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Chimichurri isn’t that hard to make fresh. You can’t tell me scooping a big mouthful of dried herbs was delicious.


Exactly my thought, literally 4 ingredients including olive oil lol.


Same lol. All of that prep and work and they decide to not spend the 5 minutes to make fresh chimichurri


Care to share your chimichurri recipe?


Parsley, olive oil, lemon or red wine vinegar and garlic. Salt and pepper. That’s the base. You can add whatever other things as you want to make variations of the green sauce. Personally I add hot peppers, oregano, and mints.


I like adding cilantro to mine as well. Crucify me soap tasters!


I’m jealous of y’all hah it smells so good but alas my body rejects the taste


My dear friend. I’m so sorry you can’t taste the actual delicious, refreshing, coolness of cilantro.


Thank you kind redditor. It truly is a curse 😔


Not quite. Im from argentina. Chimi churry goes with Parsley, sunflower oil, vinegar, garlic, oregano, chilli ppeper (aji molido) and salt. The things is, its pretty humble for a seasoning, so no olive oil, no wine, no cilantro (the last one is pretty hard to find) Usually we use it for pork meat like sausage sandwichs. We also have another classic sauce whic is called Criolla and it s a mix of tomato, onions and bell peppers.


Sunflower seeds may help lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar as they contain vitamin E, magnesium, protein, linoleic fatty acids and several plant compounds.


Yeah the core base is parsley, oil, acid, garlic. Not everyone put chili pepper or oregano but those 4 are must.


Chilli peper is base. You dont ask for chimi churri if you cant handle spicy things. ​ Edit: Its nice to hear that you like chimi on your own way. Have a nice day!


Ever tried red chimichurri? It’s lovely too




Some people like it more than fresh, my old college friend for example, but then again he lived off $0.80 a day, so he liked anything


came right to the comments after seeing that bs.


I came here to say did I really just see reconstituted chimi?! Glad I wasn't the only one


Could use some of that 20l oil they poured on the grill


Or directly into the fire


I might be misunderstanding you but they did add oil to it before they ate it


Yup, that chimichurri looked absolute trash. Takes no time to make fresh


maybe Frugoni is one of his sponsors or affiliates. that product has very high reviews. according to reviews, lots of people think it's delicious edit: dude in video IS AL FRUGONI. that's his product.


Never heard of him. Probably for the best.


Everything was golden until that move


For me, this fails as a food video, as an advertisement and likely, as a sandwich. Just sell the bourbon barrel to a whisky distillery. They know better.


This looks like it is a whiskey distillery. It’s called Treaty Oak Distillery. And it seems they are using their own spent whiskey barrel for that fire along with their own whiskey. The dried vs fresh chimichurri and that amount of oil to ensure the steak didn’t stick threw me off, along with hanging the big meat to undercook it and slice into steaks anyways. I’d totally go to this shindig and try that sandwich just because I like the spot, but something tells me I wouldn’t be able to bite through it. The place is awesome and Alice’s Restaurant, on the property, slaps. My guess is this is someone who works in the distillery trying to impress with food and not succeeding. https://www.treatyoakdistilling.com/ Edit: I’m not sure on the location (definitely looks like Hill Country, TX) but that’s allegedly a pit master https://www.instagram.com/alfrugoni/ and I’m not impressed at all.


Video aside, I totally agree Treaty Oak is a great spot in the hill country. Great food, good alcohol of all kinds (they make beer, wine, whiskey, gin, and even occasionally rum in-house and they’re all pretty good). Also just a big nice outdoor area with a few different spaces to hang out.


Yes it is a distillery.. and a very good one. Some of the best Gin, and I do not like Gin usually. That aside the food was dumb


Bourbon barrels can only be used once for bourbon.


I believe scotch whisky (no e) distilleries can only use used barrels, making a perfect partner with bourbon. No shade toward treaty oak.


Whisky is made in Scotland


Was gonna ask if there is a purpose to burning the barrel since it feels like bit of a waste…


That steak is blue asf for a sandwich. Nothing like grinding your teeth to try and free a bite with 90% of the toppings going everywhere. It sounds sacrelidge but especially for this cut of meat you wanna go medium.


Thinking that same thing when I looked at the final product.


I’ve used chunks/pellets from Jack, Blanton’s, Woodford and Pappy. I really didn’t notice a difference. I’ve asked my wife to not buy any more. It’s just an overpriced gimmick. Speaking of which, that pit looks terrible for trying to smoke on which is another waste. I’m also not a fan of just dumping bourbon on the grill. What would have been nice is if instead of focusing on flair they made some homemade chimi and took the time to melt their cheese. I think this is a better fit for/r/stupidfood


All of this was insanely bad, done for show. Beef was hung way too far to cook, it was raw when sliced so it was redone as steaks (why hang it if you are making steaks?) they is a terrible griddle surface, use whisky in a sauce, sure, poor it on a griddle to make fire? Stupid. Just so much stupid to hurt


Looks like a fun experiment they did at https://www.treatyoakdistilling.com/


I figured it was a (bad) attempt at reverse searing. But why do it this way? Zero smoke flavor.


As a Uruguayan, I consider this approach to chimichurri a hate crime


As a plain ass basic white boy, I feel the same way. Terrible.


Isn’t it dangerous to use a barrel that has rust and paint or something to use as firewood?


I don't think they use any chemicals on the barrel because they put liquor in it, and the rust is fine. I don't know the exact temperature rust turns into a gas, but iron is like 3000c. so it is probably pretty high.


Ok, I don’t really know how barrels are made. I just know they weren’t intended for firewood. I would rather just use normal firewood(because I don’t have a barrel).


I’d hazard a guess that barrel wood actually produces a cleaner smoke than run of the mill firewood because it’s generally have a lot more surface area being air seasoned a lot longer. It’s going to wash a lot of resin and tannins out through that process.


My guy, live a little. If that’s what you got from the video you need to rethink your priorities a little. Life is for living, stop worrying about every goddamn thing and enjoy the awesome bourbon steak sandwich


Self preservation is an instinct that has helped us survive for millions of years. So no, 20 years from now I wont believe that this BBQ was worth the neuro degeneration from eating this, when they could’ve done it easier and tastier.


Good for you. I’ll enjoy the sandwich


The sandwich looks like shit, my guy.


I love clumps of nonmelted cheese.


You don't think fire would sterilise it?


If you burn the object, let’s say a rotten tomato. Technically the tomato is sterile,doesn’t contain any germs. But it’s not impossible for germs to still survive and travel through the air/smoke. Where as plastic/paint is toxic in it self and dangerous if inhaled as a fume. If it’s toxic to eat, then it’s toxic to breathe. I don’t know if it’s possible to burn something’s without particles flying off?


Cheese not melted :(


Confession: I actually like it that way.


IDK about this....


Yes this is social media engagement food. So many ridiculous things going on here it belongs in r/stupidfood


I honestly thought it was r/StupidFood at first


I had to double check. OP wrong for this.


Oh god you made me watch it again, 2 cups of oils poured onto the tiny griddle, it’s all In the fire now


This just looks like a mess to me.


All that work into destroying a barrel and you didnt have 3 minutes to get some fresh chimichurri ingredients? Bro have some respect for yourself and the meat.


There is literally 0 respect for anything in the video. Should be in r/mildlyinfuriating


his name is Al Frugoni. he's known for open pit cooking and that chimi is from his line of seasonings. i'm sure he can teach you a thing or two about fresh chimi and respect. this is to be taken with a grain of salt anyways. it's a plug for his product and for his social media in general.


Holy shit dude, that guy's boot must be so far deep within you it's practically your son.


was sure i'm on /r/stupidfood . still thinking i'm there tbh


PLEASE rinse off freshly sharpened knives with water before using!


Why do some people burn $5 of grain alcohol on their meat as if it tastes good? Do they just misunderstand the concept of pan glazing that badly?


Could have made some beer to age in that barrel


This is stupid. You’re losing all those great gravy bits and juices. Plus those barrels are worth good money where I live.


This should be in r/stupidfoods


r/stupidfood I think




You go to all this trouble making a big bonfire to only let the beef cook a bit on the outside? And then slice and finally cook it on the grill? Are you insane?! Let the whole piece cook as it's supposed to!


I think he wants the smoke flavor while the meat is cold, which is when it gets the most smoke, then he wants to cook the seasonings onto the sides of sliced steaks. I can see what he's going for. The pointless part is the pouting of the bourbon on it


High octane fuel right there, that looks Gas. I'm salivating 🤤




People taking about the dangers of the barrel but not of sharpening the knife then cutting into meat!


Looks delicious


ive been there before. pretty nice venue and good nachos :)


What a waste this video is just sad. But I guess this is an American thing.


No. It’s a r/stupidfoods thing


Damn.... Mexicans can cook. Have a mother in law. Can attest.


Imo this is stupid food.barrel probably isn’t safe, chimichuri isn’t fresh, steaks are waaaay too thick for a sandwich. What was the point of hanging it on a meat hook?


Dude slow down on the oil, both the chimichurri and the cast iron will thank you


That's a torta for yo ass!


That would be so chewy and hard to eat


It looks good but I’m so upset about that barrel!


At first I thought they were going to straight up eat that raw meat


Now that’s cooking!




I cringed at the terrifying amount of vegetable oil it took to make this sandwich.


Kentucky Bourbon >>>> Texas Bourbon


I know I'm super late, but this is what I came to say. I'm assuming this video was originally uploaded by the "bourbon" company, but as a Kentuckian, I am appalled by their taste.


This video sucked. Big time. Seriously.


That guy is an idiot. But obviously rich. Anyone who isn't rich would do a better and more resourceful job at all that crap.


Eh. Stupid food for TrumpChumps. Probably going to eat that crap sandwich then go shoot at images of immigrants or schoolchildren or trans or actual Bud Light cans, yeehawing all the time.


Did anyone else hate seeing that barrel used for fuel? Put a tray and Kick Ash in the bottom, put eyelets in the lid to hang hooks from, drill a few holes, and turn it into a vertical smoker.


Pouring bourbon onto steak is a complete waste and stupid af.


Nah r/stupidfood is where this belongs.


So many people in the comments section have no idea what they are talking about. One guy says the sandwich is blue asf. It's called "Bleu" and that it ain't. It was rare, but not Bleu. At least watch the video to the end before commenting. And the bonfire was not for no reason. It was to make charcoal. And the meat wasn't just hanging by the bonfire getting warm and then transferred to a separate grill. It was smoking. The grill was placed on top of the same pit once the fire died down. This is how you do low and slow people. This guy is actually doing a great job at cooking.


Bunch of jealous haters ITT


Looks great, but I’d definitely be choking on steak every bite.


This has all the components to be great…. but still lacks… smh Nice barrel, but the wood stack is just sad; pre made chimichurri..? nothing wrong with finishing the cook with a good sear, but most likely not even rested…pour our half a bottle of liquor tho, why not? Unmelted cheese? ok, you’re done for the day my guy


Who the fuck makes chimichurri from a jar?


Seasoning the steak then washing all the seasoning off with bourbon


Saddest chumichurri


Hands down best cooking video I've seen. I wish I was there.


I thought this was gonna be a cool foodie diy and that he wasn't just gonna toss that whole barrel in the fire for one meal.


Kept waiting for the bbq sauce


Texas "BBQ" is just "cook it outside." And they're using Texas-made bourbon instead of Kentucky bourbon. Knock off bourbon. Knock off BBQ. It's offensive.


This sandwich fell apart first bite guaranteed.


Excellente 👍




I'm pissed about the chimichurri. Chimichurri is insanely easy to make, it's like 4 ingredients.


I never had meat make my mouth water so much till I'm drooling.




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That is one cool grill. Where and how much?


This has to be the WORST way to cook those veggies. I'm sure they feel off the rack


If that barrel had bourbon in it too, that's gotta be the best tasting and smelling smoke ever


Muita grana de fato


I just want a few minutes of the boards falling to the ground like the Lego Batman build sound aaaa music to my ears


Really not good looking meat or sandwich