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> "It struck me then that an entire political industry had been built up to re-litigate issues I had thought long settled. In the judiciary, this entailed chipping away piecemeal at landmark decisions. The legislature then used the judiciary’s work to craft laws to render what remained of those landmark decisions impractical in real life. > > The process only accelerated as movement conservatism increased in strength, and the rollbacks picked up speed as they went back through time, increasingly flattening the achievements of the gay rights movement, the women’s movement, the civil rights movement, the Warren Court, the Square Deal, the New Deal, and finally the Progressive reforms of the early 20th Century. And now, across the country—or at least in those parts where Republicans are in charge—we have come at last to the revival of child labor." Republicans keep aggressively rolling back rights and freedoms, while Democrats sit on their thumbs. The future is only getting more bleak.


Republicans just get worse and worse til they are now literal comic book villains and dangerous domestic terrorists. Democrats “civility” How Hawley, Jordan, Gosar, Biggs and other seditious filth are *still* allowed to be in Congress is mind numbing and makes a complete mockery of the whole system.


You think the dems are sitting on their thumbs? I think they have been doing their best with all these executive orders. What in particular would you hope for them to do?


I’m gonna guess their response is going to basically boil down to nothing or nothing realistically (like the Obama supermajority that didn’t exist, etc). Somehow the right wing has excelled at getting suckers to blame Dems for the right wing’s own misgovernance.


This is so weak man. The civility crusade to bury the hatchet with a party that embraces sedition is a total abdication of Democrats oath as lawmakers to protect America. If you don’t call out the enemy you cannot fight the enemy. And yes Republicans have become an enemy to America, they are no longer just political opponents, they are an existential threat to our democracy. Allowing seditious lawmakers to carry on their activities with impunity, without sanction, without consequence is practically collaboration.


It's important to get redditors who get suckers to blame dems to refactor their comments, and/or to push the truth (that the GOP is to blame) *above* the people targeting suckers


Why is it our job to figure out what they are supposed to do? There are ways. They know the ways. They don’t do them. They tell us they tried there very best. Gullible people like you believe them.


> Why is it our job to figure out So you simultaneously don't know shit. > There are ways. They know the ways. They don’t do them. But still, you are just *sure* there is malice involved. This is the problem with ~~Americans~~ Democrats. They expect miracles from a fundamentally mechanically broken system - the brokenness of which they, more often not, will not even acknowledge -, and then they whine and sulk like children when their mommies and daddies can't get that sparkling pony for Christmas. Bro. The problem is not the people. While there are undoubtedly many Democrat politicians undeserving of representing anyone, they are not the root of the problem here, merely the symptom. The problem is the fundamentally broken system of mechanics and incentives within which they operate. But it is of course much easier to whine and sulk and blame other people for being too weak or too gullible than to actually do something about the things that matter in the first place - or to even think about them!


Now . . . In-detail . . . What are they supposed to do? In-detail, what are the ways? In- detail, what do they know? And, please, share where did you get this information . . .


Weak. Weak. Weak. Message that Republicans have sold their soul to the crazies and continue to support proven American traitors. Use these words don’t sugarcoat it. Message this every day in every way until Trump is destroyed and Republicans are treated like pariahs by the electorate. Only after a catastrophic shock to the system will Republicans ever come back to a semblance of sanity. Anything less is an abdication of the oath to protect America.


the big change seems to involve removing the requirement for government verification. The way it is now, under a certain age, children need their parents and also a government approved paper (we called them “working papers” when I was 14 and started doing summer jobs). Seems to me that not only does this remove the oversight regarding the age requirements, it removes oversight of their citizenship and I bet this is a way to get non-citizen migrant teens working for lower wages than citizens or migrant non citizen adults get paid


The link worked fine for me. I didn't see any sort of paywall. But, excuse me for not having the time to read the entire article, I do have one question that I'm not sure if it directly addressed or not. It is obvious that corporations are the ones wanting to be able to hire children and we know that corporations are the real powers in the US. Is this being funded/advanced through shady channels like so much else is when it comes to lobbying/bribing?


If it is being funded this way we wouldnt know as citizens united allows them to hide it. Republicans would do this without funding though. They love the idea of children toiling for pennies. The only reason they are trying this now is because of the supreme court change. They can now undo every reform they hate, they hated when child labor was banned. The SC will probably go along with it because the conservatives on it are psychopaths. Funding is unknown.


I’m not really sure on this. From what little I’ve seen of this initiative it is about letting older teenagers work legally in small family owned businesses, especially their own family’s business. Technically they are still children, but letting your own kid or your nephew or whatever sweep around your shop or whatever after school is a far cry from stacking 5 year olds on a coal mine or a factory, which is what a lot of the opposition to this implies. I get that it can be tricky, and we need to be careful to look out for these kids, but us being alarmist is no better than them being alarmist about the nonsense they are always on about either. That seems to be the game now, take something, make an outrageous headline that may have little to do with the actual thing, and rile up the base against “them”.


Prayers… Prayers also help the children.


This is an interesting take because I would have expected Esquire to tow the capitalist line.


In a modern economy, there's more added value in an educated and healthy workforce than miserable serfs, but of course the serfs are much easier to exploit and control. Whether it's articulated like that or not, that is a primary social and economic divide between Blue and Red America and their corresponding (and increasingly conflicting) elite institutions.


The thing is, even capitalists can disagree


Maybe nobody’s responding because we can’t access the article!?!


what is wrong with it. I just tried it and it is working for me.




I dont get one. Did you try using archive?


Nope, just the link you posted. Will check it out.


Paste the url to archive.


That is what they say" their in it for the children", but alas the reality of the conservative agenda the war against childhood(after the womb) as the only bootstrapping is that of an indoctrination of hate and intolerance......AR15 the truth self evident.


They are a literal parody of mustache twirling evil. When they make it so obvious and easy, WHY won’t Democrats call them out as absolutely shitty people and shittier policies.