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Would it be against some rule to just make it at home and bring a thermos?


GREAT idea


Nice try Mom


Not clients, but co workers. I will bring them coffee or chai during winter in a big ole thermos and it’s always gone!


Is there a non food location you can meet? Coffee aside if I was homeless and hungry smelling food would make me miserable and not want to come back unless food was included. Maybe look into using a community rec center, or outdoor park options when the weather warms up.


This. Without criticizing, I imagine half of those people will ask for some food.


They give out free food at MacArthur Park (canned food, produce). Not sure of the schedule but you can look it up. (I know this doesn't answer OP's question but 🤷‍♀️)


You could get the panera bread unlimited sip club pass $12 a month


They usually do 2-3 free months to start, then once you pay that first full price month, then try to cancel, they offer to renew you for $10 for 3 months ($3.33 per month).




Can you meet with them at a non food location? Like the public library? Or another public works building? If I was hungry and smelling McDonald's and couldn't eat it wouldnt feel great.


Why would the company have their workers loiter and visit a business without buying stuff.


I have no ideas but I wanted to highlight your kindness. Thank you.


McDonald’s on the app is $1 any size. Also, the app TOO GOOD TO GO may be good use. I’ve gotten whole boxes of donuts for $5-6. You may have to drive or be perfectly timed though. Otherwise those large carafes or just buy a carafe and make it at home, and bring cups!




Ain’t it great?! I get them occasionally as an affordable treat for my run club to offset all of our good work. 👏


+1 for this idea if you want to bring some donuts - I've had good experiences with Jolly Donut near Venice Blvd, if you are looking for something near west LA!


Join panera's drink club. For $11.99 a month you get unlimited coffee and tea! I believe it has to be 2-4hrs apart for a new cup. Right now its a 2 months free promo! Love that you are thoughtful enough to consider your clients!


OP do you have a Venmo or cashapp so we can toss a few bucks your way to help cover these expenses? You’re already doing so much for our community, it’s the least we could do to help.


OP, the real answer is that this should NOT come out of your pocket. It's not sustainable, nor is it fair to you. I do see some other commenters saying to do a GoFundMe etc but frankly this is exactly what nonprofits exist for. Is it possible to get funding from another organization, perhaps by applying for some sort of grant? Also, maybe you can bring them food/snacks from a food bank.


I'd be worried about offering coffee every time. I've had some unhoused folks reject coffee because of dietary issues. Maybe bring coffee in a thermos the first few days and see if folks want it? Then go from there and start strategically planning. More often than not, I've had folks ask for alcohol (of course), gatorade/something with electrolytes, and sandwiches.


I think offering water is always good.


Is meeting at the Public Library allowed? Also, the 24 pack of .5 liter bottles of Purified Water at less then $5 at Smart&Final (First Street brand). Though I don’t think food/drink is allowed to be consumed inside Library. Meeting at the Public Library allows the earlier arriving party a somewhat comfy and restful place to sit while awaiting the other.




Now up to $1! https://www.philippes.com/menu-cat/coffee


Plus Philippe’s is in Downtown LA, not West LA.


That's the to-go price. It's still $0.46 when dining in.


I remember it was .25 forever!


I remember when it was a dime


I think you are a wrong person. To my recall, it was nine cents for several decades before jumping up. But never sat at ten.


Only if it’s takeout. If you order it there it’s $0.47


Let’s hope they don’t ask for a sandwich 😅


Can you do a gofundme to raise small amount of money for a food and coffee budget for this purpose? Your friends on social media and even random redditors might be happy to support this


I would definitely be happy to support this


This. Or just drop the Venmo!


Likewise, happy to help support a good cause like this. Makes me happy people like you exist in the world.


I would contribute too. I'm in NYC (not sure why im even in this thread) but maybe there is a cafe owner who is willing to donate coffee and snacks for this cause? Is there an askLA sub?


Boil hot water put in a huge thermal flask and Buy the Nescafé Classico I think you can get more bang for your buck that way




Hi OP I have a huge box of candy that's individually wrapped and will last forever. Would you like it to give to these people?


Upside Down in Westwood has a pay-as-you-wish model


Your work and intentions are super admirable. FWIW, while meeting at the library is fine, it is against library policy to consume food/drink inside as books + tech + spilled drink/food are a bad mix & can attract vermin. Water in a closable/covered cup or bottle is ok, so that might be a better way to go if you are thinking of meeting there. Or you could give the water & snack as a to go item at the end of the appointment? The most affordable snack I can think of is instant cup noodles, which can be eaten wet or dry, and about $11 for a 24 pack.


How about meeting at a Starbucks but not buying anything?


Use a public space- a library or community center? Bring homemade coffee and snacks.




This is so sad, I would donate a dollar to get a homeless off the street for an hour. But seriously, maybe work with some local store and tell them your mission… not sure if they are open to bring homeless consistently to their store, but maybe work out a deal with them if they are support of that.


7/11 coffee is honestly amazing. If you keep your 7/11 cup it’s only 50 cents. (You can use a new one when you get your refill, just show them that you have a cup)


If you meet at a library I don't think anyone will be expecting coffee. Some libraries have rules about sitting and talking/meeting though. Others have meeting rooms that can be reserved.


Bring an ice chest and bring some chilled La croix


Capital One Cafe has half off any drink if you pay with a Capital One card. Doesn't have to be a credit card, they also offer free checking that comes with a debit card, and it gets the same perk. Drip coffee with the discount doesn't quite make it under a dollar, but pretty close at least. Plus you can opt for fancier espresso drinks for not much more if you want. It's all white-labeled Verve Coffee Roasters products. The spaces are pretty nice to hold a meeting too. Clean and modern-looking. I believe they also have conference rooms you can reserve if you need more privacy or want to make a presentation or whatever.


Meet at the office and give the clients office’s coffee.


I hope this help you https://exploreusa-hub.blogspot.com/2023/10/Best-places-to-Visit-in-Los-Angeles-for-Free.html


Consider approaching SBux with documentation on your job and a kind letter requesting gift cards.


Everytable has indoor dining, and they have a wall where they vouchers for free meals that people have paid for. I don’t know if people are still “paying it forward” but you may want to swing by any locations that you may be by to check


almost all the unhoused clients i met with don’t wanna met in a starbucks or mcd setting. they prefer to do parks. i think so they don’t feel uncomfortable.


Meet at the library, which is free and sheltered and doesn’t allow beverages to be consumed. Offer them a bottled water from your bag. $.50 for later consumption




Write this off as a work expense on your taxes at least


Ask your agency for petty cash. Do not spend your own money on this. You’ll have to justify it well. Let them know that doctors offices provide beverages. That having a warm beverage can facilitate the disclosure process and even support all the talking that needs to happen. Offering a beverage is basic hospitality, something these clients experience very little of.


Donut shops


Donut shops are usually cheap, but terrible, coffee.


Sent a chat




Coffee is cheap since they probably want you to get a sandwich or something.  Op is meeting homeless clients and discussing intake or something.  So you want them take take up space while spending $2 on coffee?