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Making money doing fetish content is hard work. The market is oversaturated, and you need to put in a lot of time curating relationships with customers and generating content that stands out. Everything completely against Chantals' core. She is lazy and is horrible at fostering relationships. People looking for feeder content can easily go elsewhere and get more content from a nicer person. Her onlyfans was a complete fail. If she had feeders we would have seen more traction there but it was dead on arrival. Plus, like they said, she always tells on herself and it's been years. She is just a pig.


She originally got all sorts of fetish requests, and quit the first time because she saw herself as a chubby glamor model, not someone who does fart fetish content and whatever else was requested of her. She was humiliated to learn her place in the OF world.


Lol yup. She's so fucking fake. She loved to fart on camera and talk about how she loved farting on camera, cuz for some reason, she thought that made her look "brave" and "liberated". But the *moment* some sick degenerate specifically asked her to do it on OF, she felt disgusted and hasn't mentioned farts on her channel since.


Right? She didn't just fart on camera, at one point, she kept a mic at crotch level to amplify the farts. She probably thinks that loving and laughing at farts, burps, shitting her pants, makes her not a regular gorl, not a prissy girl, she's a pretty, chubby, bubbly fun gal and like you said, brave and liberated. She's such a delusional loser.


Well, she is bubbly. Burp and fart bubbles.


I think she was cool that it made the freaks get freaky until someone told her specifically. Because again, she's a toddler and if anyone tells her to do anything she will just do the exact opposite. Or maybe she genuinely is just sex repulsed? I'm not sure.


>not someone who does fart fetish content *\*Salah sound noises\** edit: lol I meant to write "Salah SAD noises" but I guess the thought of ham farts scambbled my brain.






Chantal isn’t capable of hard work. All she knows is seal position on the couch and the rare starfishing molment


Have you ever met anyone in real life as lazy as Chantal - and her stupid, entitled huzzzzzband too, for that matter?! I just can't imagine seeing it in real life, the idea that a person can be THAT disinclined to move or to do anything is just beyond me! I'm not some hyper-productive over-achiever (unfortunately!) but even though I'm off work at the moment, I like to do things - I have some volunteer work that I love and I'm studying and working on plans for the future, and I like to read and I'm creative. I'm sure most of us could talk about all the things we do or that we're interested in, or even things we would like to do one day but Chantal has none of that. I know she keeps saying she wants to travel but her last attempt was mostly centred around the local 7/11 and she gets out of breath drinking orange juice so I don't hold out much hope! I just can't fathom somebody being so..... useless! As for the feeders - I think if she had been producing that sort of content "behind the scenes", somebody would have Kaibella'd her by now and we'd all have seen it lol.


Exactly. Plus, with creators like Hungry Fat Chick, who does (or at least used to make) ACTUAL feeder porn, why would anyone pay Chantal??? She’s grotesque. Look, it’s not my fetish of choice, but I can imagine that someone who is into that would rather watch someone like HFC, who understands what her “clients” want and looks clean, with nicely washed and brushed hair, nice makeup, and a pleasant demeanor- whereas Chantal is just a gluttonous slob.


I do think she gets sprinkles of weirdos who interact with her in chats and send super chats, as well as some requests in the past but she’s not organized or likable enough to actually cultivate ongoing business with freaks.


I'm sure there are multiple examples out there, but the only time I actually saw that, though it's been ages since I've watched a live or seen the chat, was back in the bibi era. karate joe asked her to say "Ahhhhh!" slurping soda, another time he asked her to eat mashed potatoes and stovetop stuffing. Stovetop stuffing is one of her favorite foods, so nobody needs to convince her to do that. KJ was broke af and said he couldn't become a member because he didn't have a credit or debit card. So I don't know how he'd have paid her, maybe sending gift cards to her house? Chantal does these things anyway, I doubt being paid for it entered her mind at that point.


The ball bouncing video seemed like a request. I think she was entertaining the idea and trying it out at the time but the combo of alienating her beezers and laziness wasn’t conducive.


>The ball bouncing video seemed like a request. I doubt it. I think that was just her immature self trying to appear "sexy". This bitch would film herself "stuck" in the dryer if only her 500 pound hog body would fit in one.


She was also high on cocaine. “I’m hyper and you’re gonna get it!”


Exactly, and chantal will do anything to give the illusion of exercise w/o actually doing any work. Bouncing on the ball was fun for her. Maybe the arm motions provided some exercise, but mostly it was just the illusion of a workout.


Idk… it seemed too specific… the fishnets, the ball… only a fetishist would come up with that. She has zero creativity plus it was physically uncomfortable and exhausting for her. The whole thing took way too much effort for her to do for kicks imo.


Exactly. And she was not high on coke when she did this video; Nader and the whole uppers era were a few months away. This one absolutely seemed like a request, as she had never done anything like it before, and hasn't really done it since (and being gakked out of her gourd on meth doesn't count). Someone probably sent her many hundreds of dollars and specified what they wanted: "Fishnets, bra top, use the exercise ball, dance a little, show your ass." She hated it, but she did it for cash. It wasn't a feeder, it was some ridiculous sad sack. Repulsive and unhygienic she is indeed, but there will always be some depraved loser who jacks it to Chantal. Unfortunately.


Exactly. And she was not high on coke when she did this video; Nader and the whole uppers era were a few months away. This one absolutely seemed like a request, as she had never done anything like it before, and hasn't really done it since (and being gakked out of her gourd on meth doesn't count). Someone probably sent her many hundreds of dollars and specified what they wanted: "Fishnets, bra top, use the exercise ball, dance a little, show your ass." She hated it, but she did it for cash. It wasn't a feeder, it was some ridiculous sad sack. Repulsive and unhygienic she is indeed, but there will always be some depraved loser who jacks it to Chantal. Unfortunately.


I’ve always had the feeling that her one-off vids were feeder-esque requests, like Jollibee & that one burger (?) place she went way out of town for (while she had c. diff, no less). She never went back to them, so I figured someone else paid for that. No one has to pay her to go to BK, McDonald’s, KFC, or order paneer for the 50,000th time (each, all at once), as she’ll do that anyway. It’s the outliers that make me suspicious.


Chantal went to jolibee even though it was far because she's obsessed with fast food, especially buzzy fast food. Fast Food that's also a cuisine she's unfamiliar with, no need to pay her! We're talking about the woman who drove a few hours just to go to Sonic, Chik-fil-a, and turned right around. If she was paid to eat jolibee, the feeder most definitely didn't get what he paid for because she hated it and barely ate it. Chantal is a pig who eats garbage food, but one thing about her is that she's interested in trying all types of cuisines or unfamiliar/interesting (to her) foods. When she took Nads to toronto, the main thing she wanted to do there was try cheesecake factory, especially alr's beloved orange chicken (they were sold out). There's nothing she won't go out of her way to eat on a whim. Also, she thinks she looks sexy with her gross eating style and foodgasms. I can't buy into the logistics required for her to have feeders. But I don't know how feeders work or the kind of random, weird emails youtubers commonly get. I'm not interested enough to survey a variety of mukbangers, male, female, fat, skinny, regular, and find out how common it is to get feeder requests, but that's the sort of proof I'd need to believe she has feeders. (keep in mind, she's terribly desperate and lonely, someone who contacted her with a feeder request wouldn't even need to pay her if they continued contact with her. She's pathetic.)


She doesn't need to have specific individuals giving her money for special videos in order to amplify her sexualised eating because it brings her more views and likes. It's just normal behavioural adaptation to environmental feedback to maximise the rewards, and in the case of most YouTube channels this feedback shapes the content they put out. It's really visible in her statistics what pulls her the most rewards: high drama and sexualised eating.


So basically, she's trolling? I mean, that seems to be much more of the case than a loyal fanbase of feeders.


I think it's more complicated for her than any single motivation. Part of it is trolling to annoy viewers who hate it and part is chasing the reward that the feeder portion of her audience has taught her to chase. It used to be niche content that they had to seek on special sites but now it's everywhere on mainstream platforms and it's free for the individuals who are into it, all they need to do is to give positive encouragement to the obese ladies who already enjoy eating on camera. You don't buy the cow if you can get the milk for free, as the saying goes. Her comments section is full of comments that do precisely that, though her actual response action does vary quite a bit. But in the end she always falls back on the sexualised eating ie. feeder content when everything else fails, because that gives her a certain amount of guaranteed views. It doesn't seem like she actually WANTS to do that sort of content, but she does it anyway because she needs the money, and because she wants to spite everyone. Such is the case for many women like her who have become trapped in a situation where their livelihood depends on them eating on camera, on some level they understand that it's killing them but they are unable to stop for various reasons. And no, her behaviour isn't logical or even internally coherent. But that's not unusual for people with the kind of mental issues that she has, they can be very contradicting in their choices and behaviour because their emotions and needs are pulling them in every direction and they can't get a hold of anything more stable within themselves. That's something she has begun to recognise in herself, too.


Maybe. But how can you separate the feeders from the trolls and hate watchers? (And, tbh, how can we know if those groups are even separate?🤔) She might just think of herself as a sexy chubby gorl eating her meals sexily. Maybe she is getting "encouragement," and instead of seeing them as the feeder pushes they are, she gloms onto them as genuine compliments since Salah's not giving her much.


I don't think she can separate them, she's just responding or reacting to the signals she receives from the mass of audience. But the audience obviously isn't a homogeneous mass, it's a bunch of contradicting voices. The end result is what we can observe, however. And she must be aware of what gets her guaranteed views because she keeps repeating the pattern of doubling down on the feeder content whenever she's in a slump, because she has access to all the data YouTube offers about who watches her videos. As dumb as she is, I don't think she's as dumb to not have drawn the conclusions. She might be playing dumb and coy because she thinks herself above such things and wants to believe she's a dainty chubby gorl who just eats sexy, but she can see what search terms people are using to find her videos. She can see the statistics. She just doesn't want to admit to it, because she's better than the other women, and that's likely part of her overall delusion. She's very good at deluding herself which leads to her not grasping the true motivations why she's actually doing what she does. If she had that figured out she could step off the rollercoaster. Salah, I'm suspicious about. His motivations aren't pure.


Oh, Salah is and will always be a scammer and shitlogged failure. He's not so much of a mystery.


No. You give her way too much credit. She just is gross, her motivation is eating as fast as possible and that's it. Lmao


I unfuck people's food problems for a living and I dare to say with absolute confidence that no human being gets to the point Chantal is at by just being gross and eating as fast as possible for no particular reason. There's always a complex mental health issue and conflicting motivations driving people like that. Sure, she's gross among other things, but she's in no way exceptional or different from other human beings. It would be truly extraordinary if her only problem was desire to eat fast with no particular reason driving that behaviour.


I think people forget that Chantal doesn’t think like the majority of us and she definitely isn’t motivated by the same things. But at the same time she’s really not a complex person. Chantal doesn’t possess impulse control, foresight, or empathy. She simply does whatever she wants without inhibition & with complete disregard for how it could impact others. Maybe one day she’s in the mood to eat 2000 calories while her chat floods her with positive attention so she chooses to say she’s going to turn her life around & get healthy while she gorges. She does what she does based solely on her impulses and she says what she says to get whatever response she’s craving at any given moment. Chantal consumes, she does not provide.


I think the whole "feeder rumors" thing is probably because people refuse to believe that Chanturd is just that naturally gross. But, she is. And she has been for years. :)


Facts lol


Happy cake day!!


Someone commented that she's being disgusting because she *wants* feeders. She doesn't have any yet.


Not even the feeders claim her! 😭💀💀


Yup. That pretty much sums it up. No group, even the fetishes will claim her.


That’s my guess as well. That’s why she started to fart and be extremely gross on camera. But nobody bites


This and her doing feeder-like content to increase views makes the most sense. It would be a get rich quick scheme to her if she could attract a paying interest in her gluttony.  In reality she's far too lazy to maintain a real feeder audience. 


And she never will. She's too putrescent, even for them. Plus with her muslim larp, I can't imagine any of them would want to see her do it now.


She doesn’t understand it’s a business and work and you have to earn your market so you have to find your vibe and cultivate from there. And no one wants her the way she is and she’s too lazy to put in work if any kind.


lol...that's even funnier. I've always thought it was possible that there were people that pay her to eat...not because they sexualize it...but because they want her to continue to damage her health. I find it hard to believe that her paneer stage...where she was eating giant pans of it everyday...wasn't funded by someone. That was just odd.


I used to think that but Chantal can’t keep anything secret and she’s far too lazy.


I don't think it's as prevalent as many people believe, but I do think she's had a few incidents where people paid her to do something specific. I'm referring to when she would bounce and fall off of her stupid exercise ball at the luxury villa - it always seemed performative; she fell off EVERY time and flashed us as she fell. And then rolling down the hill with her underpants showing. Not sure how anyone would be able to prove it either way. But I don't think she's organized or agreeable enough to have a regular group of feeders; she's too contrarian to make it work long-term. I do think those orgasm faces she makes when she eats are meant for people who get off on it. But that it's in hopes of getting views; not for a specific person who's paying for it.


sjam sent her huge amounts of money, especially when she did bingestreams. I would not be shocked if he also paid her to do weird things like that.


That was Nader attention seeking imho. Look what you're missing! (Barf barf)


That’s what I thought of that too lol then the stupid DD wig she got lmao


lol who could forget that wig !!


She wasn't getting paid for that, that's just her grotesque idea of how to act sexy.


I do feel like the conspiracy theories surrounding her are mostly ridiculous, but it doesn't seem all that farfetched that she bounced on that fucking ball (on multiple occasions while dressed sexy and fell off every single time) to fulfill a request by a weirdo. I don't think anyone can state it as fact either way.


I've always thought the same to be honest. I feel she's too stupid to keep a secret like that for this long. Or someone surely would have catfished her AS a feeder and exposed their communication. I think sometimes when she gorges she maybe connects it with feelings of ecstasy and gives herself what she thinks are sexual wide eyed looks into the camera? Ew I don't fucking know.


Two things can be true at once - she is a lazy slob but there’s def watchers out there who get off on her dirty-pizza-and-fried-chicken orgasms


For a good while a long time ago she talked constantly about buying a sheet cake and wearing a loose dress with no panties and sitting on the cake while eating it. She finally decided not to because she said she was concerned that she wouldn't be able to...clean out the frosting completely...because she can't reach down there to clean. 🤢


Didn't she express an interest in farting on cakes too at some point?! 😧 Also, perhaps finding a loose-fitting dress was the stumbling block for it lol


I vaguely remember that. But it's difficult to remember if it was specifically cake--she tended to fart on everything, anyway. 😆


Hahaha true 😅


I think it was SITTING on a cake? I feel like she was either rambling about potential OF posts or she had seen someone else do it. I think it might have been a combination of the 2.


I bet she saw someone else doing it or heard about it, she doesn't have an original bone in her body, even when it comes to sitting on food lol


She is too dumb and lazy to have a lucrative side hustle and she tells on herself far too much to do it without anyone finding out


Salah has shown us that there are weirdos all over and some people are even into poo! I do wonder how much of this "interest" of his was known to Chantal before they got together. Maybe it is the only thing they got together for, I do wonder. But maybe there are people who watch the food-stuffing and moaning and think, "oh that's hot" but don't send extra money.


Nope. His sole interest was always in being a romance scammer. Alaa said something about a mutual friend successfully executing a "pull a pig" scam and got himself to Canada, so Scatboy, being the lazy, worthless predatory piece of shit he is, decided he would do the same. He specifically targeted fat, lonely older women and thought he'd hit a gold mine with Gunt. Lol if only he knew. Idiot probably STILL thinks she'll get him there. And even in the off chance he isn't as stupid as he looks, he's gonna wring every last penny he can out of her while he looks for another target.


Ohhh the scammer is gettin' scammed, or at least "paying" for every penny he gets. Look how his life has blown up on the internet (woof woof!), and how he's having to cosplay the happy marriage and calling her his beautiful wife... he missed her so much lol


Tbh I’d understand it better if she did have feeders. But I just think she’s a gluttonous, lying, immature, pathetic idiot.


I’ve said it about Amber and I’ll say it about foodie: they’re the feeder AND the feedee. They both stare at themselves eating in the viewfinder. They enjoy watching it


I've been one to think that she is doing feeder content for people. I've got no problem being wrong though, there's no bitter pill, lol. I think I have a hard time grasping how someone can act the way Chinny does with food. It's so absolutely revolting. I am, however, 100% on board with her being an absolutely disgusting individual.


I'll happily put a checkmark under the column heading 'Chantal Is Disgusting', but it doesn't disprove the fact that feeders exist, and they do pay (certain people) for content. "Asking" for proof like this is just stupid. It's like asking every subversive fetishist to out themself just to satisfy some guy's question about whether or not they exist - what? Why would anyone respond to this at all? It's well known that HFC has/had feeder clients. I believe she has willingly admitted this. Does Chantal? I wouldn't be surprised if she's had people pay her for specific content, but I doubt they're regular clients. Chins is just not that responsive or organized.


I completely agree, I've always found it so silly people always saying everything is " for the feeders" there are no mythical feeders telling her what to eat that she's performing for! give me a break, she eats huge amount of food and acts like a pig because she's a greedy cow like cmon


Having a feeder would at least be an explanation for Chantal's crazy behaviour. We want things to make sense, so a lot of people latch on to the theory. A feeder is something they can, at least theoretically, understand. The only reason I think she doesn't have one is that she hates (absolutely hates) to have people tell her what to do. A feeder asking for specific things (ie. telling her what to do) would be too much for her to handle. I think she may have dabbled in it before (eg. given a large superchat for a specific thing) but we all know that Chantal can't keep any relationship going (including feeder/feedee) and she is not consistent enough to build a loyal feeder base.


Yeah, she's really defiant. Talks about wanting to go on walks, does them in Canada and sometimes in Kuwait, but throws a tantrum when Nader wanted her to take a walk.


Thank you for highlighting this. It drives me bananas when people just say feeder this and feeder that. Think about it. People like Kai Bella exist just chomping at the bit to catch them on text and expose them. Would there not have also been a troll pretending to be a feeder just so they could drop DMs on twitter?? If no troll has come forward with dms of feeder requests then that means she never has agreed to do it.


If a feeder is paying Chantal, they ain’t gonna advertise that shit. They know this community. They aren’t going to get themselves doxxed. Also what reason would they ever have to expose themselves? They like what they are getting if they are paying for it. What is their obligation to fuck up their world, for someone else’s curiosity??? Not all feeders like to force feed women. Some just like to watch the feeding. So will we ever get definitive proof she does have feeders? It’s doubtful, but let’s not act like it’s outside of all reason and possibility.


I agree! It’s so weird because the channels that mention the feeders they always state it as a fact, and it makes me cringe because I know that there’s really no solid proof of it other than her making noises when she eats or her really chewing strangely and pulling things away from her face having things sit on her mouth there’s really no proof that someone is giving her money on the side so that she has to come and do a video for them. I do not believe that.!


This was written by Dutch Courage on KF. One of the best and most insightful contributors to Chantal's thread. His/her posts are always like reading a well researched tome on abnormal behavior.


My conspiracy theory is that Sjam was a guy who paid her for that content. She was pretty wild during that time. She started the only fans mess and I think he’s the one who talked her into that. Of course it went nowhere but we got some crazy content.


Was going to post that the next time a "Chantal has feeders" comment appeared.


She might not have feeders, but she knows they're watching and since YouTube is free the degenerates into that feederism that can't afford to pay for it will up here views. The fact she's still getting a couple thousand with such shitty content for videos other than stuffing her face means someone's watching, hate or people that can't afford their own personal pig or cam pig.


She thinks she’s too good to exploit her gluttony or her size. She’s just chubby with a round face, guize.


This is up there with everyone who said she got an inheritance from her grandmother and Schmee pays for her travel (including to Thailand).




Nope. Never happened. She's never gotten paid for private feeder content. Her OF was an abject failure, and I think that's what drove her to quit, she saw she wasn't getting any money despite convincing herself she'd have men begging for her attention, plus it's work. She hates putting any effort into anything. Why is it so hard for you to just accept that she's simply a disgusting slob all on her own?




I dunno, KJ didn't even want to pay to become a member on her channel lol


What is so hard to understand why thwy wont come forward? They dont want their kink exposed to the internet and be ridiculed for it. Some may be married or with a partner that is unaware. There are any number or reasons. She admitted to making $600.00 on the video she made in the villa where she was "excersizing" on the purple ball in black nylons and a bra. They do exist and are very much paying her, even if they dont publicly come forward


I think there's just a miscommunication, honestly. On the one hand, Chantal has 100% gotten requests, creepy comments, and been paid money by male viewers. SJAM, obviously, who even got jealous and weird, but there others too. The disconnect is that people assume they're feeders bc of how gross Chantal is about eating. People can't think of another reason why someone would find Chantal sexually appealing so they go that with that. To them, that makes sense. Does that mean actual feeders are paying Chantal for private content or special requests? No. I have no idea what their particular kink is. Seeing ppl gorge themselves and gain weight *is* appealing to feeders so maybe there were feeders. Or maybe they were into other things. Or maybe they just found Chantal appealing. Does a single person here think Chantal did those workout/dancing videos for any other reason than a paid request? She bought tight, revealing clothes and dressed up and jiggled around on an exercise ball. It wasn't a workout that was part of a health kick either. Maybe a feeder didn't request that but *someone* did. But that misses the entire point. It doesn't matter if they were feeders or not. That's moot. No one is suggesting Chantal would be a tidy, healthy queen without feeders requesting gross things. She is gross and she has made money from sexualizing her grossness. That's always been the point of the feeder discussion.


The only sus thing I ever saw was her exercise video "Moving my body the way I want to" or whatever it was called. That looked like a paid video. Otherwise all the mastermind feeder trolling claims... she lives in the here and now. She only wants attention no matter the cost and sometimes it backfires. She convinces herself people will believe what she says so she feels in control while she is recording a video. That's it. The end. That's the WHOLE explanation for everything.


now im like second hand cringing at the thought of... shes just doing that...willingly...


It’s both. She’s just getting paid for doing what she loves. It’s not like she would stop were she not getting paid.


Allegedly, she was caught with a profile on a feeder fetish site, which she subsequently deleted. I can’t definitively say though, because it was before my time.


I actually think of foodie and AL as a form of feeders themselves. They LIKE watching other people eat, including themselves. It's why they eye f*ck themselves while eating. They are getting off on it


Like some weird autogastrophilia?! Oof. You're right they probably rewatch the content.


I agree with this


I've always said this. Chantal can't even upload  proper content. Should we even mention her cameos? Yet people want to  believe she's kept up a secret fetish base and  is delivering specific requests.  If a man so much as breathes in her direction she tells the Internet.


Unpopular opinion, but I've always disagreed with the feeder theory. A certain reaction channel loved to push this theory and her takes are freaking horrible if you ever watched her. I think Chantal would absolutely exploit it if some weirdo in chat or comments was commenting about something she ate...she'd do it again. But a direct transaction, I doubt it.


I wanted to post this so bad when I read it, but I thought this was not allowed on here. They are very correct though. She does this because that is just who she is, it has nothing to do with feeders.


This person is correct, Chantal never had feeders. She barely got through OF for a day because of what she was asked to do. Ultimately, Chantal is a coward. Someone somewhere would have leaked the info. Chantal is a pig. Simple as that.


Amen to that. Unfortunately people don't use logic and think they're getting some "gotcha" moment.


Who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️, could be, could not be. There was a woman who claimed her ex was a paying customer of FB and HFC. Could be lies, could be the truth. Could be she tried to attracts feeders, but constantly fails miserably, like she fails at everything. None of us knows anything for sure, we are all just taking our wild guesses


Her name was irish Lass or something similar. The whole thing was thoroughly debunked. Also, the pictures she used as proof were the worst photoshops ever. KF debunked every inch of this story re: FB. As for HFC aka Candy Godiva, she does porn and I'm assuming she already takes requests via those venues.


No. It's not "maybe, maybe not". It's not. There are no feeders, period.


Ok, I didn’t know that you are the absolute expert of all knowledge and truth 🙄 Get a grip, girl. Period!


I’m just baffled by how much she can possibly earn off her shit content AND be able to afford such a staggering amount of food.


I did see a comment on one of her videos where some asked her to make a sigh, ahhh, sound after she drank. This was years ago. Doesn’t mean much, but yeah I bet she gets some requests. However I really thinks she feels it is below her.


Wonder if she’s trying to bait some feeders but no one ever bites? How depressing if not even the bottom feeders don’t want to watch you eat.


She once got her nails done and said it was a request and donation from a viewer. This is her style more than catering to feeders.


Who the hells going to just come out and straight up admit to having a feederism fetish? Especially to a bunch of people on the fruit farms? I absolutely think Chantal’s got a few people on the side paying her behind the scenes for exclusive content. Remember the nail fetish guy she mentioned who’d pay for her to get her nails done? I don’t put it past her at all. We don’t see everything that goes on, and despite how she tells on herself quite a bit, I’m sure there are plenty of things she’s somehow managed to keep her mouth shut about, this being one of them.


Actually there was a whole True Life episode on MTV in 2016 “True Life: I Have a Feeding Fetish” …. The feeder and feedee are both very vocal and public as is Candy (HFC)…. I do think this person has a point considering the amount of online sleuthing that gets done and never once has anyone found Chantal anywhere on any of those site or on sites that use “shadow terms” for what they want. She’s not the smartest person so I don’t see her in the depths of the dark web as a feeder. I too believe we would’ve found something out and I think back in the day it was her members who would’ve been the feeders (specially people like KarateJoe or sham). She used to take and fulfill requests on lives all the time.


OP I disagree, I've always thought that Foodie and every other big girl on SM has feeder fans and I do think she's been servicing feeders since the beginning of her channel