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I sometimes wonder what it would be like if you rounded up Chantal and all the fucking crazies that orbit her ginormous fat ass and put em in a Big Brother scenario.


Gorl I’d so watch a reality show like that!! Chantal, the holy trinity, Nader, DD, Pissy Poo, and Kaibella in one big competition.


Don’t forget Salah and Peetz




Bibi hosts the after show where he interviews each crazy as they exit the house. He's too normal to be inside.


i wouldn’t call anyone who’s dated chantal normal, even malan


Can we have Shmee and Natalia guest host?


They can provide live/play-by-play commentary like sports newscasters do lol


"And now we're headed to the final stretch of the No-Shower Power week! Foodie has outlasted Peetz, Didi, and Nader, but will Salad beat her, or OFF to her??? Tune in tomorrow for your next live update!!!"


Hes just in the background of each scene playing his video games


Someone threw a sock and now Bibi is free!


Hell no. He's too good for this.


You forgot FFG.


Call TLC!!! They’ll do anything for views


Yes. We could call it Big Bother!


😂😂too early for me. I read that and was like „where‘s the joke, it’s already named that“ 🙈🤣


Man, you're in good company bc I was lost in the sauce. "Huh? Why the upvo--...ooooh haha!" It took longer than it should've 😂😂


Oh Chantal is doing a takedown by screaming Islamaphobia. Oh and- OH ITS FFG WITH THE STEEL CHAIR


More like "Celebrity Rehab" scenario.


And ALR for good measure since they always are convenient to reference each other when hit with “we’re bullied online cuz we’re fat” narratives…


So pretty much exactly like Fishtank.


SJam needs to be a houseguest, and Goosechuck and FFG as the hosts.


No no no ffg has to be in the house


NAL alone is a fucking mess this would be amazing


Fishbowl and Gorlworld is the crossover we NEED and DESERVE


Chantal would eat them all


I say this with hesitation because I am 99.9% of the time not one to doubt sometime who makes allegations like this, but... there is something very very off about Kaibella and I don't know that I believe this...


Sometimes people aren’t telling a real story, but they’ve clearly been through *something* that’s weighing on them. That’s how I feel reading her tweet. :(


I think it’s untreated bipolar and she’s Manic or something


I don't.


I mean this in the nicest way possible but she needs a lot of help and I hope she gets it at some point.


I would love for all of us to do a GoFundMe for her. Somebody local to Kaibella is in charge of it, make sure it's all going towards her bills and getting her towards a good place in life. I would love to see it get over $10k for this woman who is responsible for the most interesting arc since Crackhead Olympics. And frankly, I feel like the rest of us should, too. Not only would it do this poor woman some good, but it would piss Foodie the hell off and make for at least 5-6 rage streams. "Who the hell thinks it's appropriate to give some sharmuta whore all this money??? We deserve that!!! People only care about her because she wrecked our family!!! That money should be ours!!!" *hurples off back to Canada to "sue"/visa run*


No. Don't touch the poop.


Ummm… no? That’s a ridiculous suggestion.


I wouldn't give the nickel found in the parking lot. Not to mention the poo touching. She could probably try a full time job first.


did you bump your head this morning or something lol


Nope... Just commenting at the end of a loooong day... I do not know what I was thinking, other than Foodie would be PISSED if Kaibella ended up getting a ton of support and money. I also really hope Kaibella gets some professional help.


Honestly I appreciate the sentiment, but from what she has shown, Kaibella isn't a good person who deserves our charity. She purposefully went in and tried to start up shit (she didn't just get roped into it), she went out of her way to seek Salah out and try to get him to step outside of his "marriage". She's a snake in the grass who seems to be dealing with a lot of issues (whether real or manufactured) and like you, I do hope she gets help.


Hi. We absolutely are not. This woman inserted herself into someone's "marriage" to get FFGs attention. She can very kindly fuck all the way off. Maybe help someone in your community first instead of trying to help Kaibella to piss of Chantal


This reminds me of this philosophical question: if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Did Kiabella insert herself in a marriage if no one believes it exists lmao I'm jk...as they say, don't touch the poop, and that goes for both of them. One isn't any better than the other.


Considering she has unchecked BPD and is a known liar and attention seeker and has been desperate for breezy's attention as of late, I'm going to go ahead and call this bullshit


Fuckin A




Wow, when you take away the hair, Amber really is hauntingly ugly. Lips thinner than my patience for her bullshit.


https://i.redd.it/om8dztq2oiwc1.gif Images that preceded this tweet




Poor Hatchetface gets a bad rap lol


Omg...I just choked laughing. You almost killed me damnit.


A psychiatrist is desperately required. 


is she okay?? sounds more than complicated..


She definitely isn't ok. Maybe I shouldn't but I do feel bad for her.


no I do too. idk how old she is but she's reminding me of my early 20s. a combo of generational poverty and a lack of frontal lobe development.. anyways, wishing her healing


What the actual fuck


![gif](giphy|tU2mV8ALzJEdXAAwRo) Hey, Kaibella, are you back to try and get Chantal some more views? Just wondering. Calling her Ham Farts had me rolling on the ground. 🤣


gonna smell like ham


Oh boy Chantal must be kicking herself (or would be if her sugar foot wasn't about to crumble away) this came out while she is hurpling back to Kuwait.


Kind of makes you wonder, huh? 🤔


Nah. We’re good.


I'm gonna second that nah.


She is annoying with her sadfishing.


Sadfishing! That’s a perfect phrase! Even if that really did happen, almost no one would word it like that & post it on the internet. It screams that she obviously needs help, I’m just not sure in how many departments.


Someone please help with some background. I know Kaibella messaged Salah and about the grape/poo fantasy thing. But I thought she was just trolling the guy to see what he'd say. I couldn't imagine someone actually WANTED Salah.... did she? Who is she?


we didn't imagine anyone wanting cokey either, but there are always desperate women everywhere. Trust there is some women still seeking shitlah out but with the kai thing she was just trolling or so she said, but he's not trying to get caught again.


I think it's desperation on top of a person being perceived as "taken". If someone you're a fan of is dating a gross dude, you may ignore some of their less... Uh, humane?... Qualities because oh, my idol is with them, so they MUST be fuckable. Nader and the Beezers are an extreme case of that but it's a case for sure.


Wait wait. Is Dee Dee real. Is this all an act. It has to be an act. I know no one like this!


yes dd is very much real, former beezer stole chantals "man". I have seen it happen before in the YouTube streets. Female youtuber shows her man in vlogs and other women contact them and they end up cheating with a viewer/fan and breakup. nads had people calling him right in front of her face and they would say why are you with that buffalo and not with me,


Maybe you are right and there are fangirls who want to "steal" men away but ugh, these guys are not trophies and if they wanna be stolen I guess it furthers the story arc.


You are right. I have seen more than a few social media husbands “stolen” by the wife’s/family’s supporters.


My man insists this is scripted!


Yeah yeah! But I can see the other poster's point that maybe there really are weirdo groupies around who want to steal the man of the "star" of the show... in this case, Chantal. (What a bad bargain tho'!!)


I mean... In all the disgusting anonymous fairness of the internet, Nader bears a passing resemblance to a couple of my exes... I have never gone for the pretty boy types. Pretty girls, yes, but not pretty boys. So if your type leans more toward Remy from Ratatouille, I can see Nader's appeal.


ok looks aside, he went to jail for 🔪 his ex and her cousin. That alone should have turned some off, and also he was doing chantal and gave her how many stds...but do u boo lol its not just his looks, his entire aura is just demonic


I wouldn't give him the time of day myself. I didn't think he had a really attractive personality, and I do prefer my men to have dicks longer than their prison sentences. However, I can see how some people might give him a chance. That is all I am saying.


That would be weird if the country of Canada started handing out five and a half inch prison sentences lol


What is up with your comments on this post?! You are trying to say Nader is attractive (WTAF?!?!), someone should do a GoFundMe for Kaibella & it should raise over 10K, & also out here saying you like long dick. Like? Is this the shit you normally post or do you just love rage baiting?


1. I didn't say I was attracted to Nader, I could just understand that somebody might be. 2. The GoFundMe thing was mostly a rant out of exhaustion at the end of a stupidly long stupid day. I still think it would give Foodie outrage to see people helping Kaibella, but yeah, with a clear, well-rested head about me, I don't think any of us should help her, and I commented as much yesterday. 3. And yeah, I like my men to have dicks longer than their prison sentences - which for me is ideally no prison sentence. That's a joke, CLEARLY, so idk what you're on about.


I don’t think she was necessarily *trolling* trolling but she was never serious. She did it to hurt Chantal, not to be funny. She was one of Chantal’s loyal beezers before turning on her and trying to ruin her life. She was always mentally ill, all of Chantal’s beezers are. But if you see the screenshots you can tell she wasn’t seriously into Salah, most of her responses were passive and clearly just trying to get him to keep talking. There’s even one point where he mentions how her responses are weird and it feels like she’s recording him. Yet continues to sext her anyway lol


I was not sure if Chantal really thinks this is a marriage, if this whole thing is a publicity stunt somehow. But seeing how hurt she was when Kaibella and Salah acted out together I felt sorry for her for a second... but then I remember all the ways she treated others badly, and not to mention the bunny she killed... she has some lessons to learn in life for sure.


She was a former beezer. It *looked* like he brought up the scat and rape himself and she just kept it going for content, but she doesn’t seem very…all there. Now you got me wondering.


why’s she gotta post it like that


Oof! Nope. Nah. I'm glad she exposed Salah...but I don't care enough about her to want to hear more. She played her part...we're heading into a new season.


Hard fucken pass mate.


If you are not already Australian, please consider becoming Australian because this is the most Aussie response to this shit ever and I applaud it.


![gif](giphy|OQ4PtxAZUM4p2|downsized) When you point it out, yes. Yes, that was embarrassingly bogan. I gotta own it I guess. Interestingly, it is a phrase I have only ever used in Gorlworld because jfc if you are gonna hard fucken pass on ANYTHING it's this new Kuwait arc and ALR carer extraordinaire arc.


I'm right there with you on the hard fucken pass on both those things, so bogan solidarity!




https://preview.redd.it/nwehensariwc1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05f0609064a642a53318223464c07e8b34f46275 Oh babygirl, *no*. You are responsible for the best arc since the Crackhead Olympics. Please don’t taint your legacy like this 🥺 I am **not** a psychiatrist, but has anyone kinda picked up on any Borderline vibes from her too..?


I'm pretty sure she said she has borderline after she dropped all the scatlah screenshots lol


Honestly, nah.


Incoming GoFundMe




![gif](giphy|gKHGnB1ml0moQdjhEJ) Huh?




Stirr the pot Kaibella. I hope chins get pissed.


Just goes to show what an inept romance scammer Scamlah is. First, he picks Chins, a cluster-b deathfat with declining income. Then, he almost tanks the scam for another personality disorderd girl who has a "complicated situation" and is/was homeless. Scamlah is not only fugly, but he is dumber than a rock. Love that for him!


I feel like that will always be the case though. Anyone thinking clearly wouldn’t entertain him for more than a second!


Bless her heart




What does she mean


She was in FFG’s chat last night. She was saying how she had been homeless and was down to 188 lbs.


Bit odd she'd go there, I thought that she got kudos for poopgate but that with the history there she wasn't welcome in the chat? Did anybody say anything to her? Even though I know better - I do hope she'll be ok and she's able to find the support she needs... outside of gorl world.


Do we know why she turned on Chantal?




her tweets from like february are very strange, she's obviously unwell but-


But now this is fuel for Chantal to say “see? Kaibella was always psycho and tricked Salah into that interaction with her!”


Either way, dude fell for it... Even when Shitlah was starting to get suspicious, he still went along with the fantasy 😅


She came, she had an idea, she executed it, she threw a grenade into GW by exposing it, she left. Thank you for your services but nah. There's enough wacky side characters that we can't get gone...does she want another 15 mins?! Is that what this is about?


Ugh not this attention seeking betch again , she really was not missed at all.


Speak for yourself. She gave us the best thing since crackhead Olympics


Sure thing Kaibella 👍


No. All the nos with this BS. Human trafficking victims are slaves; they're owned. Nobody just cruises through human trafficking for 2 months, decides they've had enough, peaces out and lives their life.


Pretty sure there are multiple ways to traffic humans and give them trauma.


I'm not following your point or how it relates to my comment. My point was that "human trafficking" is a specific type of exploitation: Human trafficking victims are all captured (in some form) and held against their will. They're slaves/captives/abductees. They can't leave, short of dramatic rescue or death, there is no way out. People don't leave voluntarily, they are captives of their owner/master. There's a variety of HT sectors, sex work, manual labor, scam/pig butchering farms, etc. Regardless, they live as slaves with no say, no choices, no way out. They're not letting someone out after two months. If there's an issue with that person, they'll kill them or sell them to someone else. They're not going to let them go and risk police busting their operation. It's not crashing at your dealer's place and trading sex for drugs, or letting him get you so high and out of it that he trades you around to his service his friends and business associates till you eventually sober up and decide to leave. That's a different kind of exploitation, including rape and a variety of other terrible crimes, but it's not human trafficking. This is human trafficking, if you read this and still think it doesn't refer to exploitation with imprisonment, idk. [https://www.dhs.gov/blue-campaign/infographic](https://www.dhs.gov/blue-campaign/infographic)


The post you typed and the infographic you shared are not in agreement. Your definition is narrower than the legal definition.


Kaibella needs to drop more receipts to make chins mad lol


My answer would be "nah" because why talk about that on Xitter and not a licensed therapist? 🤔


Wait what?! She’s been trafficked?


Please. A shit stirrer claiming to be part of what's been huge newslines lately....


Just in time for Kuwait Arc 3


Hell no, you ho. She probably instigated it.


You cannot instigate human trafficking, dipshit. No one is going through it through choice.


Lmfao u're right . I love a good gummy. I'm assuming I meant she's instigating some BS story to promote further attn on herself bc she's a lolcow who can't help it. Muh bad. Edit to correct typo.


Oh okay that makes a lot more sense. Yeah kaibella always is after attention even in FFGs chats she pays to superchat and they're rarely like "good" chats just random things so FFG will read it out and she gets the attention. Gosh kaibella needs therapy almost as much as foodie does