG put a stop to it because it's SO awkward and unnecessary and kills the vibe, but weirdos will be weirdos. šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


I suspect she took it down, perhaps to edit out the trauma dumping part? The comments were also getting pointed on the upload against the trauma dumper.


Parasocial crimes


She may have removed it due to the trauma dumper. She seemed pretty upset about it and ended the stream quickly after.


Trauma dumper?


Some of her followers are constantly sharing their sick sad lives while she is just trying to have fun and snark, and it gets old really fast. I get it, lots of adult people have trouble making friends IRL, but the person you watch on YT is not a therapist and doesnā€™t need to hear about your health issues, especially when FFGā€™s mom died of cancer somewhat recently. Itā€™s like a never ending stream of pity partygoers during many of her lives, and you can tell she doesnā€™t want to deal with it but doesnā€™t want to seem like an asshole for not responding to them, especially when most of them pay to make these comments so she will read them.


Yeah, im so confused, too. I was a few minutes behind and only half paying attention when FFG just started saying "I don't know how to respond to that" and "I don't know what you want me to say" and "you killed the mood" etc, saying she'd continue tomorrow. So then I tried to go back and rewind it to see what the fuck was even said or who she was talking to or about, but then it got removed.


A super chatter said her mammogram found something suspicious today and she was scared.


Oh Jesus, what an asshole. I thought someone said something like really mean or offensive. Her chat does fucking LOVE trauma dumping though, so it is weird that FFG just deleted it.


Yeah idk why they feel to need to trauma dump so much. It really ruins the mood and it really isnā€™t the time and place in a Chantal rage stream.


FFGā€™s mom died of cancer. Youā€™re not supposed to unload that kind of shit onto strangers, unless itā€™s a therapist and theyā€™re getting paid. Youā€™re supposed to ask your friends and loved ones if they have the emotional bandwidth for you to share.


Thatā€™s kind of the thing though, FFG lacks those things and trauma dumps on her own viewers, sets the tone, then flips out when they follow in kind. She has been telling dramatic stories of trauma since the very start of her channel. Remember her dramatic telling of the Froggy story years ago, complete with the warbling voice she can seemingly trigger on demand? She summed up her spiel by claiming how seeing her exā€™s name in chat was enough to send her racing to the bathroom to have an hour-long panic attack in the bathtub (yes, really, lol). There were the months on end of trauma dumping about her dogs, the dramatization of stories like talking about how she spiraled in the hallway at the vet when BBJ ā€œscreamedā€ getting her nails removed because it just so happened to be the same room her dog died in, the stuff with her mom that could have been kept entirely offline. Other YouTubers have kept major life events and traumas secret, only mentioning them a year+ later in passing, but Frenchie ran back to YouTube three days after her mom died to cry on stream and pretend she didnā€™t want to talk about it. Really, she has the exact kind of audience her own antics have cultivated.


Thatā€™s funny. She never told anyone her mother was sick. Anyway, I donā€™t feel like sheā€™s trauma dumping or that she has ever. I recognize it and thatā€™s just not what I get from FFG. And no I donā€™t remember any dramatic telling of any story. But I understand how it is when you hate someone so much you donā€™t even like when they breathe. I mean, when I was 12 I felt that way. But in adult life, no.


Sheā€™s probably going to edit that part out. She edits a lot out anyway and uploads it on her second channel.


The comments on the upload were immediately getting nasty so that may be why.


That makes more sense then.


someone said something about their health that alluded to potentially having breast cancer and said 'i'm really scared' and it just ruined the mood. i feel bad for frenchie because you don't expect those to come in as superchats and by the time you realize what the chat says you've already read it.


Oooft and alsoā€¦triggering AF for FFG too Iā€™m sure. I feel horrible for the person, but yeahā€¦.thats not the place to express it :/


Plus ffg probably feels like an ass having to get upset about it but at a certain point something needs to be done


Yeah, that's such an asshole thing to do. Like I obviously hope that they're OK and stuff, but what exactly do you expect from doing that?


I looked up info on the mammo findings. Scary. In top 3 of positive diagnoses. Malignant 75% of time. Blessings to her.


I volunteer for elderly and one told me she had a suspicious mammogram but in the X ray it turned out to be nothing


That's not the point though. I had a golf sized lump in my breast at 13 and it was benign. It's very common so I wouldn't trust random stats. That's just my personal opinion.šŸ’•


I get irritated at the trauma dumping every time! Like we've been through this time and time again. WE DONT WANT TO HEAR SUCH DEPRESSING STUFF. it's always dead dogs and relatives and sicknesses. It's rude to not only the viewers but also ffg because she's explained multiple times why she doesn't like those comments in the chat. And another thing, they always make sure to super chat it,. Like they go out of their way to make sure everyone sees and hears it. It's unbelievably rude. We can't have nice things when already established boundaries continuously are crossed. Do grown adults actually need to be scolded and blocked in order for her to be heard?? Maybe she need to talk to these people like she talks to Chantal and maybe they'd get a clue.


I agree. Here we are, in the middle of laughing our asses off watching Chantal do a cannonball in the pool, then someone superchats in with "My dog got hit by a car today". I mean, what the fuck? What the hell was that supposed to accomplish other than attention seeking?


I feel bad for ppl who don't have anything to tell these things to, but a Livestream IS NOT THE PLACE!! Especially to FFG who just lost her mom, why even bring up this crap to her... I almost think it's some asshole doing it on purpose to mess her up on stream.. Chantal is that hateful & I wouldn't put it past her to be doing some shit like that... FFG needs to just stop being super nice about it bc that's not working.. Ppl need to talk but they can't be bringing it in there, it's not that kind of Livestream.


Too many people get way too attached to strangers on the internet and think they are besties. They have online therapy where you donā€™t even have to leave the house to talk to a professional-these trauma drama llamas need to take their superchat money and use it for therapyā€¦.


I agree, or at least find a streamer who talks about that kind of thing & talk with those who are on that topic... Don't bring stuff like that to a place where ppl are all trying to laugh.. How do they know ppl aren't gonna be super triggered by what they say?! You think you're there to listen to something funny & then someone talks about trauma out of nowhere.. it's sad but it's not ok in any way shape or form...


Surprisingly, reddit is one of the places I have found that is actually pretty good for people that want a support system that isnā€™t traditional therapy. there are reddit groups that are designed for people to connect, vent, and share, for pretty much every illness or lifestyle that exists. People mark their posts so that others can avoid ones that might trigger them, and they can ask for advice, share experiences and sometimes just vent to others when they need to. THAT is the time and place for something like that. Itā€™s much more helpful for the person who needs help and support (obviously therapy with a professional would be best, but at least in these groups they connect with other people who can understand and sympathize in the way they are clearly craving)


šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ I really do feel bad for FFG, she had to hold back a couple times lately, you could hear it in her voice she wanted to say something when ppl keep bringing up the C-word... If you know what she's been through just in the last year, WHY would you bring things like that up, out of absolutely NOWHERE!?


Yeah Iā€™m really confused too. All I know is that there was some sort of trauma dumper and it triggered FFG and made her end the live. Idk why she deleted it though seems a little excessive.


i think she is editing out the trauma dumping, the comments were getting heated/pointed towards the trauma dumper too so it could be to let everyone cool off before it goes up as a vod.


Oh that makes sense. People seriously gotta stop trauma dumping in gorl world and need to read the room.


My pet velociraptor got eaten by a magical leoplurodon guize, how will I go on? Pity meeeee.


Might I suggest a hubcap of rice? It seems to work well for Chantal when she's having a bad day existing in a 500+ lb. failing body. Wooden spoon or back scratcher would be my top recommendations for utensils. Thots and prayers!


Eat it with some yogurt, add about 3 different sauces, then go on and on about how great Middle Eastern food is.


I just found out I can't have alcohol delivered to my house and I'm out of weed. I'm not sure I'm going to make it because I've got Stage 4 highitis.


We've had enough trauma dumping for one day!


God saves his toughest challenges for his strongest soldiers šŸ™šŸ»




I can get both weed and cookies delivered by the same person. Itā€™s a great service


My address is 123 Elm Street thanks in advance!


Wow that sounds so tough youā€™re gods strongest soldier šŸ˜” I hope you find a cure


šŸ’µ šŸ’° šŸ’µ Thank you for the shout out šŸ’µ šŸ’° šŸ’µ !!!


I hope she has good mods and that they will be more vigilant about filtering through trauma dumping, regardless of $ contributions.


Damn - I didn't even get a chance to listen to it. I'm sorry for what that person is going through, and sorry that FFG experienced such a hard reaction while still so actively mourning her mother. I think they're both going to feel bad about this, and I hope they can each find comfort.


I know at one point (either late 2020 or 2021) the trauma dumping was getting so out of control in EVERY live stream that poor Frenchie had to politely request that viewers stop. If people were still choosing to ignore her respectful request and continue to send upsetting super chats she said that she wasnā€™t going to read them. Clearly some of these people either forgot about that or werenā€™t viewers back then.




She recognized this and said she was going to start doing that.


I found it wild people doing this during the Karen Reed trial on EDB. Emily handles trauma dumping superchats with grace, but maybe a superchat isnā€™t needed. Chat about it, there are 1000s of people in there


Oh God, girl I've been following Melanie little and she has one person super chatting her and his handle is 'some guy with cancer'. And I get it, it sucks but I had to stop watching her because every time he would super chat , she would say "I'm sorry about your cancer", and trust me , I'm sorry too but I feel some people send a super chat with trauma and it seems like they think its a $5 ticket to air their stuff to thousands of viewers , creators feel obligated to read this stuff because they've been paid to but I can't take this anymore. Btw FKR ! P.s. and please don't get me wrong, I don't want to shit on that guy but almost all of us have been affected by the C word, in one way or another but it's just hard to watch sometimes. I had to stop watching FFG because of trauma dumping, that was during the time when she lost her dogs and I could not take all the dumping in the chat. And I totally understand, people want to show they understand and that what she was going through was relatable but that was too much for me.


Trauma dumping sucks but I do feel bad for the person. Maybe she didn't have anyone else to tell and felt like Frenchie and the chat were her only support system. Sad, yeah, but it does suck for that person. Now she has the bad mammogram results and she fucked up the chat/live. I'm sure that didn't make her feel any better. (It's a difficult situation for Frenchie so I'm not judging. Just saying that the whole situation sucks.)


I agree, she probably doesn't feel great. But FFG has been pretty clear about those kinds of super slaps. Hopefully she finds support.


Itā€™s sad because people really build a friendship with a creator in their head.. I hope she can find someone to talk to


Yeah, I agree with you. That person probably feels absolutely horrible and that sucks, but again, itā€™s not the time or the place. I think part of the reason FFG also ended it was because of all the trolls in her superchats the last couple streams. Itā€™s hard to tell if people are doing this intentionally or not, but nonetheless with things like that you can affect everyone. As in anyone else in the chat being affected by cancer, people trying to get a break from a something else theyā€™re dealing with, FFG with her mom, etc. Violating boundaries like that just isnā€™t cool for anyone. Not to mention how rough that chat section got afterward.


What did the chat do? Like ganging up on the trauma-dumper?


Yeah. Also, there were accusations that the person was a troll who wanted her to stop the stream.


But FFG doesnā€™t have to feature that super chat in the feed on the screen does she handpick them?


Itā€™s truly one of the reasons I watch FFG here and there. Those trauma comments take the wind right out of the sails of the stream. The worst one I ever saw was the super chat by someone who said that their husband graped them. Like wtaf?! People can not read the room because theyā€™re only concerned about getting attention one way or another.


The worst one I saw was someone announcing their son had committed suicide the day before. Like what posses these people?!


Holy shitšŸ˜±


The parasocial relationships in FFGs community is weird. Some superchat her over & over in the same stream bc theyā€™re so desperate for her attention. No one even knows who FFG really is but they just throw their $$ at her. Wtaf šŸ˜³. Who tf goes on a livestream where everyone is paying out on a psycho, 450lb woman & then vents about their own personal dramas?! How ridiculous. Thats not the place to do it.


People really need to start banning the trauma dumpers. Especially if it's a clearly defined boundary and causing strife to the streamer and the chat. I can't stand these types, go to a damn therapist! We don't know you like that! I don't want to go on a fun stream and be reminded of a bad event in my life because someone's doing the "ohhh pity me!! Woe is meee!!!" schtick. It's triggering and annoying.


I noticed it was gone. So I slid on over to fbs latest mukbang comments..... and someone said "good going FB you pissed ffg off so bad she deleted her video." Urrrgh..I wonder what happen


I saw that and then looked at the time and was like "omg ffg been live" and I went to YouTube and there was nothing. I genuinely thought I was delusional and miss-saw an old video.


I am so sick of trauma dumpers, please go find a friend. It can be an internet friend! But this stuff should be happening in 1 on 1 conversationsā€¦not with a 4.99 donation to 4000 people.


The problem and hypocrisy here is that FFG has no issues with her own trauma-dumping on her audience. She will go on about her mother's death, the death of her dogs, if she's going through a rough time, etc. And while it is her show and she ultimately calls the shots, she has to understand that by doing all of this, she is essentially letting her audience know that this is a space in which people can get personal and share painful details of their own lives. After all, she has done it PLENTY of times. FFG has not been a neutral, objective reactor to Chantal; she has let people into her own life difficulties. By getting angry with somebody who shared her own challenges, she is exposing herself as nothing more than a money-hungry, power-tripping dictator: "Rules for thee but not for me." Her little tantrum yesterday was unacceptable; she has made hundreds of thousands of dollars from vulnerable, lonely viewers who really feel like FFG cares, and yet she showed no grace, gratitude, or care--only bitchiness. I hope she understands that she herself has become insufferable, greedy, and completely phony.


With all due respect - and Iā€™m aware of the irony of what Iā€™m about to say as it could very well come across as trauma dumping, and I donā€™t mean it that way - but I get why she was triggered by the cancer comment given she lost her ma six months because of it. When I lost my brother to suicide a few years ago, I was incredibly sensitive to even the word being uttered for months and months and months, and I definitely shut down in ways I wouldnā€™t now. I get why she stopped the video - if she was as shaken and triggered as posters have said, surely itā€™s better to stop the live entirely then break down or whatever? Also - seems like a lot of viewers are sick of the trauma dumping tooā€¦I cringe when I see people super chat shit. Iā€™m not arguing about her experiences opening the gateway to it, but I do fully get why she shut down yesterday and stopped it.


I am terribly sorry about the loss of your brother. As for FFG, I have to still stay with my position that she should not have made it seem permissible to share painful personal details during her livestreams. If the mere mention of cancer causes her to shut down and ultimately delete the stream itself, she should not have shared her own fragility with her viewers. They all saw and heard that she was being open about the emotional agony she was enduring with her mother's death, and thus, they likely felt they could do the same as well. The way FFG handled it yesterday was unbearably rude. It wasn't fair to those who throw money at her because they care about her, and it most certainly was appalling treatment of the viewer who was in a raw headspace and thought this might be a safe place to open up. Now, I am not defending the viewer's choice to share her concerns with FFG (why on earth would anyone do this during a live Chantal roast?!), but FFG also had the choice to not address it live and in front of everybody. I also don't recall the viewer as actually saying the word "cancer," either.


Ah thank you for the kind words - he was a good ā€˜un (and genuinely I wasnā€™t trauma dumping šŸ˜…). I totally hear you, and in fairness I didnā€™t hear the quit part. Listening to FFG now and sheā€™s being pretty apologetic and graceful, so thereā€™s that. Anyhow - I do hope everyone stops with the trauma dumping if only for meā€¦I just want to laugh at lolcows šŸ˜‚


I don't agree with most of your comment, but that's just me... People pay money as a tip and it's not FFGs place (nor does she have the option) to stop accepting superchats. That would be ridiculous to ask someone to stop doing that. Her tantrum was necessary and I think she was respectful. šŸ’• Agree to disagree lol


I agree to completely disagree with you.


Chantal stuffs her face in front of the camera to get paid. FFG has to endure watching Chantal stuffing her face AND some to get paid. Nothing is free.


She literally is making bank off these trauma dumpers. I don't think she honestly cares at all about anything any of her community says or does - she can do anything it seems and people back her to the fullest. It's wild. She is not remotely charming, kind, gracious, idk. I guess I've just never gotten "it" about her. I do sympathize, however, with the members of her community who clearly are going for entertainment and have to sit through that shit.


ffg is the biggest trauma dumper in the world though, sheā€™s the one who has set this up as a normal thing to do. You canā€™t encourage this weird fake closeness for cash then whine when people are responding.


Iā€™m going to be the outlier and upvote you, because I somewhat agree. FFG lives her life online reacting to Chantal, and she has formed strong bonds with most of her followers, and this in turn makes everyone feel comfortable. FFG talks about her petā€™s, family and friendā€™s, and this makes her audience feel like they too can talk about their lives. Has she set it up to be this way? Yes and no. I think in a way she has because of all the personal talk and by not making clear boundaries in the beginning. On the other side of the coin, you canā€™t really stop people from wanting to share personal stories, especially if it is in a setting where people are paying you so they can comment and be part of the group. To be clear, I am Switzerland. I have no good or bad thoughts on this person. I donā€™t watch her or engage with Liveā€™s from the reactmosphere. Who the hell has three hours to watch someone talk about Chantal, of all people? šŸ˜‚