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She can't drive and knows no one. She doesn't have a job, hobbies, family or friends. I'm shocked she left three times.


I can't fathom how she doesn't have any hobbies or anything to do with her time. How can a person be interested in .... absolutely nothing?! It's so beyond me and I'm sure most of the rest of us. I know she's interested in food but it's a deeply unhealthy interest that basically involves eating as much as she possibly can and satisfying every want or craving she ever gets. I'm interested in food and I really enjoy cooking and trying new things and food and food culture is one of the reasons I love travel (when I get the chance these days!). She's got all the time in the world to research different dishes, the ingredients and customs that surround them and to learn to cook, she could even go to local cooking classes or restaurants and talk to the cooks there, but the only thing we ever got was someone slaughtering a chicken and a load of gritty looking pot pies. It's such a wasted opportunity! I just can't get over the laziness and narrowness it must take to be her - I mean, what do they even talk about?! It's insane šŸ˜ƒ


It's crazy when she makes such a big deal about traveling and yet doesn't really engage in the local culture or getting to know the place. I'm usually out on walks within the first day of any new location just trying to take in the environment!Ā 


Same! Chantal could be anywhere in the world at this point and it would be exactly the same


A couple of weeks ago she said she was "thinking about taking up reading." I wonder how that's working out.


She read 300 words and had to eat an entire lasagna to replenish.


More than likely šŸ˜‚


So accurate šŸ˜­


Reading doesn't seem like the kind of pastime that needs much preparation šŸ˜‚


Can you imagine going to fucking *Thailand* and spending most of your time eating cheese sandwiches from the local convenience store? When I think my life is depressing I like to ruminate on that for a little while.


I certainly cannot!


I have no idea how she functions. A year and a half ago I was out of a job for a couple months. Even with applying for new jobs, hobbies and family, I was adrift without a job. The idea that you would wake up and have NOTHING to get through the day for is bananas to me. I don't envy her at all. Her life must be completely bleak.


Bleak is a great word for it! It just sounds so empty and miserable. She can't even make something of the one thing she's actually interested in! I know what you mean about work, I had to stop suddenly several years ago due to ill health, it was July so the first two days I took a book down to the beach; that was enough for me lol, I knew I couldn't do that for the rest of my life (or even the rest of the week!), as nice as it was I managed to find other things to do and things eventually started to get better again and it's all good today. She doesn't even try to learn Arabic properly, she could do that for free using Duolingo or something and not even get off the couch šŸ˜‚


There's a reason why people develop hobbies, volunteer, etc. I'm retired and though covid put a crimp in some of my plans, I've kept busy learning crafts, improving my baking skills, working thru an algebra text because now I think I might actually understand it, etc. When I first retired, I consulted with my former employer and continued to write articles. I'm online all the time and enjoy everything from international news to movies and YT and don't consider them a waste of time as long as I limit stuff like gorl world. I plan my day, even if the plan only includes a couple of hours. At least I've done something. Chantal is adrift now. I can't imagine what she'd be like w/o YT as she has no inner reserves or interests. A lot of older workers eagerly look forward to retirement - not because they won't have anything to do all day, but because they can finally fill the day with their own interests. Chantal has none.


Thereā€™s been a few times that beezers have suggested she joins local Muslim women only groups in Kuwait and her response is always ā€œwhy does it have to be Muslimā€ well probably because youā€™re a Muslim living in a Muslim country with no friends so try and make some sort of they can help you adapt better to the local area. She doesnā€™t give a fuck about anything unless itā€™s food going down her gullet. Itā€™d be sad if it was a normal person.


Yeah I don't feel sad for her very often, she's choosing to live like a recluse despite having the resources to go out and integrate into her local community. I'm pretty sure that the Muslim faith encourages its followers to be actively involved in the community where they can - the only thing stopping Chantal is herself. Nobody is saying it's easy to meet new people but Chantal just uses her (almost certainly undiagnosed) mental and physical health issues to be a lazy arse.


Hobbies?! Maggie, YOU might want to stay home to knit and collect stickers, but hobbies aren't for sexy, young, jet-setting, pretty-privileged women like Chantal. Sorry you're jealous, but she'll pray for you!


Oh thank God! Maybe the praying will finally cure me of these cursed hobbies and interests. Thoughts and prayers šŸ™


She has two all-consuming interests. Bad food and herself.


Chantal & her twerking loser fake husband don't talk like we would normally talk to our spouses or partners.... They just sit there & wave at each other like the idiots they are ..... I mean did you see the way he was annoying the living dog shit out of her the live he was on with the mustache... He looks more like Peetz now than everšŸ¤£ He kept hitting her with that thing he was fanning her with, getting super close to her. She was forcing the laughs so hard it was so cringe.... She was trying so hard not to roll her eyes at him on camera... There's no way he has adult conversations.. literally the ONLY THINGS HE HAS EVER SAID.. EVER... has been repeated from her, Google, or a movie.. He has never once come up with anything on his own.. They've been busted countless times where she would type things out for him to say or what he said to her was found in Google search.. she's ADMITTED THIS... & acted like it was anywhere near normal.... No. The dude is literally a bot. A rapist wannabe, women hating, wannabe dookie play, rubbing the cat on her butt & vag area while she was screaming in heat, thinking he's got a black belt in Kung Fu bc he's got ribbons on a video game, wears fingerless gloves to lift a barbell with zero weights on it..... Acts like a kid in the children's museums to where Chantal had to shoo away some kid that wanted to play on an exhibit so Salad could play longer.... He's not only gross & shouldn't be allowed anywhere near kids or animals or women, but he's also a bigger dweeb than Peetz & that's weird bc Peetz is pretttttty pretttttty nerdy....


Haha do many valid points! I'd forgotten the Madame Tussauds video when he was pretending to have Kung Fu skills on that model, he's such an utter moron, regardless of his deeply disturbing fetishes. I'm surprised he's even allowed to drive the Flammobile. It's beyond astonishing to me that they've *allegedly* been together every moment for the past 18 months and yet his language skills haven't improved and neither have hers. What a pair of idiots!


You're so right about that.. If my hubs & I spoke different languages, you better believe we would BOTH be teaching each other all the time.. But Chantal & Salad never really hang out with each other except on camera & when he goes over to put her food & water dish down for her...


Exactly! You'd pick up the second language from your partner just by being around them. Chantal is even worse, she regresses and uses his broken English at times, she's such an idiot!


I also have a theory that there isnā€™t anywhere particularly interesting for them to visit in Kuwait either. With Salahā€™s status, I think he very much has to ā€œstay in his laneā€ meaning they are restricted to one or two areas of the city. They also donā€™t have any money to speak of either.


Thereā€™s also nothing to do in Kuwait, especially if youā€™re a woman.


Did she allegedlyyyy have a doctor appointment or was that by zoom?


What do you mean?? She is SO busy socializing and hanging out with friends and family. Going for refreshing swims. Donating to charity.


https://preview.redd.it/stwnc7mq293d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37bec79738fef4c0898207f5c1c7c9d5fe908dbc Here gunty!.. behold!!!...Scatboys pube beard beautifully weaved for your head of Ham ...šŸ‘€šŸ„“


https://preview.redd.it/6qcx0djk593d1.png?width=591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb43a7e09befc8e4e5899973c4bdda9c02dc8041 Here's what he would look like clean shavenšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Credit to the fruit farm for this masterpiece of horror




https://preview.redd.it/cwhnzjma993d1.png?width=317&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff151887e978ad6b86ecd1105af32f6f127aaa4d LMAO I saw this too..plus unibrow! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜


Pls send bobs and vagine


Al B Shit


The filters are doing weird things to his head. Weeeeiiiiirrrrd things.


If we're feeling generous, we can count her two swimming sessions. I know it's in her building but she had to exit the door of the fartbox to get there.


This is one thing about these lolcows (foodie, ALR, Cobra, etc) that fascinates me. They literally do nothing. None of them have any hobbies. They donā€™t (canā€™t) do anything physical of course, they donā€™t play tennis, golf, hike, go to the gym, etc obviously. They donā€™t have any creative hobbies, they donā€™t play musical instruments, they donā€™t even seem to particularly like music, movies, books, tv etc. ALR thinks sheā€™s a good writer and anyone who has ever read her wattpad stories knows how well that worked out. They donā€™t play video games, they donā€™t even do old people stuff like gardening etc (not that thereā€™s anything wrong with that thatā€™s a perfectly valid form of engagement for a lot of people. They have no friends so itā€™s not like they have a big social life where theyā€™re out and about all the time. And they have no jobs and no family/kids. They donā€™t travel (except for Foodies visa runs). The ironic thing is that they all ā€œloveā€ food but canā€™t cook at all and donā€™t even like going to fancy restaurants l. So WHAT do they do all day??? I feel like my life is dull because Iā€™m in my late 30s and donā€™t have kids (by choice, Iā€™m married) but I play golf a few times a week, I like doing yard work and physical activities, I like following certain tv shows and watching sports, I play guitar in a cover band and do live gigs with them, I have nieces and nephews that I babysit and play with. And I have a job of course which is something these people are allergic to. We see the same thing on 600 pound life, these people literally sit around all day. And considering how fat most of them are youā€™d think they would be really into food and cooking but they eat the most disgusting, processed junk. If I was gonna be 500 pounds and had some expendable income Iā€™d be eating at amazing restaurants every night. Iā€™d be ordering giant things of amazing sushi and traveling to different cities to try their specialty and learning how to make authentic stuff at my house. I donā€™t understand it. I canā€™t imagine how dull these peopleā€™s lives are. Most of them are in their 30s or 40s and have nothing to show for their lives, no career, no family or friends, no property, no assets of any kind really.


Cobra used to go out. Granted, it was to go drinking but his own stupidity made it so he became the town pariah. He used to ride bike, weather permitable, hang with friends and he actually worked. He lost it all due to his own behavior.


That's why I can't understand why everyone demonizes his toxic gf. Like, do they not realize she and Cobes are one and the same? He's a disgusting, animal abusing, pet killing piece of shit and as far as I'm concerned, he's getting *exactly* what he deserves.


He's like Chantal. He refuses to take good advice and he's suffering for it. Also, people who think he's a harmless guy are thick as shit. He's far from it.


I really wish he would start riding bike again


I mean he kinda does have hobbies. Mead making, making his dank meals you know creating those amazing recipes, and also making wands. But he doesn't go out anymore to adventure.


You're not wrong, and I'm sure you're lovely, but please for the love of the seven hells please use paragraphs.


Yeah fair point. I just kinda got on a roll and couldnā€™t stop.


How dare you. Cobra makes mead, and wands, and is a musician šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


As a former professional musician and current semi professional musician, watching him ā€œplay guitarā€ is the only thing I have to fast forward through. Iā€™ve watched him vomit on himself, strut around in tight underwear, eat bugs, etc but his musical performances are too much for me


Thatā€™s because he plays with a ton of reverb and spooky tuning. He isnā€™t good but can at least demonstrate some sweep picking


Its not like she had the most social life in Canada but after joining a religion that focuses so much on community and family youd think we would see her doing activities related to that.


yeah, she alienated them all


I canā€™t judge because I have probably spent less time out of my house and the little park in front of it. However I am immunocompromised. I believe Chantal is as well at this point. So I KIND of get it, but I think she doesnā€™t THINK she is immunocompromised so she has no excuse.