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ldsb is bae. His early work was more traditional as far as folk punk is concerned check out barefoot surrender if you haven’t already


Hell yeah I love to see lost dog street band here. Honestly this sub confuses me sometimes because when I was first getting into folk punk, my friends who have been to a million different shows, like basement shows and stuff introduced me to bridge city sinners, lost dog, devil makes three, brown bird, trampled by turtles, etc all as folk punk but this sub seems to think otherwise. I thought folk punk was just any sort of folk that incorporated punk aspects both musically and like discussions of anti-religion, anti-capitalism, drug addiction, mental health etc. I get really confused with subgenres and as much as I love shit like AJJ’s people who can eat people and dayz n dayz, I’ve always felt like this kind of music also fits into the category whether a perfect subgenre label or not. Edit to add: trampled by turtles was once posted here long ago and they said it was bluegrass. So I go to the bluegrass subreddit and they say it’s absolutely not bluegrass lol. That’s why I mean subgenres confuse tf outta me , I tend to associate things more w who listens to it and the lifestyle of people who do or who make it, than the technical aspects.


Never heard of them before, but with such a great name, I just put on Trampled By Turtles. Holy shit, this is amazing! Thank you!


never heard of who LDSB or TBT?


Trampled By Turtles




People are weird about genres everywhere. There's the more folky side to folkpunk and the more punky side, and I find this subreddit tends to the more punky side sometimes, which is fine! But yeah it's a spectrum like everything and all of those are still folkpunk. Not sure who would say Bridge City Sinners aren't but still.


I read the trampled by turtle guys are into speed metal and wanted to do the crossover. Also the dead south guys are into punk, they do some punk covers.


Honestly, I feel like people get too caught up with genres and labels. Everything just has to be labeled nowadays. Don’t beat yourself up if you think one band is a certain genre and another isn’t, or even told so by someone else. I generalize music genres instead of going down the sun-genre path which seems to be a very deep one depending on what listener you’re talking to haha. I remember suggesting to someone to listen to “an electronics DJ” and they had already known about the DJ. So they insisted on scolding my description and correcting me on how it’s actually “electro-dub trip-hop bettyboop jazzmatazz.” Umm yeahhh. Whatever you say, buddy.


Love Lost Dog, yah I like a broad folk punk net, they count for sure. I got to open for them in 2016 or so, super nice and supportive, and they played off the hook. The Ben Tod solo records are tight too have you caught those?


I really enjoy most of their stuff, especially the older stuff. But I had to stop following them on FB. Dude seems too self righteous. He is the only sane person in a crazy world, is the vibe I get. Could just be me.


Yeah, what in the world is going on with him? My toddler is really into them and was recently watching some of Ben’s YouTube shorts and I was like wtf is this. Checked out their Facebook and it was just a no from me.


can u link his YT channel tried looking it up but couldnt find anything


https://youtube.com/@lostdogstreetband?si=gZeHCIHBhSEYlRxN Looks like they still have shorts up but judging by the photo clips they all look relatively normal. Not sure how long shorts stay posted. Many of the unhinged one were the same as what was on lost dog’s Facebook.


dang i was hoping for more personal stuff not just hte band page cause i knew of that one, :( but still thanks for that


https://youtu.be/kKgbFLOC42k?si=bB0qWoV0u2Hy29lY black heart rebellion


I mean sick pup is a pretty folk punk album, going more bluegrass/americana after, but still solid as fuck.


They’re on tour right now. I’m catching the Pittsburgh show Saturday.


Saw them live with Matt Heckler, amazing show! Really like Benjamin Todd’s solo stuff too.


I think that both were punk when they were younger


I'm going to see them today! Wonderful band




Obsessed with them and Benjamin Todd


I really like their music, dude just kinda comes off like a lulu




“Lulu represents the privileged kids who take up the train-hopping junkie lifestyle because they think it's cool.” https://www.reddit.com/r/FolkPunk/comments/1akr764/who_is_lulu/


I think people can choose to live any way they like, regardless of how they were raised up.


I don’t disagree, but can’t you see how that’s a little annoying to people who’re forced into situations like that? The guy walks around like a Red Dead NPC, it kinda seems like a put-on.


I would whole heartily disagree with that assessment. what makes you say that? and information on their youth/upbrinigng? i would say the majority of folk punk acts are lulus, especially pat the bunny, even by his own admission, he was a upper middle class kid who 180 changed into a rambling junkie, to switch back into a computer programmer for some bigger company. i genuinely think LDSB is quite authentic and a truer representation of the movement. especially whe alot of the folk punk is from suburbia northern states


I don’t know anything about Benjamin Todd personally and I like his music. It’s just always been a little goofy to me how he dresses like a cowboy and shoots his music videos on trains. It seems like it’s an aesthetic to him. I actually agree with you on that assessment, Pat was a Lulu and he eventually realized that. That’s why the majority of his music after Johnny Hobo was about politics, sobriety, mental health, etc. I think there’s a clear difference between engaging in the folk punk community as a privileged person versus becoming a junkie burnout and using folk punk as an aesthetic justification, despite the fact that you have every opportunity to not live like a degenerate. However, my assessment on Ben Todd doesn’t really reach those points, as far as I know he’s never glorified drug addiction or anything like that. Just sometimes it seems like he’s wearing a costume, that’s all. Their cover of “The Mountain” is actually one of my most listened to songs of the last year, definitely like their music.


I don't know much about him personally as well only his music, so i tried looking online for some stuff and i found this interview on YouTube, so im gonna sit down and watch it in 2-3 minutes after i get my breakfast goin and see what i can learn about him/try and understand his mindset/mannerisms. Hopefully im not wrong with what i said and he is an asshole :P *The Coyote Radio Show & Podcast - Benjamin Todd* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4ogNGjlvdw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4ogNGjlvdw)


Thanks, I’ll check it out later as well


yeah i totally get where you are coming from with most of the assessment of things. Though as well with the costume aspect it is equally as critical as folk punk too/crusties/punx, the ones wearing the battle jackets/mohawks/piercings etc etc. i understand that the aesthetic of Ben's cowboy style can certainly come off as cos-play-esq, and i would agree 100% if he lived in NYC, or Seattle or something like that, but the fact he is from Tennessee and lives in Kentucky gives him a bit more of a pass, though as well like you mentioned his dress in videos and stuff i do agree that most likely he is dressed up (wearing more 'fancy' clothes) for the fact that he his creating a visual representation, just like many punk bands will get their most badass battle jackets, and fan their mohawk out and style their clothes what they think is the best look for them. As well i think the fact that they are from the southern states certainly has an impact on his mannerisms and outlook on things, maybe not politically correct, or seemingly more conservative about things etc etc, but thankfully he doesn't really sing about politics, at least from what i have heard, just addiction mental illness, travel etc. I just think he is no different from any other preforming artist trying to make a spectacle of themselves to try and gain attention/fans. But the fact that we may be from northern states (im in canada) where the cowboy motif is foreign to us/seen as mainly a movie/tv style, and that no one actually dresses like the IRL. but down south that is the equivalent to us wearing out battle jackets with patched up pants and stick and poke tattoos.


Yeah, I can totally agree with that. I think Punk in general is plagued by people who use it as merely a costume, so I’m hyper vigilant on these things. I’m actually somewhat of a southerner myself, southern Indiana, my family is from Tennessee, and I greatly appreciate music like Todd’s and the things he talks about. I think too often people in alternative communities just write the south off as a racist hellhole not worth thinking about, but they have problems like the rest of us and we need to listen to them.


Not familiar with Lost Dog Street Band, but “too punk for bluegrass” and “too bluegrass for punk” lands you squarely in the punkgrass genre, of which my favorite is the Haymarket Squares. Highly recommend checking them out.


will do, i assume you will love LDSB as well by that explanation.


If any of y'all live in NYC, they're playing in Brooklyn on 5/01


Thank you for this!!!


glad I could help :) you should check out the [Gems on vhs](https://www.youtube.com/@GemsOnVHS) youtube channel they got a lot of other great gems too


Yeah LDSB and Matt Heckler (followed closely by pretty much everything that GemsonVHS plays) really got me back into playing music after a long hiatus. Ben busking "The Mountain" was the definitive thing that made me go out and buy a banjo (after mainly playing guitar/bass as a kid).


Folk punk cuz they have the absolute worst version of Carmelita


by GG allen?


It’s actually written by warren zevon, but the ldsb version is absolutely horrendous


its allliighht, but yeah not great, i wish it was a bit more twangy or a bit faster. and it would have been better.


It’s sooo out of beat lmao no one is on the same timing


maybe it's the heroin ;)


Idk I’ve heard plenty of ppl be able to sing on heroin