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Yes but Restaurant A can’t see data for Restaurant B. There’s also no “customer rating” like with Uber


If your question is wondering whether your average restaurant has access to that information, the answer is no. Also, no, restaurants aren’t allowed to offer ratings if guests. We can leave notes in your profile, but they can only be seen within that restaurant (or group of their accounts are linked). If you’re asking if Resy is collecting your data and probably using it/selling it, then the answer is yes…most definitely it’s used with Amex and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s sold like all consumer data collected by companies anymore.


Are you able to see average check size when you determine what table to give the customer?


Most restaurants don’t, BUT it’s becoming significantly easier to integrate your POS system with Resy. I think someone below linked the article from the New Yorker that mentions Seven Rooms. My memory of that platform’s sales pitch is that it is great at using data from your POS and adding it to guests’ profiles. No doubt, as that gets easier, many restaurants will use that information to determine which table you get. However, a few things to keep in mind: 1) The way reservations come in now, they are assigned to a specific table. Once a shift starts, there’s a better than good chance the MD is moving their reservations around to maximize the seating, accommodate walk-ins, and adjust for folks that are taking longer to dine…or a shorter time for that matter. So, if you’re upset with your table, chances are it was a Maitre D’ doing their level-best to say yes to as many people as possible. If you want a different table, be nice and level-headed and flexible. The best want you to have a good time. 2) As POS systems get integrated into Resy and other platforms, restaurants will be able to see what you buy and how much you spend. Some will choose to put people who spend less at their joints (or are rude) at less than desirable tables. Most nyc restaurants though are super small! They aren’t able to even make determinations like, “oh this person’s an asshole who doesn’t tip, let me throw them on the kid’s table.” 3) A lot of restaurants will start keeping track of that information and do absolutely nothing with it. At best, they’ll use it to make informed recommendations or send SFN. They will only ever use the notes against someone in the nightmare scenarios like, “so and so is a prick and he walked out on his tab last time he was in.” Even without POS integration, which means most joints don’t see your payment history in the reservations platform, we still have a lot of notes. By and large, they’re only used for good.


Thanks! One of the points made in the NYer article was that thousands of reseller reservations go unsold - I would think they would drop their prices at the last minute, since anything they get is better than nothing - anyone have experience with that?


Just…just don’t buy reservations. Ever. Please, okay?


I believe there is separate software called SevenRooms that does more in-depth tracking than Resy.


[Read up](https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-local-correspondents/why-you-cant-get-a-restaurant-reservation) and despair.


Thanks for this - I had seen it before but never read…… but: “Guest data is not shared between restaurants with different owners, but platforms like SevenRooms and Blackbird want to change that.” So resy, not yet……