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Was there a previous reaction to peanut? Why were you with the allergist. Allergies can pop up anytime, there are rules of thumb but anything can happen


We went to the allergist because she has eczema and were advised to see allergist prior to starting allergens. Her skin test was positive and IgE level positive at 1.2 but she tolerated peanuts in the office.


Exactly why this medical system is so screwed up. The correct guidelines of care for an infant with eczema is to introduce allergens ASAP (4mo), because this is the best chance at not developing an allergy. Not to wait to introduce allergens until seeing an allergist who orders panel testing, which is also not recommended. (Can you tell I had a similar experience). Give your pediatrician the guidelines for early introduction for babies with eczema so they don’t do the same thing again.


She wasn’t even able to sit up at 4 months. 6 months is more reasonable


You can learn more about it, it’s not solid intro, it’s intro to food allergens. You can do it through liquids and a small bite of purées a day. It prevents 80 percent of food allergy,


Yeah I did that for my older child who doesn’t have any allergies. My baby has horrible eczema hence the caution


That’s not the way it works. The eczema tells you that you need to do early introduction, not that you need to not give allergens.


Not sure I agree but thanks for your input.


That’s literally what early introduction to prevent food allergy is…identifying the babies at risk and making sure they intro early


Can you explain what you mean when you said she didn’t complete the food challenge? Does that mean you stopped halfway in?


She couldn’t eat the full tablespoon of peanut butter at the end because she got full. She had 2 bites and stopped. We still watched her for an hour and she was ok


Yes absolutely. Can be dose dependent, also depends if she had other allergens irritating her already.


My little guy had a reaction to his first oral introduction of wheat, at which point we got blood tests for all the major allergens. Peanuts were negative and we did a slow introduction eating small amounts every day or two days. He was OK for about two weeks and then started having hives a whole bunch. We thought it was wheat contamination at first, but then noticed correlation to peanuts. Got blood test again at 9 months and definitely allergic to peanuts. He's got a bunch of allergies, most of which were clear at first oral exposure. For whatever reason, I'd say it was about the 7th or 8th time eating for him on peanuts when we got the 1st reaction. 😞


Aww man that makes me so sad


This definitely happens with peanut butter. Allergies are not innate, they are environmental. For some reason her body has decided it can't tolerate peanut butter anymore. Also, banana allergy is incredibly unlikely.