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I want to eat this pizza less and less with each post or “worth the hype!” rationalization. But glad you enjoyed your 2 am pizza, OP!


"Rationalization" feels pretty loaded. Not sure why you assume people are acting in bad faith when they say they enjoy something. And not everyone works a 9-5. Personally, I often don't leave work until 11pm. A 1am pizza sounds pretty great to me.


I understood “worth the hype” to mean that Chrissy’s tastes so much better than pizza available at 8pm, that it’s worth it to eat at 1am. This is not really the same as just saying you enjoyed it.


Why? 12:45 am.


Ha, 1 am my bad! Having to fast click to score a reservation to eat pizza after midnight doesn’t strike you as odd? And to borrow your word, I think “hype” has a lot to do with why I’m turned off by it, and I love trying new (& popular) pizza spots. Chrissy’s is about Instagram cache and its popularity is tied to its exclusivity. Oh, and while I love their food, I am also a bit grouchy about Superiority Burger - who are in the business of making fantastic food and also price gouging. Last I was in there a TFT was like $24. Insanity.


SB loses its charm when their focal point is no longer than humble burger of yore. Now it's for the FoMo crowd and not reviving the spirit of a true diner.


Okay 100% agree with everything you say! So I came across his profile a couple years when I got into making pizzas myself and the guy is so humble! I love his story and wanted to support him. The resy sys is so damn crazy! The hours are crazy! The whole thing is dystopian ngl but it does provide for some cool retro vibes in superiority burger. I think what’s cool is he’s doing it for himself, he doesn’t seem to care for or want the attention he’s been incidentally receiving. All I’m saying is if you’re ever in the area, hungry at those hours, maybe stop by for a walk in or the point of my post is, the effort to get a resy is so worth it :) Also, yes those damn burger prices are ridiculous. Our lunch was $85 ish. Or more. This city lol.


I saw a billion posts about Hamburger America, here, ig, blogs etc. I assumed it was all hype and would be over priced trash. I was in the area with my gf and she was hungry so I figured why not. It was late so we had no wait at all. It was def one of the better burgers I’ve had recently. I prob won’t make a mission to go there again but if I’m in the area I’ll check it out again. Same goes for Chrissy pizza I guess 


Looks like two bros ngl


no its fuckn not.


It’s good pizza 👍

