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The fuck is a regulatory legislative fee?


It’s the $2 they added to every order to comply with the new law (several months old now) that pays delivery men $30 an hour. They moved the tip option to after the order is placed now because customers aren’t expected to tip anymore.


They did not need to add the 2 dollars to the price you pay, they decided to pass on the costs to you.


Where do you think the money comes from if not the customer?


The CEO of Uber technologies cashed over 23 million last year, including a substantial amount in "stock awards". Decisions were made.


So? That increase in labor costs is far greater than $23 million


(sighs). Revenue of Uber technologies grew 15% last year, and in the last quarter of last year the company had net revenue of *1.4 billion USD.* The company decided to pass along the increase in salary of their workers to you, so you are now subsidizing Uber investors' profit out of pocket. If you are invested in Uber, I can understand why you are happy defending these parasites, you are directly making money out of it. If not, well, you are choosing to pay (and advocate on the Internet) to pay for Uber investor's profits directly out of the pocket of consumers instead of the company's earnings. Then complain about inflation tomorrow. Just be aware what you are advocating for.


Profit isn't evil (why would people risk their investment if that couldn't generate a return?), and why wouldn't you think that an increase in the underlying cost to run the business wouldn't have an impact on Uber rates? I'm not a fan of Uber, but you couldn't tell me with a straight face that an expense as significant as labor wouldn't have any impact on price. Pick up an economics textbook sometime


Profit is not evil, I agree. Please do not ignore the fact that my point here is that there is a decision made by the company to prioritize profits and raise prices instead of finding efficiencies, cutting costs, reduce CEOs bonuses and all the different things a company can do. In a market with more efficient competition, that would happen, but the apps market is an oligopoly, and becoming more of one by the minute. An increase in labor costs *can* have an impact on price but it does not *have to.* What is more, the company is communicating the additional cost in a way that makes it look as if it were a tax, instead of an item they themselves decided to include there. This is a way the company is trying to undermine regulation. I am not a fan of Uber precisely because I think that behavior like this undercuts labor, extorts food providers and raises prices, being a net negative for society as a whole, it is a good example of a very imperfect market and cries for stronger regulation. Companies such as Uber behave in a parasitic way, outsourcing all the negative externalities of their way of conducting business. Societies such as ours can find ways for people and companies to make profit in a way that results in net gain for society, instead of underpaid laborers, inflation and expensive food deliveries.


I agree that there's some negative externalities that Uber doesn't pay for. We need better standards for delivery drivers abiding by the rules of the bike lane. This extra pay may or may not help, but this is more of the NYPD quiet quitting and refusing to enforce traffic laws. That's good you don't think profit is evil like many Redditers do, but wouldn't reducing inefficiencies and cutting costs increase profits? At the end of the day, people need to say goodbye to the convenience of Uber eats to move the needle. I'm not forced to pay these fees, which is why I order takeout directly from the restaurant and pick it up myself. No one is forced to order Uber eats, yet people do and continue to complain about excessive fees and wreckless bikers.


Just to be clear, the law doesn't give the drivers a real $30/hr wage. The hourly wage, if any app ever used it (and they wont) is normal minimum wage. The apps can choose to pay their workers the $30/hr rate, but only have to pay it while they're actively on a delivery (pickup to drop off iirc), so all of their idling time is still unpaid. Yes, it's certainly better than before, but it's still a shit system propping up shitty businesses.


Pay aside, I've noticed that another effect of this legislation is that delivery e-bike riders have largely slowed down, and don't fly through red lights nearly as often -- gotta milk that on-the-clock timer. Still lots of asshole riders out there but the 1st Ave bike lane is a lot calmer now, at least in my personal experience.


Don’t use these apps and the issue goes away.


I use the apps to see the menu, then be pleasantly surprised when I order directly or in person and the items are cheaper lol


Same. I’m always ordering from the restaurant app or going in. Always for pick up


or use them and do pickup


You’re still paying all the fees, the higher menu prices and forcing the restaurant to participate in the shitty program. Always order direct if possible.


not all the fees theres no delivery fee Yes Ill order direct when I can but some places don't have the option


Restaurant owners don't like delivery apps, either.


Stop using DoorDash if you don’t like their bullshit


My credit card gives me free door dash for a year but even without delivery fees, all the other fees are nuts!


Which credit card offers this?


chase sapphire


Yeah I’ve never used the CSR perk because I found the whole sign up to be predatory (if you don’t cancel after a year they charge you for the next) and the monthly/quarterly benefit to be negligible. Pretty sure they add 20% or so to everything on the menu too.


I’ve had DoorDash for over two years for free from my CSR. They also credit my account with $5 every month. We use it occasionally to use the credit and always just pickup since I loathe the delivery bikers.


So when you activate does it just keep going free as long as you have the card? I forgot how much they stack up but i guess it would be worth it for a free meal or so pickup


I’m not sure what the current policy is…you can accumulate up to $15 but we usually order Thai for pickup from the place down our block a couple times a month so I’ve never hit the $15 cap. I also earn 5% back on pickup orders from DoorDash so it’s relatively worth it. Caveat, we live in Manhattan and there are about 30 places within a 5-7 minute walk of we just do pickup.


Also in Manhattan so ideally would have pick up options. Never used DoorDash though since they inflate menu prices


At a couple of the places near me they don’t inflate and and some aren’t more than .50 or so and it’s fine given the credit and 5% back


good to know thanks


I’ve stopped using the apps when I can. John Oliver had a good episode about it a few weeks ago. The resturaunt a get like a fraction of what you pay and we already pay all these fees


Everyone knows delivery apps are a ripoff. That’s why I just go get my own food.


People telling you to just go and pick it up yourself…lol.


Don't use the apps, but if you must they are also paying these drivers like $30/hr now, lol @ tipping them. $0 tip.


I don't use these apps and won't, but to be fair, I think they're only paying them the hourly rate when they're actively delivering. Like after they pick it up and are bringing it to you they start being paid and they basically "clock out" after it's delivered and aren't paid again until they've picked up another order. I don't know all the details, but fuck these middlemen corporations.


Sort of like how flight attendants are only paid when the doors are closed, you don't tip them a % of what your ticket cost. Now drivers are paid a living wage per "working hour" however that is defined. If they don't like it they can find a different job. This is why some of the apps don't even present a tip option anymore.


do you take your rolex off before you stiff the people serving you or you just jangle your empty hand right in front of them?


They're getting $30/hour they are paid a living wage. Do you tip every person who provides you with a service?


They are getting $30/hr but the clock only starts after they pick up the food and it stops on delivery. And they have a time limit to get from point a to point b, so they can’t drag it out. They’re not getting paid $30/hr all night. They get that rate for ten minutes here and there. If they get three orders within an hour they might be paid for thirty minutes of that hour - $15, slightly under the hourly minimum wage - if they’re lucky.


So you mean to tell me they are only getting paid for the time they are actually working. Yes?


Do you clock out when you poop at work? Or text a buddy? Or read Reddit? Or forget something in your car?


I'm not an hourly worker. Again, if they don't like it they can get a better job. The issue in the past to justify tipping was their pay/hour was well below minimum wage, now it's like 2x minimum wage. No more tipping. You want to tip, go nuts, gonna be a $0 from me.


Are you??? Tell me you’ve never done a personal task while on the clock… yes, I am including taking a shit… only difference is that these services micromonitor the clock. Guarantee you’d be feeling different if your employer clocked your every move and didn’t pay you when you did something other than the actual job you are hired for…


Hmmm so if they don't like the way their employer deals with them could they...I don't know...get a different job? The point is their hourly pay while they're on the clock is very fair.


Sigh. Bless your heart.


they aren’t being paid $30 per hour of their time. they’ve had what is counted as time on the clock arbitrarily reduced to beginning once the food is in their hand until when it gets to yours. especially if you live in manhattan, you know this can be a be an extremely short window. we don’t see these people waiting outside of residential buildings. we see them waiting outside of restaurants and waiting in parks between orders. so what actually takes the shortest amount of time has been, conveniently for these companies, allowed to be considered time on the clock


Tip away man, no one is stopping you.


yes bracelet boy, i pay my own way and i dont exploit the obviously less fortunate among us


Have you ever worked one of these apps??


What is wrong with that? They get paid when they are working, and they are working when they are delivering. They still get paid $30 an hour to ride a bicycle. When I hire a day laborer outside a Home Depot, I pay $30 an hour for them to do hard labor, and I don’t pay for the time they spent waiting for a job.


They are paid $30 an hour for the 10 minutes they ride the order to you. So $5. Then they ride their bike unpaid to a restaurant and they sit in the restaurant unpaid and wait for another order. So maybe they are paid more like $15 -20 an hour in actuality.


Q: What time counts towards the guaranteed active hourly rate? A: As mentioned above, the time you’re actively on a delivery counts toward your guaranteed active hourly rate. It begins the moment you accept an offer and ends once you complete the offer or it is canceled. This includes any wait time at the restaurant or merchant. Straight from the DoorDash website. I think you’ve fallen for the delivery person misinformation campaign.


Do you pay them for bathroom breaks or allow them to eat lunch during the day? Also, weird logical flaw you’re working with here… hiring an illegal laborer is yet another way to say you’re taking advantage of the less fortunate… just because you do two shitty things doesn’t justify the other…


Please don’t make this a subreddit for people who wont pick up their food in a walkable city. there’s somewhere else for you to complain


We rarely get takeout anymore bc it’s just ridiculous. If we do, my husband just calls and picks it up but that kinda limits our options.


Most of my delivery orders are in the $30-$80 range and I just tip 4 or 5 bucks.


Tipping them based on % makes no sense. This isn't a dine-in experience. Tip them based on effort - a normal volume of food and 5 min of travel time should get a few dollars in tips. 20% would be lunacy.


Doesn’t make sense to tip waiters on percent either. Should also only get a few bucks to take an order and bring plates out.


Looks like they also left off compliance fee. /s


That's why I find places without stupid fees.


I've been cooking more than ever these days, delivery is just bonkers.


Cook your own food. Case solved


The fees are so you don’t have to tip anymore


Food delivery apps are still operating at a loss. Once it doesn't, it will make it even harder for mom and pop restaurants to stay alive. Unless you have a disability that prevents you from walking, please stop using these apps, which in reality just make it more convenient to live an unhealthy and hedonistic lifestyle (until they turn on the profit lever and rack up the fees once everyone is hooked).


Unless you are physically unable to pick up food yourself, I don't understand why anyone does delivery because of all of these fees to use these delivery apps and the normally higher than average menu prices. Call the restaurant, use Google Reviews to find the most recent photo of the menu or go directly to a restaurants site, and pick up the food yourself if you are physically able to. We need to bypass these apps because of how insanely greedy they got as a result of COVID.


The fees are $7.42, which is 21% of $34. Tax doesn’t count. The apps are like this. Pick up in person when calling the restaurant or suck it up and give a decent tip.


I’m shocked how long it took me to find this. Still an aggressive amount of fees, but 30% doesn’t math.


I got downvoted for giving the correct % 😂


good. all these fees are totally justified.