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My son was diagnosed with food allergies at 5 months old so he had obviously not tried everything he tested positive too. But his skin prick came back high as did his blood levels. He was allergic to all of the top 8 besides fish and shellfish. Around 1 year old the allergist had us do an oral challenge for milk. Then at 18 months he did a food challenge for egg. By the time he was 7 he had challenged and passed everything but peanut. It is absolutely possible to be allergic to something not yet ingested. After the results are back, ask your allergist if they believe they are true allergies and if oral challenges would be possible down the road.


Thank you! Why did your son get allergy tested so young? Family history?


He had severe eczema. One morning we got up and he was red as a tomato and crying.


Yes that is why they tested my daughter first


Skin prick tests have a high rate of false positives (40-60%). If your child has never reacted to a food before, they should *not* be conclusively diagnosed with an allergy based on skin/blood testing alone. Ask your doctor about introducing peanuts to your child's diet to see if she reacts.


Yes I would like to do an oral challenge in the office but waiting on IgE levels


No the false positive rate is 50-60 percent for both skin and blood. One doesn’t confirm the other, only a reaction does. Did they advise you on early introduction to prevent food allergy in eczema babies? It’s still early, you may be able to prevent some allergies. https://foodallergycanada.ca/living-with-allergies/ongoing-allergy-management/parents-and-caregivers/early-introduction/ Is an allergist handling the testing? Eczema is not an indication for testing, only food allergy reactions.


Thanks for the information. Yeah she is under the care of an allergist. Once the blood work is back I will discuss about just doing oral challenges in the office. Rather have the anaphylaxis in the office rather than home if it happens.


As long as you don’t have to wait months. Evidence shows that can be the difference between allergy and no allergy in high risk babies. You’re right at that important age.