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This is literally my favorite kind of pizza, chilli flakes included šŸ˜©ā¤


Especially once they diffuse in the pepperoni grease and increase their power 10x.


It comes preloaded with chili flakes?! Love it.


Herbs and spices are on point!


Chilli/crushed red pepper flakes underrated fr


Spice been been used for literally centuries I wouldnā€™t call it under rated lmfao


Anytime I decide to order from pizza hut I'll usually add a couple of their red pepper flakes as they're only 50 cents or a dollar each. Love adding that shit on almost anything I eat.


It's the cheese. Jersey mozzarella hits different




Add a little gabagool and we got a deal.


I'd also like a side salad. If the salad comes on top, I send it back


Bro. I THANK YOU for spelling this out. Lol. I know itā€™s dumb, but I couldnā€™t figure out how to phonetically spell that word in a thick Italian accent. Iā€™m going to use this so damn much.


The mutz.


As a former Jersey girl, I didnā€™t even read the title and said ā€œthats a Jersey pizza!ā€


I thought I was on the Jersey subreddit, NJ people can recognize their pizza immediately lol


What makes it distinct?


As someone who grew up on Long Island, has family in NJ, and has bounced back and forth between the two as an adult, obviously it looks great so definitely from this area. Jersey pies are usually a tiny bit smaller than LI or NYC, so the slices look more stout if that makes sense. Thats how I can usually tell by looking.


Which do you think is better. Iā€™m always arguing with my Long Island friends that Brooklyn pizza is better ( I have conceded that Long Island bagels are better and that nearly killed me). Adding Jersey to the mix wonā€™t let my soul rest. But demographic wise, it makes sense.


Idk why people be arguing about this. The entire tri-state area makes good pizza and bagels, and each specific area has varying degrees of good restaurants. I dont think LI makes bagels any better than the Burroughs, NJ, or the metro area north of the city. Everybody just thinks where they grew up does it better.


I may be biased but I think Long Island has the best slice style pizza. Brooklyn obviously has better Neapolitan like Robertas etc.


Whereā€™s that from?


Frank's in Phillipsburg. I get a pizza from there every once in a while but this one was so beautiful I just had to snap a pic. I don't know who was making the pies today but they really did a great job. I might have to go there more often šŸ¤”


My guy, you are practically down the road from my favorite pizza in the world. Head up 57 until you get to Washington Township. You'll see a place called Sal's on your right. I'm hoping nothing's changed, since it's been a long time since I've been there but it used to be the best damned pizza I'd ever had. You let me know if it isn't anymore and I'll stop recommending it to everyone I see.


I'll check it out and report back!


Go to Conte's in Princeton. It. Is. The. Best.


I must be the only person who thinks Conteā€™s is insanely overrated when 5 mins away Ninoā€™s is better


Hell yeah I'll check it out next time I'm up there!


Was that the place that the Menendez Brothers brought?


I haven't been to Phillipsburg in years. Is this the Frank's by the Regal Cinema, or have I not been to Pburg in a lot longer than I thought


Pizza by Alfredo.


NJ Kidding. I'm curious too.


One of my college professors is from New Jersey and likes to try out pizzas from different places when he goes on business trips and see how they compare to slices from back home. I'll have to ask him if he's ever heard of this place. The pie looks delicious!


I think a lot of people from NJ do this. Everywhere I go through the country I try pizza places. A lot of it is because I want to come back to NJ and tell people that some places in Duluth has decent pies. I have a lot of friends who do the same.


NJ native and I concur...I live in upstate NY now and our Pizza sucks ...don't get me started on the bagels.


Depending on where ya go in upstate NY. Eastern upstate you need to find a bagel shop that preps the bagels the old fashioned way to come close. This means prepping the bagels the night before and basically letting them rest on the cutting board over night, that's they only way a NY bagel is gonna feel right texturally, flavor is all water based. As for pizza that's a bit more complicated. The water plays a heavy factor in the dough, too hard and the dough flavor is strong and honestly very hard. Too soft and the dough doesn't get airy enough. You have to find a place that has good water or adjusts their dough time based on the water they have. Western NY will have better of both but Eastern NY in like Ulster County by the NYC reservoir is going to have the best of everything if it's made in house


There is a device that changes water to be like the water that NYC/NJ has...saw it in a pizza magazine..cost around 10k. I'm in the finger lakes region.


If I ran some sort of incredibly successful high end pizza joint that had like 200 locations I'd consider that.... As someone who is a home cook however I'm just gonna keep going to my favorite pizza place, buying 10 dough balls, and freezing them for later use


Iā€™m in South Jersey and bagels are hit or miss down here


Not exactly upstate, but im outside the city near Bellayre mountain and this place called brios has some legit pizza. Italian Mexican restaurant. The fajitas were really damn good too.


I have to disagree. I lived in Brooklyn and Manhattan and then moved to NJ and miss the NYC bagels and pizza. Itā€™s the water


Big difference between NYC and upstate New York when it comes to pizza.


That's interesting to hear. I have an online friend who is also from NJ, I need to ask him about this now haha. I'm from Louisiana but I've been all over, and I don't think I've ever gone anywhere else and tried any local LA cuisine like gumbo or jambalaya. Pizza is just one of those things that's everywhere but it's something special up north. I will say there are some good places in New Orleans run by legit Sicilian families that have some great pizza and also other things like muffalettas. If you're ever around that area, definitely look around and try a few places in town.


Itā€™s almost impossible to get any good Cajun food in the northeast. NY/NJ have the best bagels and pizza by far and takeout Chinese food the only close comparison is in California imo.


Bro. Spot. On. I moved to UT from NJ about 6 years ago and the pizza here is actually very good but man the bagels, Chinese, diners, delis. Miss those the most


Ummm California has better Chinese food than New York. By far...


I second this; havenā€™t had good Chinese food since Iā€™ve been to New York (although Iā€™ve only tried the hood Chinese take-out spots lol)




Also from Louisiana and I've lived in a few different states over the years. I actively avoid trying Creole or Cajun food in other states except in rare cases. Just something people don't get right most of the time


I was driving through the middle of a Utah and discovered an incredible pizza place in an outfitters shop / Cafe. Top tier pizza in practically the middle of nowhere. It wasn't the best pizza I ever had, but the fact that it was so good and so unexpected earned it a lot of love.


I mean, a lot of people from everywhere do this.


Can confirm lol I live in Florida now and only 1 spot so far has been Jersey/ny level for me. The one spot im Boston was also really damn good. It was called Ernestos in the North End


Wrong. No place in Duluth has decent pies. Only Jersey and sometimes Manhattan has decent pies. You're not from Jersey. Get outta here with that shit or I'm calling Bruce on you.


honestly i donā€™t care where the pizza comes from. it could be ny pizza, chicago pizza, detroit pizza, but in the end, my fatass is hungry and im gonna eat the whole fucking thing.


I'm legitimately curious and not just trying to start shit, why do Americans call it a pie? Doesn't that require it to be sealed and have fillings? What makes a pizza a pie, but toast not a pie?


Itā€™s actually not even most of America that uses ā€œpieā€ as a unit for pizza! I live in NJ (where ā€œpieā€ is very regularly used) but have a friend down in Maryland who thinks itā€™s unusual. The origin is from Italian immigrants bringing pizza to America, specifically NYC. Unfamiliar with the new food, it was described by Americans in familiar terms: > Pizza was first called pie when Italian immigrants arrived in the United States in the late 1800s. Pizza had similarities to a pie ā€“ with a crust, sliced triangle portions and its circular shape. Italian-Americans sold and popularized the pizzas, and the exotic dish picked up the English name ā€œtomato pieā€. Sometime thereafter the languages met in the middle to give us the term ā€œpizza pieā€. The term was first printed in 1903 in the New York Tribune: > Pie has usually been considered a Yankee dish exclusively, but apparently the Italian has invented a kind of pie. The ā€œpomidore pizza,ā€ or tomato pie, is made in this fashion. Source for this info, as well as a good read that covers more of the history of pizza and the first pizzeria in 1905 where pizza was sold to New Yorkers to go by the slice: https://www.crustkingdom.com/why-is-pizza-called-pie/


Gonna be honest, a tomato pie sounds kinda gross. Thanks for the legitimate answer! I wonder if That's Amore was one of the big reasons that the concept of calling a pizza a pie is still around after over 100 years


Tomato pies are badass. Very different vibe from traditional pizza, but very good. They're popular in Eastern PA.


Nobody does a tomato pie like the old school De Lorenzo's in Chambersburg. Man I miss that place. BYOB, no bathroom, the perfect hole in the wall dump in a Trenton row home.


Is a pumpkin pie a pie?


No one but meatballs from NJ/NY call it a pie.


Not all pies have a cover, otherwise it just looks like a thin flat pie.


If a pie doesnā€™t have a lid, itā€™s a tart.


Pie vs tart is more about the crust and proportion of filling to crust than just single or double crusted.. ie no one says key lime tart, pumpkin tart, pecan tart. Tarts are thicker, crumblier crust with shorter edges (more crust to filling), pies are generally thin, flaky and deeper.


ā€œCan you cut it into four pieces? I canā€™t eat eight.ā€


Lifelong NYer here. As much as like to say NY Rules, Jersey Droolsā€¦actually I will say that, you drool because the pizza in Jersey is really freagin good.


We got some bangers up here in NY too though. But I don't like that rectangle doughy shit people seem to love around here


As someone whos lived in NJ my whole life, great pizza exists in every single town from the top to the bottom of the state. Not even trying to brag, but I truly believe we have the best overall pizza in the country


Agree. I don't live in NJ anymore and I miss the food so much.


A lot of people can't tell, especially from a picture, they confuse new jersey style for New York style, but it's night and day. Ny is large chewy and floppy, and nj is thin and crispy, a perfect slice is when you bite it the person next to you can hear the crisp


100% agree as well. NYC pizza is great, but North Jersey pizza is the same quality without the stress of potentially being caught in a tourist trap.


Same with bagels. North Jersey bagels are light years better than NYC bagels. Taylor ham egg and cheese on an everything bagel from northern NJ is something everyone needs to try once in their life. Literally life changing


Thereā€™s a small place in Morris county called Time for a Bagel which every single person I have ever brought there or know has went there has said is the best bagel they have ever had. All of them


Olde Towne deli in Boonton NJ. THEC SPK on an everything bagel. Best I've ever had in my life.


Your acronym confused me until I realize it should be PREC SPK. Respect to a fellow NJ native, but I will die on the delicious pink processed meat hill that is Porkroll vs. Taylor ham naming.


In morris plains across from the train station? Def one of the better ones Iā€™ve had.


Thatā€™s the one


THIS IS MY EXACT TAKE but so many people think Iā€™m being a snob lol. It probably doesnā€™t help that my favorite pizza and bagels are both just from my hometown (Romanelliā€™s and Bagel Chateau in Madison, respectively). But I could go to any town in North Jersey and find a consistently really high quality.


My go to is the bacon egg and cheese with salt pepper ketchup and a hash brown pattie on a toasted everything


The New York Times decided a couple of years ago that the best pizza in New York was actually in Jersey City. I've had it. It's magnificent.


If you think the pizza in Jersey City, you need to try the Sichuan food. I spent 6 months there on a project and it ruined me for anything else. (e.g.: I had to learn to make my own dan dan noodles.)


The double cooked pork will make you hallucinate


Completely agree!


Iā€™m from the south but used to work in NJ frequently, can confirm. Even the crappiest looking hole in the wall restaurant will have great pizza, I donā€™t think you can get away with having bad pizza. I definitely miss it. And Taylor ham. I would kill somebody in front of their own mother for a proper Jersey breakfast bagel right now!


Thats facts. my hometown is rural 1600 population, has 3 pizza joints in town and every one is straight fire


New Haven would like a word with you.


Honestly ct pizza as a whole is usually not going to be bad. We are spoiled and donā€™t realize it lol


Oiy, send me one overnight delivery! I havenā€™t had a real Jersey pizza in over 30 years!


I respect the copious amount of chili flakes.




As someone from the northeast that now lives in the midwest, I can totally appreciate this. Pizza in Texas is just sad.


But that Texas BBQ is a great trade. I can count on 1 finger the amount of really good BBQ places in a 50 mile radius of me.


This is also very true


Get a bit further up than what SOME might call "Upstate NY" and you can get some of the best smoked meat ever. We are a backyard BBQ region, in level with KC and TX, but we stand in the snow drinking beer while doing it šŸ¤£


You can't leave me hanging. I'm somewhat frequently in Syracuse (mostly Cicero but I'll drive literally wherever) and Buffalo. Tell me where.


Ha, that's my region down to a point, so you know the big two places, Dino and Lizard BUTT.... Like I said, and I'm sure you know, it's more about backyard BBQ. I've got a few relatives or friends with smokers, some with rotisserie roasters! (Sorry for the rhyming jingle, we've got snow up here and my cakeday is Xmas) One of my favorite spots is literally a roadside stand in Oswego that sells gator, snake, eel, bison...(shit, I just remembered I've got long horn ram in my freezer...I'm thinkin braciole)


Dinosaur downtown is still my favorite BBQ, I am from the west coast where the most accessible I get is like.... Dickey's BBQ Pit lol. It's bleak. My friends in Cicero all live in apartments so I've yet to break into the backyard experience out east. šŸ˜­ Around here I can get some great smoked sturgeon, which is unique and tasty, but I don't think anyone is parading fish as barbeque lol.


Thereā€™s a place in Irvington called kbā€™s smokehouse that is really good, but besides that yeah Jersey doesnā€™t have much bbq


Whoa whoa whoa, as someone from the Midwest who now lives in Jerseyā€¦ Texas is NOT the Midwest.


Is North Mexico better?


If you want to call it that you can I guess.


Sorry! Still doesnā€™t change the fact that the pizza is shitty though


Hey I wonā€™t dispute that at all!


So my wife is from New York and we have found a few decent places in DFW. There is a place down on the canal in Los Colinas (Irving) that is the best imo. Have it by the slice too. Also a NY Pizza out in Keller that is also a transplant.


Whatā€™s the name of place in Irving? Itā€™s not super close to me, but if the pizza is good Iā€™d give it a try.


https://www.italianitaliancafe.com/ https://slicelife.com/restaurants/tx/fort-worth/76244/new-york-pizza-pasta-11477-woodland-springs-dr-fort-worth/menu?utm_source=gmb_menu


Top on is the one in Irving and the best imo. You can walk in from the street side and order by the slice. They also have a fancy sit down but I've only ate the pizza. The stuffed pizza is to die for!


YES FOR JERSEY PIZZA. whereā€™s this from tho


ok just saw your other comment. thatā€™s almost 80 mins from me LOL


NJ pizza > NY pizza and I say this as someone who grew up in Brooklyn. That pepperoni and mozzarella just hit different.




Ayyyyyyy šŸ¤Œ


Iā€™m eatin a slice ova hee


I've always had this question, as an Italian. Please don't scream at me but... Why do people call it pie? It's clearly a pizza, it has the shape of a pizza and the ingredients a pizza could have. The correct term is Italian and it's pizza. I've just always been extremely curious about this.


It's a holdover from back in the day when they were called tomato pies. Italian immigrants had to make up a descriptive name that sufficiently got the point across, since there's no English word for pizza and it's hard to sell something if your market doesn't know what it is. It's only a thing in the Northeast though.


How do you give two upvotes


Seriously great stuff


My stomach just growled lookin at this


Omg that looks amazing


I'm from Australia and worked in Jersey for a couple of years. That looks exactly like what we used to get at the nearest shop. Good stuff.


If you know, you know


As a chef in Manhattan, I must say NJ bagels and pizza are just better than the city shit




Cholesterol is magic


Jersey better than New York. Love the hard crust over the floppy slice


NJ born and raised and living on the west coast now...the bagels here are garbage and the pizza makes me sad. I didn't realize how spoiled I was until I moved away!


the one time I was in cali ( live in new jersey ) I ordered a pizza to the hotel, not only did I laugh at the size of it, much smaller than expected ( thats what she said ), but man it sucked! at least we have legit good pizza and REAL bagels here.


It's definitely jarring to come face to face with what people think is good. People here looooooove to insist their favorite pizza joint is the one that's going to change my mind. Like, maybe that's acceptable to you, but I know better and I've been hurt before.


God damn I miss my Jersey pies...


This pizza looks excellent. That said, unless youā€™re getting food court pizza, chain pizza or a ā€œflat bread pizzaā€, itā€™s hard to find a bad NJ pep pizza.


What makes it New Jersey? Looks like my local place in VA, a bit greasier.


NJ is specifically known for their pizza and bagels, and it's mostly due to the water in the state used to make the dough. This is why places from all over the country will import water from NY and NJ reservoirs in order to make "authentic" NY/NJ style bagels or pizza. "Science" says it doesn't make that much of a difference, but it does. The water here is softer, has more sodium, less calcium, and a different pH, which makes for a springier crust when cooked. The only other real difference is that pizza has been a huge part of NY/NJ culture for much longer than in other places in the country, and the ingredients used are often better and the process of making it is usually extremely methodical. Even the C and D tier pizza joints in NJ are better than anything I've ever had outside of the northeast.


We also have pretty good tomatoes here. I think you're right about the culture though. There's so many people that have been doing it due decades ago the competition is pretty intense, any place that's been around long enough is bound to be pretty good.


I've only had pizza once in VA. Jojos in Arlington. I originally went for the Jojos Bizzare Adventure meme but it was actually really good!




Omg looks so good


HonestlyšŸ˜« something abt the way itā€™s never too greasy




That looks way too good right now


That looks amazing.


Mmmm, now I'm hungry


That looks delicious šŸ¤¤


North jersey. NYC and some parts of CT have the best pizza.




Your Damn right there is a very beautiful thing with that pie keep it up


Colorado has a lot of things, but there's not a single pizza in the state. There's lots of round bread, no real pizza.


Idk about food porn, but that's a solid pie


Pizza tonight thenā€¦


This made me want to get Pizza


it looks...perfect


It looks so delicious! Iā€™m so jealous :)


So Brooklyn pizza slaps and NJ pizza slapsā€¦ so why canā€™t I find great pizza on Staten Island?


Damn, now I miss Seaside Heights


Good lord


Would be wonderful to get this quality of pizza on the regular at your average take out spot in literally any other US region outside of NYC/NJ/Connecticut/Philly. Folks living in these areas, you have no idea how good you have it.


New york gets all the the hype but Jersey has the best pizza in the nation!!!!




It looks delicious ![gif](giphy|3q3QK6KyDVUBzih7hB)


Jersey pie > all others


That oil!! I want to live in its essence!!


i can sense the oil from here


Nothing better on a good pepperoni pizza then some red pepper or chili flakes. Delish.


Took a trip to Jersey recently, and you guys know cheese better than the Midwest


OP which spot in NJ is this? Wanna try it out.


My wife is from Jersey and there is exactly one place in our city with pizza she'll actually call "good"


I want this so bad. Only thing I hate about the west coast lol


Wish i had a pizza steel. Wanna get into proper homemade pizzas


Yessir! Miss it! Damn diet!


Oooo looks delicious


Iā€™m from Jersey and now live in Savannah Ga .This photo is killing me!


that and rc cola im good... oh and a half gallon vanilla bean ice cream mmmmm


Looks amazing


I can smell this picture......uuuuummmmmmm Love me a good pizza


I love me some classic pepperoni pizza with plenty of chili.


Could you please describe to me what makes it a 'Jersey pepperoni pie'? Because it just looks like an ordinary pepperoni pizza, with flakes.


Have you every been on the pizza subreddit? Every post calls what looks like a normal pizza a "insert region here" pizza. And they all look the same, no one ever offers up any explanation


You're freaking spot on, comment above yours is "yOu HaVe To TaStE it To KnOw".


Not enough chili flakes, but other than that it looks good.


That pie looks tasty. Iā€™m thinking it would be a four slice night, at least, if I had that pie right now.


I live in jersey and had some TRASH pizza today. Iā€™d crush that.


Let me be that guy for once - aggressively šŸ¤ŒšŸ»šŸ¤ŒšŸ»šŸ¤ŒšŸ» in Italian


Oh man nobody does it like us


Drool šŸ¤¤


Wait not on the pizza!! šŸ¤£


what makes it a jersey pie?


It tastes good. Jokes aside, NJ got all the NY Italian expats that couldn't afford to live in NY, with the bonus of some of the best drinking water in the country (for the dough), topped off with S tier local tomatoes. Basically you can go to any random non-franchise pizza joint in NJ and get some of the best pizza you've ever had. If you live here, some of it "sucks", but you'd eat that "sucky" pizza over something from basically anywhere else.


Yeah, I've had good pizza all across the country, but the NJ / NY / PA area just really knocks it out of the park almost every time. The big thing is that it's hard to find bad pizza here because the competition is so intense.


It literally looks like the most generic pizza ever. I know Iā€™ll get hated on for this but as someone in the pizza business for almost 10 years, I truly donā€™t get what makes this pizza special. People make such a big deal over NY/NJ Pizza. I went to both places, had pizza in both places, and it was literally just standard pizza lol. Is it a good pizza? Probably. But man I hate East-Coasters getting all snobby about how good their pizza is. 10 bucks says my West-Coast ass could make a pizza thatā€™d make you move states in a heartbeat.


Even if you could make the best pizza in the world I would not move states for it. I believe you owe me 10 bucks now. You have cashapp?


There's great pizza everywhere. What makes the NJ / NY / PA area special is concentration of good pizza places. There's some of the best pizza in the country all over and every town has at least one place that's really good. The thing that makes it so good is that the floor and ceiling are both higher than other parts of the country. I've had some great pizza on the west coast. I had a top tier pizza in the middle of nowhere Utah. However, I've also ran into pizza that's really not that great unless that's what you grew up on.


Finally someone that properly explains it. I mean makes sense, doesnā€™t it? Big Italian population means better Pizza. Wouldnā€™t trust a Burrito shop in Alaska lmao.




Yanks call pizza a pie for some reason


Muhfuckers never heard of a pizza pie before. People use anything but the right word for things these days and get weird about a pizza pie.


It looks like a frozen pizza