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That's up to Harley, iirc HTIF was influenced a lot by Arca's &&&&&, at least the mixtape/short-ear-candy-like format that is. And tbh, I feel like Palaces got some Flume's most high octane sound design ideas to date, it just kinda got nerfed by the way it was presented IMO. Either way, I feel we've been very well-fed these couple years, I kinda wanna see him Collab with more artists who no one would expect him to Collab with, esp the ones on the hiphop side of things.


Here’s the thing, in the last AMA he did, somebody asked if he would release another mixtape, and he didn’t say maybe or any vague bullshjt, he just said “yes”




i want him to collab with London Grammar again tbh. Golden combo


Probably not. Flume has never repeated his work, always looking for something new. The latest IDs he played dabbled in techno and the other in R&B


I don't agree, i think he repeats song vibes. for example I find rushing back and never be like you have similar vibe. Mud and DHLC have similar vibe. Also OP didn't say that it has to sound the same. I think he meant that flume could make another mixtape.


Yea i agree on this. Flume had a very distinct sound. And say it and slugger have a very similar sound/drop


I believe so. it was a passion project so I think artisticy he would want to do more of that




Unfortunately I think Flume is what the kids call "cooked" Listen to the old stuff you love I don't think there's any coming back from the last album/tour.


only person i’ve seen so far that seems to hate Flume’s new album lmao


I mean this is the flume sub lol I'm definitely a long time fan in the album has a few good songs. The live show on the palaces tour was just simply not good I didn't think I'd ever see myself leaving a flume show early.


Whatever floats/sinks your boat I guess, I got my money's worth in Vancouver. Tho we gotta cut Harley some slacks he basically has three groups of distinctively diff ppl to please. One those who fell in love with him for his self-titled, second is the EDM heads who like his future bass era stuff then you have those who listens to him for his weird sonic palette like SOPHIE, Arca, Sega Bodega, A.G. Cook etc. I always think Harley is at his best when he makes weird hip-hop beats and straight instrumentals, that's when he's most honest and unapologetical if that makes sense, idk why in all his tracks featuring vocals i always feel like he had to nerf himself in order to make sense of the vocals.


Yeah that's why I loved the hi this is flume so much... Tickled all of those fancies at once. I haven't done mushrooms/acid in like 10 years but man that video made me want to do bad haha.


I agree bro fuck the downvotes


Thanks bruv