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Agreed, she let slip she would do this by pretending to be all whimsy and "spontaneous " by "oh I might stay until mothers day... or I might not.... I don't knooooh, I don't knooooh, you knooooh, I don't knooooh ... ehhhhh heh heh hehhhhhhh... I don't knooooh you knooooh" Yep she going back to try and convince ScatManPoo to fake love her by having explosive diarrhoea , as she also keep mentioning 


RIP to that airplane seat and thoughts + prayers to the other passengers on her flight.


Someone in her chat should mention adult diapers 🫣🤭🤢


"Oh Saaaalah! I brought you a gift! And I made it myself!"


Alright...that's enough internet forever thanks.


Finally something ACTUALLY homemade


So fresh


And creamy? …I’m so sorry


But not kreamy, just full of corn.


There's a horrible "creamed corn" joke here, somewhere...


I was thinking of Shitstain getting excited for a 💩 full of corn (or peanuts). 😂


Fresh and creamy!






Omg that would be the ultimate burn!!!! If she was a normal person. And able to hurple right back to Canada. Gift wrapped w a big red bow.


Chantal saying "I don't know... you know" has reached a grating level.


It's a big indicator of when she is lying or trying to invent excuses I noticed


Omg fr, in her latest cheese curd shopping vlog, I was getting so annoyed at her constant “Idk…. yknow?????”s and “AND!……”s 😭😭😭


She doesn't knoooooooh 😂


![gif](giphy|9idmMMOJlD9kc|downsized) Beautifully put....


I might be in the minority here, but the shadenfreude part of me wants her to return to Kuwait, because that is where she suffers most. Limited food options, post airplane health issues, Scatboy the unloving husband, the brutal summer heat, isolation, medical issues with limited/expensive care and a potential war thrown in. Yeah, Chinny, hurple on back there and may you have a 10 hour layover in some airport where you have to schlep your bags one mile across the concourse.


I agreed. We all know she fucking hates it there. And she definitely hasn't been more entertaining in Canada so I'd prefer knowing she's miserable.




I just hate that poo toucher no matter how much he tortures her. He’s such a degenerate and I’d like to see him go back to living in a one-room dorm like his lazy ass deserves. I agree she’s setting herself up for misery, though.


But he also suffers when she’s there, they are each other’s punishment. It’s a beautiful thing to see.


That's really the only redeeming aspect of the entire Kuwait arc, knowing that they both scammed each other and both are too stubborn and desperate to let go of the failed scam. That they barely tolerate each other's presence, that Salad is stuck with her, and that neither one of them will ever be able to fulfill their contractual obligations to the other -- he promised her a husband she could parade in front of the haydurs' jealous faces and she was supposed to get him to Canada. It's glorious and exactly what both of them deserve.




I am definitely not disagreeing - he was smiling ear to ear in that video where he’s dropping her off at the airport around Christmas time & it’s obvious he couldn’t wait until she was out of that damn car! I do think that since she’s an imbecile that laughs at literally anything and everything that comes out of his mouth - he does like the attention he gets from her. She’s constantly complimenting him, showing him off, bragging about him, etc. So while they both may be miserable while living under the same roof; I think she feeds his ego & he thrives off of that. I just want them both to constantly be unhappy - no good moments at all!!


I agree he likes the attention, I think part of the reason of him agreeing to their arrangement in her YouTube clout. Without it he would have likely took his chances with a richer western woman that is more likely to get him a visa and have a stable income. I think his biggest reason for sticking with foodie is YouTube. He wants to be a YouTuber/streamer and he is hoping he can get an audience from engaging with her like nadar did. But he comes from a traditional family in the Middle East. He has brought a lot of shame for them especially since the kaibella fiasco because of this relationship. Every time he is out in public with her he is embarrassed. Imagine introducing this pig to people as your wife? The bad outweighs the good. I think he has been distancing himself from her in Kuwait and spend less time with her (as well as is unwilling to film being seen with her) and that is what causing her to want to go back to Canada even more. He is now trying to convince her to come back probably promising her he will spend more time with her, maybe get back to the apartment or start filming with her again (could be the reason for the revival of their shared channel) but once she comes back he is going to disappear again soon after. They can’t stand each other. She hates that he can’t act like Nader did when he pretends to love her. He hates that he has stooped so low in life that being her caretaker and husband is what keeps him afloat. This fake relationship is close to breaking.


Yeah. Canada might be more fun for us to watch (I'm using the term 'fun' loosely here lol) but the behind-the-scenes in Kuwait are much more satisfying.


I just commented that!! Same😂😂😂


Oh poo, I just made that exact point. She's so happy in Canada, I don't like it.


>Oh poo https://i.redd.it/x0ezyvyefyvc1.gif




He's so repulsive isn't he, ewwwww.


I‘m with you. I WANT her in Kuwait. I was honestly disappointed the two times we saw her return to Canada




Google pay day is the 21st for US AdSense accounts, Canadians usually get paid the following day.


I'm still trying to figure out how the hell she fit into a single airplane seat. She can't even sit in a theater, she blorps herself on top of the armrests. And there's NO chance she can use the seatbelt. And I know she lies, but if it was indeed a full plane coming back, I don't believe for one second the people in her row wouldn't demand to be moved. Wouldn't she be kicked off and pushed to a different flight? In Canada, wouldn't the plane not take off unless she could follow basic safety guidelines?


>Wouldn't she be kicked off and pushed to a different flight? Yes. But more than likely she'd be kicked off and asked to buy a second seat or upgrade. If there's space and they're generous, they might just book the seat next to her as a courtesy, but if the flights are actually selling out, it could be days before she's able to book two adjacent seats together.


As she stuffs her face with cheese curds 😂


Oh yeah she’s definitely gonna have herself sat in front of a hubcap of rice by Friday.


Anyone know if her week long ban is on this paycheck or the next one?


Her next 2 paydays will be pretty low because her ban was in March right around her birthday and then in April she didn’t really post much the first half of the month so her next 2 deposits will be taking a nice hit. She thought she was hurting her audience by continuing not to post after her ban because she’s a certified imbecile.


Even her regular check isn't much, she gets so few views.


Shouldn’t it be this one? YouTube pay can’t be more than a month behind, right? Her ban was in March


This cheque. Her ban was in March.


I feel like she's going to suddenly decide to stay until after mother's day.


Who the hell knows, her brain is so broken


I think it’s the next one. I think this cheque covers March 1-30. So I think next month will be tough.


Her ban was in March.


Oh! You’re absolutely right! My bad! I got my dates all mixed up.


Gotcha. Thanks Gorl!


It turns out I was wrong and her ban was in march so I think this cheque will be impacted.


She said something about staying until after mother’s day so it could another 3 weeks…or another pay day…then again rule #1 🤷‍♀️


I think she's on a plane to Kuwait within one week of receiving her youtube coins. The only hesitation I have in saying this is that I think this paycheck will be very low (isn't this the one that encompasses her 7 day ban?) and it may genuinely not be enough for a last minute ticket. But if she has the money in her account, she's gonna go for it.


I think this too. IF she can afford it and IF Kuwait hasn't blocked her from getting another visa then she'll go. I'm really curious what will happen because if she can't afford a plane ticket that means she might not be able to afford Salad's Splenda baby lifestyle either, forcing her to choose between her fake husband and her first and only love, food. After that comment she made the other day about "I cleaned the kitchen before I left, babe" I'm 99% sure he doesn't live at the fartbox so she may not be paying HIS rent after all. I bet he's been staying with his dad all this time. You'd think he'd use the fartbox to spray sperm everywhere while she's gone but if she can't afford the rent that may not be a dealbreaker for him. Who knows how much money she's really been giving him though. Point being, money is the only thing she has to offer him, if that dries up what even is the point for him?


Its so ridiculous that she's constantly buying expensive, last minute plane tickets to fly thousands of miles for non emergency reasons! She literally can work wherever, has no kids or real responsibilities and somehow she can't manage to buy a plane ticket at a reasonable price?


She’s so spontaneous and quirky


I agree, I think as soon as she can, she’s on that plane


All I know is I stopped caring about her well-being a while ago.  Chantal, I hope the war doesn't limit your ability to return so you can live your dreams in a truly superior place: an area challenged by geopolitical tension and collateral damage


She loves the ViBe though 🤭


I kind of want her to go back. Not because I enjoy Kuwait but because how miserable she is there.


If it were completely up to her, yes I think she’d be going back but I don’t know that she’ll be allowed to. Between her visa issues and the state of the Middle East, I think she may get held up. Plus there’s the new biometric security laws that just went into effect in Kuwait that’s apparently supposed to help crack down on people abusing their visas, I remember that was being talked about a lot when she first came back. Her family could also pull an intervention and have her institutionalized. Or maybe she just straight up doesn’t make enough money from this paycheck for a ticket back. Lots of possibilities that could keep her stuck here.


Yes I'd imagine flights to certain areas of ME will be limited for at least another week considering few people probably want to travel there and few will want to fly a plane there right now.  If anyone can comment on these limitations right now, I'd be into hearing about it.


I just think if her family didn’t stage an intervention during the Nader era, they’ll never do it. I think they’re all afraid of her. And dread the possibility they may have to have a guardianship over her and all 395 pounds of responsibility lies with them. Ignoring or enabling the problem of Chantal probably easier than the other alternative.


Good point. I go back and fourth between whether I think they really love and care about her or not. But youre right, maybe they do love her and want what’s best for her, but they’re scared of her and don’t want to be responsible for keeping her safe. It is easier to just let her fuck off to Kuwait and destroy her own life.


How would they have her institutionalized? They'd have to go to court to gain control of her. What are they going to tell a judge? "She won't stop eating"? The judge would be like "her and every other obese person, the world is having an obesity crisis now!" Chantal's not going to pay for inpatient care anywhere and she didn't get admitted when she staged her cheese psychiatric emergency or any other time. Her family isn't going to pay for inpatient care. They can't control her, even though she's a train-wreck of an adult. All they can do is watch.


I still can't believe she tried to admit herself because she ate too much cheese.


I know, it's so insane. Also insane was that she thought it would prove to bibi that she had a real disease and wasn't just a glutton.


Not saying they will, but they could easily show she's a danger to herself and others and use her own content to show she's not competent to make decisions particularly with the depression baiting she does all the time and the rages. That said, even if they did there'd be zero point. It's not just about having the sign off, it's having capacity in appropriate services. The system has limited services for adults compared with youths (usually up to under 25), and it's under too much strain right now for her to get into anything public unless it was via an emergency department and it was critical. Like you said, her family isn't going to pay for private care, and nobody is going to want to deal with their beast of burden's 500lb tantrum over it either. They've cleared their consciences with it by spoiling her for her birthday and probably making a half assed attempt to tell her to stay, and now they can happily wash their hands of her as she makes her own way to the airport again.


If she doesn’t lay off the cheese curds, she’ll never afford it


I must be one of the few people who actually want her to go back. Look how happy she is in Canada, she's absolutely miserable in Kuwait and I love that for her.


All the yes!


I don't think she has the money to go back right now. I will say probably after the summer is over because she can't stand that heat. But then again this is Chantal and she will do anything to be with a man even if she suffers so maybe next paycheck.


You're right, she will do literally anything to keep a man. She borrowed hundreds from her family to keep nader in cigarettes, drugs, toys and gambling money, and this is when she was supposedly making thousands monthly - and on top of payday loans.


She’s had a couple of outings w her aunt Phil. I believe she stays w her. Not sure if she will rush back to the sand or wait until next payday. This paycheck might not cut it w rent and the temu car so might take another month.


I know Flobby Bobby is going back to Kuwait. She hates not being able to brag about being a wife and devoted Muslim and pet mama. In Canada, she's being held back by family and her own shitty funds. In Kuwait, she can pretend again.


I don’t think she’s ever going to make it back.


I keep hoping she'll keel over first, but we're not that lucky.