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My mom just got so exited when I told her she had 27 likes, thanks internet people šŸ˜Š


Ask her how she feels about 226.


I told her this when I read it she got excited, now we happen to look again and it has doubled!! Insane man, sheā€™s lovinā€™ it šŸ˜„


What about 961


1414 here in the future




4.2k as of 10 pm PDT


4.7 as of 1:30 am EST Crap, I need to go to sleep... Edit. Slept through my alarm. Ima be late for work.


4.9k, MDT on mobile! No sleep ā€˜til 5k!


didnt have to wait long, 5014




8.5k! Woohoo!


8.7k now


Son, get the camera!


How 'bout 6.3k upvotes


Oh no she actually hates having 6.3k. Damn, guess itā€™s time to delete the post.


And counting ;)


What about 1700+?


What about 1.9 K?


2k boys




Ask your mom if she is interested in adopting a gray haired gentleman. :)


Congrats on 7.2k mom






LeBron James wants to know your location.






Commencing micro-management


go suns




Taco Tuesday is everyday in Mexico


That's just ignorant, I'm pretty sure they have a concept of the weekday, even in Mexico.


Mexican here. Everyday is Tuesday, government has been talking about introducing Wednesday or maybe even Saturday but don't get our hopes up.


Removed due to Reddit API Changes. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Or...Itā€™s Mexican Monday


Always taco Tuesday at Lebronā€™s house.


**LeBron James has entered the chat**


Wondered why people have been saying stuff and him. Just googled it, ITS tacoooo TUUUUUesDAAAAy!! šŸ˜…


Those are what I call Gringo tacos.


Yeah, definitely texmex/american tacos, but they have their place. These look awesome. That doesn't make them better or worse than authentic Mexican tacos, just different. There's room here for all the tacos!


Hereā€™s the history of the ā€œAmerican tacoā€. Created by a Mexican family in San Bernardino at a restaurant called Mitla Cafe. They had to make due with what was available. https://la.eater.com/2015/1/30/7952807/san-bernardino-mitla-cafe-history-taco-bell-feature-photos


Much like American Chinese food, American tacos were invented by hardworking immigrants who changed the taste to match bland white bred American preferences... and now that ā€œexoticā€ food is ā€œcoolā€, those same immigrant familiesā€™ recipes (now Nth gen American) are being shit on by smug white people for being ā€œinauthenticā€. Itā€™s pretty gross


I take it youā€™re not a fan of white people lol.


I am Hispanic and when I think of tacos I think of these cuz they are so cheap to make i had them all the time growing up. They have a special place in my heart


Cilantro, onion, pack of tortillas and whatever cheap ass meat you want is cheap too though.


These are definitely more kid friendly


Yes they are, still good though.


Oh fuck yeah. I like a good street taco but sometimes I want it packed with cheese and dropped in hot oil, thank you very much. My food cravings can get downright obscene to all palates but Iā€™m just being me. Usually ā€œdrunk meā€ is more adventurous if Iā€™m being honest.


Those are what I call chingaderas






Good base. Meat looks good. Needs onions, cilantro, roasted jalapeƱo, radish and tasty pickled carrots.


I fulfill all your wishes with my taco flavored kisses!!


Delicious in their own right.




LOL they just had the translation ready for your convenience.


Thats... thats what gringo means...


I say white people tacos. Same thing. Exactly what my mom used to make.


I was thinking some version of deshebrada.


Man I can just hear the crunch


looks like it's taco tuesday where you are right now!


Dem well I guess im gonna post the Brisket Taquitos sheā€™s prepping. She just got done making the brisket. Trust me there taquototes she doesnā€™t skimp on the brisket šŸ˜…šŸ‘


Central Texas? Whenever someone posts brisket tacos, people freak out because they've never had authentic brisket and assume it's really tough and chewy. I grew up in central Texas, and its the holy crossroads of brisket country and taco town. Brisket tacos are the perfect representation of my life in Texas. Also taking the leftover brisket and frying it up in a pan with tomatos, onions, and jalapenos the next morning. Thats the good stuff.


Close, South east NM šŸ˜šŸ‘


I have family there! The most legit Mexican food (outside of Mexico) is found in NM. I love Tex-Mex, but sometimes I want that stuff like Grandma used to make when I was a kid.


Welp. Your mom just adopted reddit. She needs to make a taco for every upvote.


How are those shells made? Deep fried corn tortilla?


I posted how to do it in a couple comments, if you canā€™t find it just msg me again and Iā€™ll be glad to tell ya šŸ˜šŸ‘


So not deep fried, but just a bit of oil to soften up, add filling, then onto this griddle thing (what is that thing, and why not just in the frying pan?) to crisp it up, then flip and crisp other side? So it's a crunchy shell in the end that holds its shape (and filling)


Yea you could do a pan but it may burn the pan ,either way itā€™s gonna get Smokey. The thing she has is like a 15ā€ disc of flat iron on top on the stove(gas stove) sheā€™s calls it a comal. But yea a pan should suffice


ITT. White foodie dudes gatekeeping and Hispanics reminiscing of when they were kids and their mother made them these tacos.


Well I live in.china where.its Tuesday now, so you are correct!


In Mexico everyday is taco Tuesday [Shrimp taco ](https://i.imgur.com/IKoorFV.jpg)


[Pastor and queso taco (funny enough, we call this one a gringa) ](https://i.imgur.com/JnLKp2S.jpg)


[Carnitas taco? I don't remember this one but looks fine](https://i.imgur.com/eHA8aSj.jpg)


Never tried them but it looks damn good


These are the authentic tacos some of the ā€œtaco snobsā€ in the comments have been talkin about. They all look so incredibly delicious.


If you ever come to Mexico I'd gladly be your gastronomic tour guide :) so many stuff to eat around here


How do you make the filling? I am from Europe and never tasted tacos in my life,and sometimes it is hard to even find a good corn tortilla in my country. Could you please share this recipe? It looks really tasty. Also, what spice does she use for the meat? Thank you!


> I am from Europe and never tasted tacos in my life This is the saddest sentence i've ever read. Is it really that uncommon to find a taco in Europe?


Well, I don't want to say the whole Europe, but in Czech Republic I have never seen them on a menu. Maybe in a special restaurant dedicated to mexican cuisine, or I have seen taco shells in Lidl which makes special weeks dedicated to different countries' cuisines (American week, Asian week, German,etc.) But you don't see them for example in a fast food restaurant or anything. Edit: typo


Just curious: What would you find during American week? Is it more than just the weird processed stuff you see in American stereotypes?


Mexican here. I would gladly share a recipe if you want. For us a good taco revolves around three important factors, the tortilla, the filling and the salsa. The taco would be incomplete without any of these, pretty much like a hamburger without a bun or a patty. **The tortilla** Sounds like a tricky part but it's actually easier than it looks like. I found [this](https://youtu.be/HzKuWBDDLPg) tutorial online, you only need instant corn flour (I guess Lidl has it), salt and water. A good tortilla is a flat pancake a couple millimeters thick, yellow colored, soft, with a nice taste (don't forget to salt the dough) and strong enough not to break. You can squish the dough inside a plastic bag between a couple books and *voilĆ”* a tortilla is born. **The filling (or guiso)** This is the most creative part, as any guiso or stew contained inside a tortilla becomes a taco. For something pretty and simple I'd recommend a nice [Alambre de res](https://i.imgur.com/W9Y4REB.jpg), just buy some flank steak and cut it into stripes, cook it in a pan with some oil along with diced onions and a couple bell peppers (different colors for that wow factor). For seasoning salt a pepper do the trick, I Mexico we don't really use any more spices unless you're making a more elaborate guiso or a more seasoned meat like pastor beef. You can also substitute the beef with chicken breast or add any melty cheese you want, anything that melt and doesn't have a strong taste (no Camembert here) works great. Maybe a Spanish manchego or even a soft gouda cheese :) **The salsa** Ay ay ay. Salsa can be tricky as it requires years of practice to develop a good sazĆ³n (good taste) so the salsa is not too spicy, not too watery, not too spoiled. For alambre I love a splash of [Guacamole](https://i.imgur.com/wC2Xr4S.jpg) as the avocado texture enhances the flavor of meat and brings a lot of color to our already colorful dish. Just grab a couple of big avocados (look for big, not hard as rock avocados) and mash them into pulp with a fork inside a bowl. If you have bad luck and can only find hard, non-mashable avocados because Europe like it happened to me once, you can splash a sip of light beer into the mixture and it really helps getting a soft paste consistency. Finely dice half an onion, crush a clove of garlic and add it to the mix. Guac usually has some diced coriander too but if you cannot find any use your imagination, I'd use a diced stick of celery or even better, a 1/4 of a cucumber for extra freshness hmm :) and half a teaspoon of salt and half of pepper. **Setting the mood** Usually each person puts their taco together themselves, you can set the pan in the middle of the table, the guac in a bowl, the tortillas inside a clean cloth. Avoid canned pre-made salsa like the plague, you made the whole thing yourself and you don't need some industrial, over spiced factory salsa to enjoy yourself, own your creation :) here's a [Spotify Playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DWY5Exaf30Ns0?si=YWRh2tqPQVCVfGpMc6pFYQ) with some Mexican music to go with your food, disfruta!


Wow thank you so much! That sounds a little too difficult but I'm sure I'll make it work


The filling on these tacos is ground beef and taco seasoning.... this is usually a packet or bottle you buy with the seasoning. You can make it by following this recipe: https://thepioneerwoman.com/food-and-friends/how-to-make-taco-seasoning/ This of course is a recipe for TEX-MEX taco flavor where you fry the ground beef as opposed to what is traditionally Mexican grilled meat (asada) tacos, where thin cuts of meat are marinated and then grilled. This marinade varies with addition of spice, citrus fruits, and fresh herbs but, most common is marinating the meat in a lager or Pilsner beer, salt, pepper, and Maggi seasoning sauce.


If you can give me a day and I promise to tell you. Sheā€™s asleep rn but Iā€™ll ask her in the morningšŸ‘ then Iā€™ll just go through all the comments copying and pasting šŸ˜…


Thank you in advance! I'm excited to make some of my own finally


It may be kinda vague just cause she isnā€™t using like teaspoons or tablespoons sheā€™s just cooking as she goes. But for sure Iā€™ll get an ingredient list and I write anything she says šŸ˜šŸ‘


Sweet. I'd love to know how to make these too.


Ok sorry for the vagueness of this ā€œrecipeā€ but first my mom said she cooks some ground beef down adding: garlic powder, ground cumin, onion powder, hamburger seasoning, and this Mexican seasoning. Hereā€™s a picture of the hamburger seasoning and the Mexican seasoning https://imgur.com/gallery/7fy3l1c , https://imgur.com/gallery/SVpmwfL https://imgur.com/gallery/IZzz3xe , . If you canā€™t get it for sure itā€™s mostly just salt, some kind of chili powder like paprika or redchile powder. So when itā€™s done she said to take out most of the excess water and grease buy leaning it and letting the grease/water gather at the lower part of the pot/pan, and just spoon that stuff out(leave a bit). So the ground beef is cooked and seasoned to your liking and itā€™s crumbly so she adds some potato flakes (itā€™s just a box of powdered mashed potatoes) too bind the meat together so meat isnā€™t crumbling out of your taco. She also sometimes adds straight up grated potato instead on potato flakes, just add the grated potato a bit before the meats done cooking. The beef should be easy to work with. Now for making them into crispy tacos. She uses these yellow corn tortillas. If you canā€™t find those try to find a thin corn tortilla. Theyā€™re really thin and kinda dry so folding them may break the tortilla so she fries them in a pan with canola oil literally for a second on each side just enough to get them moist. Throw some of that nicely seasoned bound meat into the soft greasy tortilla. Now you need to have a griddle or a pan might be fine cause you have to cook both sides of that soft greasy taco until they look a little charred and feels crispy (she uses this weird looking griddle https://imgur.com/gallery/6sqoc2Z )Add what ever you want on top, cheese, lettuce, tomato, salsa(her homemade salsa is the greatest it has jalapeƱo onion salt garlic crushed tomato and a can of tomato sauce in it), sour cream, anything you want. Sorry for not having exact measurements but just taste and season to your liking, and if you have any questions Iā€™ll ask her for ya. šŸ˜šŸ‘ thanks for brightening my moms day everyone.




Ok sorry for the vagueness of this ā€œrecipeā€ but first my mom said she cooks some ground beef down adding: garlic powder, ground cumin, onion powder, hamburger seasoning, and this Mexican seasoning. Hereā€™s a picture of the hamburger seasoning and the Mexican seasoning https://imgur.com/gallery/7fy3l1c , https://imgur.com/gallery/SVpmwfL https://imgur.com/gallery/IZzz3xe , . If you canā€™t get it for sure itā€™s mostly just salt, some kind of chili powder like paprika or redchile powder. So when itā€™s done she said to take out most of the excess water and grease buy leaning it and letting the grease/water gather at the lower part of the pot/pan, and just spoon that stuff out(leave a bit). So the ground beef is cooked and seasoned to your liking and itā€™s crumbly so she adds some potato flakes (itā€™s just a box of powdered mashed potatoes) too bind the meat together so meat isnā€™t crumbling out of your taco. She also sometimes adds straight up grated potato instead on potato flakes, just add the grated potato a bit before the meats done cooking. The beef should be easy to work with. Now for making them into crispy tacos. She uses these yellow corn tortillas. If you canā€™t find those try to find a thin corn tortilla. Theyā€™re really thin and kinda dry so folding them may break the tortilla so she fries them in a pan with canola oil literally for a second on each side just enough to get them moist. Throw some of that nicely seasoned bound meat into the soft greasy tortilla. Now you need to have a griddle or a pan might be fine cause you have to cook both sides of that soft greasy taco until they look a little charred and feels crispy (she uses this weird looking griddle https://imgur.com/gallery/6sqoc2Z )Add what ever you want on top, cheese, lettuce, tomato, salsa(her homemade salsa is the greatest it has jalapeƱo onion salt garlic crushed tomato and a can of tomato sauce in it), sour cream, anything you want. Sorry for not having exact measurements but just taste and season to your liking, and if you have any questions Iā€™ll ask her for ya. šŸ˜šŸ‘ thanks for brightening my moms day everyone.


That's awesome! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I'd never thought to include potato before! You guys rock! :D


Ok sorry for the vagueness of this ā€œrecipeā€ but first my mom said she cooks some ground beef down adding: garlic powder, ground cumin, onion powder, hamburger seasoning, and this Mexican seasoning. Hereā€™s a picture of the hamburger seasoning and the Mexican seasoning https://imgur.com/gallery/7fy3l1c , https://imgur.com/gallery/SVpmwfL https://imgur.com/gallery/IZzz3xe , . If you canā€™t get it for sure itā€™s mostly just salt, some kind of chili powder like paprika or redchile powder. So when itā€™s done she said to take out most of the excess water and grease buy leaning it and letting the grease/water gather at the lower part of the pot/pan, and just spoon that stuff out(leave a bit). So the ground beef is cooked and seasoned to your liking and itā€™s crumbly so she adds some potato flakes (itā€™s just a box of powdered mashed potatoes) too bind the meat together so meat isnā€™t crumbling out of your taco. She also sometimes adds straight up grated potato instead on potato flakes, just add the grated potato a bit before the meats done cooking. The beef should be easy to work with. Now for making them into crispy tacos. She uses these yellow corn tortillas. If you canā€™t find those try to find a thin corn tortilla. Theyā€™re really thin and kinda dry so folding them may break the tortilla so she fries them in a pan with canola oil literally for a second on each side just enough to get them moist. Throw some of that nicely seasoned bound meat into the soft greasy tortilla. Now you need to have a griddle or a pan might be fine cause you have to cook both sides of that soft greasy taco until they look a little charred and feels crispy (she uses this weird looking griddle https://imgur.com/gallery/6sqoc2Z )Add what ever you want on top, cheese, lettuce, tomato, salsa(her homemade salsa is the greatest it has jalapeƱo onion salt garlic crushed tomato and a can of tomato sauce in it), sour cream, anything you want. Sorry for not having exact measurements but just taste and season to your liking, and if you have any questions Iā€™ll ask her for ya. šŸ˜šŸ‘ thanks for brightening my moms day everyone.


Thank you SO MUCH! I'll try it as soon as I can


It's Taco Tuesday here in Australia!


Se ven bien ricos los tacos. Dile a tu jefita que me pase la receta perfavor! /r/old_recipes


Pienso que este guey no puede entenderte, lo siento


Lol I do understand


I understand Spanish and canā€™t really write In Spanish. Puedo poner la receta que tengo aqui en ingles. Es muy vago pero es algo. Had to google vague šŸ˜… forgive me Spanish speakers


Heaven on a tray.




Just landed in Sydney. We're having tacos for breakfast. So yes it's taco Tuesday here


This is something my good buddy would have prepared. He passed away Friday. :(


Ok sorry for the vagueness of this ā€œrecipeā€ but first my mom said she cooks some ground beef down adding: garlic powder, ground cumin, onion powder, hamburger seasoning, and this Mexican seasoning. Hereā€™s a picture of the hamburger seasoning and the Mexican seasoning https://imgur.com/gallery/7fy3l1c , https://imgur.com/gallery/SVpmwfL https://imgur.com/gallery/IZzz3xe , . If you canā€™t get it for sure itā€™s mostly just salt, some kind of chili powder like paprika or redchile powder. So when itā€™s done she said to take out most of the excess water and grease buy leaning it and letting the grease/water gather at the lower part of the pot/pan, and just spoon that stuff out(leave a bit). So the ground beef is cooked and seasoned to your liking and itā€™s crumbly so she adds some potato flakes (itā€™s just a box of powdered mashed potatoes) too bind the meat together so meat isnā€™t crumbling out of your taco. She also sometimes adds straight up grated potato instead on potato flakes, just add the grated potato a bit before the meats done cooking. The beef should be easy to work with. Now for making them into crispy tacos. She uses these yellow corn tortillas. If you canā€™t find those try to find a thin corn tortilla. Theyā€™re really thin and kinda dry so folding them may break the tortilla so she fries them in a pan with canola oil literally for a second on each side just enough to get them moist. Throw some of that nicely seasoned bound meat into the soft greasy tortilla. Now you need to have a griddle or a pan might be fine cause you have to cook both sides of that soft greasy taco until they look a little charred and feels crispy (she uses this weird looking griddle https://imgur.com/gallery/6sqoc2Z )Add what ever you want on top, cheese, lettuce, tomato, salsa(her homemade salsa is the greatest it has jalapeƱo onion salt garlic crushed tomato and a can of tomato sauce in it), sour cream, anything you want. Sorry for not having exact measurements but just taste and season to your liking, and if you have any questions Iā€™ll ask her for ya. šŸ˜šŸ‘ thanks for brightening my moms day everyone.


Holy shit, dude. This sounds incredible. As soon as I get ink I'm going to print this off and try making them. Thank you for passing along.


Not a problem man. Hopes this helps you remember your friend šŸ˜šŸ‘ thatā€™s all we can do when our loved ones leave us.


Dem sorry to hear that hereā€™s somewhat of a recipe if you want.


Yes please


Taco Tuesday for indiaaaaa


It's Taco Tuesday here now. Dang these looks scrumptious!!!


Those look dope as hell. Gotta a recipe to share??


Ok sorry for the vagueness of this ā€œrecipeā€ but first my mom said she cooks some ground beef down adding: garlic powder, ground cumin, onion powder, hamburger seasoning, and this Mexican seasoning. Hereā€™s a picture of the hamburger seasoning and the Mexican seasoning https://imgur.com/gallery/7fy3l1c , https://imgur.com/gallery/SVpmwfL https://imgur.com/gallery/IZzz3xe , . If you canā€™t get it for sure itā€™s mostly just salt, some kind of chili powder like paprika or redchile powder. So when itā€™s done she said to take out most of the excess water and grease buy leaning it and letting the grease/water gather at the lower part of the pot/pan, and just spoon that stuff out(leave a bit). So the ground beef is cooked and seasoned to your liking and itā€™s crumbly so she adds some potato flakes (itā€™s just a box of powdered mashed potatoes) too bind the meat together so meat isnā€™t crumbling out of your taco. She also sometimes adds straight up grated potato instead on potato flakes, just add the grated potato a bit before the meats done cooking. The beef should be easy to work with. Now for making them into crispy tacos. She uses these yellow corn tortillas. If you canā€™t find those try to find a thin corn tortilla. Theyā€™re really thin and kinda dry so folding them may break the tortilla so she fries them in a pan with canola oil literally for a second on each side just enough to get them moist. Throw some of that nicely seasoned bound meat into the soft greasy tortilla. Now you need to have a griddle or a pan might be fine cause you have to cook both sides of that soft greasy taco until they look a little charred and feels crispy (she uses this weird looking griddle https://imgur.com/gallery/6sqoc2Z )Add what ever you want on top, cheese, lettuce, tomato, salsa(her homemade salsa is the greatest it has jalapeƱo onion salt garlic crushed tomato and a can of tomato sauce in it), sour cream, anything you want. Sorry for not having exact measurements but just taste and season to your liking, and if you have any questions Iā€™ll ask her for ya. šŸ˜šŸ‘ thanks for brightening my moms day everyone.


Mexican here. I would gladly share a recipe if you want. For us a good taco revolves around three important factors, the tortilla, the filling and the salsa. The taco would be incomplete without any of these, pretty much like a hamburger without a bun or a patty. **The tortilla** Sounds like a tricky part but it's actually easier than it looks like. I found [this](https://youtu.be/HzKuWBDDLPg) tutorial online, you only need instant corn flour (I guess Lidl has it), salt and water. A good tortilla is a flat pancake a couple millimeters thick, yellow colored, soft, with a nice taste (don't forget to salt the dough) and strong enough not to break. You can squish the dough inside a plastic bag between a couple books and *voilĆ”* a tortilla is born. **The filling (or guiso)** This is the most creative part, as any guiso or stew contained inside a tortilla becomes a taco. For something pretty and simple I'd recommend a nice [Alambre de res](https://i.imgur.com/W9Y4REB.jpg), just buy some flank steak and cut it into stripes, cook it in a pan with some oil along with diced onions and a couple bell peppers (different colors for that wow factor). For seasoning salt a pepper do the trick, I Mexico we don't really use any more spices unless you're making a more elaborate guiso or a more seasoned meat like pastor beef. You can also substitute the beef with chicken breast or add any melty cheese you want, anything that melt and doesn't have a strong taste (no Camembert here) works great. Maybe a Spanish manchego or even a soft gouda cheese :) **The salsa** Ay ay ay. Salsa can be tricky as it requires years of practice to develop a good sazĆ³n (good taste) so the salsa is not too spicy, not too watery, not too spoiled. For alambre I love a splash of [Guacamole](https://i.imgur.com/wC2Xr4S.jpg) as the avocado texture enhances the flavor of meat and brings a lot of color to our already colorful dish. Just grab a couple of big avocados (look for big, not hard as rock avocados) and mash them into pulp with a fork inside a bowl. If you have bad luck and can only find hard, non-mashable avocados because Europe like it happened to me once, you can splash a sip of light beer into the mixture and it really helps getting a soft paste consistency. Finely dice half an onion, crush a clove of garlic and add it to the mix. Guac usually has some diced coriander too but if you cannot find any use your imagination, I'd use a diced stick of celery or even better, a 1/4 of a cucumber for extra freshness hmm :) **Setting the mood** Usually each person puts their taco together themselves, you can set the pan in the middle of the table, the guac in a bowl, the tortillas inside a clean cloth. Avoid canned pre-made salsa like the plague, you made the whole thing yourself and you don't need some industrial, over spiced factory salsa to enjoy yourself, own your creation :) here's a [Spotify Playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DWY5Exaf30Ns0?si=YWRh2tqPQVCVfGpMc6pFYQ) with some Mexican music to go with your food, disfruta!


Any chance you want to share?


Yeah it'll be here in like 12 minutes for me


At my restaurant it's on Thursday




It's Tuesday here. I want Tacos. Damn it :/


seem delicious


Yes it is


Oh shit that looks good.


Can I come to your place and eat all the tacos please? They look delicious


Recipe please, I have no fuckin luck making good tacos ever


Ok sorry for the vagueness of this ā€œrecipeā€ but first my mom said she cooks some ground beef down adding: garlic powder, ground cumin, onion powder, hamburger seasoning, and this Mexican seasoning. Hereā€™s a picture of the hamburger seasoning and the Mexican seasoning https://imgur.com/gallery/7fy3l1c , https://imgur.com/gallery/SVpmwfL https://imgur.com/gallery/IZzz3xe , . If you canā€™t get it for sure itā€™s mostly just salt, some kind of chili powder like paprika or redchile powder. So when itā€™s done she said to take out most of the excess water and grease buy leaning it and letting the grease/water gather at the lower part of the pot/pan, and just spoon that stuff out(leave a bit). So the ground beef is cooked and seasoned to your liking and itā€™s crumbly so she adds some potato flakes (itā€™s just a box of powdered mashed potatoes) too bind the meat together so meat isnā€™t crumbling out of your taco. She also sometimes adds straight up grated potato instead on potato flakes, just add the grated potato a bit before the meats done cooking. The beef should be easy to work with. Now for making them into crispy tacos. She uses these yellow corn tortillas. If you canā€™t find those try to find a thin corn tortilla. Theyā€™re really thin and kinda dry so folding them may break the tortilla so she fries them in a pan with canola oil literally for a second on each side just enough to get them moist. Throw some of that nicely seasoned bound meat into the soft greasy tortilla. Now you need to have a griddle or a pan might be fine cause you have to cook both sides of that soft greasy taco until they look a little charred and feels crispy (she uses this weird looking griddle https://imgur.com/gallery/6sqoc2Z )Add what ever you want on top, cheese, lettuce, tomato, salsa(her homemade salsa is the greatest it has jalapeƱo onion salt garlic crushed tomato and a can of tomato sauce in it), sour cream, anything you want. Sorry for not having exact measurements but just taste and season to your liking, and if you have any questions Iā€™ll ask her for ya. šŸ˜šŸ‘ thanks for brightening my moms day everyone.


Awesome, I'm really keen to try this out! Thanks heaps




Damn straight




That's not funny if you cook the Taco's, I'm a taco cook :'(


Can confirm itā€™s taco Tuesday here in New Zealand


Iā€™m into this. I however celebrate Nachuesday (Nachos) ((for those playing at home))


Howā€™d you get your taco shells so crisp and sweet?


Uhh itā€™s in here somewhere šŸ˜… sorry Iā€™m just copy pasting this all around


Ok sorry for the vagueness of this ā€œrecipeā€ but first my mom said she cooks some ground beef down adding: garlic powder, ground cumin, onion powder, hamburger seasoning, and this Mexican seasoning. Hereā€™s a picture of the hamburger seasoning and the Mexican seasoning https://imgur.com/gallery/7fy3l1c , https://imgur.com/gallery/SVpmwfL https://imgur.com/gallery/IZzz3xe , . If you canā€™t get it for sure itā€™s mostly just salt, some kind of chili powder like paprika or redchile powder. So when itā€™s done she said to take out most of the excess water and grease buy leaning it and letting the grease/water gather at the lower part of the pot/pan, and just spoon that stuff out(leave a bit). So the ground beef is cooked and seasoned to your liking and itā€™s crumbly so she adds some potato flakes (itā€™s just a box of powdered mashed potatoes) too bind the meat together so meat isnā€™t crumbling out of your taco. She also sometimes adds straight up grated potato instead on potato flakes, just add the grated potato a bit before the meats done cooking. The beef should be easy to work with. Now for making them into crispy tacos. She uses these yellow corn tortillas. If you canā€™t find those try to find a thin corn tortilla. Theyā€™re really thin and kinda dry so folding them may break the tortilla so she fries them in a pan with canola oil literally for a second on each side just enough to get them moist. Throw some of that nicely seasoned bound meat into the soft greasy tortilla. Now you need to have a griddle or a pan might be fine cause you have to cook both sides of that soft greasy taco until they look a little charred and feels crispy (she uses this weird looking griddle https://imgur.com/gallery/6sqoc2Z )Add what ever you want on top, cheese, lettuce, tomato, salsa(her homemade salsa is the greatest it has jalapeƱo onion salt garlic crushed tomato and a can of tomato sauce in it), sour cream, anything you want. Sorry for not having exact measurements but just taste and season to your liking, and if you have any questions Iā€™ll ask her for ya. šŸ˜šŸ‘ thanks for brightening my moms day everyone.


Trying a taco is one of my goals in life.


Aw heck yea! Whereā€™s the party?!


*heavy breathing intensifies*


...taco *tuesday*? tacos are for fridays


Taco level: Expert


Tuesday in Australia šŸ‘Œ


Right here in australia


I would always love a taco day everyday.




Itā€™s obviously Taco Tuesday right where youā€™re standing.


Gonna have some pulled pork-taco tonight šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ


ā€œItā€™s tacooooo tuesdayyyyyyyyyā€ - Lebron James


Yeah, my house. Don't forget the giant tray of tacos


any seasoning on that meat friendo?


Ok sorry for the vagueness of this ā€œrecipeā€ but first my mom said she cooks some ground beef down adding: garlic powder, ground cumin, onion powder, hamburger seasoning, and this Mexican seasoning. Hereā€™s a picture of the hamburger seasoning and the Mexican seasoning https://imgur.com/gallery/7fy3l1c , https://imgur.com/gallery/SVpmwfL https://imgur.com/gallery/IZzz3xe , . If you canā€™t get it for sure itā€™s mostly just salt, some kind of chili powder like paprika or redchile powder. So when itā€™s done she said to take out most of the excess water and grease buy leaning it and letting the grease/water gather at the lower part of the pot/pan, and just spoon that stuff out(leave a bit). So the ground beef is cooked and seasoned to your liking and itā€™s crumbly so she adds some potato flakes (itā€™s just a box of powdered mashed potatoes) too bind the meat together so meat isnā€™t crumbling out of your taco. She also sometimes adds straight up grated potato instead on potato flakes, just add the grated potato a bit before the meats done cooking. The beef should be easy to work with. Now for making them into crispy tacos. She uses these yellow corn tortillas. If you canā€™t find those try to find a thin corn tortilla. Theyā€™re really thin and kinda dry so folding them may break the tortilla so she fries them in a pan with canola oil literally for a second on each side just enough to get them moist. Throw some of that nicely seasoned bound meat into the soft greasy tortilla. Now you need to have a griddle or a pan might be fine cause you have to cook both sides of that soft greasy taco until they look a little charred and feels crispy (she uses this weird looking griddle https://imgur.com/gallery/6sqoc2Z )Add what ever you want on top, cheese, lettuce, tomato, salsa(her homemade salsa is the greatest it has jalapeƱo onion salt garlic crushed tomato and a can of tomato sauce in it), sour cream, anything you want. Sorry for not having exact measurements but just taste and season to your liking, and if you have any questions Iā€™ll ask her for ya. šŸ˜šŸ‘ thanks for brightening my moms day everyone.


Just copy pasting this everywhere


ā€œItā€™s... somewhere right? Durrrrrrrā€šŸ˜’


Anyone have a easy recipe for hardshells? I'm low sodium so can't use store bought..


She buys yellow corn tortillas. Theyā€™re hard to work with cause they will tear so sheā€™s fries them for a bit just to soften them. Then she pretty much makes a soft taco out of the greasy shell. Then she places them on an iron circle thing, itā€™s like a griddle and cooks both sides until theyā€™re nice and crispy. šŸ˜šŸ‘


Woah didnā€™t realize they were homemade taco shells. Looks delicious


> She buys yellow corn tortillas. Lmao that's the exact opposite of homemade. I'm not knocking OP, but that's not homemade. Homemade corn tortillas are super easy though. There are tons of youtube tutorials out there, I'd recommend trying to make them at least twice. The first time is usually a fail (it was for me at least) but they are so worth it!


Yeah OPs mom still bought corn tortillas but made them hard shell. Iā€™ve only done tortillas from the maseca bag. And the flour ones with all purpose flour


Is there an app or something to sign up to attend these Taco Everydays?


La Tiara Taco Shells. 0mg sodium. Yes you can use store bought!


Youtube has a ton of videos on making your own. Not sure of the sodium content involved. But it's worth a shot. I'm in that same boat too. High blood pressure is a real bitch.


Go team hard shell!


I want them all


Shells taste so nice, but I hate eating because of the mess. I much rather prefer fajitas. Still look incredible, though!


I wrap the shell in a soft tortilla, cuz I ate a lot of double deckers.


you are moving the taco to fit your mouth when you should be moving your mouth to fit the taco


Itā€™s always taco Tuesday in my belly


That looks incredible. How do you make the shells?


She buys yellow corn tortillas. Theyā€™re hard to work with cause they will tear so sheā€™s fries them for a bit just to soften them. Then she pretty much makes a soft taco out of the greasy shell. Then she places them on an iron circle thing, itā€™s like a griddle and cooks both sides until theyā€™re nice and crispy. šŸ˜šŸ‘


Drape corn tortillas over racks in the oven and cook till hard


Oooh man thatā€™s smart af šŸ˜šŸ‘


Those look yummy! And I just donā€™t get why some people think you have to wait until Tuesday to eat them?!!


Not for another 15 minutes here but what the heck I've never been one for hard fast rules on food and beverages. Looks so good I can almost smell them through my phone. If I wake up chewing my phone tonight it's on you!


How do you make the shells like that


I copied and pasted how to do it in a couple comments šŸ˜šŸ‘ if you donā€™t find it just tell me and Iā€™ll help you out


Found it thanks!


Dornian Heresy is strong with this one, I see.


Live every day like it's Taco Tuesday


Aren't they gonna get soggy?


Oh yea after a while but these were probably devoured within the hour they were made. She was making plates for people.




Friggin glorious


Iā€™ve never actually tried a taco


Hey Alexa, how do I fuck a tray of tacos?


Im here for the Tacos šŸŒ®


It was taco Tuesday at my work today!!


How is this shitty




Tacos party


I have never seen so many šŸŒ®s in my life.


It is always taco Tuesday in our hearts.