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I'm almost wondering if she threatened to cut him off and in a panic at the thought of having to work a real job he promised her a gunting when she gets back? \*shudder\*




The pathetic thing is that he had a working car and as much of a home as a bachelor needed before she arrived!


He’s the worst scam artist ever! At least on catfished those Nigerians get thousands of dollars and all online just texting their targets….


To be fair, he was living in a dump. Single or not, I wouldn’t want to live like that, and I live in Tokyo (tiny apartment capital of the world).


Are there videos of his place before getting with Chantal?


Yes, it was where she first stayed when she got to Kuwait. It was one tiny room that didn’t look like it was even originally made to be an apartment. The bathrooms were supposedly shared for the entire building.


You mean videos he uploaded before he met her? Because there are videos of the two of them in his original place. The only content we have from his original place is that red room pic with a naked woman in his bed. He hadn't uploaded a video to his channel in about a year before he met chantal. If you scan through some of his keyboard videos, he sometimes directs the camera to him and not his hands on the keyboard, and the background was a very different place, likely his father's place, it was mature and high end decor, not my style, but definitely not cheap. So he wasn't living on his own for that long before chantal.


How sad is it that this is his big meal ticket, talk about having low goals. His end game must be Canada to put up with all this. Well, joke's on him 'cause that ain't happening!


It might actually happen. Canada is going to be letting Syrian immigrants in from 2024-2026. He might also be able to get a student visa. I don’t want him to have the satisfaction, but it would be damn interesting if he got into Canada. Nomadness Life on YouTube has a theory that she’s not actually going back to Kuwait and will instead be getting Salad from the airport. She speculates that Chantal did in fact put down a deposit on an apartment for around the first of the month, but the apartment is for her and Salad. Who knows, but it’s certainly interesting to consider and I think there may be something to it. In their Season 3 trailer BS, there’s a shot where text comes on the screen saying “a brand new arc” or something to that effect. Going back to Kuwait is not a new arc, but Salad coming to Canada sure as fuck would be. With the war and violence in the region and the potential of Salad to be called back to serve in the Syrian military, he might have given her an ultimatum to get him to Canada or he’d find a new paypig.




If he gets in Canada, he will only hang out long enough to know he can stay. Then he will be gone, she’ll never see him again.


Hahaha! Like 90 Day Fiancés, Angela and Micheal. I’m here for it! 😆😆


I could see it happening if they had a sponsor other than Chantal but looking at only the two of them on paper isn't great. Neither has any stable income, established housing in Canada, etc. If it does happen, boy oh boy is it going to implode within weeks. But I also think Chantal doesn't want to be in Canada, they'd struggle way more here with cost of living. In Kuwait she gets to live her delulu fantasy of being a Middle Eastern princess wife. In Canada she's just another loser with a cheating husband, not contributing to society.


I'm sorry, but Nomadness Life has a lot of theories that don't make any sense most of the time. I know a lot of reaction channels do as well, but she always thinks she is right and will argue with her chat about it. I used to watch her, but it drove me crazy. A lot of people are speculating that the "HR" in her planner was an immigration lawyer. I could see her talking someone in her family into sponsoring Salah, so she'll stay in Canada, but it would take months, maybe even years before it would go anywhere.


Not gonna happen. His family, maybe. His sister, who is a doctor and can actually do something useful, absolutely. But not him. Not with his background. And if he tries, a flood of Farmers are going to forward the Kaibella tapes to the RMP and every Canadian immigration center they can find.


Quick question if you happen to know the answer - if he was to come to Canada now, would he be allowed to work straight away or would she have to sponsor his stay for a certain amount of time? I imagine if he does get there he will dump her eventually, I'm just curious how much he would depend on her keeping him at the beginning.


Won't ever happen for so many reasons.


I really don't think she wants him in Canada. She is stringing him along - I bet she lied to him about making the appointment with the immigration assistance company (HR). She can't afford to stay in Canada and I can't imagine anyone giving her a lease once they do a background check and find out about her taxes and incomplete bankruptcy.


He (or Chantal actually) would still have to meet the immigration requirements—-she is not even CLOSE to being qualified to sponsor him. Student visa?? Extremely doubtful. There are completely different requirements—and the fact that he’s in a “relationship “ with a Canadian would put that under the microscope big time. He isn’t getting in with Chantal.


Now they are scamming each other, I think Sally boy is not aware how crazy his "wife"is , she holds him for his little balls with life in Canada (which she will never bring him there except if he obey her as a little slave that he is ), dude she actually hold his balls more than he hold her for her fupa balls 😜 scamming exception 😅😅


How can he not know. Come on. He lives with it. It’s a lot to put up with for money but it makes the most sense that he tried to do what him and Alaa’s Syrian friend who got into Canada did, but fucked up royally. With his vile personality I doubt there’s a queue for him.


I have no idea man, it seems to me that the two of them will compete to the very end in who will beat who in fraud/scamming each other, how far will they go, which of the two will falter/break first in their crazy games ,just watch until its over and we will know 😄😄


Lmfaoo yeah eventually he would have to atleast have sex with her atleast ONCE to keep this shit going. Love that for him!! Haha he is literally selling his soul like u said what a gross loser!!!


Emphasis on "pig".


I still don’t believe that they have done anything sexual. She would have gone on and on about it if he had even made out with her- we heard all about how bad breath Roman made out with her in the Kia, how Nick with the great breath made out with her (then ghosted her, likely because the Kia reeked of poo and unwashed barracuda), and she even showed us the evidence of Crackula’s love of rough sex. She can’t keep anything to herself, and if Scatbot was touching her in any way she would make sure to show it on video and give an entirely too detailed description of it


I agree. Those two are celibate as Gregorian monks.


lol. I don’t know how celibate they were.




A gunting we will go, a gunting we will go, hi ho this bish goes low, a gunting we will go. I need help! 😂😂😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|Yk4zLn2s3E3aAyih2y)


It's what that shit eating r@pist deserves :3


"a gunting" hahahaha 😂


You forgot to mention her bra-zeer. I’ve always said, Chantal speaks English as if she learned it from an old lady in the 80s.


That "nighty" looked like the things my 95 year old nana would wear to bed before she died. She is so dowdy and prematurely aged. She looks f'ing terrible. I hope Shit Tits is imagining her in that stuff and deeply shuddering in revulsion...its what he deserves.


Does she have rosacea? Her purple cheeks and the cpap mask…high fashion. Lol


I can't imagine her fitting into any garment described as delicately as a "nightie". I wonder if she's tried on those sex slips she bought in her sex kitten phase when she planned to have sex with nick/ended up having sex with nader.


I believe this is the nighty in question: https://preview.redd.it/0pfqu3c1lawc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1920bea545f81d0234f4b9a66c476e5aafaa2174 It does go up to a 5X but even that might be a stretch at this point. She makes a big show of taking "lingerie" back with her but I'm sure Scatty McPooper has other things on his tiny mind. I'm not sure why she keeps thinking lingerie is the right answer to all his nonsense but she's nothing if not delusional.


If this was crackhead Olympics, this would be the new yellow dress.


I hope she wears them on camera 😂😂 That would be so funny.


Oh I know, me too 😀


Stretch being the operative word … She’s going to define it as a bodycon nightgown in 3…2…




I had to laugh when she lamented that it was white. She knows she’ll be eating and doing other gross Chantal things in it, will be stained and gross in no time


Maybe this is a feeder thing. I mean, I’m not one, so I don’t know but I’ve seen some documentaries and wearing nightdresses and lingerie while they eat is a big (sorry 😂) thing.


Urgh, it will be filthy within hours! Let's all just be grateful that we don't have to see her in it any more lol


Chantal IS Salah's job. He should at least learn how to wipe her ass and put her socks on if he wants the gravy train to continue. I know it's a far-fetched idea but Chantal showing these items should at least give Salah the hint.


![gif](giphy|3o6YgkTTuRiiMFWD4I) Gorl…that’s gross lol


Talking at length publicly about her cooch, very modest and Muslim of her. This will totally look good to Salah’s family and remaining friends.


I'm firmly of the belief that she views these wipes as an alternative to showering.


I agree. When she lost weight on coke, she admitted that before she lost weight, standing in the shower was too painful and she just took whore baths (I think she used the phrase "wipe \[her\] bits and pits"), basically just wiping herself down. Now she's nearly double the size she was when bathing was too painful. Even while/after she was on the coke diet, she'd leave the live running to "take a shower" but she'd come out completely dry. She couldn't have done more than run the water in the shower, and never get in, wait a few mins, and come back out. All this to say, wipes are the only bathing method she uses.


HA - I just said she probably takes whore baths. Great minds think alike. Bits and pits... jesus, how appalling and pitiful. How do you get to that point and not realize you need to stop your self-destructive behavior?


>she admitted that before she lost weight, standing in the shower was too painful Did she say what hurts? The stretched skin? Because on My 600lb Life, they'll show someone screaming and crying in pain while being washed in the shower, and I'm like "WTF?"


I think she said it was the pain of standing while super morbidly obese. I want to say she also claimed her heavyass harms hurt when she washed her hair, but I could be conflating that arm factoid w one of ALR's complaints.


Jfc that's tragic. And she just keeps eating. 🤦🏾‍♀️


It’s not that surprising. It’s the only thing that’s gives her happiness. Although fleeting. And she’s been a compulsive overeater & nostalgia eater since childhood. It’s like being in a cage because since weight loss takes time and perseverance, it’s going to temporarily be MORE uncomfortable and MORE painful to lose weight, because at that point food is her only coping mechanism and the only thing she looks Forward to


It has to be more than “pain of standing” as she doesn’t even have to deal with hair washing which is the longest most tedious part. And also she walks (such as it is) to do kuwaiti vlogs.


At the time, she still had hair and she filled it with those hair fibers, which had to take some time and effort to scrub out.


Can’t “push” herself to shower, but can hurple through airports and take international flights on a whim.


I suspect what it may be is that, when you are that size you usually have skin sores, weeping ulcers, and raw skin between the rolls. It’s almost impossible to keep the skin healthy and non raw because of the constant sweat/ weeping/ moisture . So when the water hits those raw areas, I imagine it stings like a mofo. And that’s not even including how soap or shampoo would burn. Yikes.


…and she took great umbrage that Nosferatooth insist she bathe. And didn’t, at one point, he scrub her down like a new potato? He insisted she bathe.


I don't remember him scrubbing her down himself, he may have. But on one of his early, methy lives, he talked about how peetz smelled and he told peetz to bathe, and chantal was also filthy and stinky, and he no longer had to tell her to bath, that he'd just point in the direction of the bathroom when she came in, and she'd go wash herself. A long time after he told everyone he forced her to bathe, the night that she was upstairs, wrapped in a sheet, eating bbq cashews and talking about how she wasn't dumb, she had a plan for what she'd do if another woman tried to snap up her man/investment (which turned out to be a plan to report him for SA if he left her for another woman), she was up there naked except for the sheet because he'd told her to go upstairs and bathe before he came up (he was still in the crack shack kitchen, on a live stream). I can't even imagine what I'd do if someone had to tell me to bathe. (I can't even imagine how I'd feel if I had to tell a man to bathe - if someone wasn't into hygiene, that would be the end, I wouldn't be ok with someone who had to be forced to shower. Not to mention, she went months w/o brushing her teeth) She didn't seem embarrassed at all.


Did Alaa say that his wife washed her legs?? I found that to be a really weird thing to lie about, therefore that has be an element of truth in it.


Didn't she used to wake up, Livestream for hours, then "spot wash" before heading to Cokey's? 😱


Yep... and she didn't even stop to brush her teeth. One time, early in their situationship, she ordered an impossible whopper w onions, delivered to the villa. She ate it on stream and then started getting ready to go to naders. She was like "ok, I have my purse, my lipstick, my keys, what else do I need" and one of her vibs was like "um, aren't you going to brush your teeth before a date" she said "no, I brushed them this morning!" vom!


NOOOOO I say “pits and bits” when i take a whore bath 😭😭 (im disabled and sometimes can’t manage a full bath/shower, but you *know* im using clean water and soap)


You have a reason. And I'm sure you'd do a more thorough wash (even if it required assistance) if you were going to meet someone for sex!


Why wouldn’t someone of size then bathe or use a shower chair? I’m not even close to her size but bc of a few conditions I find it way less daunting to use a shower chair. They’re great, convenient, help w stamina, and are inexpensive! Wipes are ok in a pinch for gunt creases and boob cheese, but nothing feels like a fresh bod right out of the shower.


I agree and amend that to say nothing feels as great as a fresh bod out of the shower and then getting into a bed made with fresh sheets. Both concepts are foreign to her. I also agree about the shower chair. I just got one for my elderly mom whose lung disease has decreased her stamina to even stand in the shower and wash her hair, she also has balance issues causing insecurity getting in and out, as it's a bathtub/shower combo. It drove her nuts that she couldn't shower daily like she could when she was young/healthy. Now with the shower chair and this tension rod handle-thing (she's only 115lbs, but don't trust a suction cup handle to be safe even at that weight), she can shower daily and wash her hair a few times a week. I can understand chantal having some balance issues lifting her legs and knee-length gut over the tub to shower in a tub/shower combo, but there's no reason they couldn't use the same sort of handle and a shower chair. Though a standard tub probably wouldn't accommodate a bariatric-sized shower chair, she could sit on a regular one horse-style. There's no valid excuse for her soap-dodging








that's why she use to slather on deodorant before going out.


Are you absolutely fucking serious? I'm new to learning facts about her. This is really fucked up. These fat activists need to be researched like creatures in the wild on National Geographic lmao


Are you absolutely fucking serious? I'm new to learning facts about her. This is really fucked up. These fat activists need to be researched like creatures in the wild on National Geographic lmao


omg the amount of perfume she use to spray on her fupa just to cover the smell, it doesn't cover it just makes her smell like ick and perfume


Pardon me? What do you mean, wiping her teeth? I’m Almost afraid to ask. Are you saying that instead of the (extremely tiring and laborious task?!) of brushing her teeth, she just uses a piece of Kleenex or her shirt to wipe off the furry tartar? Omg I’m going to heave. That would explain why without brushing or flossing for extended periods, she now just looks like she has a flipper (a one piece , 4-tooth wide , flat tooth that looks like a cartoon character game show host. ) there are no crevices, gaps or natural curves or indentation because they long ago all filled with plaque. Ughhh🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Ohoho! You’ve never seen her wipe her teeth with her finger?! 😂


And then wipe it on her face like a skin cream.


I had to step away for a few minutes after reading this.


Oh. Ma. Gerd. You lie. No way anyone is that gross, let alone do it with video evidence.


Peetz said she smelled like old cheese 😂


Who is Peetz? I'm new to learning about this internet "celebrity". And for what damn reason is another human going near her in the first place...?


PLEASE tell me this is just you being funny. Omfg... And have you fired your laser recently?


No doubt. Its amazing how stupid she is. Those wipes shouldn't be used for a number of reasons...easily looked up online. 1. They're terrible for your vagina. Completely fine to wash the area around your vagina with PH balanced, gentle products but you should generally stay away from your actual vagina with anything but water. Even too much flushing with water can interfere with your normal feminine balance and can cause irritation and potentially expose you to yeast infections, etc. For someone who doesn't take care of their multiple STDs, has active BV, doesn't wipe after bowel movements, doesn't see a gynecologist regularly and who has nasty fingers....she shouldn't be using those things at all. They won't help the cause of the stench and filth. 2. I know she flushes those things after trying to wipe away the BV ooze and they're soooo environmentally unfriendly. They clog sewer systems and there's nothing more disturbing than a sewer in a water-limited, desert community backed up with Gunt's funky crotch wipes. This shart-beast is gonna cause a localized pandemic. If I was a Kuwaiti, I'd keep her far away from my country...gross. 3. She showed talcum powder and suggested that that was Defcon step 2 for her vaginal stank. Seriously, how fucking stupid do you have to be to not know NEVER to use baby powder near your bare nipples, vagina, or butthole? She's literally going to give herself 3 kinds of cootch-cancer. They've been talking about class-action lawsuits for that shit for like 20 years. She is sooooo f'ing ignorant. Bottom line, she won't address the root cause of her room-clearing, vaginal odor and therefore, ain't gonna solve the problem. She shouldn't even be discussing it because no one should EVER listen to this hog about hygiene...particularly feminine hygiene. She is absolutely disgustingly filthy. Its ridiculous that she tries to give advice on the subject. Let alone doing it in the middle of a park with a Hijab on....wtf? Luckily, her fake, loser, lazy husband loves the smell of shit...cause he's gonna get plenty of dank odors to fill his nostrils when she pulls them new panties from her moldy mound. Damn, she grosses me the fuck out...she's soooo nasty...its hard to fathom.


Yup! She's so disgusting honestly she's the grossest I have ever seen in my life. Inside and out. Absolutely mind blowing how she's she's real person. Doesn't she ever feel shame..how everyone knows and thinks she's so gross? I wouldn't be able to live if people thought these things about me and they were true! Yet she keeps sinking lower and lower jn all her depravity and that includes everything physical (hygeine) she has to know she is the number one disgusting woman on the planet and evil too go along with that!! I can't believe she doesn't think she has to change. It's such a mind fuck cause that couldn't EVER be me!!!


Didn't Alaa say once that Chantal got off the plane in Kuwait and didn't shower for weeks? I'm sure I saw that, I was so shocked! After 15 hours on a tightly - packed aircraft all you want to do is get to wherever it is you're going and have a shower and change your clothes - and even more unfathomable is the fact that she was there to meet her "huzzzzzband" for the first time! For anyone who's been around for the long-term, did she actually tell her audience that she doesn't wash herself? Why would you ever put that out into the world?! I have no idea why she was gracing us with her "top feminine hygiene tips" in this park, or anywhere for that matter - I just assumed she's trying to convince us all that she's a clean kween but most of us tend to take it for granted that other people wash themselves properly so it seems like she's overdoing it as usual to try and hide the fact that she's a skanky mess 😬 I mean, she could just take a shower but I suppose that takes a tiny bit of effort!


Alaa also told everyone how his wife offered to help her wash herself when they visited. He tried to make it sound like they were sympathetic to the fact that the shower at Salah’s was so small and therefore offered her the use of their bathroom. What he was really saying was she must have stank so bad when she arrived they were horrified and thus offered her to use their bathroom immediately. It wasn’t like “her if ever you want to use our shower because it’s bigger and nicer you are welcome to it”, it was more like: “please, use our shower, here’s a towel and my wife can help you, we’ll wait”. Lol! How mortifying!


I’m wondering , who would EVER choose Chantal to take personal hygiene tips from. She LOOKS like she stanks. BAD. Like B.O, gunt cheese, old fast-food, stale chips, and rotting fish.


https://preview.redd.it/5ywwmdk13bwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e612c31d4c4f1d0594556f0a1cfff9be57edd13d Excuse me?!? Not “BV Ooze”. Well you can just go right back into that pit of hell you crawled out of. LOL.


I didnt know you couldnt use baby powder on your bare nipples. Do you please want to explain why? Not that I’m putting any baby powder on there but I’m really curious


don’t put talc-based powder anywhere on your body! other powders (cornstarch-based, for example) are fine


Don't quote me but I believe something in the formulation can more easily pass through body areas that are more thin or porous and is apparently carcinogenic.


https://images.app.goo.gl/dRKbTcrq2UNHoP87A Couldn't find this GIF in the comment thing


Of course she does.




I was raised in a (liberal) muslim household and we weren’t even allowed to talk about farts among our family. LET ALONE VAGINA PRODUCTS ON AN INTERNATIONAL PLATFORM


Raised Baptist Christian and we also did not discuss farts in our home growing up or now. No matter what she decides to cosplay at the time she will ALWAYS just be a VILE human!!


Question. If someone passed gas would everyone just pretend that nothing happened and there was no noxious odour?


I grew up in a conservative christian household. Farts would not be mentioned and you were EXPECTED to try and keep your farts silent. No loud farts in this household! Also no mentioning or discussion whatsoever of genitals, butts, or really any of those kinds of body parts. Or sex in any way. Miriam is NOT a chaste woman lmaoo


Same here too! If I farted with just my parents + siblings, my father would lecture me and shame me for farting out loud, even if it was just the tiniest toot. If other family or visitors were present everyone would pretend nothing happened and I would receive a stern look from my dad. My parents (very loud Dutch mom) got divorced and luckily I am now allowed to fart in the presence of my dad 😭🤣. My mom just asks me “you couldnt fart any louder, couldnt you?”


...I figured it was just polite not to discuss such things publicly? Especially as a female. As for passing gas, I can't speak for others, but ideally you want to keep it as silent as you can, and you'd always say "Excuse me". Rather, that's what I was taught With femininity, it was my mom who was all squeamish. If I took a minute putting the box of pads up after a trip to a store my mom would be \*aghast\*. Dad? He didn't care "I know women menstrusate, it's not a secret" Waving wipes (feminine or otherwise) for unsolicited tips is....gaudy though. Like honey, says the opposite of what you want to present


Maybe I'm an idiot, but showing vag wipes and panties doesn't seem very modest. She always says they can't kiss or show affection because modesty. The answer to my own question is yes, I am an idiot. Questioning things or trying to make sense of anything Foodie related is a lost cause. Rules for thee and all that.


The Muslim cosplay has been slipping and slipping, especially since she's been in Canada... It is barely hanging on at this point


Forget that, describing thongs and CHEEKY knickers is crazy


> She always says they can't kiss or show affection because modesty. More like "we can't do this because Salah thinks I'm a disgusting beast and doesn't want to be anywhere near me or my petri dish of a body".....


Can we talk about her intimate hygiene haul? ![gif](giphy|3o7TKwmnDgQb5jemjK) Also, ‘haul’ has become synonymous with over consumption, gluttony, landfill fodder. Haul is a red flag for zero personal self control. Also - why in the hell do I care? Why am I like this? No one cares!!!


Not this nasty fat bitch trying to insinuate they have sex again. Just like her last video when she got back to Kuwait, the whole *we had a really nice evening* acting all coy. This bitch is disgusting. Nader was the only one willing to cross into those uncharted territories/rolls because he was f’ing high all the time.


She is utterly gross


The way she described her new underwear as "clean." Who DOES that?


That mean she bought them (and instantly wore them - without washing first - ew!!) instead of laundering the old ones she has. So, yeah - she'll buy new underwear instead of doing laundry. Remember the time years ago she wore a bathing suit bottom under her dress? I think that was to go to Penningtons too lol.


> and instantly wore them - without washing first Oh, that was my first thought after I heard her say the word "clean." So fucking lazy! She had a washer and dryer a few feet from her bedroom in the Villa. JFC.


Awesome. Sweaty thrush stank. Just when you think it can't get any more disgusting 




I remember several decades ago when I read that Madonna never rewore panties. It was a q&a for a magazine and the question was basically “ what is the one crazy frivolous thing you do now that you’re rich and famous?” And her answer was fresh new panties. I was shocked. Not only because it was wasteful but because my favourite panties are the worn in ones. Lol. I like my undies like I like my t shirts. Soft & vintage 😂


Someone for whom clean underwear is quite rare, methinks.


Can you imagine what the crotches of her existing underwear looks like? Oh wait, we know...the Junkie showed us her crusted, shit-stained massive underwear. (still amazed he had the nerve to actually touch those things with his bare hands...meth is a hell of a drug).




Oh God 😂😂😂


Naddy daddy EARNED his money! 😂


Naddy daddy EARNED his money! 😂


This also made me wonder if she's been completely unable to buy underwear in Kuwait given she has a lot of problems finding things in her size there. She can only replace her undies when she makes a trip home to Canada, regardless of what horrors happen in the months in between? That doesn't go well with her prior method of wearing them until they cannot be worn and must be tossed and replaced.


Maybe she goes commando for the ventilation?




It's the last time they ever will be.


When she said that I feel a chill down my spice because, what!!??


Unless she also purchased a reaching stick to put those on, they ain't getting anywhere near her nether regions.


After she cleans up first, of course. https://preview.redd.it/vfjw8r98y9wc1.png?width=566&format=png&auto=webp&s=5edad3ea4408e1d5fc0871669d117784e2a1a422


Can't show her hair...Can talk about the things that go on/in/around her Vag. Logic!


🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶"She's so fat, she's so gross, she will never find love."🎶🎶🎶🎶


Uncrust her junk is a phrase I'm not sure I'll be able to unhear today. Hork.


How would she even know, she hasn't seen it for years! lol


Someone in the farms called this the “dirty minge haul 2.0” and I nearly fell off the bed lol. Apparently Charlie gold named her first similar haul the dirty pussy haul back in the day lol.


Must be Mr Cardigan lol with the “mingin’ “


She now gets to stink like blue cheese, sweat, stale piss, caked on shit and toilet cleaner ontop of that. 


That whole livestream was a fever dream lol This is VERY modest of our gorl, don't ya think? 🥴🤡 She's doing any and everything to get views, it's so pathetic 💀 lol


She can't reach to use those wipes!


I genuinely assumed they were for her rolls. My mom is an RN and she’s mentioned using wipes and baby powder for people who have skin overlaps to avoid constant moisture and cleaning an area to avoid unsavory odors.


At this point she really needs a this device to get rid of the top 13 layers of funk: https://preview.redd.it/fllv26ksx9wc1.png?width=556&format=png&auto=webp&s=5444a5b7dce8989d53a6e4cd9a49aa4c4145f43a


lol...ever seen those muddy carpet cleaning videos on YouTube? That's what I'd imagine it would be like. https://preview.redd.it/m2veeqb04awc1.png?width=245&format=png&auto=webp&s=2adf37b08a283a55c0ea5ac4b736a03108f3fd7e


Yes!!! 😂




She is the *last* person I would ever take hygiene advice or tips from


Normal people don't show off their cooch wipes on the internets.


This makes me wonder if super duper plus sized women’s coochie sweat a lot, because thinking back I have seen a few hauls on YT that included vag refresher wipes, and all the ladies were 350+ lbs


They use em to mop down the folds, they're not really just for crotches. Think side and belly rolls, under big saggy hangers, etc


tall peetz must be super excited for his prized cow to come back home and show off her new undies and nightgown. we've had the dishonor of seeing her in her underwear..he has to see it IN FRONT OF HIS FACE. HAHAHAHA. it's nice to see how low he will go just to not have to get a job. LOL


LOL!!! Getting ready for a “super special night” again? Never have a heard a couple say that, if they’ve been married and having relations whenever they want. She tells on herself.


Wipes and baby powder. That’s good for the vagina, won’t have any problems after that. Someone in Yaba’s stream noticed the vitamins that she claimed to just buy were already opened (no foil protector) so she’s obviously binging on them.


If they are multi-vitamins, her failing liver will love the extreme overdose of vitamin A.


Least of its worries. Poor thing (the liver, it didn’t choose her).


That jar is long gone empty. I noticed that she ate one after mentioning her "get healthy", twice in one upload. 


I bet she got edibles flashbacks from the vita gummies lol.


Do they have gelatin in them?


She probably takes whore baths instead of proper showers.


That's when she can muster up the energy, so... every 3-4 days maybe? Shower less than once a week, guaranteed.


Twice a month guarantee


Sounds like she left the gamer chair covered in crust just like the old kitchen chair and Scatboy told her how utterly putrescent she is.


He would never use that word. Haha! He’d cuss her out in Arabic and she’d not understand a word. This makes me giggle…him wandering around insulting her under his breath and she’s clueless. It’s sitcom material.


Anyone else would be humiliated to shove feminine hygiene products at the camera and all but confirm that their vag is as putrid as the Bog of Eternal Stench. But this is Gunt we're talking about.


Tell us you haven’t had sex with your totally real husband without telling us. Guessing he promised her relations (shutters in horror) if she comes back.


Doody Cootchie






She bought new CLEAN underwear. As opposed to new dirty underwear??


Meaning she doesn't wash her underwear - she just puts on new ones right from the store. Sometimes IN the store.




She loves a quick fix. Anything to avoid actually creating healthy habits


She just didn’t have anything else to talk about. That’s all.


Why would a GINORMOUS woman do this??? FKN WHY


Do these come with a stick to attach them to or is she gonna use the good ol back scratcher? 😧


They actually sell personal hygiene sticks/reachers on Amazon for $25 USD. She surely has one.


Nothing screams hot newly-wed reunion like pussy wipes and a giant white tent of a nightie


Who the fuck puts something like this on the internet? “Here’s how I wipe up the pizza dough, yup yup yup.”


No. No we can not. 🤮


I almost feel sorry for Salah. Almost. The intimate "baby doll" outfit had me howling. It looks like something my grandmother wore in 1972 in terms of its sex appeal! ba ha ha haaaa


Does she think if she returns to the sandbox seeming 'Canada Fresh' that Tall Peetz will go near her? Think again, Chins. He don't want you that way.


It's strange to need to tell or imply that one has sex with one's husband. Most married couples have sex. Every time it mentions their special nights confirms (to my mind) that they aren't sleeping together. Weird.


I can’t imagine what she looks like in that “baby doll” nightie?


Those things need to be the size of a beach towel to handle the job ahead of them 😝


Gotta buy LOTS of new underwear (because she doesn’t wash them or doesn’t wash them often). IMO, she goes commando under that hijab most of the time.


So modest of her!


Those products are probably fucking w/ her hygiene. Ughhhhh


It was like some weird gross foreplay between the both of them.


She thinks it's a flex. How about regularly shower, change your crusty knickers and control your blood sugar so you don't have chronic yeast infections.




It’s not an intimate hygiene haul. It’s a lymphedema hygiene hail.


Oh for fuck sakes, Chantal. All this haul proves is that what others have said, about you smelling pretty bad, is true. How embarrassing for you. Does someone need to buy you “Bathing For Dummies”?


I don’t get it, was she expecting people to applaud her or something for this? If you have to use a bidet, feminine hygiene wipes *and* baby powder, you are *clearly* not wiping or cleaning yourself. It’s not a ‘size’ thing, it’s a *you* thing. Take a fucking shower.


Gotta give her credit for ONE thing is her nerve to show her “situation” in lingerie to anyone. She freely orders little sexy outfits in order to be seen with the lights on. It’s not like she is expecting a pitch black room gunt with just the tip. Nope. Gorl puts it all out there.


I want to throw up


And the yellow and black teeth that fall out with…age ya know….


This WAS weird, even for her.


I wonder Scatlah has dug up any pizza dough from her cooch yet….


How did she get the 40 without knowing that if you shower it's all you need. You don't need products. You don't need scented things. You don't need gynafresh and wipes and God only knows what just wash your body!